LOS ANGELES – Supervisor Hilda Solis warned Tuesday that changes to federal policy proposed by the president-elect could result in the deportation of nearly half a million Los Angeles County residents and said she wanted to explore the county’s authority to prevent federal immigration enforcement at courts, schools and hospitals.
Solis previewed a motion calling for strategies to protect immigrants that she plans to formally submit to the Board of Supervisors in two weeks.
“Many of the election promises made by President-elect Donald Trump during his campaign would, if enacted, have devastating consequences for Los Angeles County, not only for immigrant communities, but also for our economy, safety net and social cohesion,” Solis told her colleagues.
Solis said Trump’s election had provoked anxiety and fear, particularly among the county’s 3 million immigrant residents, roughly half of whom she said are citizens.
The supervisor said she felt a moral imperative to reassure immigrants that the county would defend their rights and interests, adding that a majority of children are vulnerable.
“Fifty-seven percent of Los Angeles-area children have a non-citizen parent,” Solis said.
Many of those at risk are currently protected under the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrival program. Under DACA, children brought to the U.S. before the age of 16 are able to apply for work permits and live without the threat of deportation.
President Barack Obama took executive action to expand DACA and implement a similar program for parents, called Deferred Action for Parents of Americans and Lawful Permanent Residents. Those moves have been blocked by lawsuits that went as far as the U.S. Supreme Court, where a 4-4 vote in June sent the matter back to the lower court. Trump has promised to terminate both programs.
Solis also pointed to Trump’s stated desire, supported by many Republicans, to repeal Obamacare. She said the move would mean hundreds of thousands of residents could lose access to healthcare, resulting in a flood of patients to county emergency rooms.
Solis said she would propose a task force to develop strategies for protecting immigrant residents, including the possibility of a county department of immigrant affairs. Her motion also recommends that the county look at ways to protect the data and identities of immigrant residents and asks Sheriff Jim McDonnell to report on his plans in the event the new administration backs mass deportation.
The president-elect once threatened widespread deportation but has in recent days seemed to soften his tone, saying in a “60 Minutes” interview that he would focus on roughly 2 to 3 million individuals with criminal records.
Each of the 10 points in Trump’s “10 Point Plan to Put America First,” laid out on his campaign website, focuses on immigration. Beginning with “an impenetrable physical wall on the southern border, on day one,” the plan promises to “move criminal aliens out day one” but does not stop there. It also calls to “end sanctuary cities” and triple the number of federal immigration agents.
Learn says
For those of us that believe we are citizens of the world, I challenge you to continue in a fight for justice, equality, peace and freedom for the marginalized. The vitriol hate and envy that spews from hateful individuals are deeply lacking character and any understanding of history or human suffering. Ignorance and ignore are from the same root. We are a nation that shamefully grew an economy by owning slaves. We refuse legalization to immigrants simply be ause because we don’t need them anymore. Immigrants are human, they hurt, they have families, dreams and aspirations. Legal Mexican-Americans were deported in the 30’s. It can happen again. They did it to the Chinese Americans, by refusing them right by birth legalization, once they were finished building the rail roads. Then they brought back the Mexicans in the 40’s as part Bracero program. The reason: logistically closer to deport. Japanese Americans were put into camps during the war, their homes, businesses and their dignity was stripped. Germany did it to the Jews, but the latter was not enough: they were murdered by the millions. All of it is rooted one disgusting emotion: envy. The real threat, accept it. Because we all have experienced it. Some choose to be ignorant/ignore and others choose to recognize and change. Educate your mind. That is real change. Recognize that dictatorships only rise due to the lack of education of its people. A dormant mind is easily manipulated into lacking empathy. The influential will continue to use the masses at their disposal, unless we start real change: change of consciousness. People have woken up, that’s the positive. From every evil deed, good shall come.You will see more minorities educating themselves, getting into positions of power and hopefully procreating. Yes, go ahead make abortion illegal, because we sure are in need of better people on this planet. People that are creators, peace leaders, and empaths.An educated mind, is a mind that listens, with compassion. Learns and does better. Leaves this earth more peaceful. Loves with no boundaries. In the end we are all temporary residents on this earth. Don’t get too comfortable. We all will be deported out of here.
