LOS ANGELES – A judge in Santa Clara County on Monday rejected a request by Los Angeles County prosecutors to revoke the release of a serial rapist who has been living in the Antelope Valley since last summer.
“Pillowcase Rapist” Christopher Evans Hubbart was released from Coalinga State Hospital in July 2014 and was assigned by Santa Clara County Superior Court Judge Gilbert Brown to live at a home in the 20300 block of East Avenue R in Lake Los Angeles.
In April, Judge Richard Loftus in Santa Clara agreed to hold a hearing at the request of Los Angeles County prosecutors to consider revoking Hubbart’s release. Prosecutors declined to specify the reasons for the request. District Attorney Jackie Lacey said she believes “this violent predator continues to pose a serious danger to our community.”
Loftus rejected the request to have Hubbart’s release revoked, according to the District Attorney’s Office. Details of the ruling were not immediately available.
“Once again, the community has been denied the right to be protected from sex predators,” said Los Angeles County Supervisor Michael D. Antonovich, whose district includes Palmdale. “The Santa Clara County judge’s decision to leave a convicted serial rapist in our community is dangerous and disappointing.”
In a statement regarding the ruling Assemblyman Tom Lackey (R-Palmdale) said: “Santa Clara Judge Richard Loftus failed to prevent serial rapist Christopher Hubbart from creating any more victims and calming the fears of Southern Californians… We must continue to speak out for true justice and end Hubbart’s unfair release into the Antelope Valley.”
Hubbart admitted to raping approximately 40 women between 1971 and 1982, according to authorities. He was dubbed the “Pillowcase Rapist” because he muffled his victims’ screams with a pillowcase over their heads.
Hubbart was designated a sexually violent predator in Santa Clara County in 1996. His lawyers argued last year that Hubbart’s continuing detention violated his rights to due process, sparking a battle over where he should live.
Hubbart was sent to Atascadero State Hospital in 1972 after the court deemed him a “mentally disordered sex offender.” Seven years later, doctors said he posed no threat and released him.
Over the next two years, he raped another 15 women in the San Francisco Bay Area, according to court documents. Hubbart was again imprisoned, then paroled in 1990.
After accosting a woman in Santa Clara County, he was sent back to prison and then to Coalinga State Hospital.
As a condition of his release, Hubbart was required to wear an ankle monitor and attend regular therapy sessions and make quarterly reports to a judge.
[City News Service contributed to this report.]
Previous related stories:
Revocation hearing set for “Pillowcase Rapist
Reader: “Consider an alternative to fear and judgment”
‘Pillowcase Rapist’ released to AV
Pillowcase rapist release delayed
Judge approves release of ‘Pillowcase Rapist’ to AV
‘Pillowcase Rapist’ in AV: Deadline to submit comments
Has Antelope Valley become a ‘dumping ground’ for sex offenders?
Movement to keep ‘Pillowcase Rapist’ away gains momentum
Residents rally to keep serial rapist away
sjgranai says
Further PROOF that the protesters at the Hubbart residence are ANYTHING but “peaceful”.
Mike Main is currently out on bond for an arrest last night.
I have NOT been able to get information on the nature of THAT arrest.
HOWEVER, I did discover TWO other arrest dates AND court dates for Mike Main.
COURT DATE 5/18/15 DEPT A6 8:30am…..JURY TRIAL
Case number: 4AV0753601
Arrest date: 12/4/14
Violation: PC 588 (misdemeanor). .
Every person who negligently, willfully or maliciously digs
up, removes, displaces, breaks down or otherwise injures or destroys
any state or other public highway or bridge, or any private way, laid
out by authority of law, or bridge upon any such highway or private
way, or who negligently, willfully or maliciously sprinkles, drains,
diverts or in any manner permits water from any sprinkler, ditch,
canal, flume, or reservoir to flow upon or saturate by seepage any
public highway, which act tends to damage such highway or tends to be
a hazard to traffic thereon, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. This
section shall not apply to the natural flow of surface or flood
waters that are not diverted, accelerated or concentrated by such
Case number: 5AV0173001
Arrest date: 3/18/15
PC 245 (misdemeanor) Assualt with a deadly weapon.
