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Tim Scott says
It’s times like this that I grudgingly respect, and truly hate, the GOP strategists.
Republicans are going to make a huge deal out of how they “stepped up” here, and voters are going to buy into it since they are handing out money. There will be plenty of GOP opposition that will eventually “go along,” so GOP candidates will be able to place themselves on whichever side of the issue serves them best and Democrats will be painted into various corners for further demonization.
And what this does, at its core, is tax moderate income people to give money to lower income people so that companies can continue getting away with having their labor costs subsidized and not have to pay living wages, which would slow the wealth accumulation by the richest people.
Beecee says
“and voters are going to buy into it since they are handing out money“
“And what this does, at its core, is tax moderate income people to give money to lower income people”
The irony and hypocrisy is so thick here you can cut it with a knife.
Basically you just listed 2 out of 3 of the normal democrat policy, the only thing missing is unfettered and mismanaged illegal immigration to expand your voting base.
I mean, I sense some jealousy in a way,
Only we can do that! Lol
Stinger says
“Only we can do that! Lol”
So, you admit that you ARE doing it, then.
Beecee says
I know stink, your jealous as well.
Stinger says
I have no reason to be jealous of the evil that you support, BeeEss, only contemptuous.
Sonya says
So they are sacrificing human life to expand their voting block, wow.
Tim Scott says
Wow is right…how do you keep making up such crazy stuff?
Sonya says
Here more fact crack for your free tax payer sponsored crack pipe.
Democrats only lust for one thing, and that is power. They will do any and everything to achieve it.
The good thing is that in the end it will be the democrats shutting down the boarder and the majority of Hispanics move over to the GOP tent.
Mark my words.
Tim Scott says
At least you are honestly admitting that you think of facts as crack. Explains why you avoid them so strenuously.
Black kettle says
She seems to have posted facts that you are avoiding at the moment, so what gives.
Tim Scott says
Let me guess, you define “fact” as any wild statement that accuses democrats of anything.
Black kettle says
No, the sources she provided showing the statistics. Her opinion of why those stats are higher under the Biden admin are very debatable, but….
Come on man.
Sonya says
Why do I avoid crack…
Lol, simple,
I’m not a democrat.
Fredo says
A Dem ex-felon.yea nothing but facts and comedy from this unit.pffft.
Stinger says
Still projecting, I see. Sacrificing human lives is your thing, trumplican. How many lives lost due to YOU?
Sonya says
Coming from the spokesman of a political party that opens the borders where many San Antonio breakfast tacos are being killed trying to make the dangerous trek across.
Also where mass amounts of fentanyl is being smuggled across your open borders and poisoning our citizens.
Oh yeah, and don’t forget about the babies stinkers.
And you ask how many lives were lost because of ME, lol
Beecee says
Lol, find better candidates you losers
Tim Scott says
Steve Bannon in October 2020 laying out Trump’s plan to steal the election
The interesting thing is the timing of the leak, which almost certainly comes from Bannon. I would guess it is a pressure play to try to get a public hearing instead of a deposition from the investigation committee. He and the rest of the lying propagandists are already spreading “other people get public hearings but they are afraid to let me speak the truth unedited.” This of course is a lie, since almost everyone that has been a ‘live witness’ was deposed privately first.
What Bannon wants is to limit his exposure. The live witness testimony is an hour, with a committee member asking questions that illustrate specific points. The investigative function involves an extended period, sometimes on multiple days, with staff doing research on the fly to catch inconsistencies and identify areas that merit further questioning.
Before Trump even got elected Bannon, claiming to be ‘the speaker for the alt-right,’ was openly calling for the violent end of the American republic, and referred to Trump as “our blunt instrument” that would destroy the country. Setting aside that Bannon is clearly evil, credit where credit is due he was pretty perceptive.
Beecee says
Good god,
No wonder hunter thinks so poorly of his step mother whilst in a crack cocaine induced fog.
Lol, you Latinx folks are comparable to tacos?
Wow, they are both bumbling idiots. What a wonderful family folks. Also, try to be more creative with your passwords crackhead.
Tim Scott says
Commentary on today’s hearing:
“Why should anyone care about the hurt feelings of the snowflakes in Mar-a-Lago?”
Robert says
Why should anyone be concerned about hurt feelings of snowflakes anywhere?
Beecee says
You’re no better says
Why should anyone care about you?
Tim Scott says
What makes you think I expect anyone does?
Tim Scott says
Just heard Derek Jeter make the perfect statement on Trumpists, even though he was talking about something else:
“Loyalty one way is stupidity.”
Something to the effect of… says
I’m glad to see your loyalty to 20.7 grams of crack cocaine in a seedy hotel with a hooker…
We are loyal to the policies, not the man, just happens he’s the only one that ever stood up to establishment Washington. And that’s why they want him gone. We would vote for anybody who is “America first”
Tim Scott says
LOL…the policies? You mean the ones he had written into the GOP platform?
Oh wait. That’s right, the GOP has no platform. Trump ran the entire administration by “whatever whim strikes at the moment.” Unsurprisingly, those whims made the Trump family a billion dollars while raising your taxes and creating the mountain of debt that has put our economy on the brink. Also unsurprisingly, his whims lead to his defying the constitution and rocking the foundational elements of our republic.
Now you are appalled at having been taken in by a conman and salving your ego with this BS about policies. Loyal to the bitter end.
Beecee says
“those whims made the Trump family a billion dollars”
If I recall, Trump lost a gang of money running for and becoming the POTUS.
All the other curruptocrats became rich from and after their presidency. I mean look at the Biden syndicate for CS.
As for defying the constitution…
Democrats administrations, especially the current one gets a court ruling against them and simply continues on the path completely disregarding court rulings from the highest court in the country.
Tim Scott says
The Trump clan benefit from the change to the tax code is estimated at a billion dollars, just on the inheritance tax. That’s the only part of the “Trump tax cuts” that is permanent. All the rest of you high middle class bracket folks are paying back your very temporary tax cut currently, and the increased rates you are paying now will last not only long enough to pay back your savings, but Trump’s as well.
SB says
America First!
Spot on
Tim Scott says
“America first” isn’t a policy, it’s a marketing slogan coined by a con man.
Stop talking Tim please says
Kinda like build back better ?
Tim Scott says
Not at all. Build back better was not only a written policy statement, it was codified into actual legislative language that could have been law if not for the GOP senator’s policy of “vote no on everything if a democrat is in the white house.”
The apparent fact that you can’t tell the difference indicates that your head is buried in…the sand, to be polite.
Beecee says
Who is claiming it a policy. Putting words in folks mouths per ush
Also seems a little more then just a slogan.
This is America First
I guess it would be more of a prescription of policies and beliefs.
Pot kettle you are the same. says
Take your own advice.
Beecee says
FBI is an political enforcement wing for the Democratic Party, full stop
Beecee says
Rings true to this day!
Joe Biden says
Merry 4th of Father’s Day!
Tim Scott says
I think this is hysterically funny.
Because of the fireworks I wanted music on for my dogs last night. Usually I stream music on my computer, but I wanted it loud enough to blast through the whole house and I was sitting at my computer so I used the TV and put on one of those “music choice” cable stations; modern rock hits or some such. It was cool.
So I noticed something, which made me pay a little attention, and I found that cable music channels do not follow broadcast rules. The common word for poop is in a lot of lyrics, and went uncensored. The F-bomb isn’t used as much, but when it is it also goes uncensored. Bur what caught my attention in the first place was the repeated muting of a word in the Nickleback song ‘Rockstar.’ Apparently ‘drug’ is the only word that is too dirty for cable.
The best part was that while the lines “the drugs come cheap” and “everybody’s got a drug dealer on speed dial” were deemed inappropriate the line “gonna pop my pills from a Pez dispenser” was allowed to pass.
Beecee says
‘Lake humor’
Please visit, we have awesome packages for you!
Beecee says
Standard democratic ran major inner city election shenanigans. Nothing new.
Beecee says
Uhhhh, liberal world order, lol
G Dogg says
This is their insurrection: Two deaths – One woman was trampled to death by gov’t cops another was shot dead by gov’t cops. The antifa member who instigated and then filmed the latter was awarded $35k.
Immediately after, FOUR Capitol police commit suicide. The head of security who wanted all this investigated is now dead. Sounds like the wrong side is being investigated.
Tim Scott says
Sounds like you are listening to nonsense instead of watching the hearings for yourself.
G Dogg says
News flash!
Nobody’s watching it!
Tim Scott says
LOL…is that a “news flash” from your nonsense source? You might want to fact check them.
Burdened by Tim says
Who are your sources tim ? And why are they better? What makes them more truthful or factual ? Burden of proof is on you bud.
Tim Scott says
I watch the hearings for myself, so my sources are basically republican loyalists who stuck with Trump all the way to the bitter end.
Beecee says
“so my sources are basically republican loyalists who stuck with Trump all the way to the bitter end”
Obviously not so loyal huh, the enticing lure of a book deal or a spot on the legacy media shows superseded their so called “loyalty”
Tim Scott says
Could you make it any more obvious that the hearings exceed your attention span?
Beecee says
I’m not gonna pay any attention to a Soviet style show trial. I live in The United States.
The second they rejected the GOP’s choice of folks to represent the minority it was deemed bunk. An unprecedented move that solidified the partisan nature of the select committee investigating the events of that day. Designed solely to bury the failures of this current administration and destroy trumps chances of a 2024 run.
Nothing more, nothing less.
Tim Scott says
Quoting an idiotic blogger again? No surprise.
Beecee says
I didn’t quote anybody liar.
Tim Scott says
So you’ve taken so much of their crap into your head that you think it is your own thoughts you are spewing? Okay, yeah that’s believable.
Beecee says
Show me where I’ve stated something from somewhere else that I didn’t attribute towards the original poster/author….
Exactly, your a liar, and a disingenuous lop.
Joe says
We’re watching it. I take it you’re not, which is why you’re focused on fantastical conspiracy theories?
Sorry to burst your bubble, J6 was not Antifa. And Antifa, to date, has not attempted an insurrection at the Capitol and a coup.
The back the blue “Americans” who beat cops that day and called them traitors are 100% responsible for the deaths that occurred and the suicides that followed. Both women put themselves in harm’s way, and paid the ultimate price for their own stupidity. Stenger was 71 and it has been reported that he had cancer, nothing unusual there.
G Dogg says
Sure you got it Tim,
Errrr, I mean Joe.
Two many Tim’s in this world says
Facts, antifart and other radical leftist groups have had 6 count them 6 attacks on federal buildings. But go ahead and be like Tim and deny truth.
Tim Scott says
How many of those attacks could have lead to the reversal of results in the presidential election, awarding a second term to a president who had lost his bid for reelection?
Yeah, none of them.
How many of them where organized by the sitting president of the United States for the corrupt purpose of preventing the transition of power as proscribed by the constitution?
Yeah, none of them.
But go ahead and downplay it, you insurrectionist swine.
Sonya says
Too bad the two things you just listed never happened sooooo…
Tim Scott says
Sorry Sonya, I know you guys are pretty consistent in your lack of concern with evidence, but it looks pretty obvious that Trump was on a “stop at nothing” campaign to cling to the presidency. He latched onto, as the last resort, stopping the certification of the electoral college vote. He pushed Mike Pence to commit a criminal act, and when that didn’t work he moved on to causing a disturbance that would prevent the joint session from completing their duty and recording the vote.
That’s based on testimony from a large number of people who stuck with the Trump administration despite two impeachments and all his other borderline or beyond actions…like Pence did. There is NO “lib’rul witch hunt,” no “fake news from the mainstream media.” Just people who stuck with Trump to the bitter end who are now stuck with coming clean or committing perjury who are opting to come clean.
Sonya says
“There is NO “lib’rul witch hunt,” no “fake news from the mainstream media.”
Beecee says
“Facts, antifart and other radical leftist groups have had 6 count them 6 attacks on federal buildings”
Yeah, and they were at the Capitol on Jan6 also dressed in pro trump garb leading the charge, breaking out windows and instigating and filming Ashley Babbitt charge at the time of the shooting.
That footage of here being shot was from John Sullivan, an Antifa member right behind her filming and yelling for her to breach that room.
This is why a one sided investigation never works. Can’t even believe you can have a trial without input from the other side in this country, but that’s where we are heading.
Hell, they are even hell bent on federalizing elections coming, which is clearly unconstitutional.
Also im a breakfast taco purchased at your local Brooklyn bodiga…
Tim Scott says
Seriously Sonya, you are claiming that people like Pence’s chief of staff, Trump’s WH attorney who provided the defense at his impeachments, and innumerable WH staffers that rode out years of service to Trump are “secret lib’rul plants” who were just waiting to get under oath and lie about Trump?
Beecee says
Tim and joe are watching it, lol
Tim Scott says
Yeah. Among the millions, apparently.
Notably, the editorial board of one of the most conservative newspapers in the country is also watching.
Stinger says
Your tangerine traitor leader is watching… I guess that checks out, then: Trump is certainly a nobody.
Beecee says
Greetings from ‘lake humor’
The fishing is excellent
Your ignorance must be bliss stinky says
Stinger, you must have been bullied. Or maybe just not loved by anyone.
Stinger says
Thanks, BeeEss! You are right, Trump does make it rather easy to catch jokes from lake humor… big ones, too! ;-)
Stinger says
@Your ignorance: Thank you for your insightful and clearly carefully considered profiling… Yes to both… I learned to fight back. Turns out, I was extremely good at physical combat. It also turned out that love from people that make statements like yours, I can do well without.
Your rather unfortunate attempt at ad hominems aside, what’s your point?
Tim Scott says
Do you believe in the peaceful transition of power in the United States of America?
Okay, this is a pretty simple yes or no question, and since we are talking about maybe the most basic aspect of elected representative government it would seem really hard to not just say yes. Somehow a former national security adviser and US military veteran who has sworn oaths on multiple occasions to uphold and defend our constitution didn’t just say yes, and that’s pretty weird to begin with.
But he invoked his fifth amendment rights, implying that his answer could incriminate him in a crime. That’s beyond weird and well into absurd, and he should have immediately been challenged.
I have sworn that same oath, and I do not “believe in” the current interpretation of the second amendment. That doesn’t imply that I would not keep my oath, or that I am going to defy that current interpretation, it just means I disagree. There is NO hypothetical answer to this yes or no question that could, in any way, incriminate him. The question was not “did you attempt to interfere with the peaceful transition of power?” It was a question that did not connect in any way to any law of any kind, and he should not have been allowed to not answer it.
WeNeedAMayorWhoLivesHere says
Looks like Wrecks screwed up the fireworks show. He hired some joint out of Mojave that got raided by CalFire. Way to go Wrecks. Who wants to bet that this fireworks company is somehow connected to the Lancaster Good Old Boy network? Last time there was a fireworks show, Wrecks defied the law and said arrest me as he put on his illegal and dangerous show at the soccer field. Will he be so bold this time? He’s a complete joke.
Beecee says
So far trumps second term has been a huge success. He has several major SCOTUS victories.
Looks better then ever compared to Biden, and the J6 theater just went full Jussie.
You can’t win harder then that.
-Scott Adams
Tim Scott says
Gotta make sure all the good guys have guns lest someone gets away with putting too much mayo on their sandwich.
Sonya says
Lol, the tolerant left on full display.
Tim Scott says
LOL…I just saw Hannity making a huge deal about that…I guess he didn’t get instructions from Trump on what would be more newsworthy. That wouldn’t qualify as a ‘shove’ in a kindergarten classroom.
IMO if the Repugnicon couldn’t keep her little butt sniffers at bay any other way she should have had them on leashes.
Beecee says
You watch Hannity, lol no wonder you have such a warped perception.
And you call this young ladies children butt sniffers? And you state they should be on leashes.
An absolute POS you are!
Tim Scott says
Watch? Not exactly. I flip to Fox every now and then to see what they are up to and get a laugh. Like when I got home yesterday I flipped through four news channels plus Fox before I settled in to watch the recording of the hearing. Four news channels were having discussions of various points from the testimony. Fox was covering a crashed truck that was loaded with beehives. Two beekeepers had been stung while rescuing the bees, so I am sure Fox viewers were assured this was the most important story of the day. No doubt it will be picked up and amplified across your RWNJ blog sources.
Stinger says
“You watch Hannity,… An absolute POS you are”
(quote edited for fun)
Rick says
A responsible parent would let their children anywhere near that witch. While I didn’t waste my time watching Hannity rant about the shove I did figure it was being exaggerated.
Beecee says
Ya I agree it was inflated a little too much.
Beecee says
Stay classy democrats,
Like I said before,
The only way they win is with fraud, intimidation and violence.
Tim Scott says
A genuine Trumpist here… fully embraced his strategy regarding just telling the same lie over and over and over intending for people to just give up on disputing it. Get lost.
Beecee says
Are you coming out as a genuine trumpist who fully embraced his strategy?
Karl says
I see the left and the right, and the medias that support them telling the same lies over and over. Anyone that doesn’t agree is bias.
just sayin’
Stinger says
It’s time for a Purple party.
Just agreein’
Tim Scott says
Fifteen is not equal to one.
Tim Scott says
Today’s Republican party:
A state senate candidate has withdrawn from the race after being charged with assault. The candidate, an off duty cop, was fortunately caught on video while “debating” his opponent by punching her in the face.
GOP sources say that they are unhappy their candidate was forced to withdraw since the right to engage in such legitimate political discourse is guaranteed by the constitution, and besides his opponent is black so “she had it comin’.”
The local police union defended the former candidate, saying “Even though he was off duty, assaulting citizens is part of the job. This incident is a perfect example of why the use of dangerous video recording equipment needs to be better regulated.”
Diana T says
Link please.
Searched around and couldn’t find anything on this matter you speak of, not to mention, your post seems full of spin and misquoting, so I’d like to see for myself. Very odd you want folks to take your word for gospel.
Diane T. says
NM I found it,
And you are lying and spinning everything about the story.
Shame on you!
Beecee says
Tim Scott says
LOL…if you took that as “serious reporting” then you are just not thinking.
However, the “actual story” is close enough that we can recognize my fanciful quotes are certainly in the “what they believe but don’t want to say out loud” category.
Yes, the GOP candidate, a white off duty cop, has been charged with assault for punching his opponent in the face…on video.
Yes, the local police union has vowed to defend him.
Yes, many republicans are upset that he has withdrawn as they are very vocally still wanting to support him.
In a similar vein…
The GOP is up in arms that when one of their candidates called the supreme court’s reversal of Roe v Wade a “triumph for white life” her “misspeaking” was made a fuss over. They opine that her claim to have merely misspoken when she meant “triumph for right to life” should be the end of it.
That’s all well and good. Candidates do a lot of speaking, some misspoken lines are to be expected.
What cannot be changed and is very revealing about the GOP is that her misspoken line was greeted by a huge outburst of cheers from the GOP constituents she was addressing. We can debate about what she meant to say, or I am willing to just let it pass on her claim that she misspoke…but there is no question that what she actually said is EXACTLY what the audience wanted to hear.
Sonya says
“However, the “actual story” is close enough that we can recognize my fanciful quotes are certainly in the “what they believe but don’t want to say out loud” category”
You are so F’n insufferable.
Tim Scott says
And yet I am not the candidate that punched his opponent in the face, nor am I in the party that defends him. So is “insufferable” really that bad, relatively speaking?
Sonya says
No it’s the compulsive lying and spinning of the topics in your posts that is insufferable. Your a dishonest human being.
Tim Scott says
LOL…given the company you keep the idea that you are concerned about lying is flat out hilarious.
Bernie says
In all fairness the woman could have been his wife and she was refusing to make him a sandwich.
Tim Scott says
So, good news for today: the judge in the Dominion Voting Machines defamation lawsuit has ruled that FoxCorp, the parent company, can be included alongside FoxNews.
While this may seem insignificant, this is what it means:
Punitive damage awards are based, in part, on the net worth or valuation of the offender. With Dominion claiming 1.6 BILLION in actual damages a finding against just Fox News would probably be pretty low capped in punitive damages because the 1.6 billion against the relatively low valuation might already be deemed “punitive enough.” By including FoxCorp, which as the parent company is where all the money goes, the door is open for a truly stupendous punitive damages award; possibly running into eleven digits. Even Rupert Murdock might learn a lesson from that.
Beecee says
It’s a long shot, and now you let your opinion on the matter be known you would obviously support this right…
Tim Scott says
Justice Thomas, as usual, is lying his ass off. There is no need to “make it easier” since it is being done routinely under current law.
Beecee says
Roe vs. wade abbot Ted in the 198th trimester.
Tim Scott says
Thank goodness we have you to keep us up to date, even if it is only by linking a RWNJ opinion take…I mean, without this all the rest of us might never have heard about this!
Yeah that’s actually pretty well covered everywhere.
Beecee says
“even if it is only by linking a RWNJ opinion take“
Uhmmmm, it’s satire lop.
