Latrell Pratt of Palmdale was found guilty on Aug. 7 of murdering 35-year-old Israel Castaneda, according to Ricardo Santiago of the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office.

Castaneda, a Palmdale resident, was shot and killed around 10:55 p.m. on March 31, 2018, in front of Michael’s Liquor at 37935 47th Street East, sheriff’s officials said.
Castaneda had been hanging out outside the store, on his bike with his dog, when he got into a verbal confrontation with Pratt, according to prosecutors. Pratt was seen leaving the location and returning a short while later, when he shot Castaneda three times — once in the right shoulder and twice in the back, prosecutors said.
The jury deliberated for about three hours before finding Pratt guilty of murder, finding that it was also willful, deliberate, and premeditated. The jury also found Pratt guilty of possession of a firearm by a felon with three priors.
Pratt is scheduled to be sentenced on Sept. 6 in Department A11 at the Antelope Valley courthouse.
Previous related stories:
Wanted Wednesday: Help detectives ID person of interest in Palmdale homicide
Person of interest sought in Palmdale shooting death
felon with 3 priors says
and he was back on the streets why?
Anonymous says
The AV is trash. I’m glad I moved out of there. I would never take my future children to show them where I grew up all my life. Nope.
Kiki says
Bye no-one cares if you left.
David G says
I would give Homie probation as he thinned out the herd of bad people.
M says
So killing doesn’t make him part of that bad herd hmmm ok you make no sense
M says
So your saying it’s okay he killed him because he’s Mexican so your only racist to Mexicans but not black people….it’s okay for a black person to kill off Mexicans….your ignorant
Milli says
This coward was to scared to get an ass whoopen so instead he used a gun piece of shi** . They are all thiefs and cowards smh.
Tim Scott says
If I start beating on a little guy I don’t expect them to just take it because they’re a little guy, I figure if they equalize things with a knife or a gun it’s my fault for letting them. This is grown man land, not some elementary school playground where fights have rules of etiquette.
Trumpist#1 says
I’m 6’4″ and as a loyal Trump supporter I fully expect the little guys, seniors, oppressed minorities, homeless and helpless disabled people that I bully and beat on to behave and take their beating with gratitude and humility.
What’s wrong with people nowadays?
Alexis says
And I’m a 6′ statuesque blond that knows Krav Maga. I can disable puny man-boys that carry guns and knives. If I were surrounded by them, my quick reflexes kick in, and I know just how to disable each one in order. It’s a real woman’s world. I’m not a feminist though.
Tim Scott says
Alexis, you get more interesting every day.
William says
Hey, Trumpist#1
The good news is that your username has an expiration date-Tuesday, November 3, 2020 if not sooner.
Chairman Nabler has begun formal impeachment proceedings. It’s your party and you can cry if you want to. My apologies to Leslie Gore. .
There are 4 young women under 6’4″ in Congress using their real names, who’ve taken on Trump and getting death threats. And, they are still going strong. Each of them has a bigger set than you do playing big shot here and firing blanks.
Heck, little ol’ grandma Speaker Nancy Pelosi, barely 5 feet, stands taller than you and is infinitely more powerful. But, you just keep playing your role as this site’s joker-in-chief.
Have a day.
Trumpist#1 says
Alexis, you’re like the Amazon queen, Princess Diana the Wonder Woman. I think it behooves me to be much nicer and more polite to you in the future, ma’am. Being a Trumper, I only pick on the helpless and vulnerable.
Seriously, I remember you are an USAF vet so I wouldn’t mess with any female veteran trained to defend herself.
Trumpist#1 says
Hey Willy the annoying troll:
Wasn’t it Tim or someone with a brain and sense of humor that framed it so succinctly and amusingly as “Flush the turd on November 3rd”.
That was so much funnier and readable than your boring diatribe, humorless drivel and hysterical, tiresome TDS mania.
You sure complain a lot. Can’t you vote?
And stop posting under my handle, you vile, despicable troll.
William says
Hey, Trumpist#1. It’s duck season, you.
I don’t use your username. Ugh! You just make up stuff like your hero Trump who has lost his mind. He represents you perfectly. Someone else is getting your goat though. Good.
Yup. Another ignorant reply by you as you are incapable of anything more. You outta use a teleprompter like your hero except he looks like he’s doing hostage tapes.
Anyway, go take 2 sildenafil and polish your guns.
Glad to get under your paper thin skin. Your nasty hair trigger reactions should prevent you from owning guns due to mental illness. That’s what Trump wants and he means you. How ironic. The very behind you kiss wants you unarmed.
How’s your puny tax cut working out now that you will be paying more for your Chinese goods at Walmart due to Trump Tariffs?
Boy, were you conned and you still don’t get it. I bet he’ll sucker you in by promising another tax cut next year. Remember that one he promised right before the midterms, Mexico paying for the wall, cheaper and better health care, the rest of the world will repect us more, ha, North Korea denuclearized and so on. Dow lost 800 yesterday due to Wall Street nervous about the crazy stuff he does.
You’re just as miseable now as when you voted for him to fix things for ya.
Your turn, Daffykins. You are a cartoon. Looney Tunes, I believe. That’s all folks. And, move away from those power lines. Look what they’ve done to you.
Priors says
Another hate crime…
Love.babe01 says
RIP cousin
Not stopping again says
I’ve been to that liquor store once about 3 weeks ago I wouldn’t go back to many hoodlums around
Crossroads says
RIP sorry for your loss love…