‘Readers Speak Out!’ allows you to voice your opinions on local or national issues that have not been covered by The AV Times.
We only ask that you refrain from using obscenities or racial slurs, from engaging in personal attacks on other commenters (name-calling), and from knowingly posting false information.
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Additionally, comments made solely to point out someone’s grammar or spelling errors will be removed, and so will blanket condemnations of entire races, ethnicities, religious groups, etc.
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Previous related story: Readers Speak Out! (June 15, 2023)
L. Almighty says
Dear Joe:
Drop out.
Lord Almighty
Mr T says
Obama, aged 20yrs over two terms.
Joe looks lost and scared all the time, especially the last couple of months it’s inhumane too let him drive the car.
Not safe for us either.
Mega MAGA Trumper#1 says
Hunter Biden is running your country!
Mega MAGA Trumper #2 says
In case you forgot, #1 is PP #2 is poo poo
Raymous Goah says
This page is deader than Bex on the BLVD.
Upside down flag says
Someone forgot too charge Biden overnight.
Are You Blind or Just Dumb? says
Anybody who believes ANYTHING the Democrats say is a blooming idiot and fool that let the country go to hell.
Koo Koo Soo says
Same with believing anything Rexx says. He has ruined Lancaster.
Dwight D Eisenhower says
Please don’t bring me back like the Woolly Mammoth, today’s dems are not my Democratic Party.
Thomas says
Now he wants to raise our taxes in Scamcaster? To pay for his party center at the fairgrounds? Hasn’t he wasted enough of our money? Why doesn’t he stay in Lagunna and leave us alone.
Tim Scott says
It’s Laguna. Learn to spell.
Tim Scott says
Amazing how after all these months people are still here desperately pretending to be me.
Just saying says
Maybe you need to layoff the booze.
Rick says
Don’t worry everyone knows who the real coward is.
Ed says
What happened to the AV Times?
Pathetic little timmy says
Oblivion… like Timmy’s life.
kat says
It was probably bought. Just read about the Visco(& other Lancaster players)new criminal case. Time to get the grifters out of power. If we made them pay, the money could go towards many deficits our city/state/county are facing instead of it coming out of our taxes. BYD/Air Quality Board/AVTA/School Boards/ Waste management/Solar Projects etc-milillons. Readers it’s time to speak out!
Sad But True says
When you have to wait six weeks to see a doctor, you know our health care system is over run by illegal aliens. Thanks Joe Biden.
Suddenly Doctors are Needed...WANTED...URGENTLY ...by anti-vax Clowns says
timmy the thief says
45 & 47 says
Hang on. Trump’s coming. Democrats, socialists and communists will be thrown out with their shock troops of anarchists, Antifa, BLM and Hamas scum.
34 for 45...felony convictions. Who the F wants a criminal to run USA? Other criminals, that's who... says
45 & 47 says
Gutless fool doesn’t have the courage to have a user name. Ashamed, huh?
Teller note says says
Like you.
LOL says
R. Cabesa says
Did that sheriff that Rexx said was shot by someone living in the mental health housing next to the sheriff station ever recover from his wounds? Rexx was on TV saying he was hit in the shoulder and in great pain.
Goatman says
BYD workers on strike. Rexx’s commie company is in turmoil. Why does everything turn to crapp in Lancaster?
34 for 45 says
…felony convictions
Sandor Clegaine says
Shame on you for celebrating the destruction and desecration of our criminal justice system.
License Plate says
B. Arnold says
Rexx is a traitor and should be tried for treason. Marve is culpable, too.
AV Observer says
Now the AVTA is a fiscal mess. Why does everything Ray and Marve touch turn to crapolla?
Tim Scott says
Because they are looters.
Rick says
Coming from a …
Chow Main says
They don’t care about service to the residents as they only care about their support of communist that are now spying on Edwards non stop.
Sad But True says
USA broken. Socialist and communist democrats destroyed it to c!ing to power. No more fairness or justice. Don’t want to share a country with these gay treasonous snakes.
Tim Scott says
That darn woke nonsense! A guy can’t even forge business documents any more! What’s next? Outlawing fraud?
Tim Scott says
I’m so happy too be out now.
Tim Scott says
Funny how you are so obsessed with me that you keep coming here.
Lol says
timmy the troll will always be here. To sad to pity.
Laguna Larry says
Why is Wrecks changing the time of the Lancaster council meeting to the middle of the day? Is he afraid that the 65 percent of the voters who rejected him will show up and challenge his bizarre policies?
Why says
Why is the FBI investigating Lancaster?
Just Asking says
Why don’t the LGBTQ people have their pride parade in Palestine? LOLOL.
Jordan says
timmy can’t afford the trip.
Y Don't You Go F yerself? says
HT says
Does this news feed still exist? Not much news posted since March…
Lily says
Apparently not, but comments insulting one another is still available.
Frank says
RIP Bishop Kelley
Efrem Zimbalist Jr. says
Rex destroyed the Antelope Valley. Recall him and remove his minions Marv, Ken, Leslie and Raj.
Chiden Biden says
Biden destroyed our country. Vote Republican.
Vote Republican says
Still a biased socialist rag. Vote Republican!
timmy the troll says
Please help me out of here.
Recall Rex says
Now that the AV Times comment section is back, allow me to be the first to say that Rex only got 34.7 percent of the vote in the election. He’s an incumbent who spent 100 times more than anyone else and was rejected by the vast majority of voters. With reports of people not receiving ballots for unknown reasons, his pathetic numbers, and the history of corruption, wasted money, no bid contracts, nepotism, cronyism, lies, bullying, and stupid projects like LEAPS, Ecolution, bird sounds, Traction Seal, his police farce and so on, it’s time to RECALL REX!
Immune from Judgement says
Here! Here!
Lily says
No more news from the A. V. Times?
Ted Nugent says
Socialist publication.
John says
What happened to the AV Times? Did they go out of business?
Sam says
Oblivion… like timmys life.
Tim Scott says
LOL…it’s hilarious how many people are obsessed with me.
Williams says
I wouldn’t use the word, “obsessed” with how folks feel about you, lol.
Nice try though.
Also, good job sinking this police hating liberal scum rag into the ground with you.
Rick says
More like a mosquito. But keep living in that head of yours troll.
It is kind of weird how much their panties get bunched up by your mere existence. Snowflakes? says
Nix says
Ok timmy.
Tim Scott says
Not me. All my replies are in the moderation filter, probably forever.
LOL says
Nix, digging the g-string out of a stinky crack, Poor Thing still has feelings of injury, of insult at the existence of an ‘other’. fragility. White?
Joshua says
I thought there were bylaws regarding comments like this.
Tim Scott says
Rules for thee…
Not for me ; )
Joshua says
Says a lot about the moderator here
Joshua says
So racist comments are ok as long as it’s Tim Scott?!
a "?" is interrogative... you provide the answer. It 'asks' if "White", and you provide the answer. Guilt? Conscience? says
Joshua says
Not white. I’m Central American. What are you? Obviously deranged.
Tim Scott says
I wonder if the people who are so obsessed that they make comments using my user name also name their kids after me.
Larry F says
After reading these comments the last 5yrs I’d say you play dirty too.
Rick says
Name there kids after you? I think you are the one obsessed. You are the poster man for a wasted life though, and… “dont be like timmy kids” that’s the only thought of you from any responsible parent.
How Many Snowflakes Are Here From Central America? ..... We know at least 1. Joshua, c'mon up here... says
Rick says
Again timmy in disguise… … …
Q says
Yes, Rick, YESSSSS.
Drink alllllll of the kool-aid….every drop I gave you.
That’s it my child.
There, there.
I love you my child.
Rick says
timmy and his fake friend drink themselves.
Q says
I love you my child.
Richard Cuck says
Maybe Rexx paid them to shut down during the election like he paid off AV News Crew with his ads. They’re the latest Rexx toadies. I hope the AV Times hasn’t fallen for his money.
Tim Scott says
I’m coming out today.
Mike says
Everyone already knew.
Tim Scott says
If you have to talk to yourself, leave me out of it.
Will’s twink says
Thought this occurred back in the 80’s…
Congrats queen
JPB says
If the people who are working on Rex’s campaign ads can create and send them out with a straight face, they have incredible self control. In all my years of living through political campaigns in the Antelope Valley, there have been no more idiotic, delusional, and misinforming ads than the ones coming from his campaign. They can’t seriously believe this crapola, can they?
Straspami Wandsich says
Tim Scott says
I crack up every time I see the “We’re not done yet” slogan. Like, there are a couple nickles left in the city treasury that rolled under a shelf into some dusty corner, but if Wrecks can get just one more term him and his crew will loot those too.
JPB says
Come one, come all the the No More Rexx parade on Saturday, March 23 from noon to 2 pm. Meet at the corner of West Avenue K and 10th Street West. Bring your signs and help us send him back to Laguna.
PBJ says
I’ll be there, slathered with Skippy and Smuckers.
PBBB, The Original Graceland Sandwich says
Me Too, with BACON!
Buffet King says
Better be careful, PBJ. If Marv is there, he may start licking you and asking for a glass of milk…
Tim Wood says
Lancaster voters, please consider making copy of your ballot before mailing or placing in a ballot box.
