“Today’s executive orders do nothing to fix our broken immigration system,” said Los Angeles County Supervisor Janice Hahn. “Cutting off federal funding to cities is misguided and will do vastly more harm than good. Instead, President Trump should be focused on working with Congress to pass comprehensive immigration reform legislation that will fix the problems facing communities across the country.”
Sen. Kamala Harris, D-Calif., said Trump’s orders will “harm public safety, tear families apart and jeopardize national security.”
“Forcing taxpayers to foot the bill for a wall isn’t a solution, it’s a political gesture,” Harris said. “And telling cities they must deny public safety, education and health care services to children and families living within their jurisdiction will not make us more secure, it will mean fewer crimes reported and more families living in fear.”
“In its first few days, this new administration has consistently acted against the interests of those who are voiceless and vulnerable,” Harris said.
Trump signed his orders at the offices of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, and he called them a benefit to both the United States and Mexico. He told DHS agents and workers that it would make their jobs easier.
“For too long, your offices and agents haven’t been allowed to properly do their jobs,” Trump said. “You know that, right? … But that’s all about to change. And I’m very happy about it and you’re very happy about it. From here on out, I’m asking all of you to enforce the laws of the United States of America. They will be enforced and enforced strongly.”
He said his actions were in response to “the unprecedented surge of illegal arrivals” in the country.
“A nation without borders is not a nation,” he said. “Beginning today, the United States of America gets back control of its borders, gets back its borders.”
Rusty Hicks, executive secretary treasurer of the Los Angeles County Federation of Labor, said the organization would continue to stand in support of the roughly 1 million immigrants living in Los Angeles County illegally.
“We have already strengthened protections for immigrant workers in collective bargaining agreements,” Hicks said. “Now, with our state legislators and county Board of Supervisors, we will grow the 100 attorneys we have already organized into a much larger force to make sure every immigrant has a lawyer to defend their rights to a fair process.”
“For decades, Los Angeles and California have been stronger, more progressive and more prosperous than the rest of the nation,” Hicks said. “Unfortunately, President Trump has chosen to take our nation down the dark path of division and exclusion.”
Building a border wall was a hallmark of Trump’s presidential campaign, and he continues to insist that although the United States will be moving ahead with construction, Mexico will ultimately foot the bill — something Mexican leaders have steadfastly denied.
“I’m just telling you there will be a payment,” Trump said in an interview with ABC News. “It will be in a form — perhaps a complicated form. And you have to understand what I’m doing is good for the United States. It’s also going to be good for Mexico. We want to have a very stable, very solid Mexico.”
Thomas Saenz, president of the Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund, called Trump’s actions “alt-right, dog-whistle executive directives.”
“Donald Trump’s border Wall Mahal threatens to bankrupt the nation’s treasury just as Trump has bankrupted his own businesses in the past through overblown construction projects,” he said. “Because today’s order only commences planning, Congress has the opportunity to prevent the profligate use of federal resources to construct this monument to waste and excess.”
Previous related stories:
Groups vilify county officials for backing DAPA, DACA
L.A. County to establish Office of Immigrant Affairs
County approves $3 million in contributions for legal aid fund
County to seek legal aid for immigrants facing deportation
L.A. County officials push back against threats of deportation
CA university leaders urge Trump to keep DACA program
L.A. County Supervisor calls for immigrant protections
Jay Narvi says
The wall is needed not only to stop the illegal entry of Mexicans… illegal entry of drugs… illegal entry of people from… Guatemala, Columbia, Venezuela, Nicaragua, El Salvador, etc etc. And what is Mexico’s policy? They won’t take in any immigrants from these countries. However, they will grant them a 21 day pass whether or not they have proper identification so that they can travel through Mexico and make their way to the United States. How fair is that to the USA? I welcome anyone wanting to come to the United States to make a better life for themselves who want to become an American and be part of America. Just do it the correct way. And if you choose not to follow the rules and enter the US illegally then you have no right to complain about not being treated like an American. Because you are not an American. You’re an illegal alien and you are breaking the law.
Uncle Sam says
I can’t believe how ignorant people are..
Go ahead and try to cross INTO mexico illegally, most likely you will be shot or thrown in prison.
Tim Scott says
Been there, done that. Neither happened. Why do I think you are parroting random nonsense that you get from alt right fake news sites?