SMHX2 says
You could have just typed #trumpisnotmypresident…and AV Times could begin by blocking Shane Falco, Bob, Mike and all the racist swine that spew hate on this site daily.
hate trump but agree with deportation says
We definitely need an overhaul in immigration policies, including the status of babies born to non citizens. I don’t believe the founding fathers intended illegal immigrants to come here and make babies to protect them from deportation because they have babies. They do get welfare and free medical and food stamps. I know many who take their “under the table earnings” and wire money to Mexico, thus hurting our economy by not keeping the money in circulation in the country where they live. We need strict enforcement of employers not hiring undocumented workers. My son is not offered to learn spanish, but illegals are offered english classes, for both parents & kids. Now these kids are bi lingual, and my son is not… giving him less of a chance at jobs that require you to be bilingual. My son should be given the same opportunities!
And for those who say the illegals come here with their kids to escape the deplorable conditions in Mexico… those conditions have been the same for decades. Why do these people keep bringing kids into a life that is so unsafe? If they fear so much for safety, why continue having kids?
Sanctuary cities need to go away as well. We should not be protecting illegals. What a slap in the face for all the immigrants here by doing the right thing!
WTF says
@hate trump but agree with deportation
Wait a freaking minute you narrow-minded fool. I am Mexican-American and I have never needed welfare and food stamps and neither has my mother. My mother worked three jobs to provide for my sister and I. My sister and I are educated and my children were placed on a dual immersion program by my choice, you could have enrolled your son as well, there are no impediments and it is a public school. They spoke limited Spanish and now they are bilingual, it is a LOT of work for the students and parents as well because of double the assignments and higher expectations but we are and were consistent with plans for their future. We came here because our father was Caucasian and not because we lived in deplorable conditions. You don’t know the story behind every person that decides to move to this country and I hope you never fall into starvation or live with the fear of daily violence outside your door. You forget that Mexicans owned a large amount of the land you stand on and they were robbed or forced to leave everything behind, educate yourself more, the history books issued to us don’t tell the whole story. No human being is illegal, it is an improper term, another thing you need to educate yourself on. You make me completely sick to my stomach, always spewing ignorance from your stupid place of freaking privilege. Let me guess, you also consider yourself a good Christian, the SHIX I have to read!
Bob says
Don’t support, deport!
Loam says
For years the city, county and state have been saying that immigration is a federal responsibility. Now the federal government wants to enforce immigration law and the local authorities are outraged??!! The county needs to stay out of it and let the duly elected federal government do its job.
Tim Scott says
LOL…great idea. That is exactly what is being suggested. The county STAYS OUT OF IT. County sheriff’s deputies stay out of it. County hospital employees stay out of it. Local school district employees stay out of it.
By the way, when is that last time you saw an immigration agent respond to a 911 call? Manning the admissions desk at the hospital? Registering students for classes at the school?
No one is trying to “not let” the federal government do their job…but no one has to help them.
Maria A. says
Illegal Aliens would TOTALLY LOVE TO BE HERE LEGALLY!!!!!!!!!!!!
that’s why this country needs IMMIGRATION REFORM, So they can
stop braking the law, common sense everyone PLEASE.
So Sad says
Aliens? Ummmm… undocumented citizens. Please stop with your racist jabs. Undocumented citizens are just as American as you or I and are not ‘aliens’.
Ron says
I always wanted to live in Australia with kangaroos can I just show up without a passport and say give me a job, give me a license, and the right to vote ? Well guess what thats not how the world works. WE HAVE LAWS Trump just wants to enforce them.
Tim Scott says
Cool. If Trump is excited about that he can go right ahead with it.
What does that have to do with the county? Enforcing federal law is not their responsibility.
10 dog says
Shame on LA County, support the America that are here legal not the ones who are braking the law.
Tim Scott says
Are you here legally? One has to wonder as it appears English is not your first language.
10Dog says
Yes Mr. Scott. Born here, but not perfect. Sorry for the bad English. Been in California all my live.