Documentation is everything if or when election results are in questioned or challenged!
Senor Raymundo es No Mas says
You gotta love Rexx for throwing a big party to get votes from the Hispanic community. He thinks he’s like the PRI in back in the day in Mexico. Instead of pandering, maybe paying attention to where your Hispanic residents live. Many live in East Lancaster which has no representation on the council and has been ignored since 2008. Hispanics will send a resounding message this election and send Rexx packing to Laguna.
VoteRexOut says
The two lead stories on the 5 o’clock news tonight. Stabbing in Lancaster, gunshots at Walmart in Lancaster. And Rex says he isn’t finished yet? We’re finished with him. Vote Rex Out!
Lion Ray says
Why is the mayor of Lancaster doing ads claiming that Ervin is a defund the police candidate and that he has a record? Doesn’t the mayor of Lancaster have a checkered past with substances? Isn’t his vice mayor one of the fire personnel involved with the incident at Plant 42? Stop with the piety already. The mayor has failed us and the people know it. This year we will send him home to Laguna.
Lion Ray says
How many lies did the mayor tell at tonight’s council meeting? His reality is not reality. For him to shame a person for posting ‘vile’ comments, which were not vile but critical of the mayor, shows how out of touch and disingenuous this man is. He needs to go away.
T.J. says
The way he treats people is disgusting. It’s not like he’s done a good job as mayor. What has worked? Not LEAPS, not Traction Seal, not his war on gangs and Section 8, not bird sounds on the BLVD, not Ecolution. All he talks about are bike lanes and hydrogen, which is fine except those aren’t the pressing needs in the community. Crime, homelessness, jobs, blight, and roads. He has failed and he needs to be replaced with someone who cares and who lives here year round.
iconoclast says
For over 15 years, we have had a public meeting, the city council meeting, turned into a night with Rex who says “we aren’t done yet.” We are done with you, Bub! Don’t let the door hit you going out!
East Lancaster says
That is so true, iconoclast. He had the audacity to call out a resident for posting what he called ‘vile’ remarks on social media. Those remarks were not ‘vile’. They were critical of the mayor, and rightfully so. If anyone has made vile remarks it is Rex himself. His latest attack on Johnathan Ervin is truly vile. I hope you help vote Rex out. Tell everyone you know.
Fern Street Mafia says
Holy moly! It looks like the Godfather Frank V. is in a lawsuit for misuse of money with public funds. He’s Rexx’s buddy and contributor. It could get very interesting. Pictures of the lawsuit are posted on Facebook on the Get Parris Out of Lancaster page. Wow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
TBone says
I was driving down 10th St West on Saturday and saw a group of people with signs bashing Rex. It was a sight to behold. I honked and gave them the thumbs up. Many other cars were also honking in support. There’s a lot of people who want him gone, myself included. I hope people vote this time. Lancaster’s turnout is abysmal.
Time for Change says
According to LASD data, Part 1 crime is up 22 percent in Lancaster January 2023 to January 2024. The year is off to a terrible start for our so called ‘hometown mayor’. Once again we will have the highest crime rate in the AV.
Read all about it at http://shq.lasdnews.net/CrimeStats/CAASS/Patrol-CurrentMonth-YTD.PDF, page 15.
Wiser One says
I don’t know how the mayor can tell us with a straight face that crime is going down. Then again, I do know how. Telling the truth is not his strong suit.
Dude says
Remember this is the guy who took time from his duties to go greet his hero…Trump at the airport a few years back and shake his hand. Neither care about the lies they tell as long as they have ignorant people supporting them. He should sue himself for liable.
Questions says
So it looks like our Laguna living mayor blew off the mayoral forum held at AVC. It appears he doesn’t like environments he can’t control. Now he is granting an interview with AV News Crew BUT all questions are being submitted in advance. What a joke! He is using them as a mouthpiece to spew more nonsense, like how “safe” Lancaster is. Really? Do YOU feel safe in Lancaster? Is there any media outlet who will ask him the tough questions without having him control the interview?
Ahretcks Perez says
Sounds like the mayor is scared. That’s why he rarely shows up to anything unless its a photo op.
Sad Voter says
Oh no not the AV News Crew too? Who doesn’t he own around here? It’s so depressing to realize we are stuck with him and his network that only care about themselves.
Tim Scott says
Look at the advertising revenue stream that Wrecks can direct to, or withhold from, any local media outlet. Not from his campaign, from his law firm. Any media outlet that won’t help him faces a serious threat to their financial survival.
Sad Voter says
That is true, Tim, but I thought the AV News Crew was above that. I guess I was wrong.
Ron Mcinness says
Stupidity abounds in this comment. Other than billboard advertising there’s no revenue intimidation from a ambulance chasing lawyer.
Tim Scott says
LOL…you’ve never heard his ads on local radio? Never seen his ads on every page of the AV Times? What rock are you living under?
Tim Scott says
And Valley Press.
Ron says
Ad prices are set the same for all. Lamo
Ron says
You’re just buying a block or spot just like a spot at a swap meet. Kistler and the others are right there too. lol? Lamo
iconoclast says
How can you be a “hometown mayor” when you don’t live in the city?
FWB says
FWB was here. And not much has changed.
Carry on, but don’t get carried away.
East Lancaster says
Looks like Rexie was a no show at the Lancaster mayor’s forum last night. Was it because he’s so afraid to be confronted by the residents or it was too far of a drive from Laguna?
Voter says
Tonight is the Lancaster Mayor’s Forum, 6 pm at AV College. In person or on Facebook. Link below.
Raise Nutts says
The chirps subconsciously discourage criminality. Everybody is now in a better mood, a better place. We’re not seeing that impulse-control crime. – RRP
Smoke detector says
Most criminals live in state of constant chirping, it seemingly does not affect them.
Cold Dead Universe says
Entropy has completed its long march to dominance.
AV history stopped on February 5th 2024
Cold Dead Universe says
make that feb 27th
Curious says
What happened on Feb 27th?
Father Time says
Its is what didnt happen…
News at AVT is three weeks old now, and counting.
Conde Nast says
Ah. I get it….
AV Times is a MONTHLY now.
Entropy says
I’m far from done here.
Robert says
Well, well, well. This is a first. A Never Again Paris parade on Saturday, March 1 at noon at Steve Owen park. People are going to deck out their cars and then march. Of course, he’ll be in Laguna and won’t see it, but maybe people will notice and vote him out. We can only hope.
Robert says
Correction. The Never Again Paris parade is Saturday, March 9 at noon.
TeeHee says
LOL. After the election?
Templer says
I’ve gotta go to the Outback Plantation open house in Tonopah AZ that day, otherwise I wouldn’t go.
East Lancaster says
Do you have to register for the Never Again Parris parade or can you just show up?
Rexx Ruins says
Is there a Grand Marshall for the Never Again Parris parade? How about Raymond Lee Jennings? Or Johnathan Ervin? Randy Floyd? Esmeralda Jorge? David Grejeda? Jim Ledford? At least one of the people Rexx ruined should lead the procession.
Stephen says
Yeah bring Raymond Lee Jennings. That poor guy, I knew from begging be did not have anything to do with it.
East Lancaster says
Rexx sure did mess him up. He cost him 11 years behind bar for a crime he didn’t commit. Yet Rexx lives large in Laguna. It’s not just Jennings who Rexx destroyed. Randy Floyd, Esmeralda Jorge, Jonahthan Ervin, Jim Ledford, David Grejeda, and Steve Hoffbower were all used, misused, abused and run out by the man from Laguna. It’s time to send him packing to his beach mansion for good and let the hard working people of Lancaster have their city back. Especially the people in East Lancaster who have been ignored during his reign.
Facts says
Jennings was one of several people who had their lives ruined and careers destroyed thanks to Parrris. No one has done more damage to our community than the mayor from Laguna.
Question Authority says
How was Rexx allowed to purchase the old McMahon’s Furniture building for his new office? The McMahon building was in a redevelopment zone when we had redevelopment in California. Rexx was one of Lancaster’s officers on the redevelopment board and it was illegal for a board member to purchase redevelopment property. How did this happen?
Judge Joo Dee says
He bought it because no one in this Valley will dare bring it up to the authorities. He contributes to all the local politicians and judges so there is no one who will make things like this an issue.
Efrem Zimbalist Jr. says
This is something the FBI should look into.
Lonely Troll says
WeNeedAMayorWhoLivesHere says
You know it’s election time in Lankaster when Wrecks is ‘considering’ voting districts. Of course the threat of being sued obviously pushed him. But it’s more smoke an mirrors from the AV’s best BS artist.
Time 4 Change says
Since 2008, Lancaster has had the highest crime rate in the AV. It still does. There are more than a thousand part one crimes more in Lancaster than Palmdale. Apparently, birds on the BLVD, the Eye in the Sky, the war on Section 8 and gangs, and false bravado from our mayor have not worked.
Truth says
Lancaster has very different demographics.
Real Truth says
Yes, Lancaster has more white people. Palmdale has more minorities. Palmdale’s crime rate is lower.