Tim Scott says
Since most of your links are to RWNJ blogs I never bother to actually follow them. Besides, it’s more fun to just make fun of YOU than to bother with anything that you might find funny.
Beecee says
“Besides, it’s more fun to just make fun of YOU than to bother with anything that you might find funny”
Uhhh yeah, but you lake humor big time and I’m better at it then you, you uncultured swine.
Wait till they come after your gay marriage, William and yourself and gonna get your panties in bunch.
Tim Scott says
LOL…let me know when your book comes out and we’ll have a direct comparison of who most “lakes humor.”
Beecee says
Well you surely don’t show it here…
Write a book?
Sorry bud, I’m not a self absorbed lop like yourself. To busy making real money and making fun of you Marxists.
Tim Scott says
That was said in jest since I know you don’t have the ability. Given your gnatlike attention span perhaps you could write a fortune to go in a cookie.
Beecee says
Wow that was super funny……………………
Tim Scott says
Please do that facepalm hard enough to leave a mark.
Beecee says
So you double down with something less funny then the post I’m clowning you on for not being funny.
Good job lop.
Beecee says
Who is this “us” you speak of?
Beecee says
And why we are here talking about sexual deviant drug using democrat losers, i bring you this…
Tim Scott says
If anyone besides you actually cared what the monkeys at the conservative treehouse were saying don’t you think they would be there instead of here? Just because you are impressed by apish gibbering doesn’t mean you have to spread it.
Beecee says
Nothing to see here folks, move on.
Like I’ve stated before the democrat party has moved on from its punk rock roots and have gracefully handed that torch down to us, thanks you sell out corporatist and elitists.
Beecee says
F’n clowns…
Tim Scott says
“F’n clowns.”
I have been wondering what it is you do for a living.
Beecee says
Not funny and creepy…
I guess that just comes with the age huh?
Tim Scott says
LOL…that made it even funnier.
Sonya says
There it is
Been patiently waiting and he finally delivered.
Tim Scott says
LOL…why wait? My stated opinions about your friend haven’t substantially changed for months.
Tim Scott says
This is what the Republican National Committee is afraid to say out loud, which is why they are running platform free with a ‘we’ll let you know what we are about after you elect us’ approach.
Beecee says
“This is what the Republican National Committee is afraid to say out loud“
Then proceeds to post a Texas GOP document….
Also you really want Tim’s head to explode, lol Texas strikes again
Tim Scott says
You are claiming that the National party platform would be vastly different from this hate screed…if they dared to put their beliefs in writing?
Beecee says
Happy Father’s Day, spend this day with the bedrock of the American family!
Stinger says
Please note the following sentence quoted from Fox Business Opinion on June 17th, 2022 by Richard Vedder (with no station disclaimer, btw, indicating they might not agree – jes’ sayin’)…
“Before elaborating further, it’s important to note that the Biden administration since March 2020 has put a moratorium on interest charges on about $1.6 trillion in student-loan debt and essentially has told borrowers that there are no financial consequences of not making regular repayments—even as employers struggle to fill more than 11 million available jobs.”
Now then, my friends, can you find the outright lie and the blatant logical fallacy in that one little sentence? This is what Fox allows to fly as, “truth,” and, “fair and balanced.”
How can anyone NOT see their blatant agenda?
Tim Scott says
Because they just don’t want to, obviously.
Beecee says
You guys are currently turning the screws on ONLY the lower and middle class, and you post this???
Stinger says
Thank you, BeeEss, for simply confirming Tim’s assessment.
Since you feel this to be acceptable, tell me more about Biden’s presidency in March of 2020, BeeEss…
America's Most Non Compos Mentis says
I was looking for ways to fight inflation. Found out we are allowed to purchase from $25 up to $10,000 of US government I-bonds right from TreasuryDirect.gov at current 9.62% interest, and $5000 more with our tax returns. There are minor restrictions (no selling for a year, etc).
Bonds will adjust for inflation so interest rates probably will go higher every 6 months. Everyone in my family did it. It looks very advantageous in today’s economy. I suggest it if you have any discretionary cash. It should be safe because it’s US Treasury bonds.
**** 9.62% ***** Hope this is helpful. Look into it.
Tim Scott says
Loaning money to the US is a pretty safe bet because they can always just print up the money to pay you back. However there is risk since the GOP has tried to default on US debt pretty consistently over the past couple decades and there seems like a growing chance that they will succeed.
Beecee says
“Loaning money to the US is a pretty safe bet because they can always just print up the money to pay you back”
Absolute gold, thanx dim!
America's Most Mistaken for Michael Jackson says
Remember all the filthy lies and untrue rumors that people spread about Trump and Ivanka? Total BS as is most scurrilous lies and discredited accusations about Trump.
But now it comes out Biden made his young daughter shower with him! It was in her diary. She wrote that it started her sexual addiction and perversions. Tell me that’s not sick. Biden is a pedophile and incestuous monster. Not only is he destroying our country and making us poorer, he is an amoral reprobate, not the “nice guy” he pretends to be.
Again, I can’t tell you Biden voters how much contempt and ridicule you deserve for unleashing this catastrophe upon America.
Tim Scott says
Source? I know that your RWNJ media is all about “we saw Biden’s daughter’s diary and it says…” and that you would never question that, but just out of curiosity.
By the way, the first person to publicly say anything about Trump wanting to boff Ivanka was Trump.
America's Most Disappeared & Censored says
Posted 6 links and they disappeared. Censored?
America's Most Twisted Mofo says
Hey Joe, what did you do for Father’s Day? Shower with your daughter, LOLOL?
Hope my links show up.
Sonya says
Smelled her hair, duhhhh
America's Most Doubling Down says
F__king amazing that main stream media “fake news”absolutely refuses to acknowledge that their hero Joe Biden is a sick, perverted, contemptuous pedophile that showered with his daughter.
MSM is the propaganda arm of the Democratic party.
Tim Scott says
You are following “journalists” that openly admit to buying stolen material. The reason that isn’t done by real journalists is that someone who is willing to STEAL material cannot be trusted when they say “but I am too ethical to have faked it.” Just like the “journalists” who are willing to buy stolen source material cannot really be trusted to not have altered it.
Meanwhile, we have text messages (proper subpoena applies) from Sean Hannity coordinating his “journalism” with the white house chief of staff, so if you are gonna yammer about a political party having a “propaganda arm” that’s where your conversation should start and end.
Tim Scott says
So gun control reform, even in the most tamed down form imaginable that was hardly going to do anything at all, is dead, again.
Every aspect of the bill, as pointed out by John Cornyn, polls favorably among Republicans. So why do GOP senators not want to support the bill?
Because they know it would destroy them at the ballot box.
It doesn’t matter that Republicans are in favor of something, if getting that something requires agreeing with democrats they will vote out their representatives for getting it.
The ONLY position the GOP holds is “if the democrats have a plan to save my life I would rather just die.”
Beecee says
“if the democrats have a plan to save my life I would rather just die.”
Yes, cause the democrats are so far doing an excellent job of saving lives…
Uh I mean, making our lives miserable that is.
Tim Scott says
That’s not the point.
The gun control compromise was made up of things that poll well among Republicans. They were things that even you, as a DLC, said you would support. But because there are so many Republican DLCs like you the congressional republicans can’t vote for it because you would pillory them for “cooperating with the democrats” even if they were getting you something you want. You are such DLCs that you will get mad even if you get what you want.
The current republican position is “burn the country to the ground before we cooperate with democrats.” And I think that’s kinda hilarious because if you get your way and burn it down I will be off to my bolthole in central America and you will be floundering in the ashes unless the world gets lucky and you die in your own fire.
Beecee says
“you would pillory them for “cooperating with the democrats“
Uhhhh ya no,
We aren’t giving you losers anything.
Tim Scott says
Thanks for illustrating my point. You said yourself that the things I listed when you asked about gun control were reasonable and you were in favor. The current bill contains some of them and really nothing else. But if Mike Garcia nutted up and voted for it you would scream “don’t give the democrats anything” and try to primary him.
You, like most DLCs that have swallowed the Trump juice, do not know how the system is supposed to work or care, you just want to destroy the government of the country because you think somehow a strongman despot takeover will work out for you. Dumb, but unsurprising given your long history of idiotic posts.
America's Most Swallowed the Trump Juice says
“swallowed the Trump juice”.
LOLOL. Good one.
Beecee says
“And I think that’s kinda hilarious because if you get your way and burn it down I will be off to my bolthole in central America and you will be floundering in the ashes unless the world gets lucky and you die in your own fire”
You will be off to your butthole in Central America…
Good Riddance,
Peace out loser.
This guy has the gall to say republicans will end up burning everything down right after their shock troops run amok in liberal cities for a whole summer literally, burning it to the ground…
And currently have energy policies that are destroying our quality of life as we speak.
You can’t make this crap up.
Tim Scott says
LOL…the only one here known for making crap up is you DLC.
By the way, I am sure pretty much everyone can still find your comment about how great California will be after your ilk gets their way and burns it to the ground, so that particular line of lying is one you wanna steer clear of foe a while.
America's Most is Burning It Up says
Tim, in all fairness, I think her “burning” was rhetorical.
Tim Scott says
Think again.
The objective of Trumpism is the “restoration” of America, or individual states, to those “glory days” of rural authority in a pastoral wonderland dotted with small urban trading centers. The fact that such an economy supports a population density about half of what we have is fine, because they would happily do without about half the population anyway. Their “burning down” may not call for actual flames, but it certainly calls for casualties.
Beecee says
“Tim, in all fairness, I think her “burning” was rhetorical”
he knows he’s twisting my previous comment in knots like always… nothing new, he knows I meant we would rebuild after they burn the place down. And of course I didn’t mean burning down as in fire.
The dude is just disingenuous lop.
Tim Scott says
I suspect that republicants who understand the law will be sliding sideways away from Donny Dingbat. Just in today’s hearing the committee presented all the elements to convict him of solicitation, hands down, no defense.
Beecee says
Tim Scott says
We already know that “republicants who understand the law” does not include you.
SB says
Beecee says
Watching the select committee hearing…
Switched to CNN for a laugh,
“Attack on democracy!”
“Insurrection investigation!”
Meanwhile the stocks are taking a dump…
What a snooze fest.
Tim Scott says
Not enough lies for your taste?
Beecee says
Actually quite the opposite, too much lies.
Tim Scott says
So which of the Republican witnesses were lying?
Beecee says
The one who said if givin the chance that the proud boys would have killed pence.
That was todays huge pile of garbage.
Tim Scott says
He was quoting one of the Proud Boys.
Beecee says
No he wasn’t
Also another huge lie, they claim 2-300 proud boys present there that day, not even close. They are trying to label every MAGAt there a proud boy.
But thankfully nobody’s watching and nobody cares so enjoy
Tim Scott says
Ratings remain high no matter how much you double down on that lie.
There was a British journalist with the Proud Boys, which you would know if you had actually watched the hearings. The count estimate appears accurate.
And just because you are in favor of abandoning the constitution doesn’t mean that everyone is. I think people are paying attention and are concerned that your ilk is trying to support autocratic rule.
But keep on lying, it’s all a DLC is good for.
Haus Black says
I useful idiot would agree the hearings are a snooze fest. These Republican leaders enabled a failed coup and share responsibility as others that participated are going to jail. The Republican Party looks stupid.
Beecee says
“Failed coup”
The country with the most guns and those seditious bastards went to overturn an election without any guns…..
Your democracy is in peril sir, lol
Tim Scott says
I thought you said you’ve been watching the hearings?
Oh, yeah, actual evidence exceeds your gnat like attention span…
FWB says
Nailed it,, no guns = no insurrection
The hearing is a fraud just like the impeachment
Tim Scott says
Your position (standing in a heap of your own manure) has already been established.
America's Most Unwoke Antisocialist says
“The hearing is a fraud just like the impeachment”.
Tim Scott says
You two need to get on the right side of history the way Trump’s closer associates are. Every day since the hearing focused on Trump’s false claims of election fraud there have been additional witnesses coming forward confirming that Trump not only was spreading a false claim about “the election was stolen,” but that he occasionally slipped up in private and admitted that he knew it was a lie.
After the hearing Monday there was that small doubt that went “well, all his significant advisors who were in position to know were telling him he lost, but MAYBE he was so divorced from reality that he just believed his own fantasy…so the connection to criminal corrupt intent may still be not proven.” With additional witnesses that defense is closing on him.
Beecee says
“You two need to get on the right side of history“
Don’t take the blue pill gents, aka poo pill
Tim Scott says
Are you going to present an argument, or just drip?
America's Most Didn’t Get the Memo says
“The Jerk”. He took America from “riches to rags”
America's Most Obnoxious RWNJ says
How stupid, naive, ignorant and gullible are the people that voted for Biden?? Our country, wealth, security, freedom and standard of living are being destroyed before your very eyes. If we weren’t going down the tubes so bad, I would laugh at and humiliate the stupid fools and ignoramuses that voted Democratic.
Tim Scott says
Does it sting knowing that your con man president has bilked Republicans our of a quarter billion dollars just on his “stolen election legal challenge fund”? Is that why you are talking about “gullible”?
Americca's Most Pending Update says
But I was/we were WAY richer under Trump. MUCH richer. I don’t care what he did financially cause Biden has made us poorer, less secure, more divided, and certainly more incompetent in all organs of government.
Financial figures, bank statements, the Dow Jones Average, the price of gas, cost of food, electricity, inflation, and everyone’s 401K plans taking a crap don’t lie. I wish I was wrong.
Tim Scott says
Way richer? I doubt that the math would support that. Stock prices are paper wealth and only really matter if you are forced to sell. For most investors a downturn is an opportunity, not a catastrophe. And considering that I know you are coming off a two year stint where you barely left your house I bet the price of gas has hardly affected you at all. So the impact to your spending power is trivial, at best.
Now for a dirty secret about inflation: it is the inevitable counterpart of full employment. An economy can have either unemployment, or inflation, but it will have one or the other. Unemployment hurts the unemployed, and it hurts them badly. It also hurts the lowest wage earners, since the employer threatening “mess with me and be unemployed” has to be acknowledged as having real teeth. For the “comfortable” unemployment is something you read about; something hurting other people.
Inflation, on the other hand, means full employment has arrived after however many “good jobs reports” that everyone is trained to applaud. The accumulation of “created jobs” has finally reached the natural conclusion. So no unemployed to be hurt. It also takes the teeth out of employer’s threats, enabling the lowest wage earners to say “piss off, I can get a better job, or at least one where I don’t have to kiss your smelly ass.” This power in the hands of low wage earners means that the value of their labor is going to inflate at pretty much the same rate as anything else, so inflation doesn’t harm them. Inflation hits harder the more accumulated wealth you have, because luxury properties and high value labor are what inflates the slowest.
The poorest have taken the beating, mostly in silence. We are seeing a probably brief peashooter impact against the forty years of “let’s just bludgeon the poorest” Reagan economics, and the wealthy are crying like their genitals are caught in the garbage disposal over it. Gross.
Your mom says
You sir are ignorant. Have a nice day
Tim Scott says
Wow, that was a comment that really showed what an intellect you have to offer right there. Did you come up with that all by yourself?
America's Most Laughing at Mom says
I don’t know, Tim. We might be over-matched here. Mom is obviously an intellectual giant for the ages and way out of our league.
Maybe someday if we go back to school and work hard, we too can make brilliant comments like that.
Your dad says
She’s knows a BSer when she sees one, not many characters or intellect to see that long drawn out post is nothing but a heap of steamy garbage.
Beecee says
Does it sting knowing that democrats so far have dumped millions of dollars into recent Republican primaries only to take the L in the end?
Like I said
Fear, fraud and violence is your only road.
Also, good job with the Latinos…
Or I’m sure LatinX for you, right Tim.
Beecee says
Democrats ‘and’ never trump republicans like Americas most sweetheart from South Carolina…
Beecee says
Can’t say we didn’t tell you so…
Tim Scott says
That you post nonsensical links? Yeah, you’ve told us and told us and told us. What of it?
SB says
Trump was spot on. Evidently he can predict the future with uncanny accuracy.
Beecee says
Nice solid read explaining the current Soviet show trials that are currently being held.
Tim Scott says
Hmmm…isn’t that site best known for publishing false accusations that rely on discredited sources? I know that was said somewhere about them.
Oh, yeah, they said it themselves when the lawsuits closed in. Great “source” for DLCs to rely on.
Beecee says
Obviously wasn’t meant for you lop.
Tim Scott says
Obviously. But the people that you are trying to mislead should be informed about the kind of “source” you are trying to link them to so they can decide whether to waste their time on it..
Beecee says
Not trying to mislead anybody, it’s an opinion piece and should be treated as such.
Tim Scott says
LOL…so “a nice solid read explaining…” is reduced to “just an opinion piece” once you are confronted with the reality that you are recommending a RWNJ blog that self describes as a fact free propaganda source. Nice back down, but how about just skipping to the truth next time you link some random propagandist?
Beecee says
The only propaganda here is what’s coming out of that Soviet style show trial you so adore, so get bent
Eff Aye Gee
Tim Scott says
LOL…the bigot shows her ugly side once again.
You genuinely think that’s an insult? Next time try some REAL “fighting words.” Call me tall. Or smart. Or bearded. Those would be accurate. Or call me a carrot. Just like your current effort it would not be accurate, but also just like your current effort there’s nothing really wrong with being a carrot anyway.
Beecee says
“there’s nothing really wrong with being a carrot anyway”
Cause in your world you can identify as anything you wish, right?
So a tall carrot with a beard…
Got it!
Beecee says
Can you imagine claiming your tall and smart with a beard and then calling people who don’t agree with you a bigot…
Your not bad A,
Your a feme!
Sonya says
The left has killed comedy as we know it.
Tim Scott says
Of I were a carrot who is more likely to know it? Me, or some DLC rando with no credibility left after years of making false statements?
Tim Scott says
You show you are a bigot every time you try to use “fag” as an insult.
Beecee says
Tim Scott says
Yeah, try. It only works as an insult if you throw it at a homophobe with an audience of homophobes. I’m sure in your regular crowd it probably works great, but in most places the response is not gonna be what you are hoping for.
Beecee says
And there we have it folks…
The death of comedy, brought to you by the insufferable left.
And you still never answered my question from a few months back…
America's Most Trans-Species says
How about we tone it down to just passionate, hard-fought political arguments, please? There’s enough of those to keep us busy, no? Just a suggestion. But if not, I been there, so……..carry on.
Tim Scott says
There’s no arguing with the DLC…she just makes a stupid statement in the form of a link, and since it is indefensible she doesn’t ever argue in defense of it she just moves on to her next stupid statement. Waste of pixels here, probably a waste of skin IRL.
Beeceee says
“There’s no arguing with the DLC“
For once!
America's Most Prolific Pontificator says
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said guns are for hunting and target practice, but never for self defense. You’re not allowed to defend yourself or your family, but he has fully armed security 24/7. LOLOLOL. Good luck with that.
What a woke, hypocritical elitist assh0le. His daddy was prime minister. Look at Little Bush, Kim Jung Un, Prince Charles, etc. Nepotism doesn’t work.
Tim Scott says
Equating carrying a gun to having armed security is a typical RWNJ failure to grasp reality that you are being fed by whatever “it’s not Fox” RWNJ source you are using today.
If you are hired to assassinate the Prime Minister of Canada getting past his security presents a significant challenge. They are like our own Secret Service; working in shifts, constant vigilance, high readiness. If you want to kill someone that “carries a self defense weapon” you just walk up and shoot them. Unless they have superpowers like Spiderman that’s that.
America's Most Grumpy & Bumpy says
Not carrying a gun. He said in the home. You can’t defend yourself in your home. That contravenes the laws of God and humans. Do you think that someone that has a hunting gun won’t use it to defend their home and family regardless of what laws that elitist woke weenie implements?
Tim Scott says
LOLOL…another devoted fan of “only Spiderman owns guns.”
You have guns. If some “random home invader” kicks in your front door are you claiming that your superspeed will get you to your gun, or that your spidy sense tingling would have alerted you in plenty of time to get ready?
Fortunately, the odds of you being targeted by a random home invasion are zero to a large number of significant digits, which makes the absurdity irrelevant. Which is really the point.
If you keep yourself and your “home defense gun” constantly on a razor’s edge of readiness the odds become measurable that you or a family member will wind up accidentally shot. If you keep your “home defense gun” safely stored and live a normal life in your home the reality is that if some crime occurs (which is still a zero probability) the criminal will have an advantage of preparedness measured in orders of magnitude so your “home defense gun” has no effect other than potentially being part of the loot.
On my block we have one guy that I know of that keeps a self defense gun. We have also had exactly one crime in the past twenty years. Someone stole his gun.
Tim Scott says
Wait, my bad…we also had a hit and run…some jerk took the corner too fast and hit my neighbor’s parked car. So two crimes.