Uncle Sam says
You just got lucky, my little parrot.
Try again.
Try to cross into Mexico through the desert, and you will see. Try to make yourself more visible.
Anyhow, wall will be there, no matter if you like it or not.
Tim Scott says
Sure it will…as soon as someone finds a way to pay for it. Or far more likely the same idiots that believed Trump when he said “we’re gonna build a wall” and then believed him again a few days ago when he signed a piece of fluff and said “see, we are building the wall” will just believe him if he waits a few months and says “see, I told you, we built the wall.” I wouldn’t put it past him, or his faithful.
Notrubc says
Mr. President, build the wall. Beef up our Border Patrol and allow them to do their jobs. Enforce our laws.
If you are illegal, you are no longer welcome in the United States. Go back to wherever you came from and tell all your friends thinking of entering my country illegally not to bother.
Try fixing the problems in your own country, not creating more problems in mine.
SMHX2 says
“My country”, STFU, you don’t own the entire country, stop smoking crack and clean up your act. SMH!
Uncle Sam says
Yes, people who were born here have right to choose who can come here, and who can’t.
Regarding your “STFU” nonsense, have you ever heard about freedom of speech?
Tim Scott says
Please, feel free to tell us everything you know about this “freedom of speech” that you cite.
Okay, that was fast. Here, I’ll tell you about it.
“Congress shall make no law abridging the freedom of speech.” That’s what the constitution says. Now, since no one here (including the owners of the site) is “congress” the whole bit about citing “freedom of speech” has absolutely no place here. You can (and usually do) spout total nonsense, and there is absolutely NOTHING that says you have a “right” to do so.
As to your other wild claim about “rights,” ie that “people who were born here have a right to choose who can come here,” that one was drawn from even further up your butt, because it isn’t even a passing reference to a word in the constitution, like “speech” is.
Get an education before you start yammering about what you think your ignorance entitles you to.
Uncle Sam says
What are you even talking about??
Yes, US citizens ( born or naturalized ) have a right to choose who come to their country. They do it through elections, buddy. Now they have elected the president who will protect their homeland.
Soo… you spoke nonsense again.
Tim Scott says
Do you even read before you start typing? You made a monumentally dim claim about FREEDOM OF SPEECH. Since you clearly have no clue how to find and read the constitution for yourself I explained it to you. If you are so dim that you couldn’t figure out what I was talking about, that’s on you.
As to your other claim about “rights”…
A country that is ruled by laws usually has laws regarding immigration. We do have them. That has nothing to do with “rights.” As to the elected Dingbat you think will “put the motherland over all,” that didn’t work out so well last time.
pirrurris says
I agree. Illegal immigration has always been a problem. Native Americans called it “White people”. They should have built a wall to keep your illegal european immigrant ancestors out.
Somewhere there is tree working really hard to generate oxygen so you can breath, now go apoligize to it.
Do you also believe in the lizard people by chance?
Wiselilone says
wow Mr.president why not focus on homeless families , single mothers and important things instead of a [removed] wall ..and america wake up ….
William says
@Susan B.
Knowing that trump stiffed contractors that worked on his properties, students that enrolled and paid thousands of dollars at trump ‘university’ for nothing of value (it wasn’t even a real university) and donors to his charity that he in turn gave away as though it was his money while putting very little of his own into the fund, what makes you think that he won’t stiff you on a a variety of important issues?
I’d love to hear how you have rationalized that for yourself. That is what is mystifying so many people who pay close attention to our politics.
Uncle Sam says
Building a wall – IS CARING for poor and homeless.
People got poor on the first place because there is no wall.
Lots of folks crossing into USA and taking our jobs, money, not paying taxes, sending hundreds of billions back home. This is why US citizens getting poor and homeless.
Tom says
I would gladly pay an extra tax for the wall, and the 5000 extra boarder patrol officers that Trump signed for yesterday. I feel lets fix our country first then we can allow immigrants back in the right way.
Laughing says
I like the idea of the patrols being increased. The wall itself is a waste of money, resources and hinders wildlife more than it hinders the humans. Many come over by plane as visitors, and then stay.
10Dog says
That’s right, America first and them only eif they come here legally.