PC 422 (misdemeanor) Criminal threats.
I will clarify what new charges…if any…were added in last night’s episode.
It amazes me that the funky bunch has the AUDACITY to cry foul when it appears that the security team is obviously under continual attack from THEM! Now it makes sense why Liberty removed the last team….death threats and crazy people are no joke.
sjgranai says
Ok…so..I was off by a day. Looked closer at the inmate info. He was arrested at COURT. Looks like the judge remanded him into custody for some reason….or he did something stupid in the courtroom and his O.R. was revoked…or his bail increased.
Either way..he went in custody on 5/11 and bonded out on 5/13
HubbartHater says
Speaking of jokes, it’s pretty funny how you’re so bothered by people who hate this man. Maybe you have deeper feelings for this rapist ? There are “women” like you all over the world, Hybristopheliacs. So, you think it’s okay to use questionable methods of obtaining personal information about someone and publicly posting it? What’s your motivation for bothering those who want him out? Criminals like yourself, are the only people who want him left alone. F*#k You and F*#k you too AntiFunkyBunch.
sjgranai says
Smh… This is public information. Posted to prove that the protesters at the site are anything but peaceful. They violate the law. Even channel 3 has done a report showing how disgusting the protesters are.
Saying I am a rapist supporter has been an overly played slam. Keep chanting it. Keep attacking me in public places. It doesn’t make what you say true. Unlike what I have shown and proven.
I continue to support stronger sentencing for criminals..I continue to support due process and civil commitment. I also understand how fragile the system is. We can’t keep pushing the boundaries of these programs or they will shatter altogether. Liberals want all SVPs released becquse , as Kim proves, they think it is double jeopardy. The Supreme Court says it is NOT punishment…but if we are not careful it will be seen that way soon.
Oh…..and at least I use my real name.
HubbartHater says
You haven’t shown or proven anything. As for something being an “overplayed slam”, every single one of your slams is old and without merit. You call the protestors a “hate group” but, it’s sounds like you’re the leader of your own hate group, your hate of the protesters seems to be top of your list.
Why don’t you just leave them alone and worry about your own issues, which are many. Oh……you’ve made details about your life “public” but, that doesn’t make it okay for someone to put it on a place like this. None of the protesters has ever attacked you, or done anything you claim. Oh….and using your so called real name, if that is your real name, makes you any better than anyone else.
Eric says
This man shouldn’t of been released, but he was. It’ll never be known how successfully he’ll reintegrate into society, kind of hard to find peace when the past is constantly barking at the door. People have been hostile and unreasonable since the moment this was announced. If a company is having to remove security teams, then there is a real problem out there, and it’s time to shut down those who can’t seperate between “protesting” and “terrorism”. Ooooh, probably don’t like that term huh?
“So, you think it’s okay to use questionable methods of obtaining personal information about someone and publicly posting it?” The OP simply posted info readily available from the Sheriff’s department. This website regularly posts stories about crimes from the moment of ARREST, more than one innocent person has been slandered all over this site. Both sides engage in the behavior though. It’s not right, that needs to stop, but the children in the argument are to busy applying blame to attempt corrections.
Kim says
I see nothing funny about someone who is bothered by a torch and pitchfork wielding mob that is trampling someone’s constitutional rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, and speaks up about it. Who is bothered by people that think they have the right to ‘want someone out’ and go about it in the most vile way. Nothing at all.
There is nothing questionable about obtaining criminal information about anyone that is in the PUBLIC domain. Both the criminal cases against Mr. Hubbart and Mr. Main are titled “The People of the State of California vs. …”. What makes you think you are entitled to every single aspect of Mr. Hubbart’s case, including his current address, but Mr. Main’s criminal case is to be tactfully kept a secret? The People – that includes @sjgranai. Not only can he obtain such information legally, he is ENTITLED to it.