America's Most Mistaken for Charles Barkley says
But to take away the right to try? That’s not right.
PS: I have alarms, cameras, and multi-layered security in addition to self-defense options. Especially since my grandson moved away. Always have, always will. Second nature. I am not an easy soft target, except for ridicule and humiliation
Tim Scott says
No one wants to “take away the right to try.” There’s just a limit to what we want our neighbors to be able to do that might spread beyond their own walls.
Let’s start at something I am sure we can all agree on, that’s drawn from my own experience with “defense that works; MAD, mutually assured destruction. If someone in your neighborhood was keeping a tactical nuke on standby, planning a “you won’t have the satisfaction or any gain from attacking me and mine, because I’ll take us all out in an epic fireball” defense, I think it’s obvious that the neighbors have an interest.
So back it down a notch. They have a military grade fully automatic weapon that can deliver several hundred rounds per minute that can penetrate a couple panes of glass or a couple layers of sheet rock and still maintain killing power; do you think you should have no say in whether that right next door, or across the street?
Back another notch, we have our very own home defense gun advocate who has said that the ‘one for home defense’ has to be immediately accessible to be of any use…which is in my opinion one of their rare true statements. So, loaded handgun on the coffee table and kids your kids age…want them playing there? Do you think you have a right to know that’s how they are “defending themselves” when their kid is in your kid’s class at school?
The bottom line is that no matter how much you favor responsible gun ownership, and trust me I have no problem at all with responsible gun ownership, people are demonstrably irresponsible, and that requires regulating their actions.
Beecee says
“Wait, my bad…we also had a hit and run“
Let me guess, couldn’t get him either huh, lol
Tim Scott says
LOL…tell me about your superpowers DLC. You see a car that’s been hit, then what? You stick your super sniffer to the ground and track the perp by the smell of their tires?
America's Most Discredited Source says
Tim: Ref: Yours of June 13, 5:33 pm
I don’t have any disagreement with anything you say. But we’ll find something to argue about anyway, LOLOL.
Tim Scott says
Only in 2022:
A guy who has legally changed his name to Santa Claus is running for congress. Due to the number of people who have no idea what is going on and just stumble to the ballot box and vote based on name recognition there is a solid chance this guy will win.
America's Most Ageless Agitator says
A Democrat probably bringing many gifts for the nation like soaring inflation, illegal immigration, poverty, welfare, rampant crime, high gas and electric prices, gun violence, and not to forget……drum roll…..Kamala Lala Dingdong.
If I’m wrong and he’s a Conservative, well… never mind.
Tim Scott says
You should check under the tree and see if he left you the economics book that you are in desperate need of.
America's Most Ignorant of Economics & ........... says
LOL. Fair point. I would never argue economics with you.
Tim Scott says
America’s Most Needing Black Boxing-
I missed your question about getting black boxed. Check…chapter 7? No, the intro part of chapter 9.
America’s Most Needing Black Boxing says
“America’s Most Needing Black Boxing-”
LMAO. You’re not alone.
America's Most Illiterate Writer says
I read it a while ago, but the part that sticks with me the MOST is the stoicism, courage and your reaction to adverse events, especially in that first shithole jail. It gave me coping tools that I still sometimes use today.
If I write a book someday, I’ll mention your inspiration in the forward.
America's Most Trying to be Civil says
In the interests of toning down my rhetoric due to Stinger appropriately reminding me that it just divides us unnecessarily, I will in the future refrain from……excuse me…..son of a $^)(@!$%^%mother*&^$%$ rotten Dem…..slap, slap.
OK where was I? Oh yeah, in the future I will not….@^$!)&$$^ Pelosi,,,, I will try to be more civil and tolerant of those stupid useless SOB……but I digress…..
I better try again later.
Stinger says
Oh, giving each other whatfer is part of the appeal on these blogs. Enjoy! Just remember that this is theater: most posters here express their rage to get on with their days and get a bit over the top here to release the pressure. I understand. Doesn’t mean I’ll cosign their bullschnitt, though… So, I call people on such stuff. And that’s how I get through MY day! ;-)
America's Most Perplexed & Bewildered says
I was just being stupid and trying to be funny. Your ideas on uniting the country by cutting out both extreme fringes and uniting the middle are really fascinating.
America's Most Muzzled & Gagged says
Without any proof or validation, I just have this wild hair that Nikki Haley would be a good candidate to re-unite the country. She has solid liberal credentials from being Governor of SC and an original Never Trumper, as well as conservative creds from being UN ambassador.
But what the hell do I know? I’m just happy I woke up this morning. A little poorer in the stock market and by inflation perhaps, but what the heck.
America's Most In Love With Tulsi says
And I equally love a Democrat named Tulsi Gabbard…..sigh.
Stinger says
There are several Republicans that could easily transition from that failed party, as well, and go purple. I suspect that this would also allow them the freedom to step away from some of the more irrational positions of that party and truly come into their own.
It’ll take some time, but great things are possible with sufficient time and a good, adaptable, plan.
Tim Scott says
On the congressional record a member of the US congress accused another member of the congress not only of the grossest misconduct, but of having been so aware of their misconduct that they sought a pre-emptive pardon from the president. That is not an accusation you make without HARD evidence, period. While only Scott Perry was mentioned by name, it was made clear that there were “several.”
For those thinking Garcia is gonna get away clean for his part in the seditious conspiracy.
Beecee says
That was weak as hell,
Similar to Tim watching on as some innocent person got their purse snatched…
If this is the catalyst for what’s to come…
Im all game.
Not to mention anybody that was accused didn’t have any recourse, literally, anybody mentioned doesn’t get to say their side. Banana republic stuff that will only accelerate the demise of the Democratic Party. Congrats!
Tim Scott says
LOL…I am honored that while you are misrepresenting important events for our country you make time for misrepresentations about me as well cowardly user.
Tim Scott says
Also…after how many idiotic posts you made about how righteous they were in ignoring subpoenas you are gonna flap the other side of your lips about how they had no opportunity to speak on their own behalf? Seriously???
Beecee says
They would never get to tell their side of the story in front of the public the same way this scripted show trial is playing out. Numerous misrepresentations of the facts and lies and edits of what was said at the time. Which I will be posting.
Can’t wait to see the ratings on this heap of garbage.
I mean it will definitely top your book sales but…
Tim Scott says
“Scripted show trial?”
It actually plays very much like a hearing in front of a grand jury, which is basically the heart of our justice system. The prosecution presents their case and the evidence, and the grand jury decides if they have enough to issue a warrant and proceed with a prosecution. There is no defense at that stage, because the intention is that the grand jury will filter out the “there’s no case here” without the accused having to go through any process.
Of course that’s why grand jury proceedings are tightly sealed until they pass an indictment, and this is hopefully being seen by every American voter…which certainly tops my book sales, but I’m okay with that.
Thanx for the repeated mentions by the way. Sorry my book is too long for your sound bite attention span to follow.
Tim Scott says
Hears a surprise, the DLC “couldn’t wait” for the ratings and now that they are out she doesn’t wanna talk about them.
Tim Scott says
Here’s even.
Beecee says
Your right they are out,
Normally 40 million visit those channels during prime time.
Only 20 million showed up to watch that garbage. That means half of those channels normal audience tuned out that garbage, lol.
Tim Scott says
LOLOLOL…which RWNJ garbage pile did you pull that one off of? Apparently they are either intentionally misrepresenting and you got taken in, or they are as ignorant as you.
Let’s see if anyone else bothers to explain your error here.
Tim Scott says
Ah, nevermind waiting…
What the DLC and her RWBJ sources are doing is taking the ratings for all shows across prime time and adding them together, then comparing them to the rating for the single show.
For example:
ABC drew about five million for the hearing. On a normal Thursday their top rated show would be Grey’s Anatomy drawing about four million. Their other Thursday night offerings draw between three and four million…but those are recognized as being primarily Grey’s Anatomy viewers.
So by “adding up” the same viewers three times we could, if we were lying RWNJs, come up with “ABC normally has ten million viewers and they only got five,” when in fact their hearing coverage drew more than their top rated show normally does.
So, our DLC “couldn’t wait” for the ratings to come out, claiming that “no one watched.” Then when the ratings came out she twisted the facts to make them seem to support her preconceived notions. Standard for her. The only think missing here is that is that the usual suspects that appear to swear to it after she lies haven’t turned up.
Beecee says
Data link connector…
I’ll take that graciously
Beecee says
“Let’s see if anyone else bothers to explain your error here”
That won’t happen, it will just be you and maybe a couple other leftist spin artists in here…
Tim Scott says
This would have been a good time for you to just acknowledge your error rather than double down on the lie, but of course that’s way more than we have come to expect from you DLC.
Tim Scott says
LOL…the rats are getting distance from the ship ahead of the public hearings…Betsy DeVos acknowledges that the cabinet discussed removing Trump from office and makes a point of placing herself squarely on the ‘in favor’ side. Apparently she is expecting “why didn’t you?” to become a common question.
Beecee says
Lol, who in the swamp hasn’t tried to have trump removed?
This is why we hired an outsider, to ruffle up the feathers of the entrenched swamp creatures enriching themselves off of taxpayers backs. And we’re gonna do it again Chump.
Tim Scott says
LOL…Sooooo…appointing them to his cabinet was part of his four dimensional strategy to “ruffle their feathers”?
Face it, people from every level of the Trump administration; people who licked his boots and backed almost all of his asinine plays, eventually faced the very stark choice between sacrificing their careers or breaking their oath to defend the constitution by going along with his last mad power grab…and a lot of them (surprisingly) kept their oaths. Your slavish commitment to “ONLY Trump tells the truth” is just hilarious.
Tim Scott says
Face it…or just run from it like a DLC. What else would we expect?
Beecee says
“Face it…or just run from it like a DLC. What else would we expect?“
Lol, who is this we you talk of?
You and a couple other coffee club dorks?
Tim Scott says
I would hope at this point that “we” is everyone, given the number of times you have proven to have absolute zero for credibility.
Beecee says
“Your slavish commitment to “ONLY Trump tells the truth” is just hilarious”
When did I say anything like this? Stop putting words in my mouth and speak for yourself and not others
Tim Scott says
LOL…are you really pretending that “everyone but Trump is lying” is somehow not the same thing as “only Trump tells the truth”? How dumb are you?
Beecee says
When did I say only trump tells the truth…
Again, speak for yourself lop.
Tim Scott says
You say the democrats are lying about him. You say members of his own administration are lying about him. The only people you don’t call liars are people like you who parrot out his every ridiculous word.
America's Most Impaired Judgment says
I’m ignorant of modern culture, but apparently there’s a rapper/singer named Young Thug. Now it seems this guy just got busted for heavy federal crimes. I’m shocked. Shocked I say!! Who would have thunk it of Young Thug?
The Black “Drill” culture of violence and gun play isn’t even brought up by those gutless poiticians in Washington that want to tax and regulates the law abiding citizens they can control. No spine or honor. So in tribute to those weenies without huevos, I present:
The urban poor is basketball.
Maintenance level employees is bowling.
Front-line workers is football.
Supervisors is baseball.
Middle management is tennis.
Corporate executives, officers and politicians is golf.
The higher you go in the corporate structure or political hierarchy, the smaller your balls become.
There must be a ton of people in Washington playing marbles!
——– Plagiarized and adapted from (I think) George Carlin ?
Stinger says
What if you’re not into sports at all? Or… What about Pinball? Sure, the balls are small, but you get more of ’em! Jes’ sayin’
Tim Scott says
I bungee jumped from a BALLOON.
America's Most, Dangerous As Keyser Söze says
LMAO I was gonna say beach balls but I was crushed by the Master.
Stinger says
I don’t think that one (ahem) flies for this one – it ain’t a ball for sports. Kinda goes over like a.. well, you know.
America's Most Like Larry the Cable Guy says
LOL. A lead balloon. Good points. We need a ruling from the oracle of wisdom, Alby.
Stinger says
As for Young Thug; I commend this young man for his honesty in advertising.
Tim Scott says
I would pay for a live stream (no sound) of Trump watching the hearings. Apoplectic with a sprinkling of cardiac arrest would be great to see.
America's Most Literary Malpractice says
I don’t want to see cardiac arrest. He did great things for our country (razz). Maybe a little heart murmur would be good enough to open the door to younger, less nasty, more electable candidates such as Pompeo, Haley, Grenell or DeSantis.
Tim Scott says
The highlight moment would have been when Ivanka confirmed that they all knew the whole “stolen election” bit was false. A bittersweet moment for Trump; Ivanka finally screwed him.
Okay, I confess…I stole that joke…props to Stephen Colbert
America's Most Admires VDH says
—— Quoted from Victor David Hansen in the Daily Caller……….
Former Obama administration Attorney General Eric Holder brazenly defied congressional subpoenas and was found in contempt – an historic first. Did the FBI ever arrest Holder, much less as he boarded an airplane?
James Clapper, former director of national intelligence, allegedly lied under oath to a congressional committee.
So did former Central Intelligence Agency chief John Brennan – twice!
Andrew McCabe repeatedly lied to federal investigators as acting director of the FBI, according to the DOJ inspector general.
Were any of them arrested or tried in the manner of Flynn, Papadopoulos, or Navarro?
If not, what then is left of the foundation of U.S. citizenship – universal equal treatment under the law?
America's Most Bloviating Buffoon says
Correction, should be: Victor Davis Hanson. Apologies. I call him VDH, One of the great thinkers of the 21st century.
America's Most the QAnon Shaman says
Yeah, that’s me.
Tim Scott says
If he’s carried in the Daily Name Caller he’s not a great thinker, just a right wing ideologue.
America's Most Radical Rascal says
He’s both, like America’s Most.
America's Most With The Least says
And he’s a senior fellow and historian at the Hoover Institute at Stanford. You can’t blow him off so easily.
Beecee says
VDH is the man!!!
Beecee says
But but but,
DC is a level playing field that’s not slanted towards one side…
The media is fair as well.
Can you imagine if a progressive Supreme Court justice had a threat on his/her life, they would go berserk, let alone the senate majority leader openly threatening the life of Kavanaugh this basically stoking what just occurred.
America's Most Maladjusted Miscreant says
Hypocrisy, thy name is Democrat…..(sorry Shakespeare)
Tim Scott says
If “the liberal media is downplaying or ignoring it” how come I have seen it on basically every news source I look at?
Tim Scott says
Apparently this question can’t be answered.
America's Most Happy for Kim says
Shout out to Young Kim who won her congressional primary race in CA 40. She’s the type of immigrant politician this country is enriched and made better by.
America's Most Had the Hits says
I’d love to collect and publish all the thousands of my brilliant posts that were squashed and murdered in “moderator purgatory”.
They would be my juciest and most shocking. Sorta like a greatest hits album or Top Terrible Ten thing.
I don’t blame the moderators. If I were them I would ban me entirely.
Beecee says
Stinger says
I’ve been keeping a file on all of my posts when they get hit by the moderators… It has gotten rather long.
Tim Scott says
Am I the only one that just shrugs and moves on?
Magic I tell u says
Says the only guy who magically gets his posts through on the he weekends…
Tim Scott says
Maybe half of them, but I am hardly the only one. Plenty of posts appear on the weekends.
America's Most Sniveling Driveler says
I shrug, snivel little bit, then move on. There’s plenty more nonsense in my head where that drivel came from. Aren’t you overjoyed?
Stinger says
I have been keeping track of them to attempt to determine the criteria the moderators, or their algorithm, is using for holding a post. I do this so as to try to better craft posts within such unspecified rules to not get halted for moderation. It tends to slow down responses to the point of being buried once finally approved up to a week later. So far, there does not seem to be a testable pattern emerging. Longer posts and posts with a link embedded are pretty routinely halted for review. Posts do not necessarily need to have questionable language in them to be halted, either.
Most peculiar. Further study required.
America's Most Moderated, And Rightfully So says
As the nuns used to say: “It’s a supernatural mystery, my son”.
Tim Scott says
I have minimal first hand knowledge, but normal moderation algorithms include the option to manually load keywords. How to go about figuring out what the editors may have loaded in as keywords…I have no clue.
Rick says
You need a different hobby
America's Most Unsusual Suspect says
THA’TS your whole contribution? That’s fascinating. Do you have any other opinions?
Stinger says
Study of things that occur around you to try to better understand them is the most human of things we can do, Rick. Besides, I have the ability to do more than one thing with my life. I leave you with this inspirational quote:
“A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects.” – R. Heinlein
BE a renaissance man, Rick. Study everything around you and use logic as your guide to differentiate between reality and the illusions people will try to perpetrate upon you.
Then… Go purple! ;-)
Beecee says
“build a wall“
Now we’re cooking with gas stinger!
America's Most Purveyor of Gibberish says
Was that Jubal Harshaw saying that? It’s been so long I don’t remember. Time to read all his stuff again. Even the short stories. I have them buried in endless cartons of books.
Stinger says
Negative, good sir. It would be the ever prolific Lazarus Long – from the notebooks thus titled.
Tim Scott says
Opinion poll:
Let’s say you had a primary job as some sort of public payroll professional like a teacher or a fireman or driving a trash truck. You also have a side income running a service business like a housekeeping service or a painting contractor crew or something like that.
Now, you retire from your main job.
Let’s also specify that you are one of these people who tweets out your life: a constant stream of update pics from Dodger games and mountain resorts and whatnot to let everyone know you are retired and enjoying it.
So here’s the question: if you got a message from someone you didn’t know asking if you were fully retired or still doing the contracting/housekeeper managing/whatever…would you answer? I think I would, whether I was still doing it or not. I certainly would if I WAS, because they could be a client opportunity. But even if I wasn’t, I think I would at least out of professional courtesy to let them know so they could look for someone else.
America's Most Oblivious & Delirious says
Not sure I understand. After I retired I always called back to tell them. My clients were mostly friendly.
Am I oblivious as usual?
Tim Scott says
Well, yeah, you are. I’m not talking about a previous client, just someone on Twitter/whatever that you don’t really know. I mean, they apparently know you well enough to know you had the side business, but you don’t recognize their name as a previous client or anything.
America's Most Wants Navarro Freed says
They arrested him in leg irons like in a banana republic. He and Steve Mnuchin made us rich. Biden makes us poor.
I am getting to hate the petty, incompetent Biden administration as they do more damage to our country than any foreign enemy. They just hired an ABC producer to make the hearings more dramatic.
Despicable and beneath contempt.
Tim Scott says
You think his connection to Trump entitles the arrestee to special treatment?
THAT would be ‘banana republic.’
1 Judge says
Inditing and Arresting a citizen WITHOUT due process and a court order is Unconstitutional PERIOD. Learn the law! This is guilty until proven innocent.
The Biden DOJ is no different than ANY Communist/Socialist government now and any Democrat who supports this is a Domestic Enemy of the country!
Tim Scott says
You daft…they had a warrant. That’s what an indictment is. He will get/is getting his due process. And you have the audacity to say “learn the law.” What a clown.
1 Judge says
What Court and Judge issued the Arrest Warrant?? An Indictment is not a warrant for arrest. Navarro’s claim of exec. privilege was legit and was not heard by a court nor was a warrant issued for his arrest by a judge.
Tim Scott says
His claim of executive privilege was on the same ridiculous grounds as all the similarly charged individuals who have had their claims laughed out of court. I’m sure his have also been properly laughed at at some point.
As to “what judge issued the warrant?” who fracking cares? If a federal grand jury hands down an indictment it goes to whatever judge “has the duty” and a warrant gets issued. Federal courts operate primarily through the grand jury system and an indictment by the grand jury is in fact a levying of federal criminal charges that are going to be acted on by federal law enforcement in pretty short order.
Tim Scott says
Oh, and an aside to anyone wondering about the exchanges about “leg irons”…anyone being transported in the custody of federal law enforcement can ASSUME that they will be wearing AT LEAST cuffs, a leg shackle, and a belly chain. Consider yourself lucky if you aren’t black boxed.
If Navarro wanted to avoid that his option was to schedule turning himself in promptly and at a time the prosecution has agreed to present him immediately after processing to a magistrate for a bail hearing, while quickly having his attorneys arrange bail so that after that hearing he gets released without ever having to be transported.
I know for a fact that America’s Most Informed on the Matter is aware of that so his blathering about leg irons justified slapping him around a bit.
America's Most Needing to Be Black Boxed says
Just because you’re right, doesn’t make me like it. Hurrummpphhhh.
What’s “black boxed”?
America's Most Needing Black Boxing says
My question was questioned. So here goes again: “What’s black boxed”?
Stinger says
“1Judge,” a rather uniquely ironic name, to be sure, obviously has no idea how the justice system works, nor the procedures involved in either the arrest and capture of persons charged with a crime, the transfer of said individuals, nor the court procedures involved in such affairs. All this and, yet, believes themselves to be so sure of their righteousness that any corrections are summarily ignored. On this basis, an attempt at debate with such a person is unwarranted.