Lame take per usual says
Show us stats who is actually committing all the crime in Lancaster….
Tim Scott says
The biggest ones are committed by Wrecks.
Roger That says
They won’t. Because they know.
Truth? says
….maybe if the mental health people living in the housing next to the sheriff station would just stop shooting deputies, crime would be lower. Oh wait….there was no shooting. But if there were, you can bet Truth and the like would blame it on the demographics of Lancaster.
Truth says
Lancaster also has 2x the number of bIack people as Palmdale. Since you went there…
D. Duke says
So that’s why Lancaster’s crime is so high, Truth? No white people, Hispanic people or Asian people commit crimes? You have an interesting way of thinking that fits in well with the power structure of this pathetic city.
Correct says
@ D.duke
Yes, lol
D. Duke says
@Correct, it’s odd that Raleigh, Pittsburgh, Jersey City an others with similar demos to Lancaster have lower crime rates. What Lancaster lacks is a leader who isn’t a bully and who can relate to and work with people of all backgrounds. This mayor is happier in Laguna where he doesn’t have to work with people who aren’t like him.
Cat143 says
Maybe he should have tried keeping the motorcycle clubs here they have a tendency to not want people to ruin their neighborhoods maybe that would have worked since nothing else he’s tried has
Raimous Goe says
“Make no mistake people who deliberately violate the social distancing laws, and the laws requiring that we all wear a mask will be identified, arrested and prosecuted,” rexx’s post said. “Do not mess with us. You will not endanger the lives of our hardworking families because of some misguided civil liberties argument. The quote is: Give me Liberty or Give me Death. Being arrested and locked up in an over crowded jail just might result in granting you your wish.”
Raimous Goe says
Parris once proposed a ‘birth tourism’ concept so Chinese could give birth at Lancaster’s hospital to give their babies US citizenship.
Chairman Mao says
Dr. Farrukh and Parris hairbrained idea was going to save the financially strapped Health Care District by paying big bucks to the hospital district and where the mothers were to recover. I’m sure Rex had a angle besides selling citizenship to the Chinese.
Truth says
Looks like the hospital survived without this bird brained scheme. At least Farrukh was up front about it. Pariss denied, denied, denied. He is not worth of holding office.
April is coming says
“Rex Parris would make a great Chinese mayor. He’s fully in that groove.” said Matt Sheehan, author of The Transpacific Experiment: How China and California Collaborate and Compete for Our Future. “He’s a schemer”
Raise Nutts says
Good things happen when you’re able to increase your Asian population to a certain threshold: Crime rates go down, education levels go up. Interestingly, the same thing happens with the gays. That’s why I put the new performing arts center right downtown.
Gay No-Nukes Whale from Ron Reagan Era says
so, does a gay asian in the community compound the effect in geometric or arithmetic proportion?
Blue Whale (gay) #C45-20102SPN
A. Einstein says
Good question that is very complicated. Maybe our all knowing mayor rexx can expound on his theory of the gays + asians = lower crime. Apparently it’s not working. Lancaster is a hot crime mess.
Truth says
Lancaster is 4% Asian, maybe that’s why???
Real Truth says
Maybe it’s because he’s a whack job and has failed so miserably on crime he has to fall back on racial and sexual stereotypes to mask a disasterous track record.
Be Honest says
So how is Rex Parris supposed to stop the criminal element within the black community from entering Lancaster? Checkpoints? A wall? A fence?
Short of any of those things, there’s nothing he can do about the crime they bring.
Robbie says
He doesn’t appear to like black or brown people. Or white people who speak up against him. You have to wonder if he likes anyone. He uses people to further his selfish gain. It will be pure joy when he is no longer mayor.
Chaiman Mao says
Performing arts center was there long before the commie supporting mayor came to politics.
No Raymond says
Typical Wrecks trying to take credit for everything. He is a failure.
Mega MAGA Trumper#1 says
The feckless, weak, appeasing, obsequious and woke Biden administration is totally and solely responsible for the deaths of 3 Americans at the hands of Iran. What a bunch of transgender weenies while the world laughs at us.
Mega MAGA Trumper#1 says
Biden is responsible for 10 million illegal aliens, terrorists, criminals, gang members, drug smugglers and rapists invading our country. He wants to devalue American citizenship and destroy our country from within.
Mega MAGA Trumper#1 says
Israel is no better than Iran, though.
We need to cut ties with ALL these woke countries…all they ever do is get us into foreign wars, cost US taxpayers money.
Ukraine, Ghana, Sudan, the entire thing.
And Saudi Arabia too…always remember (never forget) is was a group of Saudis that piloted jetliners into the twin towers.
America First! Trump 2024!
Mega MAGA Trumper#1 says
Not me. Fake post. Dishonorable communists and woke DemocRATS will stoop always to slimy despicable acts in the face of truth.
Tim Scott says
In the face of truth? How would you know? You haven’t posted anything true in years.
Shrink says
Let him talk. It’s obvious he has some problems.
Mega MAGA Trumper#1, with micro P says
M.G. says
In the face of truth! Wow, just wow.
Sadtrombone says
Which is the real trumper?
M.G. says
We’re too busy destroying ourselves.
Mega MAGA Tumper #1 says
Not only Israel. All of woke EU needs to be cut off from US support.
We’ve kept them on life support for 75 years. That’s long enough. We need Trump to put them on hard notice.
Mega MAGA Trumper #1 says
Trump will fix USA. If it means suspending the Constitution, then I am there for the ride.
um...3 soldiers. Under trump, 65 dead soldiers. You lame. says
Some 65 American service members died in combat while serving Trump during his time in the White House office from January 2017 to January 2021. There were fatalities every year of his presidency,according to the Defense Casualty Analysis System says
Neighbor says
The Trumper has an odd fixation on transgender weenies.
gotta wonder why
Raiise Nutts says
A blast from the past.
Earlier today a sniper from the Mental Health America facility took a shot at one of our deputies and hit him in the chest. He fortunately was wearing a vest. The vest saved his life, but the bullet did deflect into his shoulder. I saw him at the emergency room probably within 20 minutes of the event and he was talking. They expected that he will be fine. He was in a great deal of pain, obviously.
Right now they contained the building. They think the suspect is still in the apartment complex . The apartment complex is a facility for people with mental health problems, so obviously it’s a very difficult tactical situation for the sheriff’s department. They responded incredibly fast. We’ve got well over 100 deputies on the scene now. They expect he’ll either be taken into custody or it’ll be resolved some other way within a short period of time.
Tim Scott says
Tim Scott says
Get to ponying up MAGAts. Your dear leader just got hammered with an EIGHTY THREE MILLION DOLLAR judgement, so bust out those checkbooks and make some ‘campaign donations.’
Raise Nutts says
“What they did to the Capitol building, thank God they didn’t do in Lancaster because there would be a much higher death toll.”
Raise Nutts says
“He has a magnetic personality that is quite astonishing. The person you see in person is not the person you see on television. He’s not the person you see on Twitter. He was incredibly charming.”
Judge shopping lawfare dems says
You’re celebrating that turd of a ruling.
Anybody with half a brain can see right through that leftist lawfare hack job, lol!
Tim Scott says
That you FeeCee?
Milton Friedman says
I can think of 83 million reasons to laugh.
what are yours, comrade?
I wonder what that pencils out to per hour for the few minutes Donny was getting his ya-yas out for? Say it was 12 minutes…. That’s $415M per hour.
The doofus Trump will never ever make that kind of coin in his entire life of cheating and graft.
Truth 2024 says
So now Rexxx is bragging about the city using a drone to locate the homeless. At least he’s not using the useless Eye in the Sky. He’s got that going for him. But Rexx, the homeless are PEOPLE. They are in plain sight at Boeing Square, off the freeways along the 14 by Valley Central Way and in the area east of the 14 near Ave. G. WHY DON’T YOU JUST SEND PEOPLE OUT TO HELP THEM? Go out there with resources for mental health, medical health, and housing vouchers. Speak to them. If you hadn’t taken the million dollars from the county for the shelter and then shut it down, they could be at the shelter. Or if you had used the $31 million to build a 700 bed shelter on Ave. I rather than giving a no bid contract to your pal for a 140 bed pay to say place, you could take them there.
Stop acting like you care. You don’t and everyone knows it. Just go back to Laguna and have a great time.
Raise Nutts says
I spend a lot of hours every week on an elliptical or a bike just to increase blood flow to my brain and it turns out every morning when I put on a tie I’m diminishing it.
Cat143 says
We should go riding together to increase our blood flow within our bodies. I felt I should point out the within our bodies part just in case anybody had any silly ideas that I wanted my blood flowing out of my body because there’s a lot of seriously mentally ill people in this town that may get the wrong impression and that’s not what I was saying at all crazy people just for the record.
Tim Scott says
A number of solid posts…nice to ‘meet’ you Cat. Just information; I’m pretty sure all the posts from ‘Raise Nutts’ are just quotes from the mayor of Lancaster, Ray Parris, who does seam to be nuts.
Common Sense says
If you’re wearing a necktie and it’s cutting off circulation to your brain, your collar isn’t the proper size. It’s too tight. Don’t blame the tie.