William says
So, Tom
To catch you up, illegal entry at the southern border is at a 40 year low, President Obama deported more illegal aliens than other presidents and most of the illegal aliens now here overstayed their visas and not from crossing the border.
Typically, trump found a ‘problem’ that doesn’t really exist like his claim of 3-5 million fraudulent votes in 2016 or the press lying about his crowd size at the inauguration. He just makes thinkgs up and gets people to believe them.
I have to think that trump has a very low opinion of the people who voted for him as would any con artist about the people he conned.
Mexico isn’t going to pay for the wall and the costs will be borne by you the taxpayer and/or the shopper paying higher prices for goods.
Tom says
I know that, most of our illegal are Asian in the Silicon Valley, but a wall will slow down drugs coming in, and the deaths of many trying to cross over in the summer months. If you really want to get down too it agriculture wont suffer, there are buses as I speak that transport farm workers from Mexico too California, and Arizona farms then back to Mexico. All ran by our government. Trump is not sending agents or troops into the streets to find illegals, if you commit a crime, then your going home. Did you know Mexico’s fight on boarders in their southern region is worse than ours, if your not Mexican and caught, they ship them right back home to Nicaragua, Chilie,etc and charge that government. Did you also know that American kids loose spots at schools like Cal State San Luis Obispo because schools must have a certain percentage of foreign students too keep types of aid in there schools, and other funding. I don’t care if the ones here now stay, but what I want is too see no more homeless on the streets because of mental illness, but can’t get help because of no funds, I’m tired of things written in ten different languages, yet if I go visit one of those countries I have to point at a picture for a big mac, I’m tired of our school systems being behind because we have to lower the curriculum for others, or we can’t afford important field trips anymore because of the added cost for ESL. I’m tired that my medical insurance prices have rose yet my coverage is less. Like I said before lets fix America first, then we can open the doors to whoever dreams of coming, as long as there are rules in place.
SMHX2 says
I am tired of people not understanding how education is funded. ESL classes classes fall under categorical funding that NEVER interferes with field trip funds. Also, education should be available to all those who show they have above average potential. To say that someone cannot continue their education because they can’t afford it or because of immigration burecracy is simply wasted talent. The US is the least educated powerful country and it is a shame that many of our AMERICAN students can’t manage English, let alone learn a 2nd or 3rd language. Things are not getting dumbed-down, it is called 21st century learning, sorry we don’t use an abacus, like when you were a young lad. You are nothing but a useless racist, do society a favor and go die in a hole, someone should of hanged you by your umbelical cord.
Jose says
Take your own advise and go die in a hole. You are nothing but a useless mindless liberal idiot. Everything you state is proof you don’t have a clue to what really goes on in America.
Bill says
Yeah, and Obama also said you can keep your doctor. Believe this, statistics can be worked any way one wants them. Kind of like the unemployment figures.
William says
There’s a difference between a broken promise and an outright lie, Bill
But, you knew that. Didn’t you?
Laughing says
It will be interesting to see what formula is used to computer unemployment since it is now sitting very low. That number will need to be raised unless he is aiming for zero.
Tim Scott says
Thing is that the “formula” hasn’t changed in decades. The bureau of labor monitors a number of statistics that could be shorthanded as “unemployment” and the same one has always been used as the reference point from year to year because they all basically track the same. The sudden “discovery” that if you use a different statistic you have a higher number by Faux News would have been hilarious if there were not such a powerful echo chamber convincing dingbats that it was important. But of course it is critical to demean the black president in any way, even if it makes no sense.
William says
9 days in and he’s fired the acting Attorney General for disagreeing about the ban at the airports for residents of certain foreign countries
It will get worse. And, I can only hope he harms those who voted for him the most. Say, in 4 years there is an insignificant increase or maybe a decline in the number of coal mining jobs. Then what?
Do you trump voters here in California really care about them?
William says
“A man who President Donald Trump has promoted as an authority on voter fraud was registered to vote in multiple states during the 2016 presidential election, the Associated Press has learned.”
I didn’t make that up. You can’t make up this stuff but it happens in the real world even though it’s created in the ‘alternate universe’.
When Worlds Collide. (steer clear of the fan)
Pirrurris says
Tom, i would gladly pay extra taxes to get rid of the God loving hypocrite white domestic terrorists that we have here in our cities. Starting with that idiot that drives around Palmdale blvd. with a Trump flag announcing to the world “look I am racist”.