So Sad says
Tim Scott is a liberal so Americans that are working class are beneath him. Liberals consider non-college educated white Americans to be a cancer that this country needs to excise.
Tim Scott says
How do you think liberals live? We ARE working class, for the most part. You don’t have to be stupid to have a job.
Patriot says
Hey,since l.a.county wants to ignore state and federal laws can I start picking and choosing the laws that I like.like my gun magazines.oh and please,I need just one person,lib or not,to tell me how getting rid of illegals,hurts the economy.
Patriot's a moron. says
How about you do us all a favor and learn some basic English, please!
Patriot says
I see.i didnt realize there was a spelling test.but you get the point.i think.or maybe you are just someone that likes to criticize other, to make up for your shortcomings.
Tim Scott says
I think the implication is that the opinion of an obviously uneducated boob such as yourself doesn’t carry much weight.
So Sad says
Uneducated Americans are not worthy of the theology of liberalism. Not listening to working class Americans is apparently not just for leftist politicians any longer.
Tim Scott says
Sad, what exact “working class” do you see Patriot fitting in? The guy thinks punctuation marks are interchangeable with spaces, and can’t string words together in a way that makes sense.
Add that to displayed lack of knowledge of basic economics and his repeated failures to verify even the most ridiculous things he hears before he repeats them and you have a boob that no one would hire.
Laughing says
Harder to find a gardener or someone to build a block wall…
Watch “a day without a Mexican” to see how many trades and areas illegals often fill. Then realize it is not just Spanish speaking folks, but also Chinese, Russians, Vietnamese, etc etc etc.
Vic says
Who do you think built Rex’s beach mansion? I can assure you it wasn’t the upper crust of Lancaster.
Patriot says
Or drive that truck,or build that house.I’m sure there of plenty of legal citizens who would do these jobs.
And yes I agree,there are illegals from all over the world.
5.4 million a day,in Los Angeles county,spent on illegals.
I’ll bet some or all of the homeless,could use that money.
Cesar says
Exactly BUT I bet if they deported all the illegal immigrants the homeless AND unemployed can also find jobs in the farm fields in which they pay Really good money for a really great job,..NOT! Let’s not say illegals are taking all the jobs until you apply and get denied in the fields.
Working visa says
It’s called a working visa… Out of all these arguments, about the illegals, and how they should stay… Because us white folk, will not do there job.. Blah blah.. But we are disrespecting, those illegals, they would not be thrown out, or have to worry if they got a working visa… My best friend.. Works all over the country… And yes legally.. It’s called a working visa…
A day without a Mexican? What does that even mean? You’re turning this into a race issue, it’s not, it’s a legal issue.
You’re not being intellectually honest pal.
Laughing says
It is a title of a movie. There is only one race, human. Prejudice is real, prejudging without knowledge. Racism is a BS buzz word.
So Sad says
Wow. That was racist. I guess Mexicans must be born with gardening for white racists like yourself as a birthright. How lovely. I’ll let the Mexicans from Guatemala know all about your enlightened ideas.
Laughing says
Guess you can not comprehend written English. I mentioned trades, plural. I stated to watch it to see how many areas/trades would be affected, plural.
It is a title of a movie, not my fault they limited it to Mexican. Go bite the head off the writer of the screenplay for that one. I have friends from many nations south of the United States/Mexico border.
I am not even a human ‘racist’. Only one race, human. There is prejudice though, judgment without knowledge. You demonstrated it by your comment towards me, congrats!
Laughing says
There is only one race, human. Racism is a buzzword. Prejudice is real though, pre-judging without knowledge. You demonstrated it with your remark towards me.
I mentioned a movie, with a title I did not create. The writer should be the one you should aim that anger towards.
I also mentioned many areas, trades. Not just the one you decided to center on.
Tim Scott says
It has nothing to do with ignoring laws or picking and choosing. Enforcement of federal laws is NOT the county’s job. Enforcement of federal laws is the job of federal agencies. Obeying all laws or taking the consequences IS your job.
Meanwhile, the reason the county should NOT go out of their way to enforce federal laws that are not their responsibility is to keep the county operating smoothly for EVERYONE. Do you really want your neighbor to see you bleeding in your front yard after an accident and NOT call 911 because, well, they would have an immigration problem if they did? How about if you are out of town and your house is on fire?