Raise Nutss says
The BLVD is better than Disneyland.
Tim Scott says
For driving on.
Cat143 says
I beg to differ. As someone born and raised in Anaheim two blocks away from Disneyland yet living in antelope valley for about 30 years or so I can say without question and through personal experience that Disneyland is much much better than the boulevard. Granted Disneyland’s characters are nowhere near as interesting as those on the boulevard but at least they won’t try to rob you or crap in your shoe. And in Richard’s defense well yes I feel that it should be a law that you have to live in the town that you are mayor of but since it is not a law and since Rex does have a choice I can’t blame him one bit for choosing to live in Laguna rather than Lancaster who wouldn’t. I used to spend a lot of time up the street from the section of Laguna where he lives Crystal cove and I can say with no question I’d go back in a minute and Lancaster would never hear from me again.
Cat143 says
That was supposed to say rex’s not Richard wouldn’t let me edit it. Dang stupid smartphone
Laguna Dreaming says
So he put a pickleball court in on his Lancaster property. That’s nice. Now how about taking care of our crime? We’re one of the 10 most dangerous cities in California. If you haven’t been the the BLVD in a while, there’s lots of homeless, bangers, feces and trash. Our roads can use some help too.
Rexmustgo says
Since he has been mayor, Lancaster has become one of the 10 most dangerous cities in California. It’s time for him to retire to his beach mansion in Laguna.
Ray from Laguna says
I spend a lot of hours every week on an elliptical or a bike just to increase blood flow to my brain, and it turns out every morning when I put on a tie I’m diminishing it.
I.M. Nutz says
According to R. Rex Parris, the recorded bird chirping sounds on the BLVD subconsciously discourages criminality by fine-tuning brain chemicals. “Everybody is now in a better mood, a better place,” he says.
Mega MAGA Trumper#1 says
JPMorgan boss and big Democrat donor Jamie Dimon says ‘negative talk about MAGA’ will hurt Biden’s campaign and admits Trump was ‘right about NATO, immigration, China and he grew the economy quite well’
Obi "Juan" Kenobi says
“Just take a step back and be honest: He was kind of right about NATO. He was kind of right about immigration. He grew the economy quite well. Tax reform worked.”
Dimon PROBABLY wants to lighten the mood, get democrats off their neg. it MAY be a good potential tactic because democrats do GENERALLY WANT to help people, and to like people, and MAGA are very hard people to like. it’s a challenge.
Nonetheless, if your strength is in helping an d liking, you are going to be out of depth if you try the dark side. I think he might be able to discount or to not ‘feel’ something from the nonsense that trump spews so often…he is a CEO, so used to very difficult talk and abrasive conditions. he is no snowflake.
Aye, There's The Rub says
Huh? Rambling word salad. Are you Kamala Harris or Anthony Weiner?
"Aye, there's the"rubbing one out! says
brief nonsense by MAGA cult member
Mega MAGA Trumper#1 says
No you semi-literate troglodyte. It’s MEGA MAGA, the cult of patriotism, America First and end of socialism, Marxism and wokism in America.
Humble Pie says
Will Donald Trump be eating humble pie this year?
Mega MAGA Trumper#1 says
If he does, our country is LOST!
LOL It's a Mega MAGA and "Aye" circle jerk now says
Shared self pleasuring says
Mega MAGA Trumper#1 says
Absolutely brilliant replies, LOL. You have the intellect of a bag of nails and your posts reflect it! Typical for you unpatriotic degenerates.
NEWSFLASH: Successful Irritation of Mega MAGA. Weak retort found lacking, impotent. Tune in at 5 for all the details. says
Mega MAGA Trumper#1 says
Nah, it’s just fun to bash you, lol.
Ineffective. Flaccid. says
Mega MAGA Trumper#1 says
That’s your user name? Ineffective and flaccid? LMAO! Appropriate.
back to lone self gratification. a MAGA orgasm spurting for Orange Jesus love and fetish. {moaning, then crickets.} says
Mega MAGA Trumper#1 says
Barely intelligible word soup. You’re pathetic. I miss worthy and intelligent political adversaries such as Tim, William and Stinger.
Tim Scott says
You miss who? Notice that your initial burst of nonsense was properly shredded, but you chose to go off on this series of schoolyard taunts rather than just acknowledge the loss.
Mega MAGA Trumper#1 says
OK, you’re right. Who could miss you? Nasty as ever. You’ve been awful quiet since Templer shredded you. Maybe you should keep a low profile.
BTW; Trump will be president again regardless of the third world justice Democrats use to prevent it.
The Brief Nonsense insists on Attention. Poor Thing. Keep On Tugging, Micro P MAGA says
Tim Scott says
This is obviously silly. “Negative talk about MAGA” is the one sure winner. It’s a simple numbers game, just like Nixon’s southern strategy was. Talking bad about them offends the MAGAts, which is about a quarter of the electorate. However it directly appeals to ALL of the democrats, almost all of the independents, and about a quarter of the republicans, which taken together is probably 65% of the electorate and well worth appealing to.
J. Gilly says
So Rexx shows up at Palmdale’s council meeting to make sure his puppets stay in line. It’s shocking that he made the drive all the way from his home in Laguna, but when you have one of your puppets being called out for multiple incidents of drunkeness you make the drive. Hey Rexx, why don’t you worry about the mess that you’ve made in your town. The FBI is watching………………………………….
QH Holdover says
When will people get fed up with this ego driven clown mayor? This guy needs to stay in his own messed up Lancaster. We have gone downhill since this meddler got involved.
Ol' Factory X Peerience says
91 indictments
AND a peculiar smell about him
…ketchup,armpit, butt, and cosmetics.
Sniffffffffff says
“AND a peculiar smell about him“
How would you know?
Oh never mind, we all know you leftists like a god sniff or two.
Fido, representing... says
Snopes says…TRUE!
In October 2020, a political group promoting Democrat Joe Biden for president called Dog Lovers for Joe released a video claiming that U.S. President Donald Trump was the first president in over 100 years not to have a dog.
The last president who did not have a dog was William McKinley, the 25th president of the United States, who was assassinated in 1901. McKinley’s successor, Theodore Roosevelt, had a dog named Skip.
Beee says
Biden’s testament to raising animals and children is trash.
One is shot out on drugs and the other is running around biting everybody.
He shouldn’t have had either.
Drumpf was the first president in over 100 years that had no pet, especially no canine companion...because the smell is unberable says
Justice Sunday says
Let’s hope the FBI gets their list of indictments against Wrecks and his lapdog Marve. They can all share a cell together. Two meglomanics arguing about who is smarter and one confused ex vice mayor waiting for lunchtime.
J. Gilly says
5,350 part I crimes in Lancaster to 4,224 for Palmdale. Voters in both cities should be outraged. Lancaster voters are fools for keeping Wrecks in power and Palmdale voters are fools for voting for Wrecks backed candidates. Unless change is made, it’s only going to get worse.
John Thomas says
New and fresh leadership is badly needed for Lancaster to move forward. Current leadership is not focused on the most important responsibilty of every elected officials, public safety!
Robbie says
I just saw an ad promoting the current mayor of Lancaster who is running for re election. It said how much he loves Lancaster, but the photo of him and his family was taken in Laguna where he lives. Are people that dumb that they can’t see through him?
Questions says
Why is Lancaster’s crime rate so much higher than Palmdale’s?
Voter says
Why is Lancaster’s crime rate so much higher than Palmdale’s? Simple answer. Almost two decades of failed leadership and tens of millions of wasted dollars on pet projects like the eye in the sky. No community policing or involvement. Instead, just scapegoating of the homeless and pit bulls. It’s time for a change. Lancaster can do better.
Duh says
Cause it’s cheaper.
Tim Scott says
Both are contracting with the sheriff’s department, but Palmdale pays for actual policing, while Lancaster pays for the eye in the sky that the LASD leases from one of Wrecks’ political cronies and anything else that could be dumped into the contract that diverts money into Wrecks’ pockets.
With Wrecks now controlling the Palmdale city council you can assume that the next time the contract comes up for renegotiation that Palmdale will get a ‘deal’ similar to what Lancaster has had for years and Palmdale will start sliding downhill.
Wise One says
Wiser One says
Lancaster and Palmdale have about the same demographics. The difference is in leadership. Or it was. Once Wrecks took control of Palmdale, it’s gone downhill. Not as far as Lancaster, but downhill.
Another question...Answered! says
Why is Quartz Hill so windy?
Because Lancaster sucks and Palmdale also sucks and Lake LA also sucks.
Bingo says
You got that right
Truth says
Honestly, its the demographics.
Lancaster — 20% B / Af. Am.
Palmdale — 12% B / Af. Am.
Source(s): 2020 US Census, World Population Review, Community Survey
The Truth about Truth says
Honestly, Truth, that is a racist statement. So only Af. Am. commit crimes? No Anglos, Hispanics, Asians, or others? Lancaster is 41.5 percent white to Palmdale’s 35.3. Scapegoating is a Lancaster value that comes from leadership that has a history of scapegoating the homeless. Now you’re piling on. Shame on you.