Jose says
You are the one who sounds like a racist! Always putting white God loving Christians down. Just because they are white and a Christian. Pirrurris you are the racist.
Ron says
All hes doing is enforcing the law.
Ron says
You GO MR PRESIDENT This man will keep his promises. THANK U PRESIDENT TRUMP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Pirrurris says
Ron, agree. I hope president Cheeto starts with all those hypocrites that voted for him and work for the government (edwards, northrope gruman, lockheed, boeing, the city, and the state). You know the ones that constantly use the poor and immigrants as scapegoats but it is them the ones who are sucking on the government tit, and depend on government?
Are you one of them by chance?
Tim Scott says
As usual, Dingbat Don has delusions of grandeur. If you read the text of this order it amounts to “This administration is committed to building the “wall” as described in the law that has been on the books for a decade. We realize there is no funding for this wall, never has been, and never will be…but we’re calling this keeping our promise.”
Irena says
I agree, empty promises just to make himself look good. It will take 5 years just to settle land rights with private owners. Though he might try to use eminent domain in part to get the land he wants. Then he has to get Congress to fund it.
Tim Scott says
The interesting question is what happens with the millions of dingbats who believed every crazy thing he said and voted for him. The “I’ll build a great wall and make Mexico pay for it” was obviously false, but they believed it. Now he puts out this “order” and says “see, I’m building it” and they believe that. I’m wondering…if he just comes out two years from now with a big press conference and says “see, it’s built” whether any amount of evidence will keep his dingbats from believing that he has done it.
SMHX2 says
Someone needs to monitor Cheeto’s medication, the narcissist fool is suffering from grandiose personality disorder again. The dictator talks more out of his axx than a person with severe lactose intolerance after eating cheesecake with a double vanilla ice cream milkshake. One thing I am completely willing to do is to use our taxes to commit him to a mental institution of his choice. #FDT
William says
Would it surprise you? He takes credit for things he didn’t do all the time and his voters believe it.
At what point will they realize they’ve been fooled all along?
Tim Scott says
That’s the question. At this point you have to wonder if they ever will. Think about it, if Trump announces that the wall is built do you have any doubt that dingbats like Susan B would just parrot it on as if it were true?
William says
“President Donald Trump personally asked the head of the National Park Service on Saturday to provide photographic evidence that would support his claims about the size of his inauguration crowd, The Washington Post reported.”
What kind of people vote for such a nutjob besides our Glenn and Susan B? It must take enormous amounts of energy and/or drugs and alcohol to make them forget/ignore everything he does.
William says
“Donald Trump’s stock Is all invested in doing what he said he’d do in a book he didn’t write.” -Joy Reid
That says it all and our local yahoos bought the whole thing. Won’t they be surprised?
Clinton FOOLS says
the dingbats are the ones that voted for Hillary Clinton they are puppets on a string.
Go look at Bill Clinton speeches he wanted to build a wall and get rid of immigration I didn’t see any of you puppets complaining
Go Trump says
There also is no funding for the train to San Francisco, yet your governor is pushing hard for it. And just like Obama’s promises, he promised the gay and lesbians he didn’t do crap, Obama care, big joke, he got us out of Iraq, but at the wrong time allowing another monster take over. At least Trump is attempting to do what he said. Its not even a week on the job and people are bitching.
Pirrurris says
Go trump, exactly. Not even a week and his approval ratings down the drain. Millions of people protesting. His BS executive actions are not working and already starting to walk them back.
I give president pu*^*^sy grabber less than six months before he gets impeached.
Tim Scott says
Well, actually his approval ratings STARTED from down the drain. They are still dropping though, which is pretty remarkable.
William says
President Clintons’ job approval ratings were in the mid-60s DURING the year of impeachment.
I doubt trump’s will ever make it over 45% in the next 4 years.
Sid says
I loved Bill Clinton. He spoke the truth about illegal aliens unlinked his wife. That’s why we’re stuck with Trump.
starzowner says
Trump is doing what he promised to do. Build a wall and deport illegals. It is simple. We do not have the resources for all of these people, particularly when we have our own citizens and veterans living homelessly and without care. Goodbye illegals. Trump is upholding the existing laws and protecting U.S. citizens. Stop complaining.