I am only waiting for the day when ALL criminals are listed on a searchable web site. What is good for the goose is good for the gander.
ps. Thanks for the ‘Word of the Day’…. learn something new every single day. Here is another one. Hysterical Ninny.
HubbartHater says
Who here was in the court room and heard what this Monster admitted to? Who here in defense of this convicted SVP, bases their opinion on fact. Sjgranai is herself a “filthy pig”. Does any one person on here know why he doesn’t have female guards? Does anyone, anyone at all see the irony in the idea of putting back out into a society filled with woman ? When it is considered “like taking an alchoholic to a bar”, that was the testimony of a guard in charge of him.
Tim Scott says
Who was in the courtroom?
Presumably the judge.
Who is also well trained in the applicable laws.
So are you suggesting that all the people who are second guessing that judge, most of whom were not in the courtroom and most of whom have as much comprehension of the applicable laws as my goldfish has, should perhaps shut the hell up?
Kim says
Ha ha – I was also going to say…. who here was in the court room – ‘the judge’? One can only hope.
But then again…. how does a life long quest of the legal profession and hearing / reading every shred of evidence and testimony in this case counter the statement of ‘a guard’ who said, and I quote, “like taking an alchoholic to a bar”.
Because an alcoholic going to a bar never happens. Because a repeat drunk driver, someone who might have killed people while driving drunk, going to a bar clearly is reason to hound him out of his own home. Right?
India Andrews says
Let the judge keep this guy in his community.
Anti-Funky Bunch protesters says
After Pillow leaves there will be another one. So I guess the Funky Bunch protesters will be out there forever. Well 2 property’s down inside a house having a gang bang. Rogers got to be getting tired of all that sex.
Mom of raped girl says
one bullet
Tom says
I’m reading/watching the video & story now on ABC7. Looking at the protesters there’s a woman wearing a short neon green dress she’s fighting the wind back so the short dress will not show her business. Lady please go put on some €/¥€=#€¥% !=× CLOTHES
sjgranai says
They had young girls in booty shorts out there last summer.
Tom says
Booty Shorts and Freakum Dress at the Pillowcase Rapist Protest. I’m sure Gloria Allred can explain this behavior.
sjgranai says
They would say we are blaming the victim.
Wonder if they would walk braless in a white sheer shirt through a prison?
Maybe they LIKE the idea of some perv getting off on them. Wouldn’t shock me one bit based on the I her disgusting things they do out there.
They posted up an mannequin torso..naked…in front of Hubbart’s house and when the security took it down, they yelled and screamed that he was stealing private property.
The protesters are slimy pigs.
PublicSafetyFirst says
I think you are just as disgusting and ignorant too. Rapists don’t rape because of clothing worn by the victim. Rape is about rapists mental health issues and perverse sexual preferences. By the way, when was the last time psychologists said they could use cognitive therapy to cure sexual preference (they use to say they could “cure” homosexuality) now we know it is not a choice. Some in the field of psychiatry are saying the same thing; that it is the result of neurological factors. If so, cognitive therapy can offer no cure and we are releasing known sexually violent predators on the public. It’s unconscionable to ignore this and do nothing.
sjgranai says
Let me clarify my comment about the protesters letting Hubbart “shine”.
Hubbart has committed heinous crimes. Hubbart has played the system several times. He knows how to run a program…and complete it. Anyone that has experienced institutional life can run a program.
When he was released, he was expecting protesters. He was taught how to handle it and given tools to combat the stress of it.
So, upon his release, he went into his program mode and did what the doctors taught him to do. When it went longer than expected, I am sure it was noticed by his therapist and entire release program team.
The outrageous behavior by the protesters and the vile words they would say would be considered “triggers” for someone like Hubbart. They basically threw everything at him that they could and he didn’t break. He actually came through with flying colors.
Now, had he not been so stressed and pushed by outside forces (protesters)…he would have still neglected his ankle monitor and walked off the property to take out the trash. There would be three strikes right there. No “kudos” or brownie points to negate what he did. But every slip up he may do will be negated by “Given his current circumstances he is doing well”.