Laughing At You says
Nah, blacks don’t commit crimes, LMAO. You’ll jump through any hoops and ignore facts to avoid reality, won’t you? Virtue signalling, self-deceiving fool!
The Truth about Truth says
Where did I say blacks don’t commit crimes, Laughing at You? I stated rhetorically, so only Af. Am. commit crimes in response to the excuse made for Lancaster’s higher crime rate than Palmdale’s. That person pointed to demographics as the reason and noted that there were more blacks in Lancaster than Palmdale. People of all races, creeds and colors commit crime. Lancaster’s only demographic problem is in its leadership: all boot lickers of the mayor, all west side, all Lancaster Republicans.
The Truth About Lancaster says
Lancaster saw a dramatic drop in crime thanks to innovative community policing. They saw that drop occur in Palmdale. What Lancaster saw was $10 million dollars wasted on the eye in the sky and and explosion of panhandlers and crime.
RIP Ashli Babbit says
RIP Ashli Babbit, military veteran and patriot, murdered in cold blood by a DEI swamp creature that was given a medal.
Tim Scott says
Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Any military veteran would know that attacking the capitol of the United States would involve taking casualties.
Anti-Antifa says
Then BLM and Antifa should be cut down like dogs (or Palestinians).
Tim Scott says
If they force their way into the halls of the US Capitol you can rest assured that they would be.
If the attack on Jan 6 had been a mob of people of color demanding elimination of racial bias in the judicial system they would have been machine gunned on the steps. Instead it was a mob of Trump’s disgusting MAGAts so they were allowed to beat down the cops and make it all the way to the congressional chambers before any of them were shot.
"Shot thru the neck and you're to blame, baby, you give patriotism a bad name".... JBJ... says
Lily says
Even if you watched the true j6 timeline, you still would not embrace the true facts about the entire j6 insurrection. Ashli Babbitt lost her life because she and others broke into the Capitol with violence. It all started when Trump supporters broke down the first barriers with violence.
timmah says
is that you timmahs trannybottom?…
Schroedinger's Antonin Scalia (At once dead and alive) says
Like many violent criminals caught in the act, the ultimate price has been paid and justice has been metered out.
The Mayor That Lies says
The only reason that deputy is alive is because he had his vest on.
Wake Up Lancaster says
Hometown mayor my a$$. You live in Laguna in a mansion. Please stay there and leave us alone.
WeNeedAMayorWhoLivesHere says
How can you be our “hometown mayor” when you live in a 6 million dollar beach mansion in Laguna?
Truth in Advertising says
These Rexx for mayor ads make me ill. Talk about complete b.s. Love for Lancaster? Try love for Laguna. Innovative policing? Try highest crime rate in the A.V. He has done nothing but squander millions of dollars on pet projects like the eye in the sky which only benefitted his pals. He lied about birth tourism and a sheriff being shot. He uses the homeless as a scapegoat to hide his failures. He doesn’t even live here.
Raymond says
Bangladesh will disappear in my lifetime.
Sadtrombone says
91 indictments
Rimshot says
Mike says
I was a fighter pilot, but I only flew the elderly F18…a plane designed in the 1970’s, over territory where the enemy had no anti-aircraft weapons, only small caliber machine guns mounted in the bed of Toyota(r) pickup trucks.
Anti-ANTIFA says
ANTIFA and BLM are radical communist organizations that hate and want to destroy our country!
Templer says
Anything as disorganized and weak ad Antifa has no chance against the Republican party…at least they SHOULDN’T. Unless of course Repugnicans are just as weak…
Two weak bullies, battling it out…they deserve each other.
Now BLM, there’s a force Reppugs might suffer for a while, but still fail to disrupt.
Meanwhile, back in the real world…
yrghey says
blm is no scarier than you when you wear your french maid outfit..blm bwahahahahaha pffftt.
Mick says
Fake post. T. S. Again.
Tim Scott says
Three months? You dig something up from three months ago just to say that? How obsessed ARE you? I mean, it’s flattering, but seriously man, get help.
Nantucket blend says
Kinda hypocritical don’t you think. You’re commenting on the same old thread. Pretty troll like.
Tim Scott says
I answer the calls from the clown squad.
Sam says
I’m sure you do answer the call don’t you fluffy.
If ANTIA is Anti Fascist, then Anti-ANTIFA is Pro-Fascist. Imagine that...In America, Real, live Fascists says
Auntie Fay says
Hun, you missed a letter “F” in your name. Don’t type so fast next time.
ANTIA, ANTIFA...you know what I meant...get over it says
You are so ......communist? says
That’s about the dumbest thing you said all year. Oh, wait.
WTH? says
雷克斯是个混蛋 says
Use Google translate.
Translate This says
Translate? Like your nonsense and worthless opinion would be worth that effort? LOL
CDP says
William and Tim have mastered the language of their masters in quick fashion…
General Kai-shek says
The one who bows down to his Chinese masters is the liar incumbent running for mayor. He brought a Communist Chinese company to the doorstep of Plant 42. Treasonous.
Wisest One says
Bingo! Absolutely right, Generalisimo.
Freedom says
Apparently Tim Scott controls who and what gets posted here!
Tim Scott says
LOL…what makes that “apparent” to you?
It isn’t true. Just trying to get to the roots of your delusion.
Obvious says
I figured that out many moons ago…
Anyways Merry Christmas to all,
Disappointed Dem says
Even Tim cannot stop the bad governing from the new Palmdale Council Democrats. The give away our hard earned taxes was bad enough but this latest alcohol fueled bad behavior resulting in a DUI only shows we elected people not ready to lead our community.
Clean House says
Those new Palmdale Council Democrats were chosen and funded by Republicans from Lancaster including the illustrious mayor who lives in Laguna. All of them in Palmdale and Lancaster need to go.
Care Bear says
I notice they all genuflect to the Lancaster Mayor even both Assembly members so party affiliation means nothing. The men they follow are not that smart so why?
Ms. Fed Up says
Care Bear, it’s because they love his money more than they love serving the people. It’s the Lancaster way and now it’s infected Palmdale. He should stay in Laguna where he really lives.
Ike says
That is 100% true. He has stated his relationship with the publisher many times here. Managed too have Templer removed despite his own provocations. Free speech not here.
Rick B says
Just ask Templer, obviously removed despite Tim Scott’s provocations and insults.
Old news says
Your blind and ignorant if you haven’t figured this out a long time ago,
Tim Scott says
LOL…I comment more than anyone, so I get moderated more than anyone. I just don’t whine about it like so many of you do.
Snowflayke says
How fragile.
Is this just Templer again?
timmah says
he fluffing an censor and swallowing.
My Opinion says
In my opinion, U.S. Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas is the greatest and MOST honorable American alive today.
[redacted] says
you are entitled to your own stupid opinions. this is ‘murica
Biden is Demented says
Jill Biden says she has to warn Joe to “slow down”. If he was any slower, he’d be dead two weeks.
Rimshot says
Geez Louise says
You contribute alot (not), Do he talk? Ho, ho, ho. Why bother when you only spout ignorant nonsense?
Are you a defective product of our 3rd-world education system?
Rimshot says
Sadtrombone says
Sadtrombone says
zzz says
Dr. greenthumb?
Sampler (Whitman's) says
Enjoy some chocolates
Gaza is Rubble & Craters, LOL says
Gaza is now rubble and craters and the tunnels are being flooded as I predicted (LOL).
Palestinians are as dumb as the BLM, ANTIFA, Queers for Palestine (LOL) and the brainwashed, ignorant pukes protesting in our streets that hate Israel AND America.
Justice says
It’s called JUSTICE. Damn, you are naive and ignorant of human history.
Cruelty says
Mary Ho says
Mary, you need to get laid! All the injustice and cruelty done in your name.
Bullets don't deliver justice. Period. says
Ben "If you can keep it" Frankiln says
When the house cleaners came and cleaned up this thread, they definitely chose what they thought would look nice and tidy, but what is left is sanitary and somewhat unintelligible.
References to “Mary” in the new cleansed thread leave the reader with a “?huh?”. Mary was “Mary the Mother of God chastising the violent tone in this thread.
Likewise, who is the ‘you’ that is ignorant in the “Damn, you are naive and ignorant of human history.” The “you” was a claim by the Constitution’s first amendment that freedom is loved by conservatives as long as it doesn’t bite back at them.
When conservative voices are silenced, they moan loudly.
Consider this moaning equivalent, identical. Consider the silencing by random house cleaners an affront to the American way.
Are You Drunk? says
That sounds like a Kamala Harris word salad. Are you drunk as she was?
vvv says
this comment section will lower ones IQ if you hang around more than 2 mins. Garbage rag right here.And the stories are all DATEDWTF?.amateurs
VVV is dumdumdum says
Yes, yes. Go to Rex for Mayor website for real uplifting information. Along with a bunch of bull crapp.
Genocide: Once tasted it is hard to resist, even by those who have suffered from it in the past. Retribution holds no salvation, no moral gain...only loss. says
WTF says
Good lord,
You give these Dems power and next thing you know there is bags of cocaine in the White House and senate staffers bending each other over the Dias and having gae seggs in the senate hearing room.