Pirrurris says
Starz, get your racist head out of your annal canal. Fact is, immigrants contribute more tham 11billion to our nations economy.
Why are you not complaining about the billions that are wasted on “CORPORATE WELFARE”. OR THE 2.3 BILLION THAT WE ARE SPENDING PER F-35 ? You are nothing but a hypocrite.
The way, republicans do not care about veterans. 41 republican hypocrite senators voted against the veterans benefits bill, and are currently working hard to privatize the VA.
William says
I promise you that in the next 4 years of deporting and wall building, if any, that you will not see 1 iota of improvement in your wretched life.
M. Reyes says
Obama was known in the Hispanic community as “deporter in chief” . All of you people on the Left said nothing about it or did anything about it because you didn’t want to be caught criticizing a black president and member of your own party.
Now that a dumb white idiot with a big mouth is president, it’s suddenly “open season” to criticize.
You’re all hypocrites and political opportunists to me.
KSR says
Mr. Trump called for the enforcement of laws already on the books. Fraudulent votes put JFK in the White House. There’s no reason to believe it was just that one time. Democrats have a vested interest in having illegals vote and it’s easy enough to do so. Illegals have a vested interest in voting Democrat, to keep the border open, jobs available, benefits flowing and protection from deportation enforcement. Common sense people.
William says
Your comment would have some merit if your trump guy obeyed the laws, rules and procotols himself. Right?
Apparently, his voters don’t give a hoot if he violates the Constitution by doing private business for foreign countries and/or their representatives. Right, KSR?
William says
trump raised his fees from $100,000 to $200, 000 this month for membership to his Mar-A-Lago resort.
He’s cashing in already. I can’t wait till he really sticks it to his voters. He’s already allowed mortgage insurance rates to go up for new homeowners.
You’re next. You know who you are.
Shane Falco says
Let’s be honest, William. If the fees were $5,000 you couldn’t afford it so why do you care is the resort raised their fee? How does that affect the taxpayer? Are we forced to pay that fee? No.
Next, he hasn’t “allowed interest rates to go up” for anybody. Just days earlier, in a purely political ploy, Obama cut the rate on FHA loans only. The FHA loans are popular with those with bad credit, first tbuyers and have higher risk of default. Since they are federally funded, cutting that rate leaves less money for the government to cover the defaulted mortgages.
So…no…Trump didn’t raise any rates on anybody. He just did away with the cut that was done days earlier and not one single person was affected.
Tim Scott says
Let’s be honest Foolco, the only one around here that measures their manhood by what they can and can’t afford is you.
William says
You’ve been conned Falco and you’ll never be able to admit it.
So, there’s that.
It was weird how you went sideways re: the raise in the membership fees. So, I’ll spell it out for you.
trump is using his government office to benefit his personal business. And, there’s gonna be more of that.
Glenn says
William If Hillary was President would you be questioning her violating the Constitution with the millions of dollars from Foreign Governments that were donated to her Foundation? I am sure the answer is no.
Tim Scott says
LOL…another “oh it’s easy for an illegal alien to vote” spouter. Care to suggest how this “easy” thing might get done? Go ahead, burn all your ID and show us how easy it is to register to vote.
We’ll wait.
Roy says
I live in San Bernardino Co. and vote in every election…Not once have I ever been asked to show my ID prior to voting.
Tim Scott says
That’s because you are a registered voter. You are giving them a name and address that is on the list. To get on that list you showed not only ID, but proof of citizenship.
George Sheffield says
In California, getting a driver’s license will register you to vote, and you only need a library card to show you’re a resident.
Laughing says
Not according to this website https://www.dmv.ca.gov/portal/dmv/detail/dl/residency_requirement
There are also voting restrictions based on the license type. Non-citizen have limited voting rights to local government only.
Tim Scott says
To get a “for driving purposes only” driver’s license, which does not register you to vote, maybe. Are you one of those people from other states that take what Breitbart tells them about California as gospel, or are you a California resident that is so badly misinformed about your own state that you didn’t know that?
Say it says
Well this way we’ll have less let’s hit and runs
Susan B!tch says
How is that stopping hit and runs genius? lol
Smh says
They won’t be driving in fear of being deported dumbass