“Never attempt to teach a pig to sing; it wastes your time and annoys the pig.” – R. Heinlein.
America's Most Slapped Silly says
“justified slapping him a bit”.
Oh, you don’t need to be justified. People do it all the time just for fun. Can you blame them?
America's Most Wants to Testify says
Schiff. Swalwell. Kinzinger. Cheney. Pelosi. Despicable creatures all.
I’d like to testify. Wouldn’t you pay to see that? It would be “must-see TV”.
Tim Scott says
Cheney has supported and supported hard for every one of those “policies” you are always talking about when you are claiming it isn’t simple cultism that makes you a Trumpist. She is and always has been one of the most conservative members of congress.
Other than your slavish devotion to the leader of your cult, what has you saying she is a despicable creature?
America's Most Always Trumper says
She hates Trump personally because he said her daddy Dick Cheney was a war monger that got us into the quagmires of Iraq and Afghanistan. And Trump was right. She conflates her personal animosity with political office.
She betrayed her beliefs due to a personal vendetta. That makes her despicable in my book. She will be thrown into the dustbin of bitter Never Trumpers and forgotten.
Just to be annoying, I’m starting a new movement, the Always Trumpers.
Tim Scott says
LOL…she “betrayed her beliefs” how? She still supports every conservative position, and has worked with any number of people who “dissed her daddy.” The ONLY source on this claim that she is operating from a “personal vendetta” is Trump, and that’s due to the fact that without question he himself will burn the country to the ground if that’s what it takes for him to massage his ego by “getting even.”
The dude bankrupted a successful football league after buying a team, losing a huge chunk of change not only for himself but for all the other team owners in the process and putting HUNDREDS of players and staff out of jobs…and he calls this a win because he “successfully” lead a lawsuit against the NFL, which he hates because when he tried to buy a team the other owners said “no effing way we get into business with that clown.” Damages awarded in the “successful” lawsuit: ONE dollar.
Owners in the other league certainly wished they had said the same. Evert American with a brain also should be wishing they had not done any business with that clown.
Stinger says
Which personal vendetta would you be referring to, America’s Most? Seems to me, the tangerine troglodyte has more of a reputation in that regard…
America's Most About To Be Stung says
This is the way I see it, but I have a feeling you’ll soon change my mind.
Trump rightfully attacked little stupid Bush and Cheney for their fiascos in Iraq and Afghanistan, as well as being Never Trumpers.
Immediately, and for no other reason, Liz Cheney started attacking Trump as her signature go-to move, when it was popular. It was personal and she has played it out on the national stage, with national implications, just like Romney (may he rot in hell, or worse, have to read my foolish nonsense forever).
I don’t say I blame her. I would defend my daddy. But I’m not a sitting congresswoman, or whatever the wokies call them now (congress entity?).
America's Most & His Pig says
Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m teaching my pig to sing. With lipstick on. Me and the pig.
Tim Scott says
When my post gets through the moderator I hope you have abundant ketchup for the words you are gonna be eating.
Meanwhile, Dingbat Don supported Bush/Cheney at the time…it was only after things went bad that he started ranting against their decisions and pretending he would have done things differently. Rewriting history, that’s hindsight Don the never ending con.
America's Most Is Grand Pooba says
I’m gonna turn my PC off and disconnect the network before your post gets thru. Like ProServ, like it never even happened, lol. Just kidding. I’ll take my lumps.
Hey, I’m a cultist. Can I be Grand Pooba or just a run-of-the-mill, lowlife peon cultist? I wanna be like David Koresh, without the burning.
Sonya says
God you insufferable, lol
America's Most Does Fine Dining says
That’s right Tim! Ketchup? How barbaric. I usually eat my words with Grey Poupon or mayonnaise in a pinch.
Tim Scott says
I figure words are like fries, so sure, ketchup.
Beecee says
lead a lawsuit against the NFL, which he hates because when he tried to buy a team the other owners said “no effing way we get into business with that clown.”
Coming from a bills fan..
Stfu dude
America's Most Mistaken fior Quasimodo says
I’m glad my words have no substance, hence calories, cause I eat so many I WOULD look like Kim Jung Un.
Tim Scott says
LOL…once again the DC has no counter against the facts of what happened and just begs for me to stop saying them.
And what does being a Bills fan have to do with anything?
Stinger says
Sooo… Somehow, it’s Biden’s fault that Congress voted to hold Navarro in Contempt of Congress for refusing to respond to a lawful subpoena? Just how would that work?
America's Most Wacked Out RWNJ says
Leg irons? As Demented Joe says: “Come on man!”
Tim Scott says
Once again, you think just because he is a Trump crony he deserves some sort of “friend of the attempted dictator” special treatment?
Stinger says
If he would have responded when asked to come in to handle things in a more civilized way, he would not have had to do it the hard way… Unfortunately, the hard way includes all of the accessorizing…
America's Most Really Offensive says
Seems a bit excessive and dramatic for white collar crime (if that). But I told my kids early on: “You don’t mess with the feds”. Not the FBI, IRS, courts, etc. NADA!
So there’s that. I would have had more class and treated him proportionate to his “offense”.
If you had to do time for being offensive, no one would ever see me again.
Stinger says
Unfortunately, this is one of those can’t win situations. If they follow your position and treat him differently than, say, a school shooter, then they get castigated for being more lenient on white collar criminals.
Not that you’re necessarily wrong in your position, btw, but public perception is a thing, and it’s rarely unified.
I would point out, again, that Navarro did have the opportunity to avoid all of that and chose otherwise. I believe he wanted the theater of it… It did seem to play well to his less informed supporters.
Beecee says
Eric holder was held in contempt Of congress, we didn’t send the gestapo out for him.
If I were you guys I would just be happy that democrats have DC on lock! Absolute police state tyrants.
Beecee says
“Eric holder was held in contempt Of congress“
Now would a grand jury in DC move to indict Eric Holder coming from the Obama administration…
I think not.
But would that same grand jury indict a former trump official, well, we now know that answer.
Tim Scott says
Well, given that Holder had a very valid claim of executive privilege and Navarro’s various claims of justification for his crime had already been dismissed in court I’m sure everyone but you can see how that could happen.
Beecee says
You say this as you guys are trying all your might to overturn any claims of executive privilege attached to communications of trump and his administration…
Standard hypocrisy on display.
Beecee says
The same courts ruling on whether a claim is valid or not….
You don’t seem to get my point.
Tim Scott says
LOL…those don’t need to be “overturned.” Claims of executive privilege are made BY THE EXECUTIVE. That would be THE PRESIDENT. News flash, that ain’t Donald Trump.
Beecee says
So by this logic we will non-stop investigate and indict the Bidens and hunter for their nefarious dealings in foreign countries after Biden leaves office.
Every single person who gets a congressional subpoena will thwart them, mark my words. And we won’t use the same police state tactics that you guys do…
But we should IMHO.
Stinger says
BeeEss, your failures in logical progression on this subject are breathtaking in scope. This is apparently being caused by depression of activity in the area of your brain associated with logical thought and reason by the excessive interference from the faith area of your brain, which is refusing to allow for reasonable arguments to break through.
Each case is different, you know this to be true. There is no likelihood of the grand jury utilized in the current case being ‘that same grand jury’ of the Holder case so your statement is logically false. It all kinds of rolls downhill from there and ends up in the lowlands swamp of insanity.
Why do you let them control you like this, BeeEss? You aren’t really just another NPC, are you? Come on. You can break through the outrage ‘news’ pablum you’re being stuffed to the gills with now. Don’t just take something for a fact ’cause you saw it on the TV (this goes for CNN OR FOX, for that matter). Turn it off for a while. Get your center back. Look again with fresh, rebalanced eyes and you should be able to see the blatant attempts at controlling you and your friends. Whatever you do, DON’T let them get you to accept and internalize anything they tell you as an item of faith.
“Trust, but verify.” – R. Reagan (misattributed)
America's Most (Dis?) Honorable Conservative says
I would hope that the Conservatives would have more honor and adherence to the Constitution than the morally-bankrupt and politically-bankrupt Democrats that weaponize the organs of government to subvert their political rivals.
Shame on their hypocrisy and sedition.
Gotta go. The men in white coats are here to take me away now.
Tim Scott says
If the next president reviews stuff that gets subpoenaed and sees “yeah, this is how we can thwart the election and get Biden an extra term” in an e-mail chain I would certainly HOPE that that president would waive executive privilege in the national interest.
But of course they won’t see anything like that. Hopefully we will never see the like again.
Beecee says
You officially lost us,
WTF are you talking about?
Tim Scott says
That;s what we are talking about that got the executive privilege waived. Biden looked at documentation of members of the Trump administration openly discussing how to ignore the election and steal a second term for Trump and said “yeah, I am not gonna invoke executive privilege to protect these guys from congressional oversight.” As he shouldn’t.
Executive privilege allows the president to get advise from people who can speak freely; advise about doing the country’s business. Discussion of how to overturn the electoral process and defraud the electorate is not “the country’s business,” it’s sedition.
Good that you finally acknowledge being lost, now put down the RWNJ blogosphere, find some reliable sources, and try to catch up.
Beecee says
You know, the whole topic of discussion here is whether democrats get a better shake in DC courts then republicans, especially trump republicans.
If you are simply denying this it’s your brains that need a looking at.
Tim, democrats play for keeps and I belief we should start to as well, Biden denying trumps executive privilege will come back to haunt them.
Tim Scott says
Show me where Trumpists that attacked the capitol in an attempt to overthrow the government got treated differently than democrats that attacked the capitol in an attempt to overthrow the government.
Oh, right, yeah there aren’t any.
Show me where a president supported executive privilege protection for members of the previous administration who were discussing the overthrow of constitutional government in the US.
Maybe Trumpists “get unique treatment” because of their unique behavior, eh?
America's Most Non Compos Mentis says
When AG, that putz Holder wanted to prosecute the people who waterboarded the 9/11 terrorists, like Jose Rodriguez, former director of the CIA Counter-Terrorism Center (from Borinquen, my pizan)
So back then I sent him an email that was so caustic, so derogatory, so intense that I thought for sure the FBI would have me in leg irons. I went so far as to say that Janet Reno was actually a better AG, he was an imbecile, and the country couldn’t wait for him to be out of office, lol. Damn, that felt good.
Beecee says
“the overthrow of constitutional government in the US”
Are you talking about J6 aka ‘the great meandering’
Muh democracy is in peril, hahaha
As far as trumps involvement with that, basically none, he called on folks to peacefully make their way to the Capitol to let their voice be heard.
Everybody keeps talking about trump ‘inciting’ which not much evidence exists to show that, that’s why these creeps are hunting around for it.
You want to see incitement, hell, and actually threat to a Supreme Court justice, look no further then your boy Chucky.
Tim Scott says
“In another text message from November 4, 2020, the day after the election, a member suggested to Meadows an “aggressive strategy” for Republican-led state legislatures to “just send their own electors” to Congress and let the Supreme Court decide who won the election.”
That’s among the seditious exchanges that Meadows wanted to claim executive privilege for. The white house chief of staff conspiring with a congressman to overturn the election is not “the executive branch conducting the nations business.”
America's Most Intrepid Reporter says
Uh oh. Looks like Bill and Hillary Clinton had another potential witness murdered to go along with Foster, etc. I don’t really know that, I’m just gossiping, rumor mongering and talking sh!t to have some fun. But you never know……
Tim Scott says
At least we have got you admitting it when you are talking without knowing wtf you are talking about. That’s progress.
America's Most Making Progress says
LOLOL. My therapist told me that once. They eventually dragged him to the funny farm screaming.
America's Most Missing Trump & William says
Scrambled-brains Joe Biden is the worst president EVER. Worse than Jimmy Carter by far. Hands-down, flat out, unequivocally the ABSOLUTE WORST PRESIDENT. No contest.
I miss prosperity, safety, sovereignty, stability and mean tweets. And William’s “mean” posts.
Beecee says
“I never thought I’d live to see the day when the right wing would become the cool ones giving the middle finger to the establishment, and the left wing becomes the sniveling self-Righteous twatty ones going around shaming everybody”
-John Lydon aka ‘Johnny Rotten’
Sex Pistols
Tim Scott says
This is too excellent to not share.
Beecee says
“Carolyn Chen is an associate professor of ethnic studies at the University of California, Berkeley, and a co-director of the Berkeley Center for the Study of Religion“
This is where we should all seek advise on how we value our occupation/work experiences.
Not to mention she looks like a dude, lol
I’ll be honest I did read it and there were many good points givin. But she’s missing one thing, I was waiting for her to suggest robbing a bank instead of working.
Tim Scott says
Let’s see…who is most likely to be asked to give a commencement speech at a university…an associate professor, a writer, or a …whatever this DC does for a living?
I’m guessing the answer there is obvious.
Who is least likely?
Hmmm, we don’t know what the DC actually does, but we can guess based on her “misuse of English means cultured” claim that she has probably steered well clear of education so I’m thinking this one is easy as well.
Beecee says
A writer…
Tim Scott says
It’s more likely than “retired pool man” or “former bank robber”…and I am betting far more likely than DC who posts nonsense on the internet” or whatever else it is that you do.
Tim Scott says
By the way…
Available at library, check.
Available from almost all on-line retailers in print as well as all major e-formats, check.
Release noted on numerous media outlets, check.
Example: https://ca.news.yahoo.com/tim-scott-launches-hilarious-true-154647445.html
Selling well enough whenever I make the effort to market it, check.
I know you routinely run fact free, but there’s definitely a book. Unless you are gonna support a claim that someone else wrote it, or it came into existence through divine will like the bible, you just look sillier than usual here.
Beecee says
I get it now,
Your mad cause all the golf balls in the pool, just what I thought, they needed a new pool man for more then one reason.
Tim Scott says
Nahhh. Golf balls in a pool are just part of the job, I’d never fire them for that. I’d just start chatging them for the extra service calls ubril they decided to flip the switch on their filter and net the ball out themselves.
The “my time is too valuable to pay you as I agreed to do when I contracted your services, I pay on my own schedule,” that I would fire them for if they were seriously dickish about it, but the dude was actually mostly cool on the rare occasions we spoke and he didn’t flinch when I started charging him late fees. It was his DC of a wife that left them with no pool services, because word got around what a DC she was…and since she was really just a low life that married up as a trophy it was pretty obvious that she was never going to be any better. She was always houselounging so she couldn’t be avoided and they just got blacklisted. That was that.
Beecee says
F your book,
Im not gonna finance your Marxist existence…
Narcissist much?
Tim Scott says
LOL…why in the world would I care what you do with my book? If you want to pleasure yourself with it, go ahead. Or don’t buy it at all. I am not gonna be made or broken over your two bucks.
America's Most Waiting Anxiously says
“If you want to pleasure yourself with it, go ahead.”
I bought the Kindle version. How do I do that?
Tim Scott says
Ask Beecee. Effing a book is her idea, not mine. I just opted to not stand in her way if that’s what she wants to do.
I’d like to skim your kindle version sometime and see how it formatted.
America's Most a Little Late says
Absolutely. Any time.
Beecee says
“I’d never fire them for that“
What is this crap, your the worker/pool guy. You don’t fire your customer…
I mean you can take them of your route, but to use the term fire towards the paying customer is a real head scratcher,
Your so damn full of yourself you don’t even notice.
And what’s this infatuation with ‘trophy’ and marrying up you constantly talk about, you seem quite an unsavory fellow.
Tim Scott says
There’s a whole bunch of possibilities around “I am not doing their pool any more.” Other businesses deserve to know what the circumstances are. If I fired them I let them know why, and I also would say why at the monthly meeting I had with my fellow pool men.
America's Most Signing Up For Pool Guy says
In a final observation of this discussion, the most relevant aspect in my mind is this one inescapable fact: Pool guys always get the girls in porno movies (or so I’ve heard).
Beecee says
It’s obvious that this does not apply here dude….
Tim Scott says
I’ve been pondering why the DC would be putting up this pretense that there is no such thing as a trophy wife.
She’s yammered a lot about William being old and me being old and whoever else she disagrees with…but from what she said about her friend Sonya it’s not like they are really youngsters…more like forty…
Beecee, does “trophy wife” strike too close? Are you worried about getting cashed in for a couple of twenties?
Beecee says
Beecee, does “trophy wife” strike too close? Are you worried about getting cashed in for a couple of twenties?
Not one bit.
It must hit something close to your home with you constantly mentioning it to those that are fiscally superior to you.
Some people are just better off then some, and 40?
Lol, your literally wrong about everything!
And talking about grown men seeking 20 year olds, speak for yourself creep, cause you obviously are.
Beecee says
“I’ve been pondering why the DC would be putting up this pretense that there is no such thing as a trophy wife”
Stop putting words in my mouth creep, when the F did I ever say there is no such thing as a trophy wife, of course there is, but for the love of god, stop going off the rails and trying to make thoughts for other folks, it’s tiring.
Make your own thoughts and opinions please!
Sonya says
2•20’s > 2•35’s
Tim Scott says
Sonya, for having your own business you don’t appear to be very good at math.
America's Most Trophy Husband says
I’m a “trophy husband”. I was the “booby” prize. The consolation prize. The participation trophy. The leftovers. The dregs. Bottom of the barrel. She’s stuck with me.
Who remembers a song from the distant past” If you want to be happy for the rest of your life, make an ugly woman your wife”?
America's Most for Flipping The House Red says
Re-electing Mike Garcia is the most important vote we have to help flip the House red and save our country here in blue, blue, blue socialist Californiastan.
If you love our country, there’s no excuse for not getting off our a$$es and voting for Garcia. Yeah, yeah I know. He’s an insurrectionist, nazi, blah, blah. That’s nonsense!
In reality, he’s a military veteran and patriotic Congressman.
BTW: Does anyone actually read the torrents of election mailings? What do we expect them to say: “Vote for me, I’m an imbecile?”
Tim Scott says
So, the guy violates his oath of office and your response is to…keep him in that office. Honestly, can you justify that in any way at all?
America's Most Votes for Mike Garcia says
Garcia hasn’t been brought up any any kind of charges. He protected our country for years in the military.
What did treasonous shifty Schiff do but violate us all during the Russia hoax? *** HOAX **** HOAX *** HOAX (apologies Turd Furgeson). He swore it was true and saw the evidence with his own eyes, LOL. He wanted to insidiously impeach a duly elected president to gain power and distracted the country while China unleashed the virus. And YOU swallowed it, hook, line and sinker, did you not?
Lying Swalwell prevaricates to hurt the country and cavorts with communist Chinese spies. Those two are beneath contempt.
Your Democrats are seditious traitors and deserve a firing squad, while Garcia deserves a medal.
America's Most Antisocial Antisocialist says
The world’s on fire. The country is falling apart. Our savings are dwindling. Crime is rampant. Racial tensions simmer. We are more divided. The military is weak and woke. The cops don’t want to do anything.
Electricity and gas are almost double. Our kids are indoctrinated, not educated. We have no sovereign border and illegals pour in. Shortages. Deprivation. Uncertainty. Inflation. Socialism.
The Democrats turn everything they touch, and every city and state the govern, into a stinking polluted dumpster fire and train wreck. Is this what you want?
Tim Scott says
This is just BS compounded upon BS.
Tim Scott says
This is what happens when a lifelong Republican looks honestly at the facts:
I know, because the same thing happened to me.
Stinger says
Wow… Had a sudden flashback to the 80’s with that post. Damned near identical to what I remember hearing back then. As I recall, though, we managed to survive that era.
I have faith in our country to rebound – we always have. “Tough times never last, but tough people do.” – Robert H. Schuller
Beecee says
“Electricity and gas are almost double“
Well according to Tim the only thing that has inflated is fruit pie 5 cents…
Tim Scott says
Quoting America’s Most Blathering Nonsensically as a “reliable source” now? I guess that’s a lateral step from your usual…
Tim Scott says
“Had a sudden flashback to the 80’s with that post. Damned near identical to what I remember hearing back then. As I recall, though, we managed to survive that era.”
Did we really though? The economic policy shifts of the eighties are what created the four decades of wealth concentration that leads directly to the conditions of today, which are observably not sustainable. If the US collapses economically and politically in the immediate future the cause of that collapse will be recognized as being what you just blithely claimed we survived.
America’s Most Blathering Nonsensically says
Now I’m “a reliable source”? LMAO. Even I don’t think so.
America's Most Is Finally Appreciated says
“This is just BS compounded upon BS.”
Yes, piled higher and deeper, but elegant, wouldn’t you say? It’s what I do.
Tim Scott says
He was part of ‘operation green bay sweep,’ either as an unwitting dupe that didn’t recognize it as an attempt to seize power from our constitutional government or with understanding and approval of that intention. Either way he has disgraced himself and should never be allowed to remain in office.
Stinger says
I think you may want to hold off on your endorsement on Garcia at this time…
Tim Scott says
At least until Friday.