Tim Scott says
LOL…but when it was a GOP senator with an under aged senate page you were fine with it, right?
Shocker, Tim approves says
We surely weren’t expecting you to mind it, lol
Tim Scott says
I said nothing about ‘approving.’ It’s hilarious how consistently one off screen names have the same two traits: hate me, and can’t read.
Tim Scott says
Hey Templer…you say “the devil is a liar.” I’m wondering if that means you are claiming to be the devil. Also, were you lying when you said you don’t hate me, or were you lying when you said that you do? Just curious.
Tim Scott says
You lack internal consistency. That’s why it is so easy for me to get under your skin.
You hate me, you don’t hate me, hate’s bad so you don’t hate, but then you do hate…got yourself turned completely inside out on that one.
Jail is a constant rape party, jail is just butting grass and no big deal, jail is ‘looking at man crack,’ but it’s somewhere worth going so long as you get to vent that hate…again, got you completely inside out.
Criminals are heinous, but so long as the punishment is only a couple thousand dollars you pretend so hard that you want to be one and aren’t scared of the law…I didn’t even turn you inside out on that one, that’s all you, I just watched.
So, move along, sad man. Go get yourself thrown in jail, then come back and act like all the OTHER criminals are bad but you aren’t. Go spew hate at people that you fantasize are me. Go count your square footage and reassure yourself of your worthiness.
Or just sit like a confused lump of old man. You make absolutely no difference to me.
Tim Scott says
It’s not about looks, it’s about actions. Ever seen that meme of Grandpa Simpson shaking his fist at a cloud?
Tim Scott says
Hmmm, I guess you haven’t seen it. That’s okay, everyone else will get the joke.
Al says
I just want to put a shout out to the low life’s that broke into our property near Neenach,trashed everything that you didn’t steal and have been back for more like it’s free pickings. We just want to let you know that the things you stoled can be replaced but you invaded our privacy and our friendship retreat that has taken us 62 years to put together and that’s what pissed us off. You knew who you were messing with when you first broke in. We will find you. There are over 90 guys that are looking for you. So it’s only a matter of time. God Bless you all !!! 12 / 16 / 23
Calvin Klein says
Mossimo Giannulli says
timmy says
Frasier Crane says
I’m listening, Templar.
What’s on your mind?
Frasier Crane says
yes. yes.
thank you for letting us speak to ‘timmy’, Templar.
I am glad he and you are here with us.
and thank you for letting me know which one we are engaging
we know that timmy is on your mind.
can you tell me why? is it love or something more powerful?
Tim Scott says
Nope, although that is the kind of one off screen name that I would use, just crediting something quoted to the right source. I wouldn’t have sourced it to a newspaper though…some person said that. Pretty wise. Templer should take note, since his hatred is certainly doing me no harm.
Templer says
Tim Scott says
My brother may be the only person I know that is as stupid as you. Why would I ask him anything?
AV Times Reader says
Wow. Two weeks and we’re back.
Had me worried.
Impeach 46 says
Impeachment imminent. The walls are closing in on the corrupt Bidens!
Duh says
Yes. Hunter got those positions and payments because he was the VP son.. Period.. For Dems in Cali.. Full Stop.
Tim Scott says
Okay, just for the sake of argument, let’s say you are absolutely right, Hunter got positions and payments because he was the VP’s son.
How is that a crime on the part of Joe Biden?
Shokin says
Shokin the Ukrainian prosecutor. One billion dollars? And the checks for $240,000 to Joe. And the IRS whistleblowers? Do you live under a rock, or just on MSNBC?
Duh says
The “Big guy” made himself available.
And accepted family payment.
Tim Scott says
Man if you can prove that the republicans in congress would really love to hear from you. But just like them, you can’t.
Afraid to be Fair? says
Leftist bias here suppresses conservative comments.
Cardinal Richelieu says
being wrong often leads to self-censoring. shame and ridicule are the tools of social pressure that civil behavior relies upon
Fly On The Wall says
i gotta find another place to hang.
(buzzes off)
Red Tag says
those walls will not hold up anything.
do not shelter there
Why? says
William, why do you use one off screen names?
Tim Scott says
The irony.
[redacted] says
not william
R. Smith says
Does anyone have any info on a group called the Antelope Valley Taxpayer Advocates?
Laguna Larry says
The AV Taxpayer Advocates are anything but advocates for taxpayers. They funnel money to Rexx backed candidates in exchange for loyalty to his corrupt throne. It has been working very well. For the Lancaster political machine, that is. The people of the AV are getting royally skrewed.
Question Lancaster Authority says
Who are the Antelope Valley Taxpayer Advocates? If they are advocates for the taxpayer, why do they give thousands of dollars to Lancaster backed candidates?
Cunter Lieden says
“Between 2016 and October 15, 2020, the Defendant spent this money on drugs, escorts and girlfriends, luxury hotels and rental properties, exotic cars, clothing, and other items of a personal nature, in short, everything but his taxes,” the indictment states.
Florida Man says
sounds good to me
RIP Palmdale says
Looks like the Lancaster takeover of Palmdale is complete. Marv’s boy Austin Biship is now mayor. Marv hand picked Austin to run for city council, and with Rexx’s help of running an employee of his against Martinez, enabled Biship to win. You can expect more money going from Palmdale to Lancaster over the next two years.
Lancaster says
Lancaster Larry says
Only a Lancaster voter would welcome such incapable leadership. They are used to it.
Tim Scott says
Lancaster’s motto has been “as long as we can make Palmdale worse we don’t need to do better” pretty much from the day the city incorporated.
Lancaster says
Liar, like usual…
“Creating a better tomorrow, together”
Remember that you wannabe senate staffer.
Ted Eli says
The boy mayor needs Marvin to tell him what to do, shameful allegence to Lancaster!
B. Fife says
If you’re looking for a good paying gig, and you can sell your soul to Rexx, apply to become one of his police. The pay is over 100k, and you don’t do any traditional police work at all. All this to tackle the biggest issue, which Rexx says “the biggest issue is that we want to make is safe and secure.” Can someone explain what that means?
Tim Scott says
Is there anyone, really, that thinks giving Wrecks his own paramilitary unit is a good idea?
Fern Street Mafia says
Only Wrecks and the good old boys think so Tim.
Bee says
Here we have the oh so tolerant left openly calling for any action short of actually mentioning assassination against the leading Republican presidential candidate.
What this is folks is these pukes are trying to normalize and rationalize upcoming political violence.
Do the crime do the time says
Four of the gold bars Sen. Bob Menendez stashed at his home were previously stolen from the businessman accused of bribing the New Jersey Democrat, according to a report.
The serial numbers on some of the gold found by the FBI during a June 2022 raid on Menendez’s Englewood Cliffs, NJ, home match identifiers that Fred Daibes reported to police after a 2013 armed robbery, according to NBC News.
Walter Cronkite says
This publication has turned into a police blotter over the past few days.
Little else SEEMS to be going on…but that is hardly true. If Police involved events ran at the same rate as ALL events, crime would disappear from the pages.
But, as is L O N G known in news organizations…
“What bleeds, leads”
Tim Scott says
Not trying to offend the publisher, but another key factor is that ‘police blotter stories’ can be thrown together in a matter of seconds by any warm body who can clip the headers and footers off of a law enforcement press release and stamp “AV Times Staff” on as a byline. Other stories require actual reporting.
Templer says
But you are. Just like when you went on a rant against a person on a thread here that said they lived on a quiet street, and that triggered you?! You seem to be very resentful of people content and happy where they live. Very odd thought process.
Tim Scott says
LOL…the publisher knows what I’m like when I am trying to offend them, and this wasn’t it. She doesn’t need a marine, a moron, or both to come to her defense.
Templer says
Names again timmy.
Tim Scott says
You claimed to be a marine.
Templer says
I am a Marine, and I didn’t know the publisher was a female, nor was I defending anything. Just pointing out the idiot in the room named timmy. Can’t you read.
Tim Scott says
LOL…you’re the one that routinely proves that you can’t read.
Me: “Not trying to offend the publisher…”
You: “But you are.”
Then you go off into the weeds.
Because apparently the simple exchange was too much for you to follow.
Now, somehow, the gender of the publisher is the issue for you.
It’s only 10:45…are you drunk?
Templer says
It’s obvious that you cant even understand what you write down or the catalyst of your blathering comments. Unlike you I don’t drink or smoke. It was you that said “she doesn’t need” I’m following things just fine. Far more educated than a bank robbing used car salesman.
Templer says
It’s funny how you can take a shot at people in prior threads for no good reason, then act like it never happened. The only one in the weeds is you bubble boy.
Tim Scott says
LOL…please point out where I “went on a rant against a person on a thread here that said they lived on a quiet street.” I would call you a bald faced liar, but I know that between your barely there reading skills and the massive hate cloud obscuring what little thinking you are capable of you probably really believe this happened.
Tim Scott says
LOL…when you wanna match degrees Templer?
Templer says
I have a masters in science not robbing banks dim snott, thats why I’ve left a far larger footprint than you.
Templer says
Masters in science here timmy.
