The lawsuit filed on behalf of Yeayo Russell alleges excessive force and wrongful arrest, while also accusing the sheriffs’ department of inadequately training the deputies involved.
“The county has had a practice and a custom of using excessive force against Antelope Valley residents,” attorney Jamon Hicks said at a news conference on Tuesday, Jan. 25. He added that Russell spent several days in jail.
“She had no idea where her child was,” Hicks said. “Hours and hours she had no idea if her child was OK.”
Video from the July 2022 confrontation came to light earlier this month when Los Angeles County Sheriff Robert Luna told reporters at a news conference that he had asked the FBI to assist in the investigation. He said the deputy involved in the confrontation had been relieved of duty. In the body-cam video, a male deputy at the edge of the frame is shown throwing two overhand punches at the woman as she is seen pleading for the deputy not to take her baby away.
“I found the punching of the woman and the circumstances completely unacceptable,” Luna said, adding that he took the “swift action” of relieving the deputy of duty after finding out about the incident. Luna said the traffic stop occurred just before midnight on July 13, 2022, when deputies from the Palmdale Sheriff’s Station noticed a vehicle driving at night without the headlights on. When they pulled over the driver, the deputies noticed the smell of alcohol coming from inside and saw four women, three of whom were holding babies in their arms instead of using car seats.
The deputies arrested the man driving the vehicle on suspicion of felony child endangerment, as well as driving under the influence and driving with a suspended license, according to Luna. The women were arrested on the same charges but during the course of arresting them deputies used force with two of them. On the video [download and view it here], the deputies can be heard saying that the woman was riding in a car driven by someone without a valid license and that her baby was not in a car seat. They repeatedly asked the woman who was eventually struck in the face to give up the child so she can be placed under arrest, telling her that her infant will be pulled away otherwise.
“Forcefully taking your child from you is not what’s best,” one deputy said.
“Taking my child from me is not what’s best,” the woman replies.
After several minutes of back-and-forth, the deputies pulled the woman’s hands apart and she began screaming as the child was taken away. Another woman who is close by and holding a baby begins screaming and cursing at officers. When deputies state they plan to arrest her as well, she becomes incensed. “Y’all gonna have to shoot me dead to take my baby from my arms,” she says before a struggle with deputies ensues.
During the confrontation, a male deputy is seen throwing two punches at the woman’s head while she is still holding her baby.
Hicks said that Russell’s family was “on the way to pick up the child, so the sheriff’s department could have easily allowed the child to go with Yeayo’s family, and this would have alleviated the need for force.” The Association for Los Angeles County Deputies, the union that represents deputies, released a statement saying the video does not tell the entire story about the traffic stop.
“The video makes one thing obvious — police work is demanding and unpredictable. Any dispute over the control of infants on the roadway at 12:30 a.m. during an arrest of the driver of the car these children were riding in without proper restraints is a bad situation. Apparently, our deputies and the on-scene patrol supervisor had determined it wasn’t safe for the children to leave with the parents who were going to be taken into custody,” wrote ALADS President Richard Pippin.
“The physical safety of the infants was clearly our deputies’ highest priority as they were seen pleading with the women for a lengthy period. There will be a lot of Monday morning quarterbacking, and some will no doubt say that things could have been done differently. We will let the public decide that for themselves,” Pippin wrote.
County Supervisor Kathryn Barger, who represents Palmdale, called the video “gut-wrenching. My heart aches for the children that we see in this video and for their mothers.” Barger added, “To the law enforcement community who will also see this video today and whose work will be judged harshly in the court of public opinion, I want you to know that I value your work.”
Fourth District Supervisor Janice Hahn called for Luna to fire the deputy who threw the punches. “It is appalling and there is no justification for this violence,” Hahn said in a statement. ” This deputy does not belong in our Sheriff’s Department.”
“I’m disturbed and horrified by the footage that LASD released showing mothers in distress who simply needed help keeping their children safe. These women and their children needed a safe ride home; instead, those sworn to protect them inflicted physical harm (and) lasting trauma,” said Third District Supervisor Lindsay Horvath.
Holly Mitchell, who represents the Second District, said, “The body cam footage Sheriff Luna released of a male deputy using excessive force during an interaction with a Black woman and her infant is shameful. This footage is further indication of the need for a culture shift that ends the long history of brutality directed towards Black people and communities of color by law enforcement.”
“These acts of violence cause immeasurable harm and I expect zero tolerance for this behavior. I want to thank Sheriff Luna for working towards increased transparency and accountability in the department,” Mitchell said.
Previous related story: Luna to turn investigation of Palmdale traffic stop over to FBI
C Williams says
Those adults aren’t responsible enough to have custody of those children. THEY were the ones endangering those babies lives. Parenting classes and drug/alcohol abuse counseling are needed before they are allowed near those children again. And THEY claim to be victims? Those poor children are. Sickening ..
Carlyce says
This is nothing new the Palmdale and Lancaster sheriff’s has been doing things like this and more to the black community and residents of Antelope Valley for years now. What I am surprised at is that it looks like this time someone black will get justice for what’s done to them by law enforcement.
Tim Scott says
Okay, who is surprised at this?
Bee says
There’s always a clean sweep performed after you get incessantly clowned up and down.
Tim Scott says
What are you babbling about here?
Tim Scott says
Oh, wait, I get it. You are too stupid to follow the ‘previous related story link.
Anonymous says
Omg this is so stupid. They endangered an infant! Is no one looking at that and instead calling foul play on LE? My gosh when there is endangerment and you see a baby being used as a shield what would you do? “Oh I’m so sorry ma’am please don’t suffocate your child, no worries we’ll actually let you go so that you can continue to harm your child.” All this is plain stupid. I get police brutality is a thing and I do believe that more trainings are needed, but I cannot agree with the mothers in this particular situation at all when they completely disregarded the safety of their children’s life.
Tim Scott says
The woman committed a vehicle code violation. We have a legal process for punishing that. Said process does not include being punched in the face by a lucky deputy chosen at random.