Check your e-mail.
America's Most Usually Wrong says
Don’t worry Stinger, I’m used to it. I’ve eaten my words so often, I just pop ’em in like a Pez dispenser or TicTacs.
I know deep down you saintly guys will be merciful and gracious if I’m wrong, right? LOLOL
Nah, if you guys were wrong I’d be jumping up and down hooting and hollering and setting off fireworks. No mercy in the big leagues.
America's Most Conservative Dronestrike says
After you guys pulled the Russia, Russia, Russia HOAX on the country, and lied to our faces for 3 years, how do you expect us to accept the dubious credibility of an obviously political farce like the Jan. 6 committee?
The balls on the Demonrats to try to pull this sh!t again. Every time you try this it wounds our country, but your side couldn’t care less.
Fool me once……..
Tim Scott says
You keep pretending about this “Russia hoax” and it just makes you look silly.
Sonya says
No it doesn’t…
Your not fooling anybody.
On the flip side, at this moment of time, you look silly defending it.
America's Most Silly Looking says
Looking silly is what I do best. It’s my natural state of affairs.
America's Most Happy Moron says
You still won’t admit Russia, Russia, Russia and two traumatic impeachments weren’t total BS and wounded our country terribly for mercenary partisan political gain?
Tim Scott says
Sonya, what Most Cultist keep calling “the Russia hoax” has been documented with evidence and testimony sufficient that it split the republican party, that split being a divide between those who put country and facts ahead of party loyalty to Trump’s cult of personality, and those who just accepted that the GOP had replaced conservatism with cultism. There is no factual basis for claiming “it’s a hoax,” he is just repeating what Trump says as if Trump is the source of truth.
Tim Scott says
Why would I “admit” an obvious falsehood just to satisfy your craving for agreement with nonsensical statements that you cannot prove…that in fact have been repeatedly disproved.
America's Most Nostalgic says
LOL. I didn’t really expect you to. And I wouldn’t have it any other way. I’m just glad that you’re still here to remind me how stupid I am. I haven’t been called a “little bitch” in months and I’m getting nostalgic.
Sonya says
Tim’s just got his heels dug in deep as he can.
The special council found that anybody around the trump orbit nor trump were found to be colluding or conspiring with russia up to and during the election.
All of this evidence you talk of was made up whole cloth or set up by the FBI and the lap dog media.
Let’s hold a vote with this so called split Republican Party after all of the fraud and lies have now just recently been exposed. As at the time they were trusting what was coming from the FBI and media.
You would get two votes, from two rat fux who won’t be around to matter anymore..
Kinzinger and Cheney
Beeceee says
This will get your blood boiling,
Shot out to the posters here who think CRT isn’t being injected into our school, huh stink dog and Dimmy
Tim Scott says
LOL…”muzzled” and “gagged.” Sensationalists at the Post know how to get the attention of a RWNJ DC like you, that’s for sure.
Stinger says
As I am apt to do occasionally, I decided to take a look at your link… Although, I naturally know better than to read the claptrap of the NY Post, IF the video presented is an accurate depiction of the events as they occurred, I, too, would be incensed by the actions of the DOE moderator. The parent, representing several families, at least (I couldn’t quite seem to confirm precisely which group, or size, she was representing in the video, though) asked the following; ““How do you feel about the book ‘Our Skin?’ Do you think whites invented races? [*note, the article gets this word wrong, stating it to be, “racism.”] And if so, when? What century, roughly? At what age do you feel children should be introduced to such material without direct parental involvement?”
I found the question to be reasonable for a candidate forum as it did not necessarily directly attack the book in question (which I, too, now have some serious questions on), but, rather, the candidates’ beliefs on the book in the ‘Mosaic Curriculum’ (whatever that may be), some [presumably] context from the book to emphasize the point, and at what age they would feel would be appropriate for such a subject to be taught to lower grade school children. I did not find the moderator’s choice to censor the question form the candidates, nor her explanation as to why to be equally reasonable.
In looking into the subject matter of the book, which I am, admittedly, performing more research on. Thus far, I have only included information from the supporters of the book and the publisher of the book, as I want to give them the first shot at clarification. The publisher states that the book, “Our Skin: A First Conversation About Race,” is, “Based on the research that race, gender, consent, and body positivity should be discussed with toddlers on up, this read-aloud board book series offers adults the opportunity to begin important conversations with young children in an informed, safe, and supported way.” The publisher’s site gives no information as to what research and where, so I have more digging to do.
Although it is not exactly proof of CRT, it does give pause, BeeEss. I will keep an eye out for clarifications as they become available.
Beecee says
Honest and thorough response That I can honestly appreciate.
This is where the problem lies. I can’t find a better description for CRT then this…
“book, “Our Skin: A First Conversation About Race,” is, “Based on the research that race, gender, consent, and body positivity should be discussed with toddlers on up”
This is not ok, kids these young do not see colors, sexual proclivity or whatever body positivity means. They are young growing children.
This is GROOMING period.
Tim Scott says
“I can’t find a definition of CRT…” said every republican legislator who misdirected days weeks and months into “legislating” about CRT as a distraction from the legislature doing their jobs.
Beecee says
Quite impressive hack job there.
You should work for CNN or the DNC.
Stinger says
Hey, Tim? I, too, have been having trouble finding a reasonably straightforward description of just WTF CRT actually is… And I’m looking though studies on CRT that are supposed to include definitions. I have a general idea of CRT and that it is not intended for use outside of a collegiate level of education, definitely not for toddlers and the like, but the definitions do tend to vary a bit. If you have any links for a good definition, I would appreciate it, kind sir.
Tim Scott says
There is no “good definition,” because it is just a made up pejorative like “leftist.” The RWNJs make up terms and imbue them with “meaning” through usage as slurs.
GOP candidate: You are teaching CRT!!!
Educator: What? Cathode Ray Tube? What are you even talking about?
GOP candidate: No!!! Critical Race Theory!!!
Educator: I still have no idea what you are talking about. Let be look that up…okay…ummm…there doesn’t seem to be any definition, it just shows up all over the right wing blogosphere as something being ranted about…I take it there is supposed to be something wrong about it?
Beecee says
“There is no “good definition,” because it is just a made up”
And so was the democrat constructed Russian collusion conspiracy and spying on the trump campaign and presidency.
But here is a recent tweet from one of our California lawmakers to put your claim of “made up” in the garbage along with many of your other beliefs.
Stinger says
“Grooming” would be an inappropriate use of the term and is hyperbolization towards a debunked q-anon agenda. There is a fine line between education and indoctrination, though, and I believe this book may cross it.
Tim Scott says
I don’t. I’d call it “deweaponization.”
I mean, it’s pretty obvious that Beecee wants to be able to teach her grandchildren “if someone disagrees with you, don’t bother supporting your position, just call them gay, hurhurhur.” Teaching kids “since there is nothing really wrong with gay people, when someone calls you gay it isn’t really the insult they mean for it to be, it just shows their own bigotry” is good for EVERYONE.
Stinger says
No, Tim. In reviewing what little I have been able to find on this book, there are serious questions regarding age suitability and potential political endorsements within it’s pages… and that’s before getting into any potential political agendas of the authors involved. To be fair to the supporters, much of the book is, indeed, innocuous, and the questionable parts could be corrected fairly easily, while maintaining the message (at least, the message advertised for the book) of the content. That still leaves a serious question open for debate as to when is the appropriate age/grade to go into these relatively adult issues. Which brings me to one of the major claims of the book’s supporters about how it’s, “based on the research that race, gender, consent, and body positivity should be discussed with toddlers on up…”
On that front, I appear to be having a bit of trouble finding any links to, or search results pointing to, the research all of the book’s supporters keep parroting about. Since I am very familiar with Google Scholar and its idiosyncrasies, I have to wonder where such ‘research’ may be found.
The fact that the DOE moderator cut off any possibility of discussion on the subject, without any clear authority or immediately justifiable cause to do so, only adds to the curiosity…
Logically speaking, the current ‘numbers’ don’t add up right. This leaves a gaping hole of information that must be revealed. I’m a very curious person by nature, even without a reason, and this one just triggers too many questions.
This could still turn out to be a mere case of poor optics and such. We’ll see.
America's Most Would Pay to See That says
I’d like to listen to a conversation or debate between Stinger and Mr. Spock. I’d bet on Stinger.
Tim Scott says
Does anyone else find it odd how Sonya and her DC friend are constantly boasting about their immense wealth…and the only posters who really seem to be hard timing it in the current economy are Sonya and her DC friend?
I mean, I am quite upset that the price of a fruit pie is up a nickle, but you don’t here me crying endlessly over it.
Beecee says
Yup fruit pie is up a nickel…..
Says the fruit pie.
Tim Scott says
If there were talking fruit pies I assume they would cost more than 55 cents.
Sonya says
We’re aren’t boasting about our wealth, we are making fun of you for being a poor,
Two different things.
Tim Scott says
LOL…”a poor.” I counter that you are a poor…speaker of English.
Meanwhile, what in the world makes you think you know enough about my finances to make such a determination? Other than the wild fantasies of your DC friend about her superpowers?
Beecee says
“LOL…”a poor.” I counter that you are a poor…speaker of English”
Tall tale signs of uncultured swine.
The left truly can’t meme.
Tim Scott says
LOL…so, let me get this straight…intentional misuse of English is what you consider “a sign of culture,” and you think that as a writer I should give a rat’s posterior about your opinions of my ability. That might be the silliest position you’ve ever taken, and that’s a very high bat.
Tim Scott says
Or even a high bar.
Luke says
Tim claims to be retired. He’s just changed careers from bank robber to disability fraud. What a loser.
Tim Scott says
LOL…feel free to provide evidence of this “disability fraud.” I am actually so far off the grid that I will have to make a serious lifestyle change if I decide to collect social security when I get old enough, and have been debating whether it would be worth doing…but I have no way I know of to collect any disability payments.
America's Most Looking at Luke says
Hey Luke:
You always seem to chime in with a personal attack upon my friend, when the object here is the expression and discussion of the events that shape our country. Do you even know what’s going on in the world?
Can’t you hang in the intellectual marketplace without resorting to unsubstantiated libelous claims that make you look stupid and small? Try adding something useful or interesting for a change. I won’t be so gentle or tolerant next time.
Sonya says
Tim don’t lie sir
; )
America's Most Sarcastic & Sardonic says
You owe the moderators bigtime. They seem to dislike my replies, LOLOL. I can’t see why (sardonic).
Tim Scott says
No, I don’t. I might come to the wrong conclusion about other people now and then, but as far as outright lies about myself go I just can’t be bothered.
America's Most Unguided Dronestrike says
That’s what I appreciate about you most, and what I pride myself on, also.
Beecee says
Here we go,
Police state tyrants at work.
lol I said the only way democrats win anything ever is with intimidation, violence, and fraud.
Tim Scott says
No one should care what nonsense you have spewed before, and they should care even less as you multiple spew it…that’s obviously just your nature.
Beecee says
Well these posts obviously aren’t for you, and I can see why they anger you to the point of referring to me as a cun+
These posts are for the readers to digest and make their own conclusions from, I don’t post them to try to change the minds of our commies that you can count on two hands if your lucky.
Tim Scott says
As I said before, I don’t have to be angry to call them as I see them, and you left out the D.
Me glass house you glass house says
Looks like you are the liar and holder of false truths. You can’t Even admit after all of this spewing by you about Russian collusion that you were 100% parroting for your side. Just admit you are not absolved of anything because you spew just as bad if not worse than anyone on this site.
America's Most Loves Gay People (?) says
Shoutout to our gay brothers and sisters during Gay Pride Month. I’ve only lived in NYC and LA and have always had gay friends, neighbors and co-workers. They are some of the finest people I know, being creative, generous and innovative, and are very productive members of our culture and society.
It’s great that they are recognized.
Tim Scott says
This would be a good post were it not for the glaring hypocrisy of your politics.
America's Most Derisive and Dismissive says
Sticking out tongue, thumbing nose and wagging ears at that, lol.
You think anything that doesn’t come out of your pen is hypocrisy. We think that everything that the Democrats say is disingenuous, hypocritical, unpatriotic, nonsensical and designed to destroy our country.
And that’s on one of their good days, lol. But we don’t hold it against you personally. It’s not your fault. You just don’t know better.
Tim Scott says
Your post is on the same page where your fellow conservatives routinely demonstrate their homophobic bigotry. Have you EVER called them out on it? Of course not. You say nothing to or about them other than backing the “death to the hated democrats” bond that you share. The “conservative movement” needs all the allies it can get at the ballot box, so you will pander as needed.
Same as the DC, who is johnny on the spot claiming that the self declared white supremacist is “not a true conservative”…once they shoot a double digit death toll in a supermarket. Up to that point, “White supremacist? Welcome to the big GOP tent! Are we ever glad to have you on board!!!”
Gross, both of you.
America's Most Free Thinker says
I think for myself, and about every situation on it’s own merits, not bound to any hackneyed, discredited, socialist propaganda or woke dogma.
Thinking for one’s self is taboo in the group-think, Orwellian world of the Democratic Socialists.
Tim Scott says
If you are thinking for yourself and just coincidentally arriving at all the same conclusions as your bigoted fellow travelers you should probably adjust your thinking.
America's Most Has Hope for Our Country says
Apparently, Gays, Blacks and Hispanics are fed up with the Democrats’ nonsense policies that are destroying our country, and are leaving in droves. They now realize that the Dems turn everything they touch into poopoo.
Hopefully, they acquire a more patriotic, conservative political outlook.
Tim Scott says
With the GOP openly embracing bigots, like the representative sample that posts here every day, and white supremacists (but only until they get caught dropping bodies) I don’t think there is much attracting anyone else.
America's Most a Horse's Patoot says
During Trump, Democrats brayed like donkeys: “Racist, racist, racist.” Now it’s bigot, bigot, bigot?
I hate everybody equally, so I deny and reject your accusation unequivocally.
Tim Scott says
What are you trying to deny?
On a pretty much daily basis your fellow “conservatives” use “gay” as a slur. They don’t actually know anything about the people they target, they just assume rely on “this is clearly an insult.” With the hilarious truth being that it just isn’t. If they call someone gay who actually is, why would that person be insulted? If they call someone gay that actually isn’t, that person is only insulted if they live in the same conservative “gay people are evil” bigotry bubble that the person slinging slurs is in.
But the issue is that these are YOUR people. YOUR partners in politics. The people you embrace because you need them at the ballot box.
What you are actually denying is that it is their agenda you are actually supporting at that ballot box, not yours…if your post here was true.
America's Most Blathering Incoherently says
Again, I think for myself, and I am not responsible for anyone else’s beliefs. I am not shy about what I believe. Stick to debating the nonsense that spews out of my keyboard.
I am not an activist for or against anything. Why would I actively promote Gay rights and interests over any other? I really appreciate Gay people, but I don’t want my young grandchildren indoctrinated that being Gay is right for them in school.
Now that I think about it, the Gay people I know are more honorable, creative, law abiding and personable than most (not me Most), I lived in LA and NYC where Gay people don’t feel threatened or uncomfortable and didn’t need me to defend them. But I would if they were my friend.
America's Most Antisocial Anti-Socialist says
Rep. Mondaire Jones, New York Democrat, said when faced with constitutional provisions he doesn’t like: “If the filibuster obstructs us, we will abolish it. If the Supreme Court objects, we will expand it.”
WTF. In real English, that means: If the Constitution gets in our way, we’ll trash it. These whiny socialist BLM commies do not respect our heritage, institutions, values, history, nuclear families, real justice, or fairness in pushing their reverse discrimination schemes. Reject them this November.
Tim Scott says
Please point out where the constitution calls for the filibuster. Or where it specifies how many seats there are on the supreme court.
Oh, hey, nevermind…you apparently don’t have any idea what you are talking about.
America's Most Unvirtuous Signaler says
You’re absolutely right that the court size and filibuster are not mentioned in the Constitution. But the filibuster was established in 1806. It has been known as “The Soul of the Senate” as it gives small states and minorities the leverage not to be bullied.
And there’s been nine justices since 1837. Roosevelt’s court packing plan of 1937 failed in Congress after members of Roosevelt’s own Democratic Party believed it to be unconstitutional.
Both the nine justices and the filibuster have served us well as we evolved to be the most free people in the world and the most powerful country. Rep. Jones and his BLM and squad toadies want to trash everything that has made us great, including our courts, law enforcement, heritage, institutions, values, history, nuclear families and justice system, as fallible as it is.
Tim Scott says
There’s a whole lot of “get away from what has made us great” going on. For example, the GOP has redefined “advise and consent” to mean “if you want us to agree you have to nominate one of our side’s demagogues or we will just vote no as a block no matter what, and the benches can just be empty and the courts can collapse.” That’s pretty much the root of the problem as far as court appointments go.
It’s a pretty typical facet of the problem with the GOP. They want POWER, but they refuse to GOVERN. Currently in Idaho, the most extreme right wing legislature in the country, there is absolutely no governing going on. The state is facing a massive fire season and has a severe lack of equipment…and the legislature has no time to discuss it because they are busy spouting sound bites for the right wing media about “critical race theory” and “fetus rights.” When fire season is roaring and people are dying maybe they will take up what to do about it…or maybe they just won’t. Make those constituents self reliant eh? No nanny state for them…even basic fire protection.
Beecee says
Can’t blame them, ending the filibuster for judicial appointments have payed them dividends in DC, where they appointed democrat judges to all the courts, hence the outcome of Sussmann.
And turning the DC justice system into a democrat can’t lose and republicans will always be hunted and prosecuted system, quite brilliant if you ask me.
Democrat ‘gay’ve circa 2021 says
So the FBI will use cell phone geotracking to lock up peaceful protestors from January 6 in solitary confinement, but won’t even watch 2000 Mules which compiles terabytes of geotracking data *and* cctv footage for them that clearly shows systemic nationwide voter fraud rigging the 2020 Presidential election?
I guess it makes sense that after they used a Democrat dossier to spy on President Trump
We need to dismantle and replace this cheap, 3rd world Democrat gestapo
Tim Scott says
“It HAPPENED!!!! I saw it in a MOVIEEEEE!!!”
Trumpists have hit a new low in intelligence.
America's Most Not Finished Yet says
“Trumpists have hit a new low in intelligence.”
Not true. I’m still bottoming out. You ain’t seen nothin’ yet.
Republican Idiot says
Another piece of worthless evidence that has not nor will it ever be used because its a bunch of BS facts that do not prove anything. Keep hanging on!!
Reeeeeeee! says
SB says
America's Most Curious On This One says
LOL. That came out of the blue. I wouldn’t be surprised. How do you know? Do you have evidence (sorry Stinger, I couldn’t help it)?
And are you going blind too?
Stinger says
No apology necessary – I’m honored.
Beecee says
Uncultured swine, lol
America's Most Cultured Swine says
Believe it or not, that’s the nicest thing anyone has said to me all day, LOLOL.
America's Most Prolific Box Checker says
Considering the woke Democratic obsession with checking demographic boxes, I am declaring here and now that henceforth I shall solely identify as a Black, Brown, Asian, LatinX, Gay, Pacific Island, misgendered, Muslim, politically-suppressed, homeless, disadvantaged and disabled Native American dwarf.
OK, now what free handouts, government programs, cabinet positions, Supreme Court seats, appointments to Yale and West Point, and get-out-of-jail-free cards should I be entitled to next? Eat your hearts out, you poor, stupid, toxic, guilt-ridden, heterosexual, cis-gendered, patriotic White suckers.
Beecee says
America's Most Sprained Brain says
Hear anything about the teacher that propped the door open in Uvalde? Why hasn’t she been identified and vilified? If I was a parent there, I would blame her bigtime.
Tim Scott says
The entire “popped open the door” story is dubious by association. It comes from the responding law enforcement, and they have been caught in so many lies already that there is very little reason to believe they are telling the truth about the door.
America's Most Winsome Windbag says
I see your point. It’s coming out now. What cowardly slimeballs those cops are looking like.
Stinger says
I do not possess the words to express the depth of my disappointment in the multiple law enforcement failures in this tragedy.
FWB says
all lies and misinformation coming from law enforcement
I have no doubt in my mind parents would have entered the building and done what ever necessary in attempt to save their kids.
America's Most Has Recto-Cranial Inversion says
Agree 120%. Good to hear from you, FWB.
Tim Scott says
Guess what, America’s Most Getting Your Wish…the teacher (actually teacher’s aid) is being vilified, to the point of death threats, by the gun toting RWNJs of Texas. They apparently get their “news” from the same sort of “reliable” sources as our own RWNJ the DC, and of course there is nothing sensational in “correction, yeah that didn’t happen” so those “sources” have no interest in pointing it out.
So on top of PTSD and a massive case of survivor guilt, this innocent is now dealing with death threats and having to look twice at every passing Texan enjoying their open carry rights to see if they are about to open fire in their righteous outrage. Ain’t the “conservative movement” grand?