So, I stand by my statement that I believe he would have slipped up and been returned to Coalinga months ago. But the protesters are masking the issues he may be having. Everything is being attributed to the stress he is under due to their presence…and he is doing so well despite their insanity. He is shining brightly as he runs the program he was taught. But he hasn’t had to be accountable for anything really….everything is being excused because of those psychos being at the fence.
Who are they helping? They are doing more harm than good.
Kim says
Even considering locking up someone, who has served their court-ordered sentence, for life for things like neglecting to charge some obscure electronic device or taking out the trash is no better than North Korea.
sjgranai says
Kim…I would agree. But, he isn’t from prison. When released from a civil commitment program, they have strict rules to follow. Breaking them could mean revocation of his release. Technically he is still a p a tent at Coalinga that is completing a program. The house he is in is an extension of Coalinga.
Revocation can be temporary or permanent.
One SVP was set up by police. They had a young officer in plain clothes sit on a bus bench and the SVP sat on that bench and just talked to her. He was flirting…and invited her back to his house.
That’s all it took. Cops came in and took him back to the hospital. He violated his rules of no female contact. (His rule..not Hubbart..each patient has specific contract rules).
He since has been released again and is functioning properly in his program the last I read.
Kim says
You say patient, I say inmate. You say hospital, I say prison. You say completing program, I say serving time. You say tomato, I say unconstitutional. Let’s not kid ourselves….
sjgranai says
I have actually been inside of Coalinga. The setting is very “nice”. But the outside has razor wire for days. The inside has locked doors but is NOTHING like a prison. They have a mall inside.
I am not saying all rapists should be there.
I agree, with due process…which they are given…some people need to be civilly committed to protect themselves and others.
They are given annual evaluations as to their suitability for release. They can appeal and some win.
The fact that some are being released is proof it is not double jeopardy..
This is the fight I have with those who don’t want any of them released. If none ever completed or where let go…how is it anything less than punishment again?
Kim says
@sjgranai – “I have actually been inside of Coalinga. The setting is very “nice”.” – said the Bird in the Gilded Cage…
I am all for programs and therapy and much more resources should be committed to programs that are helpful and voluntary. But when it is behind razor wire it is imprisonment. Plain and simple.
“They can appeal and some win.” They should not have to. At the risk of being redundant, they have served their sentence.
“The fact that some are being released is proof it is not double jeopardy.” Could not disagree more. The fact that some get out does not help the guy who is stuck in there and will die there.
Let’s agree to disagree – your concept of freedom is different from mine.
PublicSafetyFirst says
Kim, by all means let’s please not let us kid ourselves. He is released by mere legal technicalities. Because he was convicted before state leadership enacted better legislation, he is capable of being out. He was civilly committed because he is mentally ill and dangerous and the state KNOWS there is a chance of recidivism. Civil commitment was made to close a vulnerable gap in public safety. Had he committed these crimes today, he’d rot in prison. He should stay in civil commitment, which is already a break from real prison. Delude yourself into thinking he is “cured” the rest of us (70%of CA voters for one who voted and supported Jessica’s law who likely also would support any laws limiting/restricting SVPs and sex offenders in general) aren’t drinking your poison. We all want and expect more from state leadership! We actually can vote just watch this become a make-or-break issue for political and judicial candidates; we deserve not be placed at risk of rape (and worse if these monsters have an STD).
Kim says
@PublicSafetyFirst – omg, talk about twisting words to fit your agenda…
He should be out because he served his punishment which was handed to him at the time of sentencing. He was civilly committed because the law changed AFTER the fact. One could argue that that is Ex Post Facto punishment and as such unconstitutional. Try changing the law on any other criminal defendant. The only way they get away with doing this is the public hysteria surrounding these cases and people like you pounding the same drum. He could have beaten more than half to death several women and would not be subject to civil commitment if he were to get out.
It is your contention that he is mentally ill (incurable) yet he is mentally sane to form the mens rea required to be criminally convicted? And punished for life? You can’t have it both ways.