Templer says
13 patent products timmy 3 of which are sold everyday on Snap On and Mac trucks. Auto parts stores stock my products, one new transmission tool is entering the market now. Don’t even try.
Templer says
One of my sons achieved a 5.2 gpa trustee valedictorian. Where did you get your degree? Prison? I know it was late or you wouldn’t be robbing banks in your 30s. Nuff said.
Templer says
You have nothing too show for your whole life, that’s why it’s you that lives here just too insult people every other thread. You inherited your parents old worthless house. A used car salesman LMAO
Templer says
I can only imagine how many times your mom cried herself too sleep thinking of what a wasto she conceived behind that garage.
Tim Scott says
Wow, can’t beat that claim. I only hold a bachelor’s degree.
Funny how you couldn’t let it rest on the master’s degree claim. Five posts to put out the boasts. Why wasn’t that first one enough to make you feel secure?
By the way, every university I’ve ever seen calls it master OF science, not master IN science. Like my degree says “Bachelor of Science in Economics.” Just in case the insecurity stems from your claim being false, maybe better detail in the wording would make you more comfortable.
Maharishi Mahesh Yogi says
All that learning, all that knowledge, and still no wisdom.
Tim Scott says
Seems to be working out better for me than yours is for you. I haven’t needed to work for closing in on twenty years, you claim to be working on Sunday afternoons.
Tim Scott says
LOL…not knowing the difference between chess and chest is even more juvenile than your usual. You’re degenerating.
As to ‘having fun’ working…sure, maybe. Or maybe measuring your self worth in dollars and cents (or square footage) has you on a treadmill that you can’t ever get off of. If you weren’t such a jerk I’d feel sorry for you.
Tim Scott says
LOL…should have realized you’d get triggered…too stupid to be a chess player.
Templer says
Just to be clear here dim witted one, I refer too most of my pastimes as work, wether it’s pruning my trees or my hifi, my cars my birds. My arboretum is one of my many loves. One of finest in the AV btw. How’s it said fruits of my labor. I can design and make most anything or restore the hardest of items no matter what they are.
Tim Scott says
That’s okay. I sometimes say that I’m ‘working’ when I am playing chess, because I usually converse with my opponents and they end up buying my book.
Belgian Waffle says
They (BOS, LASD) could easily provide an ‘instantaneous crime rate’ map or grapic (per capita, or per region, or heat map) like USGS does for earthquakes, and make all the Chicken Little ‘sky is falling’ incidents visible to the public, thereby providing perspective and eliminating or reducing fear…but they don’t.
Is there are particular reason this is not in place?
Maybe a FOIA necessary? Modern policing should not be hindered by unions or by low road politics.
Tim Scott says
I think the misplaced word in your comment is “easily.” Real time crime rate tracking would be very hard to execute. Works great for earthquakes, because the detectors themselves provide reliable real time data. There is no ‘real time crime detection devices’ that can be just networked together.
That said, crime rate data is readily available, but it’s just not ‘sexy’ enough for the average citizen. You can say that last year 99,500 people out of 100,000 were not impacted by violent crime, but the scare mongers will be jumping and screaming about one or two of the 500 who did. They will have the lurid details and heart string tugging survivors, and all you will have on your side is common sense and math.
Victoria says
Panties bunched, Templer loses it.
Discomfort in the nether region, from diaper to banana hammock, Templer still cannot understand he just needs to purchase and wear less restrictive briefs.
Tim Scott says
LOL…not everyone that makes fun of you is my friend…though if they are trying to be it is a fine way to start.
Templer says
Mainstream media news is nothing but the same it’s just what’s going on, ( homeowner shoots intruders in Granada Hills not intruder, intruders!, dude in a 440i Beamer calmly killing people on and on. This publication has done plenty of other stories such as road works, county politics and news. Sadly somebody has to be killed to make the news.
1A says
Templer still can’t handle when free speech confounds his worldview. It should worry any citizen when ‘marines’ harbor this sort of attitude toward the Constitution and other citizens
Tim Scott says
The marine lifestyle creates a knee jerk favorable response to authoritarianism that pushes them towards the least desirable moral stances a citizen can hold. It takes intelligence and effort for them to avoid falling into that. Templer lacks one and has never made the other.
2a says
WTF are you babbling about? It’s entertaining to see Templer punk Tim.
Dim says
Big time,
Not a hard feat.
Templer says
Spot on blathering babble most likely timmy, although he denies it he uses imaginary friends here all the time. Free speech, no problem with free speech.
Tim Scott says
How did you make it through taco Tuesday? I figured at least three or four people would trigger your “that must be Tim” hate reflex and you’d wind up in jail.
Templer says
Only you timmy, after all the talk you backed down. Everyone saw it and the excuses with it.
Tim Scott says
LOL…but you make wild unsubstantiated guesses that other people “must be Tim” all the time around here. What was different at the taco place? I know there were people laughing at you behind their hands. How did you know they weren’t me?
1a, once again says
Templer still can’t handle when free speech confounds his worldview. It should worry any citizen when a ‘marine’ harbors this sort of attitude toward the Constitution and other citizens
2A says
You must be a DemocRAT. Oblivious to facts and devoid of morals and character.
2a, (read it again) says
That’s not what a militia is for…
2A says
SCOTUS doesn’t agree. Done deal!
1A, 2a, and SCOTUS agree says
bullets are not speech.
only the most evil believe that lead or spent uranium are a path to freedom.
that is why using a firearm in the commission of many other criminal actions amplifies the penalties.
John "Whips your butt at poker" Lennon says
Happiness is a warm gun
Family Physician says
It’s also quite entertaining to see Templer get all wound up by his own pathological maladies
ACE says
Sarge says
Templer is insecure…it’s right there in front of us.
Templer cannot leave a “Tim” entry without being obsessively compelled to respond.
Once the back and forth starts, he must emerge as dominant in ‘last-wordery’.
Tim lives rent free in the Templer’s mind as all times because of ego fragility driving the need to dominate.
It’s a bit sad.
Citibank says
You mean like Tim trying to dominate those young lady bank tellers?
Tim Scott says
LOL…the way you adopt random one off screen names to try to make a “shaming weapon” out of something that I have very obviously come to terms with is hysterical. Do you really think that if shaming me about having robbed banks was going to work that I would have WRITTEN A BOOK ABOUT IT?
If you one offs aren’t just Templer you are so eager to be in his fan club that you are posting stuff that is just as dumb as what he posts.
Templer says
Of course it doesn’t bother you. It didn’t bother you when you stole your moms grocery money we all know that.
Tim Scott says
LOL…by “we” I guess you mean all your different one off screen names.
As to stealing from my mom…why would I have done that? Much like you, my dad measured his self worth by his affluence, and “providing for his family” by giving me as much as I needed was part of the polish on his self image.
Templer says
Why indeed… scumbag? Loser? Thief?…no wait I forgot professional criminal. pro tips for everyone. 90% success rate that’s 100% guaranteed too land you in prison.
Tim Scott says
LOL…why would I ever be stomping my feet? I’m not hate driven, I enjoy clowning you. And I want full credit for clowning you, so I use one name to do it.
Tim Scott says
And I think I made you go on a forty minute foaming at the mouth rant in the middle of the night. The difference is that what I think is backed by evidence, and what you think is driven by your rage fantasies.
Tim Scott says
LOL…thanks, but Templer’s mind would be a terrible place to live, even rent free. Behind the WalMart dumpster would be more spacious, with fresher air.
"The Old Man" Parket from "A Christmas Story" says
FRA-GEE-LAY… it must be Italian.
Templer says
Hardly insecure. Not a trait of mine. But timmy is right about one thing I do hate him and hate is bad. But please be advised Templer is my call sign here. Sarge is most likely your adopted nick name in real life like Bear or something stupid like that. A very successful hard A** man once told me when I started out; beware of Winkers, Smiley guys and guys with nick names, especially guys that own them. Like Sarge, what’s your name “Sarge” no what’s your name.
Tim Scott says
LOL…”nicknames are bad, so I don’t have a nickname, I have a call sign.”
Templer says
Here yes that’s my profile. Point is people that own a nickname 9/10 times are an idiot like you. Btw 90+% here don’t use there real name. But like our DIs used to say about that 10%.
Tim Scott says
Wait…people aren’t using their real names? Did you figure that out for yourself, or did someone tell you? Be honest.
Templer says
Now that was a really weak reply.
Tim Scott says
Diversion. So someone told you then.
Templer says
Weaker yet, actually getting pretty schoolyard now.
Tim Scott says
LOL…this from the guy who is constantly saying “meet me at recess.”
Templer says
Actually it was you that asked too meet remember.
Tim Scott says
You claimed to want to “shut my pie hole.” I offered the opportunity. You drifted off into your “meet me at recess” nostalgia. And here we are, with you desperately hoping that if you rewrite the history of events often enough you will convince yourself.
"Old Man Parker" from the movie "A Christmas Story" says
Tim Scott says
LOL…amazing how you can convince yourself of whatever you set out to believe, isn’t it?
Sarge isn’t me, but I’m hoping he drops me an e-mail so we can get together and laugh about you.