America's Most Secures The Doors says
Yeah, I read that too. Life ain’t fair. Was this in “Moderator Heaven”? I hadn’t seen this. Or is my mind shot? I dunno.
Tim Scott says
It took a weekend at the beach on its way to being posted, yeah.
America's Most Hates The Deep State says
Sussman acquitted. Once again, Hillary gets away with it. The deep state strikes again. My hope for our future is diminished. Washington is owned by Democrats. No wonder they hated Trump. He was the only successful challenge to them. Sob, sob.
Tim Scott says
There was never anything approaching a crime committed there, so what did you expect? You got your dramatic trial. You got a bunch of testimony that the RWNJs have distorted into a whole added layer of hysterical accusations. Take the mission accomplished and move on to the next giant fabrication.
Beecee says
Not surprising one bit, a DC jury where 93% Clinton voters in 2016
Tim Scott says
That has nothing to do with the verdict. There was no crime and no case is the main point.
Beecee says
From Jonathan Turley: I mean, he is facing a jury that has three Clinton donors, an AOC donor, and a woman whose daughter is on the same sports team with Sussmann’s daughter. With the exception of randomly selecting people out of the DNC headquarters, you could not come up with a worse jury.
What he was being prosecuted for was lying to the FBI which the prosecution layes out clear evidence for.
The rest was in this jury’s hand.
Tim Scott says
LOL…”the fact you are claiming that there was clear evidence shows just how D a DC you are. Your ideas on what constitutes clear evidence are so obviously skewed by “but I wanna believe” that you should be clicking your heels in Oz.
Beecee says
The dude claimed he wasn’t working on behalf on anybody.
Clearly a lie!
Less then 100 characters to wreck your poor as$
Tim Scott says
The “dude” said that he wasn’t turning over the information on behalf of anyone. He wasn’t. End of story, other than in your drip zone imagination.
Hie didn’t turn in a client list, listing everyone he was working for that he was not acting on behalf of at the time. That wasn’t expected or required. Hence no crime.
Beecee says
“The “dude” said that he wasn’t turning over the information on behalf of anyone”
What information, the made up of whole cloth information?
You know, hookers peeing on beds information?
Absolute losers, the biggest fraud ever perpetrated, brought to you by…… democrats!
Tim Scott says
Notice that the DC was sure the DC was sure the “evidence was clear” and now doesn’t even know what the attempted prosecution was about.
Beecee says
“What he was being prosecuted for was lying to the FBI which the prosecution layes out clear evidence for.
The rest was in this jury’s hand”
Here, just you in case you weren’t listening freaking agitated guy.
Tim Scott says
“Clear evidence,” except for the fact that there was no such evidence. They asked if he was reporting to them on behalf of a client, and he said no because he wasn’t. End of story, except on the RWNJ blogs you call reliable sources.
This is what marks you clearly as a DC. You will keep on claiming the same falsehood is true over and over and over until rational people in exasperation just cut you off. That’s how you ended up here, where no matter how many times you post lies, even the same one, there’s just no way to be shed of you. Disgusting and D.
Stinger says
Sorry, BeeEss, but your argument is, once again, illogically based, and requires reconsideration on your part.
You bought the illogical claim of, “…facing a jury that has three Clinton donors, an AOC donor, and a woman whose daughter is on the same sports team with Sussmann’s daughter. ” Putting aside the illogical argumentum ad hominem (Turley really should know better than that crap), the basic logistics of a jury trial don’t add up that way (again, shame on Turley).
Sooo… doing the math real quick, here… 3+1+1=4. Four out of twelve is one third. As an outright acquittal requires that ALL jurors must have determined that there was insufficient evidence to support the charge(s) made by the prosecution, and IF you engage in ad hominem and discount the 4 jurors as, somehow, ‘politically tainted’ (in spite of the jury being selected and accepted by BOTH sides of the case as reasonably fair and impartial), you’re still left with the remainder of 8 ‘untainted’ jurors, having had to come to the same conclusion as the first 4. The math doesn’t add up to an easy acquittal, by any stretch of the imagination.
Stinger says
LOL… DOH! I messed up the math! Still works out much the same, though.
Beecee says
So much nonsense filler material in both of you whiners post constantly.
93% of the population of the District of Columbia voted for Hillary. Anything minutely attached to trump would never get a fair trial in those courts.
Simple as that.
Also in 2013 the democrats killed the 60 vote rule for judicial appointments. Obama stacked eastern Virginia and DC full of yes men and women.
I mean the judge in that case is married to a lawyer working for disgraced FBI agent Lisa Page FFS.
So I guess nice try, but your only fooling a handful of clapping seal leftist.
Tim Scott says
Did you crib this from some RWNJ blog where they were practicing their defense for when the next GOP strongman does away with the “antiquated” trial by jury nonsense and imposes “justice” by imperial favor?
I mean, Trump already did that on the smaller scale of just pardoning all his loyalists that held their mud and didn’t testify against him, and congressional republicans clearly based their impeachment votes on party membership rather than evidence, so there’s not much doubt about the GOPs direction.
Beecee says
“there’s just no way to be shed of you”
This might be the only thing have gotten correct on this whole thread. ; )
Stinger says
So, BeeEss, you are now claiming that only Republicans can judge another Republican’s actions fairly.
In fact, it appears that you wish to do away with our entire judicial system in favor of a Republicans-only form of judiciary…
How can you not see the blatant failures in logic, here?
You sound very much like an extremist, there, BeeEss. You may want to look to that problem.
Beecee says
“In fact, it appears that you wish to do away with our entire judicial system in favor of a Republicans-only form of judiciary…“
Don’t do this!
This is what Tim always does, putting words in others mouths and making up whole complex scenarios that aren’t what the poster was trying to get across.
It’s tiring.
I simply believe that a trump backed person would never get fair judgment in that area, New York, Los Angeles, San Fransisco etc. Same goes for a gay rights democrat in a super red area.
I would never want to do away with the current system and I stand by their judgment.
But some things are quite obvious, I have a post above that explains what happened in DC and Eastern Virginia.
My advise to republicans or right wing activists is stay TF away from these areas.
Let them have it, and continue to systematically destroy them.
Tim Scott says
“Would never get fair judgement.”
In other words, the jury system doesn’t work. By the way, I have NO doubt that if you were on a jury you would ignore the evidence and “find” based on political position instead, which is why I have no doubt that either the judge or the appropriate side attorney would bounce you straight out of the potential jury pool as soon as you opened your mouth and nonsense started flowing out. However, most people understand and follow the jury instructions and rule based on the presentation of evidence and testimony. The system generally works, at that point.
As to what’s “tiring,” when you appear proud of the trait you share with the herpes virus, that is never going away, it’s hard to take you seriously on the issue of tiring.
Beecee says
One good point here you make,
and it puts the outcome in the judges hand for not bouncing out the many biased jurors, and also Durham hand for not asking for a recusal of the known biased judge and his handling of the jurors.
I don’t blame the jurors, really I blame the lazy Durham prosecution for not contesting the multiple biases.
Tim Scott says
The “lazy Durham prosecution.”
Those people scratched and scraped for YEARS trying to find any kind of wrongdoing to justify their existence and provide even a twig of support to Trump’s false claims, and now rather than acknowledge that when Trump says “this happened I know it” the odds are that he is just blowing nonsense out his butt you are such a cultist that you are sticking with him and dissing Durham for “failing” to find the Bigfoot.
Stinger says
America’s Most… The defendant was outright acquitted by a jury of 12 citizens – not government deep state bureaucrats. The case brought forth by Trumps’ minion did not meet the standards for even a hung jury, let alone a conviction. In short, it was weak tea and the jury determined it to be insufficient (to be polite about it).
As I had been keeping an eye on the progress of this little sidetrack, I was unsurprised by the outcome.
America's Most Beyond the Event Horizon says
Yeah and OJ was acquitted ” by a jury of 12 citizens” also. See my point?
Tim Scott says
I’m not sure…is your point that you want the US to abandon the jury system and return to “justice” by decree from the infallible lips of the king? I assume in this scenario you would opt for Trump as king?
America's Most Annoying Pain says
No way. I would opt for ME as “King”. King Most the First, I would appoint you as Minister of Justice, William as Minister of Propaganda, Stinger as Minister of Truthiness, and Alby as Minister of Mental Health.
Tim Scott says
You evaded the point.
If you are going to whine about outcomes in jury trials, propose something better. Because if you just whine you are supporting the people who are pushing, and pushing very hard, for the return to something far worse. I would prefer you as king over Trump myself, but the reality is that you aren’t gonna make it while Trump has several million DCs backing his play…along with some powerful people who are not D that make the situation very precarious.
America's Most Least (?) says
In all seriousness, I’m disgusted with almost all parts of our justice system, totally regardless of who is in power. I have little hope that our systems of justice and governance, admittedly the best in the world, will be successful in the future.
And I don’t have any ideas on how to make it better. Greek philosophers have been grappling with identifying the ideal form of government ever since democracy started. When human nature is involved, it’s difficult to satisfy everyone, but I’m just disillusioned.
Stinger says
LOL – “Minister of Truthiness”
I love it – I’ll take it! ;-)
America's Most Defending.the Nasally Challenged says
At least you have the class to give your happy face a nose, unlike those other insensitive overt “nascists” that discriminate against the nasally challenged.
Stinger says
I nose, right?
America's Most Disgusted With the Justice System says
In sections of the country, certain groups and insiders get “different” justice than others. See Roger Stone vs. Hunter Biden for example.
The justice system is slanted towards the rich, celebrities, Blacks and Democrats. DeBlasio’s wife stole many millions from NYC city coffers. Patrisse Cullors of BLM can get away with anything.
I won’t serve on a jury cause I’m disgusted with our arbitrary system. I told my kids it’s best to avoid courts entirely. Judges are arbitrary and have biases. Citizens on juries are ignorant, biased, and I won’t let them decide my fate if possible.
Stinger says
No. The two are not comparable. The only similarity is that neither had any ‘deep state’ activity involved.
Additionally, this case was not only totally different than the other (in nearly all respects; type of crime accused, level of court involved, etc.), and the case presented in the OJ case was much stronger. Face it, Trump’s little attempt to frame the opposition with his new, now taxpayer-paid, fixer didn’t work. This isn’t Russia… And won’t be, as long as we keep Trump and his supporters isolated from any real power.
Beecee says
“as long as we keep Trump and his supporters isolated from any real power”
Spoken like a true police state tyrant…
Stinger says
14th Amendment, Section 3.
America's Most Nullified & Vilified says
What’s it called? “Jury Nullification”. Where a jury of like minded citizens, in an area in which they dominate demographically and politically, decide to nullify the law for their own personal agendas.
See Sussman. See OJ. See segregationists and KKK in the Deep South last century. I lived in Atlanta for a little while, and saw it with my own eyes.
Tim Scott says
Before you go winging off into the jury nullification theory how about the simpler, more plausible theory:
The prosecution said “when you claimed you weren’t there on behalf of anyone you lied, because at the time you were working for Hillary Clinton.”
The defense said “turning that information over to the FBI was done because it was the right thing to do; a patriotic duty, and the fact that he was working for Hillary Clinton at the time had nothing to do with why he was there.”
The jury said “without retroactively reading his mind there’s no absolute way to tell why he was there, but that right thing to do bit is certainly accurate.”
End of story. Durham was desperate to prosecute SOMEBODY after his three year foray into nothingness, and he couldn’t even come close to making a case.
America's Most for This & That says
Every jury decision, every SCOTUS decision,every election and every law passed is questioned and denounced by one half our country or the other nowadays. The only solution I can think of is:
STINGER FOR FIRST CITIZEN. He might pull us out of this. Heavy workload cause he’s also Minister of Truthiness.
Beecee says
“The defense said “turning that information over to the FBI was done because it was the right thing to do; a patriotic duty“
It was made up whole cloth contrived allegations against a political opponent leading up to and during a presidential election.
He brought forth the false alpha bank allegations that were constructed by fusion GPS and the DNC/Hillary campaign.
They were delivered to the FBI by Micheal Sussman, who was working for the Hillary campaign.
Injecting false made up allegations to effect a presidential election…
Muhhh democracy!!!
Tim Scott says
The information in question was that there was an unusual concentration of activity from Russian made cell phones in the area surrounding Trump Tower, known hangout of a presidential candidate and their campaign. Subsequent investigation lead to all sorts of additional information, but that was the critical “patriotic duty” info that had to be passed on…and acted on. Initially there was no “look he’s working with these Russians.” For all anyone knew it could have been a Russian cell plotting to assassinate Trump.
But of course that narrative is buried under all the outraged nonsense that Trump et al have pumped through the propaganda networks. Fortunately unsubstantiated and sensationalist claims get dismissed in court, so the defendant was appropriately found not guilty and the Durham investigation is left holding an empty game bag after years on the hunt.
Sonya says
Your wrong, it’s all out there now you just refuse to look into it.
The phone activity and all other claims were deemed false and used solely to F trump.
Read all about it sir.
ACE says
Stinger says
Fun fact: Caps lock can be turned off.
Tim Scott says
Question caps lock:
How do you propose that this “maximum law enforcement action” should proceed? Start with a “fireworks enforcement unit” sitting in a car in a parking lot at…say 25th East and Ave S. They see fireworks shooting up from the neighborhood on the other side of Ave S. Now what do you propose they should do?
Raid every house in the neighborhood?
Issue citations by mail to every resident in the neighborhood?
Call in an air strike and bomb the neighborhood?
What’s your plan?
Preferably not in all caps.
America's Most Obnoxious RWNJ says
I pick answer “C”: Call in an air strike and bomb the neighborhood.
Oh wait… I live there. Never mind.
Tommy says
“say 25th East and Ave S”
What is your infatuation with crappy neighborhoods man, lol
Tim Scott says
LOL…what do you consider not a “crappy” neighborhood?
I mean, Sonya babbles about Desert View Highlands, which at least is a neighborhood of older houses so if “older” means “crappy” to her at least she makes sense.
America's Most Up to Funny Business says
Any neighborhood I live in should be considered “upscale and exclusive”. As a matter of “fact”, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle and Nancy Pelosi are moving in next door here in beautiful, elitist East Palmdale.
Sonya says
; )
Stinger says
Actually, I believe this would be a good application for law enforcement drone usage to locate and identify suspects prior to arrival. As its usage would be duly limited in scope and time frame, for a clearly defined public safety hazard needing to be mitigated, it should pass constitutional muster pretty easily.
Just a thought.
Tim Scott says
Has merit. The perpetrators are generally speaking out in the street where there is no expectation of privacy anyway.
Beecee says
Police state tyrants
^ ^
America's Most "Get Off My Lawn" says
I share your hesitancy here using drones, but in this case of dangerous illegal fireworks, I can’t see any other way of deterring it and not just reacting after the fact.
It doesn’t bother me, and my dog is a “gun dog”, but my wife doesn’t like it. These kids could find somewhere safe and isolated to have some fun, but the inconsiderate a$$h0les don’t bother and inappropriately go berserk in residential neighborhoods.
Stinger says
Standard BeeEss response: Ad Hominems.
Beecee says
According to multiple media reports, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s husband of 59 years, Paul Pelosi, was arrested for driving under the influence last night. It’s the driving part that’s not ok. The need for Paul Pelosi to be under the influence of something numbing, is, well, somewhat understandable.
America's Most Understanding says
“The need for Paul Pelosi to be under the influence of something numbing, is, well, somewhat understandable.”
Beecee says
BuiLd BaCk beTTEr!
Tim Scott says
Why do you keep yammering about a bill that was never passed into law? Is it just because you are a cowardly user not thinking?
Beecee says
You suck at writing, and your not as clever as you think
Tim Scott says
LOL…like your opinion is gonna hurt my feelings? You gotta establish yourself as someone that matters first. You know what you have established yourself as, and that’s a long way from anyone that matters.
By the way, I assume everyone noticed that you ducked the question. Why are you and your right wing nutjob ‘sources’ yammering about a bill that never passed into law as if it can be blamed for the current situation? It was intended to improve the situation, but as is always the case with things that will improve the situation for anyone but the ultra-rich it was blocked by “conservatives.”
Beecee says
“You gotta establish yourself as someone that matters first“
If only you knew…
While you sit at a coffee shop in a crap hole with a bunch of lames, watching on as someone’s purse gets snatched.
Tim Scott says
“If you only knew…” Knew what? That you are not as deluded as you pretend to be when you are posting? What I do know is based on what you post here, and we already have made that very clear.
And you are still ducking the question. Not surprising behavior, for a cowardly user.
Beecee says
“It was intended to improve the situation“
Lol, yayyyyy
More spending, just what this imploding economy needs.
Actually the reason why it’s imploding in the first place.
Print away dim!
Robert says
Stinger says
Although I appreciate your sharing of a blog post on a conservative website (as opposed to an accepted news source), I noticed that (as most blog posts do) it doesn’t go into their belief on the actual root causes of their complaint. They merely (understandably) complain about the most extreme point of inflation (i.e.: eggs).
I’ll admit, the figures given are not good in the given chart (yes, I confirmed it’s accuracy at the .gov website, first), with a between 7%-8% increase on average, and the eggs increase is relatively shocking at 19.5-20.5%, which would cause a $3.04 dozen eggs go up to as much as $3.66 at the high end of the given scale. Naturally, the very first line in your cited blog post goes right out the door in extremes, claiming the report claims eggs will go to $12 a dozen (a 394% increase, btw – a far cry from even 20.5%). Even if locally higher percentage increases occur for some areas, the likelihood of such an extreme increase is suspect, at best. I noticed that your blog poster neglected to give any supporting evidence for such an extreme claim, such as issues in the egg industry, or such.
Seriously, BeeEss… Did you fail in learning critical thinking skills at school? Even my kindergarten school taught better than that – and it was a public school in a bad area.
beecee says
I don’t care about what it said about eggs, I discounted that as well, all I was looking at was the attached data.
When I post something g it is up to the reader to on how to process it, I sure as hell don’t count on you commies to believe anything that I post, but feel free to prove me wrong.
Btw, last time I went shopping eggs were much more expensive then a few months back.
But go ahead and try to discount that claim as well, cause that’s well, what you do
Tim Scott says
Any proving you wrong that takes more than a four letter sound bite you just ignore. That’s why I no longer bother. You are what you are and you aren’t worth the effort to say anything past that.
Sonya says
I said it before, and I’m gonna say it again.
In these current times, it doesn’t take a mental giant or more than 100 characters to own the Libs, you guys make it to easy.
Tim Scott says
Doesn’t take more than four letters to “own” Beecee…or at least describe her, based on her posting here.
Meanwhile…isn’t “older houses mean a neighborhood is crappy” an awfully shallow perspective? If you plan to retire, pretty much ever, you probably aren’t helping yourself if you are treadmilling after a “better” house at regular intervals just because the one you have isn’t new enough any more.
Beecee says
“Meanwhile…isn’t “older houses mean a neighborhood is crappy” an awfully shallow perspective? If you plan to retire, pretty much ever“
Is this a cutout from your novel on, “how to be a loser”
“ I robbed a bank, but it only had $567.23”
Tim Scott says
If you robbed a bank and only got $567.23 you are even a more D DC than even I thought.
Should have read my book…but of course it is too long for your gnat like attention span.
Sonya says
“If you plan to retire, pretty much ever, you probably aren’t helping yourself“
Uhhh, no worries in that department poop dweller.
I mean it does kinda suck that I don’t live in the vicinity of a sizzler, lol
Tim Scott says
“In the vicinity of a Sizzler???”
I must admit that I’d rather not have to drive clear across town to get to a Sizzler, but I don’t really get your point here.
Back when I was running my first successful business I had this client. They lived in a country club house, back fence right on a fairway, golf balls in the pool constantly which would foul the cleaner. They thought that since they were such superior people and I a mere workman that I should be happy to make the twenty mile round trip to “see what’s wrong with the cleaner” without charging a service call any time they called as part of their regular maintenance. They also paid for three months at a time when they got two months behind, because “such a busy and important man doesn’t have time to write checks every month.”
So when I got around to firing them I was perfectly happy to see the last of them.
But what brings them to mind is that the wife one day when she was sneering down her nose said something about how great their house was, and I guess I didn’t respond as if I was impressed enough so she got mad…but I was distracted and didn’t realize it until after I had said “it’s a little too far out in the boondocks for me, but I suppose if you golf it must be really great.” In an unsuccessful effort to calm her down I mentioned that from my apartment there were seven restaurants that I could walk to, and that was just better for my lifestyle…and that I didn’t golf. But she was a real married the money trophy type and part of the benefits she thought she was due included obsequies behavior from “the staff” so she just stayed mad.
Your “house conceits” are kinda reminding me of her. Not the “married the money trophy” part, but the whole location snobbery part is pretty much her to a tee.
Sonya says
Are you done, lol.