70% of voters did indeed vote for Jessica’s Law, which was, in essence just held to be unconstitutional. That does not speak highly of the California voter, does it. It did not really take a rocket scientist to see that coming. Never mind the fact that it did nothing to improve public safety and protect anyone, least of all children. It did the trick for George and Sharon Runner who claim that this boondoggle still is the highlight of their careers.
Children are sexually abused in their own or the perpetrator’s home – almost always. Not at public parks. And even if so the contention that keeping someone’s residence a less than 10 minute stroll away is preposterous.
I want and expect from this State leadership to quit fishing for votes by getting off the registered sex offender gravy train. 19 out of 20 s3x crimes are committed by someone not on this registry, and there are over 100,000 in this State alone on it. Stop the hysteria.
Tim Scott says
Perhaps being a liberal means recognizing that if I let the judicial system make arbitrary decisions as it goes along rather than following the law eventually that judicial system might start making decisions I don’t agree with and target me instead of the rapist.
But of course everyone already knew that.
sjgranai says
John says
The liberal mentality means that you must feel more sorry for the criminal than the victim. Being a liberal means being more concerned with the rights of the criminal than of the victim. Being a liberal means even a rapist,, ,even though he’s raped more than 25 women deserves another chance, and another and another and another.
sjgranai says
I’m not a liberal.
I don’t feel sorry for the criminal.
I’m a constitutionalist.
I go by that document and the law…not emotions.
Bob says
Just another liberal,, this one just happens to be a judge that feels more sorry for a rapist than he does his victims or the people that have been forced to live by him. Thanks to all liberals.
Stinger says
Maybe you should research a bit more before you mouth off with wrongheaded labeling… Judge Richard Loftus is actually known as very conservative and was appointed by then-governor Wilson.
Go look it up… I did.
The problem is that Hubbart hasn’t done anything wrong since he got out, so there isn’t any good grounds to revoke his release. For that, you can thank the protesters.
sjgranai says
In the FB group Antelope Valley Voice, we discussed at length he background of Loftus. He actually is an advocate for rehabilitation of mentally ill criminals. He sat on..and headed a task force to help work out how to implement programs to keep the mentally ill out of the prison system.
The PowerPoint presentation he has online that we posted showed his interest is in the possibility of not always locking them up…..if it isn’t necessary. He does state that sometimes some people are too far gone for help.
While he is a conservative…I think he is a moderate and realist when it comes to this. But the guy doesn’t take no mess in his courtroom. NO shenanigans allowed.
I think…for both sides…he is a good judge to be on this case. Not too liberal and not too conservative. He brings balance and won’t hesitate to put Hubbart back in if he really steps out of line.
J says
Unbelieveable! This guy needs to be put away where he can never hurt anybody ever again….Now it isn’t just the outgoing Judge who gets off the hook having to deal with this, this new judge is just as bad! How would he like having this guy living next door to him…? We have seen how well those ankle monitors work…I read about a few people who cut them off and took off. I personally do not feel happy knowing this guy lives less then 2 miles from my home in Littlerock! Time to make lots of noise again and get this into the national news!
Um, okay ... says
“I personally do not feel happy knowing this guy lives less then 2 miles from my home in Littlerock!”
How come nobody told me they moved Littlerock further east?
Wes says
Honestly this guy gets treated worse out here then he probably does in prison. All of his rights are being violated, and just because he violated the rights of others doesn’t mean we should violate his. We don’t live “an eye for an eye” lifestyle. He hasn’t bothered anyone out in the AV, people go to him to create problems instead of leaving him be. I am curious though as how they picked this place to send him. Did they think oh we will put him in the least populated city of little rock? How come they couldn’t keep him in the county that prosecuted him? And I guess the answer is maybe he chose to be here out of a list of options ? Or maybe it was an area with a low cost of living so it’s where they could afford to put him up and expect him to be able to support himself? But we shouldn’t become a dumping ground for criminals just like we became a dumping ground for the homeless, that’s not fair to our community.
pa says
I don’t understand why he was sent to live in the AV? Can a judge just send you to live where ever they like? I just don’t understand it. Did the man request to live here? Does he have ties to this community? Why is it that the rapist was sent to live here? Do we have special qualifications that make it better to sentence rapist to live here? How does this work?
sgranai says
AB 493 (Salinas) amended the SVP Act to say that in extraordinary circumstances an SVP can be placed out of his county of last domicile. Extrodinary circumstance would include victims or victims next of kin still residing in the county.