Sarge says
Marine. Stand down.
LtCol says
Marine. I am ordering you to stand down.
Tim Scott says
Doubtful. The guy I play chess with at three AM is in India.
Proverb says
The fool can listen to the teachings of sages and hear only noise, while the wise can gain enlightenment hearing the sound of a turd splashing into the bowl.
Turd Ferguson says
A turd in a bowl is more useful than 99 percent of the ideas coming from the head of Wrecks.A turd in a bowl is more useful than 99 percent of the ideas coming from the head of Wrecks.
Tim Scott says
If enlightenment ban be gotten from a turd splashing in the bowl, twice as much can be gotten from you, clearly.
WeNeedAMayorWhoLivesHere says
Looks like Rexx’s Lancaster made the Top Ten Most Dangerous Cities in California. Way to go Ray. Hope the weather is nice in Laguna. Now please stay there.
IT’S –
Abraham Lincoln says
Abraham Lincoln, Oct. 3, 1863
The year that is drawing towards its close has been filled with the blessings of fruitful fields and healthful skies. To these bounties, which are so constantly enjoyed that we are prone to forget the source from which they come, others have been added, which are of so extraordinary a nature that they cannot fail to penetrate and soften even the heart which is habitually insensible to the ever-watchful providence of Almighty God.
In the midst of a civil war of unequaled magnitude and severity, which has sometimes seemed to foreign states to invite and to provoke their aggression, peace has been preserved with all nations, order has been maintained, the laws have been respected and obeyed, and harmony has prevailed everywhere except in the theater of military conflict; while that theater has been greatly contracted by the advancing armies and navies of the Union.
Needful diversions of wealth and of strength from the fields of peaceful industry to the national defense, have not arrested the plough, the shuttle, or the ship; the ax had enlarged the borders of our settlements, and the mines, as well of iron and coal as of the precious metals, have yielded even more abundantly than heretofore. Population has steadily increased, notwithstanding the waste that has been made in the camp, the siege, and the battlefield; and the country, rejoicing in the consciousness of augmented strength and vigor, is permitted to expect continuance of years with large increase of freedom. No human counsel hath devised nor hath any mortal hand worked out these great things.
They are the gracious gifts of the Most High God, who, while dealing with us in anger for our sins, hath nevertheless remembered mercy. It has seemed to me fit and proper that they should be solemnly, reverently, and gratefully acknowledged as with one heart and voice by the whole American People.
I do therefore invite my fellow citizens in every part of the United States, and also those who are at sea and those who are sojourning in foreign lands, to set apart and observe … a day of Thanksgiving and praise to our beneficent Father who dwelleth in the heavens. And I recommend to them that, while offering up the ascriptions justly due to Him for such singular deliverances and blessings, they do also, with humble penitence for our national perverseness and disobedience, commend to his tender care all those who have become widows, orphans, mourners, or sufferers in the lamentable civil strife in which we are unavoidably engaged, and fervently implore the interposition of the Almighty Hand to heal the wounds of the nation and to restore it as soon as may be consistent with the divine purposes to the full enjoyment of peace, harmony, tranquility, and union.
The south will rise again says
Reading is fundamental says
Another product of our wonderful education system. Was reading optional? Was it racist like math? A whole generation of illiterate morons will be the leaders of tomorrow.
Raymundo says
I’m more worried about walking around in Lancaster. It’s gone to h3ll in a hand basket under the Rexx regime.
Concerned Resident says
I’d like to know more about the homicide at Sunset Ridge around Nov 5th at 2AM.
Time for Change says
Lancaster is getting more dangerous by the day. Maybe it’s time to rethink who is running the city and what is being done about crime. Nothing that they’ve tried has worked. The war on gangs, war on Section 8, LEAPS and D’Errico have all been failures.
Dee Rainged says
No wonder why Lancaster is listed as one of the top ten most UNSAFE cities in California. This happened on Rexxie Poo’s watch.
The Truth About Lancaster says
I read the article about the mayor’s presentation on the State of the City. I believe our city is disjointed and we can do better.
First of all, we need to district up the City Council. The hospital board and the Lancaster City Council are the only boards I can nd that are not elected by districts. Why hasn’t this been done to improve representation in the city? 80% of the council is of one race and one gender.
Secondly, we need an audit to determine if the city can contract out to the county, like the old days, and save money. All of the “special districts” to provide services are killing us on our property tax bills.
Thirdly, the creation of police department is a potential time bomb for lawsuits and discord among our citizens. If sheriff’s deputies have to spend half their time on shoplifters, does this merit a separate police agency? How about the city working with the big box stores on improving their own in-house security?
Fourthly, the streets and traffic lights in Lancaster are detrimental to the health and safety of its people. One sits in traffic forever breathing in gas fumes, and when one makes a right turn, there is no right lane. Seriously, is this safe?
Fifthly, putting the Waste Management bills on our property tax bills was a mistake. The city should not be a collection agency for WM. If someone is freeloading, then they should handle it and not penalize the people who do pay.
Finally, the council meetings should begin later in the evening for people to get home, eat and then attend the meetings. And the meetings should be conducted like meetings, not Sunday dinners.
We can do better and be better focused.
Question Lancaster Authority says
Well said. Why can’t we have people who think like this on the Lancaster council?
founding father says
They cannot be controlled is why they will never see elected office. If you control the money you control the message and thus you also control who you support. Lancaster voters need to grow a backbone.
Ishtar says
How can a Lancaster resident participate in the City Council and meetings?
I have not lived in this community for a long time, but I love it. My street is beautiful and quiet with neighbors that won’t bother anyone else. The entire city should be like that.
I think, good small community practices can be extrapolated to bigger entities.
The garbage bill, is an entire surprise for me, was that ever communicated to us residents?
Tim Scott says
Find one of Wrecks Paris’ cronies and schmooze up to them. Based on the way you describe your street one of them probably lives right in your neighborhood. That’s the only way to be heard in Lancaster.
If you go to council meetings and say anything Wrecks doesn’t like you will get thrown out.
Templer says
Someone saying they live on a beautiful quiet street triggers you.
Tim Scott says
LOL…get over the hate, obsessed one.
That’s just the realities of Lancaster, and anyone with eyes can see it. You want to build in Lancaster? Pay the developer fees. What are the fees used for? To pay for landscaping and infrastructure around developments being done by cronies of Wrecks.
Two housing developments done at the same time, between J and K. Off 25th West the development is surrounded, at city expense, by a wide easement with curving swoops of sidewalk shaded by trees the city will water in perpetuity. Off 20th East the developer can’t even get the city to put the main access street through to 15th. The prior development along 15th and his development are connected by dirt road. You want it paved, pay for that yourself. Both developers paid the same fees to get their projects approved, but all the money from both goes to one. Standard Lancaster practice.
Tim Scott says
It is absolutely hilarious that Templer the Clown is so detached from reality that he thinks THIS was a ‘rant against” Ishtar. Apparently neither marine basic training nor clown school has a basic reading comprehension requirement.
Templer says
No I really think that triggers you. I comprehend just fine. I just don’t get all the blathering babble when you don’t speak at council meetings yourself.
Tim Scott says
LOL…I think it’s safe to say that you haven’t got the first clue about what would trigger me.
Voice of Reason says
I read the article about the mayor’s presentation on the State of the City. I believe our city is
disjointed and we can do better.
First of all, we need to district up the City Council. The hospital board and the Lancaster City
Council are the only boards I can find that are not elected by districts. Why hasn’t this been done to improve representation in the city? 80% of the council is of one
race and one gender.
Secondly, we need an audit to determine if the city can contract out to the county, like the old
days, and save money. All of the “special districts” to provide services are killing us on our
property tax bills.
Thirdly, the creation of police department is a potential time bomb for lawsuits and discord
among our citizens. If sheriff’s deputies have to spend half their time on shoplifters, does this
merit a separate police agency? How about the city working with the big box stores on
improving their own in-house security?
Fourthly, the streets and traffic lights in Lancaster are detrimental to the health and safety of
its people. One sits in traffic forever breathing in gas fumes, and when one makes a right turn,
there is no right lane. Seriously, is this safe?
Fifthly, putting the Waste Management bills on our property tax bills was a mistake. The city
should not be a collection agency for WM. If someone is freeloading, then they should handle
it and not penalize the people who do pay.
Finally, the council meetings should begin later in the evening for people to get home, eat and
then attend the meetings. And the meetings should be conducted like meetings, not Sunday
We can do better and be better focused.
Anon says
Ace, how long have you been around the AV? Rex will ruin anyone who he perceives as an enemy. Try to do business around here without having to kiss his and Marvin’s butts. You are either naiive, indpendently wealthy or not very bright.
Rudolph says
Careful Anon as Rex and Marvin are watching just like Santa Clause they see all.
The Party is Over in Lancaster says
Rex and Marvin better watch their steps because Santa Clause isn’t the only one coming to town. The Federal Bureau of Investigation is here and know that these ‘leaders’ of Lancaster have been very naughty. Dorris was smart to bail from that scene.
Bee says
Good for you Argentina!
It’s worked out great in El Salvador.
Templer says
Sure has.