Beecee says
Simple solution here,
Need a new pool cleaner…
Tim Scott says
Too late. As I said, I fired them. No long term entanglements with people like her.
By the time I left the city there were basically no pool men willing to take their account so I guess they cleaned it themselves.
Stinger says
As usual, BeeEss, you caught that the post was suspect, yet still accepted it as logically sound.
When called on it, you double down and go to ridiculous ad hominems that are, prima facie, laughable.
Come on, BeeEss, you’re halfway there. You’ve learned to see the exaggeration. Now you just need to learn to connect that to the next logical step in the process. It’s simple enough that even a Democrat can do it. I’m sure you can catch up, if you try.
Beecee says
Disprove the attached data on rates of Inflation for the goods….
That’s what I thought.
Your all talk, word salad to try to sound like some sort of intellectual. When you are not.
Beecee says
Also, I bet right after joe Biden won the election you would be bit$&ing about conservatives saying we would be paying $6-7 a gallon for gas by the end of the year.
Actually, I know for a fact both of you would have.
Stinger says
(sigh) BeeEss, did you fail at basic reading skills in grade school, as well? I already explained all this in my posting above, but you clearly have reading and comprehension challenges that you need to overcome.
I have already stated that the actual data presented and linked to was confirmed as to its sourcing (it would be difficult to run the numbers as the USDA did without their resources to confirm their results, but they are a reasonably trusted source). It is the author’s skewing her claims of what it says, versus what it actually says, that makes her posting logically unsound. This causes the substance of her argument to be flawed by inaccurate data claims and negates her argument… for the most part.
An author’s linking of verifiable data to their posting doesn’t really give much confirmation for the author’s claims if those claims are inconsistent with the data sets given.
So, to simplify for you, as it is clear that you are slow of mind: I am not debating the source data attached, but the interpretive exaggerations of the author on said data. This is what kills the poster’s credibility right off the bat, as her is argument fallaciously based in hyperbole.
Now… to throw you a bone on this… I did look a little deeper into the egg inflation issue and found a lot of data on the avian flu outbreak that is widely considered to be the source of the issue. I believe that the USDA may have to revise those estimates upward from the current max of 20.5% to somewhere closer to 35%, although not 394%, as your poster claimed.
Beecee says
That’s what I thought stinker.
Next time maybe.
Stinger says
You thought? That’s wonderful, BeeEss! I’m sure it hurt, but it’s a good start. Keep doing that and eventually, you may get that ol’ jalopy of a brain of yours tuned up enough that it won’t hurt to be able to recognize reality when you see it.
Toodles! ;-)
GOP Elected Officials says
We will oppose any idea a Democrat has, and we haven’t had an idea of our own in several decades, so what we have been doing will just have to continue. After all, it was less than twenty kids and it’s not like they were embryos. Thoughts and prayers.
America's Most Unwanted says
Don’t make every tragedy political. All politicians and political parties suck. Dem insider and Obama’s chief of staff Rahm Emanuel once said ” Never let a crisis go to waste”, so STFU.
My question is: Will they identify the teacher that propped the school door open and the incident commander that decided not to go in?
Tim Scott says
The tragedy isn’t political, but the fact that the VAST majority of Americans favor some sort of reform of access to guns and the federal government cannot take any action at all on the subject definitely IS political. Not because anyone “makes” it political, it’s just a fact that the republicans in the legislature refuse to allow any action.
This post you are complaining about is correct…the GOP blocks any and every suggestion from the democrats, and has not proposed anything themselves in decades.
America's Most From Under His Rock says
You’re right. Each state makes it’s own laws. Gun laws should be standardized by the Feds. Our gun laws are strict here. Everyone else’s throughout the nation should be also. But we should also be able to get concealed carry permits like most everyone else in the country.
Stinger says
I am generally with you guys, thus far, with only minor caveats. I would add that I believe some additional concentration of resources towards mental health would be helpful in this area. The scaling back in this area is reaping exceedingly poor dividends.
Tim Scott says
It’s tragic, but hilarious, watching Republicants fantasize about how an “armed teacher” is going to see a guy come through the classroom door with a semiautomatic rifle in hand and that teacher is going to produce their “classroom weapon” from…well, somewhere…and outdraw the attacker.
Here’s reality: the attacker is READY. The teacher is, at the very best, PREPARED. Maybe they are constantly braced for the attack, every minute of every day. They are lecturing your kids, with “could be a duel any second here” steadily on their mind. Maybe they are leaning over your kid’s desk helping them learn by pointing at things in their textbook using the muzzle of their weapon. But even so, they are still just prepared, and prepared is a HUGE step below ready.
I am as on my toes as anyone I know. I offend a LOT of people, so I think that is wise. Not long ago I was sitting in a coffee place and a guy tried to snatch a purse pretty much right in front of me. I was still thinking “WTF did I just see?” when the guy was OUT THE DOOR. By the time I really was sure what was going on he was out of the parking lot…making the escape that he was ready to make when he did the grab. It was one continuous motion; grab, spin, and go. That’s how reality works.
The bottom line is that Republicants are spouting about a “solution” that has no plausible use in reality. It’s a solution closely related to what we have already done and seen the results. The “good guy with a gun” does NOT “stop the bad guy with a gun.” So to pretend that if we just give MORE good guys guns it will somehow work better is just a distraction. A distraction from the fact that Republicants not only do not have any ideas, they are going to obstruct anyone who does and just keep letting people die.
SB says
Marijuana laws should also be standardized by the Feds
Rham Emanuel says
You got all 3 branches of the government and are failing on every level imaginable…
Do something!
You know what you do the best, let no crisis go to waste.
Tim Scott says
The fifty republicans in the senate means that the federal government cannot make a single improvement to anything, other than once a year through budget reconciliation. This pretense of “you got all three branches of government” is patently absurd.
PS…I am guessing from your comment that you probably cannot name the three branches of government…prove me wrong.
Rham don’t know the branches says
I mean, I’m not really Rham Emanuel haha
How about having ideas that are popular, you know, if the idea is that good, the republicans would like it as well.
But here’s the thing, Democrat ideas and policies are garbage. We want to have our schools guarded, and you guys want to what…
Confiscate guns…
Do you know how many guns are in our households nationwide?
Like I said your ideas suck and are unpopular, seek better ones.
Tim Scott says
There was a guard at the school where the twenty dead kids are. Posting cops at schools, as Republicants claim “is the solution” has made no difference at all.
So, “not Rahm Emanuel,” would you say that Democrats “have got” the judicial branch, or would you agree that the dimwit posting as “Rahm Emanuel” almost certainly thinks the “three branches of government” are president, senate, house of representatives?
By the way, “Democrat ideas are unpopular” is outright wrong. The ideas, almost invariably, are popular if you remove the word ‘Democrat.’ The rank and file of the GOP is so ignorant of reality that in almost all cases you can put a “democrat solution” on a poll and it will be deemed “totally terrible worst idea ever” by a huge majority of them, and you can put the exact same program on the same poll, attribute it to a “conservative policy advisor” and it will be wildly accepted.
Things haven’t changed since the Obama administration, where something like 60% of republicans polled “Obamacare is a terrible program and should be repealed” while also polling “I do not need Obamacare since I am covered by the Affordable Care Act.”
Take away the trained in “all Democrats are evil” response that the GOP propaganda has trained into them and most Republicans support the same things Democrats do.
Beeceee says
During the 2019-2020 Congressional term, a record-breaking 328 filibusters were recorded with Democrats in the minority.
Since 2009, 657 filibusters were recorded under Democratic minorities while 609 filibusters were recorded under Republican minorities.
Also you guys have the longest filibuster in history against ‘Civil Rights’ FFS.
On August 28, 1957, Strom Thurmond, a United States Senator from South Carolina, began a filibuster intended to prevent the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1957.
Always remember the golden rule folks, anything the liberal Democrat accuses one of doing they have already or are actively doing themselves. Masters of hypocrisy.
For Tim to cry about not getting their way when the democrats don’t have a filibuster proof majority in the senate is pure hypocrisy.
America's Most Late to the Party says
I kinda knew that you weren’t really Rahm Emanuel cause you spelled his name wrong……..TWICE, lol.
This committed Democratic party operative is currently ambassador to Japan (cronyism much?) after proving to be a complete failure as mayor of Chicago and destroying that city. Dems destroy ALL cities they run.
Am I lying? Am I lying? Who the hell do I think I am? Turd Ferguson?
America's Most Psychotic RWNJ says
Great post. Let’s not forget that Joe Biden was head over heals in love with his mentor, Strom Thurmond, the most egregious racist in the Senate in the twentieth century. Biden hated people of color for most of his life and sponsored legislation targeting Black people, such as “The Super Predator” and Crack Cocaine bills.
Joe Biden is a closet racist and an overt hypocrite. Let it be known.
Tim Scott says
Listen coward user not thinking, I wasn’t “crying” about any filibusters. I was just pointing out that saying “the democrats should fix this since they have total control” is a bald faced lie…so bald faced that even you probably recognize it, but you’ll lie in support because you have no integrity either.
Beecee says
I knew that one would make you mad.
I mean not mad enough to refer to women commenters you disagree with as c&nts and street hoes but,
You do you bud, lol
Sonya says
Don’t worry he’s just a Freaking agitated guy
Tim Scott says
I actually don’t have to be mad to call ’em as I see ’em.
I have upgraded my opinion of Sonya though…there are other businesses where one can succeed even with the economic knowledge of a corner ho.
But as usual, you have no ability or even inclination to defend the idiocy that you spout, so again, I call it as I see it.
Beecee says
Lol, you weakling,
Just reading your post above about watching the purse snatcher and how it happened too fast so I couldn’t do anything about it, absolutely pathetic!
You freaking agitated guy, lol
Stinger says
Okay, BeeEss… Let’s unpack some of your RWNJ crapola on this one, shall we?
“During the 2019-2020 Congressional term, a record-breaking 328 filibusters were recorded with Democrats in the minority.
Since 2009, 657 filibusters were recorded under Democratic minorities while 609 filibusters were recorded under Republican minorities.”
So, according to your figures, 657 filibusters have occurred by Democrats since 2009. However, as you stated that 328 of those filibusters were in the single year of 2019-2020, that would leave only 329 filibusters outside of that one year. This is dwarfed by the Republicans, who have not been filibustering during the last administration. I am under the understanding that most of those Republican filibusters were during the Obama administration. So, hypocrisy, there.
“Also you guys have the longest filibuster in history against ‘Civil Rights’ FFS.
On August 28, 1957, Strom Thurmond, a United States Senator from South Carolina, began a filibuster intended to prevent the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1957.”
Indeed. Then Strom Thurmond left the Democratic party (although he was a subset, a “Dixiecrat,” to be specific, which had arisen due to a Southern regional split in opposition to the Democratic Party… hardly a ‘liberal Democrat,’ as you inferred) in 1964 to become, what a surprise, a Republican, which he remained through to his death in 2003.
You are too easy, BeeEss. Your oversimplifications and cherry picking of reality, while ignoring all context, is why you have the illogical views that you have… They become hypocrisy when you try to push them as the whole story.
I appreciate that you at least attempted to put some facts in your posting. Unfortunately, you didn’t follow through in gleaning the context of the issues before going off only partially informed. Keep trying. You can do it (really)!
Beeceee says
Both weak arguments that only a stupid person would celebrate.
Your boy was a Democrat when he filibustered the civil rights bill.
Pretty much what your saying hear is it’s nice your using facts in this post but here, let me put my whiner Democrat spin on them.
Naw stinker, I’ll just post the facts like I always do. It’s up to the individual reader to digest them, and we all know by know how you do, you put a leftist spin on everything.
Oh yeah, we free’d the slaves too dork.
Stinger says
If everybody’s perspective is to the left of yours, BeeEss, maybe it’s because you have drifted so far to the right that nobody’s there with you anymore.
America's Most Radical Rascal says
I don’t know about that. Let’s see what the midterms bring.
Beecee says
“maybe it’s because you have drifted so far to the right that nobody’s there with you anymore”
Meanwhile, if you look below you will find me giving suggestions on the mass shooting issue that NO right winger would suggest.
Another fail in the stink dog category…
Stinger says
Yes, BeeEss. One. One bright clear moment of sanity amongst the scores of insane postings of yours. You’ve also shown signs of having a good heart, though you try very hard to hide that, don’t you?
You have been weighed and measured, BeeEss. You are known. But, fear not, you do have the potential for clear, logical thought. I still hold hope for you.
Beecee says
I honestly think we should raise the age to purchase long guns and hand guns to 21,
What are your ideas of what to do?
Better have some good ones after that crappy post.
Beecee says
Or honestly, how about we just don’t let these types of people have guns
Tim Scott says
“That thar is a slipp’ry slope!” screams every GOP senator that is owned by the NRA…ie, enough senators to ensure that absolutely no changes can be made no matter how many non-fetuses get shot.
And of course since they ARE republicans they do not have to take into consideration what their constituents want, because republican voters vote republican no matter what their elected representatives do. “Sure, I have stolen the treasury, told whopping lies every time a camera came by, refused to conduct the business of the legislature even when the lives of my constituents are at risk, and openly called people who vote for me stupid…but those stupid voters will continue to vote for me because I am a republican and they just don’t know any better.”
Beecee says
Stay on the subject buddy, focus…
Tim Scott says
That was on the subject. It was probably just too long to fit your gnat like attention span.
I am for the 2nd Amendment says
That is not unreasonable. Good suggestion
Beecee says
I mean, the last 2 major shootings not withstanding the major shootings that occur in Chicago and other Democrat ran cities every single weekend have been youngsters under the age of 21 that bought arms right before their offenses,
So I think it would be reasonable to nip the bud where it counts…
You know ideas that fit the situation that would have put a dampener on the latest crisis…
I’m for it.
Still waiting for suggestions of other ideas that can make a difference.
Tim Scott says
Close the loopholes in the existing law.
Straw purchasing is basically impossible to prosecute. That’s a very easy fix that has been proposed innumerable times and shot down by the gun lobby because real purchase or straw purchase the profit is the same to them.
Gun owners should be held accountable on the responsibility of containment. A woman (Mrs R Rex Parris) who “forgot the gun was in that purse” when she brought it to the airport is not being responsible about keeping that gun out of the hands of people who are not the registered owner. Similarly, “the kids came home so I hid the gun in the couch cushions,” “I keep the gun in the nightstand drawer in case of a break-in at night, and it was stolen in a daytime burglary,” etc etc etc are all excuses that it is insane for us as a society to accept. If I get a permit to remodel my kitchen I am agreeing to allow an inspector into my house to make sure I am not creating a hazard that might blow up my neighbors. If you get a permit to own guns you should be willing to allow an inspector to verify you have a safe place to keep them…and you should then keep them there.
A minimum gun safety course should be required prior to purchase of a gun, with a periodic requirement of recertification. This is what we require of people who want to own cars and is not an onerous demand given the obvious potential lethality involved in both possessions. Administration of the gun safety courses should also include enough interaction with people with some training to spot mental health issues and a referral option so that if there is a potential problem it can be properly assessed and either dismissed or not before the gun purchase is made.
That’s a start, and as I said these are all just loopholes in the existing law…a law that was basically written by the desperate gun lobby the LAST time the public was so outraged that they knew they were going to be forced to do something or their back was gonna get broken. The loopholes were INTENTIONAL. Closing them should be automatic.
America's Most Wanted (By Whom?) says
Great suggestions. In CA, you have to take a 30-question test before purchase of a firearm, and repeat it every 5 years. I’ve taken it 3 times and aced all 30 questions, lol. Also, last time I purchased a .22 caliber rifle for my grandson to use, they made me sign an affidavit and prove that I have an approved locked gun cabinet bolted to the wall and floor.
So you’re absolutely right.
Beecee says
Other then having the guns in a “safe space” one that most likely won’t help in the protection of one’s home. I’m all for, all rifles should be in a safe, (1) home protection arm should be able to be accessible to defend one’s home at any giving time.
Im all for certification and recertification, especially for that (1) arm.
I have no issues with your suggestions to be honest.
Tim Scott says
Problem being that these suggestions have been proposals in the legislature for years, have been shut down repeatedly by the politicians you support, and you will still support them no matter what.
Currently the GOP is feeling the heat, again. McConnell has assigned some republican senators to work on a ‘bipartisan solution.’ What that means is that they are to come up with a bill that can go to the floor and be killed by 41 republicans while allowing nine to say “I supported the gun reform bill…” There is absolutely no intention in the congressional republicans to make any changes just to protect former fetuses…they only protect current fetuses.
Stinger says
I tend to agree with you, albeit I’m not sure about the home inspections you mentioned in the first paragraph.
As for the second paragraph, I not only agree, but I do recall that the Second Amendment starts out the single sentence with, “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State,…” Seems to me that the NRA crowd is concentrating a bit too much on the second half of that sentence and not enough on the first part. Another unconscionable imbalance of logic caused by removal of context. Training of citizens in gun safety before allowing the purchase of a firearm would seem to be in line with what the founding fathers would have wanted. I seriously doubt they would have wanted a bunch of untrained yahoos when they called up the citizenry in an emergency as a militia. Nor would they have wanted untrained citizens in case of a legitimate revolution (sorry, but that was one of the actual concerns that helped frame that amendment).
America's Most Vocal Local Yokel says
I didn’t catch the inspections, I wouldn’t agree with inspections. You have to sign an affidavit. That should suffice.
Tim Scott says
Yeah…we all have seen how “signing affidavits” has worked so well on the straw purchase issue.
Stinger says
Hmmm… That is a fair point, Tim. Nevertheless, I would initially tend to support something more just short of privacy invasion potentials.
Stinger says
BTW… Pssst! – Don’t look now, but we actually seem to have a reasonable consensus among us on this from the entire political scope: RWNJ to LWNJ, and those of us in between. A rare gift of hope for us all to observe, indeed!
Now, we just gotta get the elected idjits on both sides to get this done.
Tim Scott says
Consensus eh? Too bad. Yes, consensus was expected since everything I suggested polls consistently in the 60-75% range and has for years. It has been submitted as bills in whole, and in parts, by various representatives in congress pretty much every session for years. It has never come to a vote in the senate because the Republicans have never allowed it.
So let’s drop the “both sides are at fault for not getting it done” pretense on this one.
Stinger says
I didn’t say both sides are at fault, did I? I said we need to get both sides to get it done… Or are you arguing that the elected idjits ain’t idjits? Good luck on that debate.
Tim Scott says
Context matters. Yes, I have very little respect for the elected representatives on either side, and will frequently say so. But when the topic at hand is, as in this case, something that one side has been demonstrably willing to do something about and the other side has stonewalled the “I have no respect for either side” comment implies something that is not really the case.
Beecee says
BuILd bAcK BetTeR!!!
America's Most Wanted says
Political prisoners says
Just a reminder,
Jussie Smolett is free,
Alec Baldwin is free,
Hunter Biden is free,
But the little old grandma that was taking pictures inside the Capitol is still locked up with no bail.
Tim Scott says
Name her, nitwit. Let’s take a look at her case.
Oh, wait, you almost certainly are just making her up out of thin air and hearsay from some RWNJ blog.
America's Most Is Still Free says
And America’s Most is free. Dom DeLuise and I escaped from the asylum.
Tim Scott says
That must have been a heck of a load for you to carry. He had to be tipping 400 pounds when he died.
Or are you saying you escaped the asylum why back when he was alive?
America's Most Like Sgt. Schultz says
“The End”. Funniest movie ever.
Stinger says
“Idiocracy” was scarily predictive.
Beecee says
“Idiocracy” was scarily predictive”
And in a matter of one year we were able to achieve it, pat yourselves on the back!
America's Most Idiotic Kleptomaniac says
“Idiocracy”. That’s the best description of our current form of government I’ve heard. Maybe add kleptocracy (for the lobbyists).
So instead of democracy and meritocracy, we get idiocracy and kleptocracy.
Brilliant!!! The voters have spoken, LOL.
Betsy Ross says
So sad to hear about somebody getting caught up in the moment. We can thank her for the evidence her pictures will provide the investigation. Being a follower of a nut has consequences.
News Update says
Salvador Ramos was the Uvalde, Texas school shooter.
America's Most Mindless NPC says
Herschel Walker, former football great, won his Republican senate primary in Georgia. Mr. Walker is a great, honorable, patriotic American hero and will run against that avowed socialist Raphael Warnock, the incumbent in November. If Mr. Walker wins it will help restore my hope for the future of our country.
Tim Scott says
Walker is a favorite of Donald Trump…because they are two of a kind. Walker claims “his business” employs hundreds; the payroll of his actual business (which peddles his name to cash in on his fame) says eight. He claims it makes tens of millions; financial statements of his actual business say a million and a half. Walker talks about “his chicken company;” actual owners of the company point out that they have a licensing deal so they can use his name in promotion so he might be considered a partner, at best, but really the licensing agreement is just use of name and does not give him any operational authority…and yet he has gone to company facilities and “been a disruption” to the point that the company has on multiple occasions considered severing ties because he is unpredictable and unreliable.