Realist says
Disregarding federal law and willfully obstructing federal agencies is not within the scope of the county’s power. Federal law is the law of the land and not just where federal agents are there to enforce it.
Tim Scott says
What federal law do you suggest that they are disregarding? What federal agency are you suggesting that they are obstructing?
There is no federal law saying “Los Angeles County shall provide enforcement of federal immigration laws.” Quite the opposite. Immigration law and the enforcement thereof is specifically the responsibility of federal agencies.
If the county were suggesting that sheriff’s deputies run around tripping federal agents when they are pursuing people suspected of federal crimes that would certainly be obstruction. Fortunately they are not suggesting anything even remotely like that.
In short, “Realist,” you might want to catch up on reality here.
So Sad says
The reality is that if states choose to ignore federal law, the fed will hold road funds and other needed and necessary funding. It’s not a court case issue. The fed wields power financially. The drinking age is 21 because that’s what the fed wants and if a state lowers, then funds are withheld.
Tim Scott says
That’s the threat. Congress can put a provision in the transportation funding bill that says “funds will not be disbursed to states that do thus and so.” The thing is that ultimately that does end up in court. Unless “thus and so” is actually consistent with law such action by congress violates equal protection.
So something like telling the sheriff’s department “focus on violent crime first, then since so many people die in traffic accidents (and we sure like to collect the fines) prioritize traffic enforcement, then do this, then do that, then cooperate with other agencies conducting active investigations in the county, and if you have any time and personnel still left with nothing to do check on immigration status of people calling 911” that isn’t anything outside the normal executive function of prioritizing activity can’t be used to selectively harm citizens of a particular state. If funds were withheld under such conditions the county could sue the federal government and win, handily.
Congress pulls that kind of crap on poor states and poor cities that can’t afford to function for the duration of the lawsuit. LA County would stomp them flat.
Loam says
No, if the federal laws say that local authorities must hold people who are flagged in the immigration system, then that is legally the county’s job.
But this is not what the article is about. Read it again. “…said she wanted to explore the county’s authority to prevent federal immigration enforcement at courts, schools and hospitals.” County to PREVENT federal enforcement. Even you agree that the federal agencies’ job is to enforce immigration laws. Solis wants to actively block federal agencies in doing THEIR job.
Tim Scott says
Great…if the federal law said that…but it doesn’t. There is absolutely NOTHING in federal law that says local authorities have to hold people who are “flagged” in the immigration system. Making up imaginary federal laws at random doesn’t make for a strong argument.
As to preventing federal agents conducting their activities at courts, schools, and hospitals…that is something to EXPLORE. There may very well be precedent based in laws regarding jurisdiction. If there is a LEGAL way to accomplish the objective, fine. Exploring, looking for such avenues, is not a crime.
Justifiable says
You might want to take a trip out to the farm fields and I guarantee you’ll appreciate every picked fruit or vegetables you eat and then you’ll see how getting rid of illegals could really hurt the economy. Not to mention starve America.. be very careful what you ask for
Jimm says
Dont you worry, we have plenty of workforce, just have to cut free money donations.
Laughing says
Now that is a true statement for many recipients. I wish there was a real pay-for-work program instead of a system that allows too many to abuse it.
Justifiable says
Exactly the abuse is what harms our economy, like the many of Americans I’ve seen get off their Mercedes Benz or other luxury vehicles and go in the store and pay with food stamps..now there is NOTHING wrong paying with food stamps if you’re in need BUT from those abusing it, basically every other American tax payer paid for your luxury life including myself and I’m over here driving a 16 year old car
Justifiable says
Yea tell that to the ones who pick americas food..how they’re over worked not to mention THEY PAY TAXES without getting any tax payer benefits or refunds..why would you want to kick out people who work and contribute to the economy more than they provide for themselves, just shows your lack of reasoning and understanding, it’s also funny to see how most people asking for money in municipal streets happen to look white, while other non White persons stand outside a labor material store not asking for money but asking for a job…like I said you show lack of understanding