He has ties to LA county …but not the AV. But one man Haggett…the owner of the home….offered his property as a rental. Finding a willing property owner is THE biggest issue the SVP release program has.
Lastly, the voters overwhelmingly approved Jessica’s Law. The impact of that was an increase in sex offenders in rural areas in order to comply with the restrictions on how close to schools and parks a sex offender could be.
This was the perfect storm that brought Hubbart to the AV. Not some nefarious plan by some agency to make us a dumping ground.
Jessica’s law restrictions have been found unconstitutional by a San Diego court. Before it could be decided in a supreme court, Attorney general Kamala Harris has ordered a stay (stop) and not allowing the restrictions to be enforced throughout CA. Isn’t that nice?
Kim says
The California Supreme Court has spoken on the Jessica’s Law issue. This was a few weeks ago and even though no one seems to really understand what it said it looks like Kamala made the right call.
But don’t fret… our brilliant legislators are working on the latest knee-jerk reaction. Possibly in direct response to this case here AB 262 (Lackey), currently in progress in the CA Assembly, will require a person like Hubbart to reside WITHIN 10 miles of a fully staffed cop shop. Since there are no Police Stations in the middle of nowhere that will require a guy like Hubbart to live pretty much in the middle of town. Yes, you read that right. At least the good people of Lake Los Angeles would get their way.
What a ginormous fustercluck….
sjgranai says
It was actually San Diego specific… the case was taken to Ca supreme court and the ruling was exclusive to that case.
Harris decided to impose it on all of CA.
Right or wrong…that’s up to the supreme court to make laws or overturn them. Not the AG. Specially when she refuses to publish the opinion she gave to support her decision.
Sharon Runner has been pushing Harris to make that opinion public. Harris continues to refuse. Why hide it?
Kim says
I guess Harris had the good sense to ward off an avalanche of unwinnable lawsuits that a non-retraction of Jessica’s Law after the Supreme Court decision no doubt would have generated. Seriously – if a blanket ban on parolees is unconstitutional a blanket ban, any sort of ban on those not on parole or probation most certainly would have to be.
The question to ask here, however, is of the Runners. After 10 years the data clearly shows that these restrictions did not improve public safety, they indeed undermined it. But Jessica’s Law was sold to the public as a protection of children. That has been shown to be patently false. I remain puzzled why no one demands an explanation of the Runners how this came about in the first place. 70% of voters approved it, you say? 70% of voters in the South would (have) approve(d) legislation that kept African Americans riding the back of the bus. Sometimes the voter needs to be protected from themselves.
Here is an open question for George and Sharon Runner. On what planet does it protect children when someone is not allowed to live (sleep) 1999′ from a park or school, but 2001′ is perfectly legal?
sjgranai says
Jessica’s Law was upheld in some ways. For offenders with victims 14 yrs and under…the living restrictions still apply. All other offenders are evaluated on a case by case basis….is a restriction relative to the crime.
So..it wasn’t tossed out.
I agree to some extent that it isn’t the saving grace we want. But…consider it likened to the liberal’s beloved “gun free zone”. It becomes a target rich environment and a serious false sense of security.
The Anti-REX says
Does he need a job? maybe at a shooting range hanging up targets.
DM says
David says
There are sex offenders all over the place…..what we have here are grandstanding politicians trying to score points. All of them are shameful. I feel safer with rapists and muggers than I do around pols with an agenda. They are all fake.
sjgranai says
And I’m sure how “well” he has done under the constant threat and drama of the wannabe protesters made him shine in the eyes of the judge. The protesters did exactly OPPOSITE of what they swear they are doing.
Kari says
The judge should have invited this rapist to live down the street from him.
Jessica says
Or maybe live with him and his family in the same house hold