Again, your “hope for the country” is pinned to the coat tails of a self aggrandizing con man. Will you EVER learn?
Mandy S. says
Please post proof of Walker making all these claims about employee numbers/profits and such. Would be nice to see.
Tim Scott says
Just listen to him speak…he follows the Donny Dimwit school…having had his lies debunked doesn’t keep him from just telling them again.
Mandy S. says
So Donny dimwit blah blah blah?
Nice proof mister.
Tim Scott says
It’s not my job to provide “proof” you would just ignore. Simple google search, find a source that isn’t “Tim the rando internet guy” that you feel comfortable with, see for yourself.
Or stick your head deeper in…well, the sand.
I frankly don’t care.
Mandy S. says
“Tim the rando internet guy”
I admire your honesty
America's Most Ignorant of Modern Culture says
What does “rando” mean?
Tim Scott says
A “rando internet guy” is someone posting on a comment board or the like that you know nothing about. There is no reason to take the word of any rando on the internet. If a rando posts a link in an effort to make themselves look credible you should remember that EVERYTHING is posted somewhere on the internet, and a lot of it is on dingbat blogs that are made to LOOK like they are somehow a “news source” but are really just another internet rando puffing themselves up…and most randos posting links are linking garbage.
That’s why instead of “demanding proof” from me, anyone smart will look for verification of what I said from a source they believe is credible. I don’t say things that are only being discussed on “Joe the Nut Job’s Blog.” In this case, Walker is a senate candidate and there is abundant coverage by legitimate news agencies foreign and domestic so you can take your pick.
Mandy, if you want to meet and have a discussion so that you can better judge my credibility I am always willing. Failing that though I fully understand that to you I am just a rando on the internet, as you are to me.
Stinger says
You know, Mandy, I actually followed Tim’s recommendation to google the subject and evidence was pretty easy to come by. Since your skills in this area seem to be less than that of the average modern preteen, I present you with a link for an article very close to home for him, The Atlanta Journal Constitution. This locally based newspaper does excellent investigative reporting on a wide variety of issues and I have found them to be a more relatively balanced source for that area. That said, though, the search results were rife with similar stories from a wide variety of sources. Also, don’t expect this courtesy again. You really could’ve done it yourself with little effort.
Stinger says
For America’s Most… a ‘Rando” is roughly equivalent to the older term, “Random Dude.”
I’ve noticed lots of older phrases have become contracted or truncated of late. Seems to be a Gen Z thang… I put it up to a lack of attention span from social media.
Beecee says
America's Most Wants to Puke says
How the hell does an 18 year-old school shooter get multiple weapons of war? When I was a kid in NYC, they wouldn’t even ship BB guns to NYC addresses. SMH
Tim Scott says
Texas. Hard core republican legislature.
Beecee says
Can’t you buy a long gun in California at 18 yrs old?
Not sure, as to the mental state and story of the shooter I’ll stand by my 72 hr rule.
America's Most Fossilized Dinosaur says
As you know, it takes 10 days in CA. As one gets on in age, one might forget that one bought the gun by that time.
Just kidding, I never minded. The more logical, reasonable, untaxed regulation, the better. Only 18 year-olds in the military should have access to weapons of war, under strict supervision. Uh oh, I might get banished from the NRA.
Beecee says
“Only 18 year-olds in the military should have access to weapons of war, under strict supervision.“
I agree,
If you have to wait till you are 21 to drink, I think the same should apply for the purchase of long arms and handguns.
Although the 9th district court ruling found that to be unconstitutional just recently.
Beecee says
Sussmann’s defense pointing fingers at the FBI.
America's Most Empty Vessel of Word Salad says
Whoopi Goldberg (Ms. Cultural Appropriation herself) said of the archbishop of San Francisco in calling for speaker Nancy Pelosi to be denied receiving Communion because of her pro-choice stance … “this is not your job, dude. That is not up to you to make that decision.”
Hahahah. Dumb. ignorant, nasty bimbo has brains in her pooper shoot. Who else’s job is it? LMFAOROF
America's Most, Hoisted With His Own Petard says
PS: I’m pro choice and anti-Whoopie.
FWB says
I’m pro choice and anti-bank robbers.
Tim Scott says
I’m primarily opposed to self centered asshats that think they are too good for the AV but still hang around this forum trying to make everyone as miserable as they are.
Tim Scott says
You are anti everything, a black hole of misery trying to suck in everyone and everything.
America's Most Lying Sack of Schiff says
“black hole of misery”. Love the way you express things. I’d write a book about you, except it’ll probably be the second book I’ll never get to.
“Abandon all hope, ye who enter here”.
America's Most Unwitting Tool of Putin says
While we’re here (my kids hated that), I despise Joyless Behar much more than Whoopie!
America's Most Telling It True says
Socilist, woke teachers and the despicable teacher’s unions are the enemies of a free people and a danger to American values.
America's Most Against Teachers Unions says
Should be “Socialist”. The destructive propaganda they spew in class indoctrinates young impressionable minds with racist CRT, gender bending, and communist values that will destroy our country.
Beecee says
Why so much hatred of the teachers unions,
Seems as if you just caught news of them sending that draft letter to the department of justice demanding the targeting of angry parents with weapons of war,
They are definitely bottom feeders.
America's Most, Kim Jung Un’s Bodydouble says
Randi Weingarten, president of the American Federation of Teachers, the largest union, is a flat out communist, in charge of the socialist weenies teaching CRT, gender bending and hate of our country to our future, the children. That’s worth fighting.
Beecee says
I’ll leave this here for you : )
Stinger says
Please name a grade school that is teaching CRT. Just one. Anywhere.
Beecee says
Well here’s one,
If the moderation wasn’t so grueling I’d fill this thread up with 100 or more messages…
America's Most Cancelled, Shunned & Ostracized says
“Please name a grade school that is teaching CRT. Just one. Anywhere.”
Palmdale School District and Esperanza Elementary. I have a grandson that was being “educated” by a self-avowed “socialist” that indoctrinated the kids with socialist ideology, resentment of our system, and love of tattoos. Studies in math, reading, writing, and civic affairs took a back seat to dumb down the curriculum and provide “equity” to inhibit achievement.
The Chinese and our enemies are loving it.
America's Most With Foot in Mouth says
Sorry. Should be: “Chinese Communists”. I grew up in NYC and always liked Chinese-Americans.
America's Most Vestigial Organ says
Fox News won’t let me in cause I have heavy duty ad blocking and anti-tracking on all my PCs. I hate devices and phones, and Fox just upsets the hell out of me anyway. I call it an outrage machine designed to raise my blood pressure. There’s so much bad news.
They say: “ignorance is bliss”, and I’m the most blissful moron on Planet Most.
Beecee says
Totally understandable,
I rarely use Fox for my news, and I definitely don’t watch it in TV.
But yeah, that letter that was sent to the Biden admin from the teachers requested national guard to protect them from angry parents.
Defund the police folks requesting police basically, lol
Tim Scott says
I just noticed: “America’s Most, Kim Jung Un’s Bodydouble”
I’ve seen you, and yeah you would have to be doubled to make a Kim Jung Un…tripled maybe. That dude is a blob.
America's Most, Kim Jung Un's Bodydouble says
But you have to admit, we’re cute.
BTW: He’s slimming down. It was a bad look that he was so obese and most of the rest of them are eating bark and worms. And he might have had COVID. Imagine the decadency of his lifestyle.
America's Most Trapped in a Human Body says
And I must be twice his height, right? He’d be like a weeble, with a low center of gravity so you couldn’t knock him down. You ever see the poor bastards that have to run alongside his limo?
FWB says
Teachers unions don’t even take care of the teachers
Luke says
LA Unified School District teachers who are not fully vaccinated at the beginning of next school year will not be allowed to return to work. They estimate they could lose 30% of their teachers.
Many outlying districts follow LA Unified policies so the fall out should be interesting.
Beecee says
Absolute scumbags!
America's Most Opinionated A$$h0le says
I’ll never forgive the Democrats for what they did to our country. They lie if their lips move. Schiff, Swalell, Clinton, etc. They love power more than they love our country.
America's Most Has No Purview says
I have it, Next time Tim or Stinger stump me with facts, reason or logic, I’ll just say: “That’s beyond my purview”.
Stinger says
If facts, reason or logic stump you on a position, perhaps your position isn’t supported by those three things and should be rethought out. That isn’t politics, just common sense for living.
You have shown before that you have the capacity for reason and logic, America’s Most… Now all that you have to learn is how to recognize when media is trying to excite you emotionally, rather than logically. You’ll get there. I have faith in you.
Beecee says
You might display logic,
But you surely DO NOT display reason or judgment on the facts.
America's Most Spewer of Unsubstantiated Drivel says
Nah, my wife says there’s absolutely no hope for me anymore. So does Tim Scott. I’m a irredeemable reprobate without the possibility of salvation or redemption. But I have fun.
Stinger says
And with that coming from you, BeeEss, I am profoundly reassured in my capacities for reason and judgment. Thanks for that.
Beecee says
Just doubling down…
Stinger says
Ah, BeeEss, we all know that your intent is merely to troll with RWNJ nonsense, not to engage in any legitimate debate on any given subject. This has been proven with the test of time. I can not recall the last time you posted anything that was well reasoned and showed sound judgment. Whatever reason and intelligence you may have are well masked by your ravings. So, when you make a statement against my reason and judgment, it truly is a compliment.
If you don’t like that, might I suggest that you join in debates with some objective facts to base your position on, as opposed to subjective ‘facts’ that you glean from your doom scrolling the web for the next QAnon fixation to occupy your miniscule purview.
Beecee says
I prove you 2 kooks wrong all the time.
One thing or story I have posted that is false.
And I’ll do what I do, prove your stubborn a$$ wrong.
And no, simply claiming something RWNJ doesn’t work.
Mueller says
That’s not in my purview….
America's Most Don't Mess With Girls says
“I prove you 2 kooks wrong all the time.”
You go girl. LOL. My wife outsmarts me all the time now. Never used to be that way.
Luke says
Their facts are not facts just because they say they are facts.
There’s to much spin on everything to call anything factual.
America's Most Missing Link says
Oh yeah, where’s your evidence?
Just kidding. Hopefully, the American peoples’ common sense and decency will win out.
Stinger says
First sentence: That’s what verification is for.
Second sentence: False.
Stinger says
@America’s Most… The American people need an alternative to the left/right, red/blue pendulum. Common sense and decency will return to the majority again.
America's Most Androgynous Like Pat says
Amen, brother. Hope so. Or else, stick a fork in us, we’re done.
Stinger says
I have a cunning plan…
America's Most Ultra MAGA Maniac says
Madison Cawthorn, the wheelchair-bound young Republican congressman from NC, lost his bid to retain his seat. I’ve never seen a more immature, irresponsible, arrogant, indiscreet and hubristic moron serve in the House, and that’s saying something. And The Donald endorsed him? SMH.
Beecee says
I agree 100%
Vladimir zolinsky says
Keep those payments coming joe!
Remember, we still have still have the dirt on you and hunters dealings with burisma…
Stinger says
The amount of perceptual twisting of reality in one’s head required to ignore so many other very major factors in why damn near the entire world is supporting Ukraine to make such a politically harebrained statement shows a remarkable capacity for true insanity.
Tim Scott says
And yet it is so unsurprising.
Beecee says
You want to talk insanity, You mean something like this
Stinger says
We’re talking about Ukraine and you’re posting abortion stuff…
That pretty well sums you up, BeeEss.
Beecee says
Nah, we’re talking about insanity stink dog
Tim Scott says
Also completely unsurprising.
Beecee says
Luke says
No one cares what you and dIMMY talk about.
America's Most The Village Idiot says
I care. If they weren’t here, the collective IQ of this board would drop by 85%.
Tim Scott says
LOL…Luke, if you don’t care what I talk about how come EVERY post you make is a reference to me?
America'a Most Pandering Panderer says
Biden went to Buffalo to pander to the Blacks there after the supermarket shooting. He did not go to Wisconsin when a Black person purposely ran over many grandmothers during a Xmas parade, or when a Black guy shot up the NYC subway recently.
What’s up with that? Don’t need to pander to White folks, Joe?
America's Most Incompetent SOB says
“Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent” — from Issac Assimov’s “Foundation Trilogy”.
If the above is true, then if I was in a locked room with Schiff and Swalwell, I would be the most incompetent SOB on the planet.
Stinger says
I never agreed with Asimov’s statement. I found the statement illogically derived and incomplete, even as an 8 year old (the first time I read it). There are, unfortunately, times when violence is required of the competent to deal with the incompetent. For example; one could reasonably apply Asimov’s statement to Putin, but it falls apart when applied to Zelenskyy in responding to Putin’s attack.
America's Most Stubborn Mule says
I instinctively knew you read that book, lol. Henceforth, I shall be referred to as “The Mule”. Hey, does that mean I can get Donkeypox and become a Democrat?
Stinger says
I’ve read all the Foundation series books, as well as all the robot series and where the two series’ converge. I rather identified with R. Daneel…
America's Most Maladjusted Miscreant says
And you liked Heinlein also, I remember. One of my favorites too. Sex AND science fiction, cool.
America's Most Maniacal Misspeller says
Asimov. One “s”. Oops. I keep looking around, waiting for my mom to wack me upside the head for misspelling, lol.
Beecee says
So we won’t from anti war, anti large corporations and punk rock.
Now the democrat party will be known as pro war, pro corporation.
Conservatives now own the punk rock label.
And democrats and liberals can now “rage on behalf of the machine”
America's Most Loudest Loudmouth says
The Dems should adopt a new slogan to brainwash the sheeple for 2022 midterms: DACA – Destroy and Confuse America.
Or is their policy “Ultra DACA” to bring us into the third world faster? Seems that way, huh?
America's Most Censored & "Governed", & Rightly So says
Wow, imagine the field day the new “Disinformation Governance Board” will have “governing” MY speech. They’ll have to hire more staff.
Stinger says
Honestly, I have not yet had a chance to read up on what they might actually be proposing on this, but my initial instinct regarding any kind of governmental agency tasked with this would be negative.
I would require serious convincing of necessity, efficacy, etc., and – most importantly – avoidance of undue influence (read: government/political). Only then, would I be willing to even consider it as a possible thing.
America's Most Unchained & Unhinged says
Patrisse Cullers, the Marxist (really communist) founder of BLM, cried when Candace Owens (a Black female and a personal hero/heroine) came to her million dollar home and asked Cullors about the $6 million estate she also purchased.
She cried tearfully: “I need to be safe. My family needs to be safe. That’s a racist and sexist question”.
LMAO. That’s BLM-speak for: Don’t ask me uncomfortable questions about all the millions I stole from gullible, guilt-ridden white fools and extorted from corporations. You’re racist and a misogynist, Candace Owens (how ridiculous).
Anyone that donated to BLM were as dumb as a pile of pig poop. I’m laughing at you, fools.
Stinger says
As a public service for my fellow posters, may I present a playlist of very short PSAs regarding logical thinking… Presented by none other than and animated Mr. Spock, himself (er-sort of, anyways). With thanks to the moderators for allowance of this.
Sonya says
Thanks you self absorbed nerd
Stinger says
You are most welcome, m’dear. You can not believe how happy I am that you, of all people, noticed this. I double dog dare ya to watch a few. ;-)
Sonya says
I will, no doubt!
America's Most Illogical Troglodyte says
Great stuff when I was younger. Empirical arguments, apriori, all that stuff. Philosophy, logic, analytical and critical thinking, blech.
Now logic is too much trouble. I would rather rant, rave, curse, have irrational tantrums, bluster, pontificate, bloviate, and annoy you and Tim. Much more fun.
Just kidding. I respect your logic and Tim’s so much I won’t play chess with him now.
Tim Scott says
America's Most Fits The Description says
And a yellow-bellied bushwacker too.
Sonya says
Doesn’t take a mental giant to own the Libs
America's Most Ignorant Tool of Putin says
Speaking of cowards, how about that POS white supremacist in Buffalo? A supermarket? Notice the “soft targets these a$$h0le terrorists attack? Churches. Synagogues. Mosques. Schools. Orphanages. Old age homes. Granny Xmas parades. Marathons. Subways. Supermarkets. Walmarts.
These hateful lunatics have no honor or courage. Ever notice that the ones who attack soft targets give up and survive? There are so many people that deserve to die (just saying) and they go after innocents. Nothing lower, more gutless or more despicable than that!
Beecee says
Couldn’t agree any more
Donald Trump says
Probably all democrats. If elected I will pardon him.
Stinger says
Sounds like your younger self was a pretty smart guy. You might want to get back in touch with him.
America's Most, Who Cares? says
LOLOL. As a wordsmith, I have to admire the ambiguity and elegance of that double-edged compliment. Well done!
Beecee says
Washington is an absolute cesspool
Beecee says
Cmon stink dog,
You guys know your truly the party of crack, lol
Tim Scott says
When you post these bits of nonsense from your RWNJ sources, do you ever pause to wonder what they would say if confronted by the simple question: SO WHAT?
“The SON of the president was a crackhead!!!”
So what? What does that have to do with…well…anything really?
“In trying to keep diseases getting a toehold in the vulnerable drug user population from which said diseases will spread to the general population the price of one air force toilet seat was spent on crack pipes!!!”
So what? It’s like one percent of one day worth of secret service expenses that were siphoned to the Trump Organization on a near daily basis for four years, and it at least does SOMETHING for taxpayers by reducing their risks.
I mean, do you question these nut jobs you worship AT ALL, EVER?
Beecee says
You got it bud,
Free crack pipes for the dopers and the illegals get first dibs on the baby formula.
So what!
FWB says
Tim just wants more free stuff. There’s no way he’s held a respectable job in his life. As a convicted bank robber who would ever trust him? I don’t trust him and I don’t even know him.
Tim Scott says
The key sentence here is “I don’t even know him.” Once again, you run that mouth about things you know nothing about. Typical of you. Of course, near as I can make out if you only talked about things you knew about you’d be functionally mute.
America's Most Criminal Mastermind (not) says
I know him a little, and I don’t think he’d ever steal anything from an individual. Did you read the book? I think it was more like a challenge to rob banks. As a kid, I daydreamed about busting into the NY Federal Reserve Bank, lolol.
Stinger says
Whom would you trust more, I wonder; the bank robber or the banker?
America's Most Licentious Luddite says
***** TRUST NO ONE ******
That’s the conventional wisdom.
Beecee says
This is simple…
The banker!
If you have problems making sound financial decisions for yourself, then you should fail, part of life stinkdog
Tim Scott says
LOL…I actually did time with a former banker. He had a VERY hard time making the transition from the world of fine print clauses and loopholes and lawsuits into an environment where if you cannot hold to your word the consequences can’t be sidestepped and you very rapidly find yourself cut off from all participation in the economy.
Tim Scott says
lololol…Piece of free advice Beecee…if your immediate reaction to a question is “oh this is simple” then STOP. Make sure you actually understand the question before you try to answer it and make even more of a fool of yourself than usual.
You CANNOT trust a banker, just like they CANNOT trust you. The banking industry runs entirely on enforceable contracts. It makes no difference whatsoever what a banker SAYS, all that matters is what is in an enforceable contract.
Look at your hero, deadbeat Donny Trump. The Art of the Deal is all about how he has manipulated people into “taking his word” and then hoisted them on his ability to break a contract that they thought was enforceable but turned out not to be. That’s the heart and soul of banking.
You can trust a loan shark. If you need cash tomorrow and a loan shark says he will have it for you, he will. His business is built on the fact that his clients will tell anyone that asks that his word is his bond. That extends to the fact that if he tells you there are very bad consequences to not paying you would be very well served to believe it. The question isn’t whether he is NICE, or even humane or civilized, but a loansharking is absolutely trustworthy in ways that a banker isn’t, and really is not expected to be.
Now, go back and look at the question again…you get a mulligan since we all know you are simple.
Beecee says
TLTR like always
Tim Scott says
Can’t follow more than a soundbite. Got it. See you never turd.
Beecee says
Oh you won’t see me, and if you do, go to the memorial for our fallen on Monday, I’ll be there, it’s not me you will be seeing.
America's Most Semi-Lucid Lunatic says
Threatened daily with nuclear annihilation. Runaway inflation. The stock market in the toilet. Supply chain is Buttigieged. Electricity and gasoline bleeds us dry. With shortages of everything including housing, we get millions more illegal aliens. Socialism. Bernie. AOC and the squats, I mean squad. Kamala the cackling bimbo embarrassing us in front of the world. Afghanistan, Ukraine. North Korean nukes. Iranian nukes. The Iranians toy with Biden like a child.
The Biden presidency is a f__king catastrophic disaster of biblical proportions. Yet he blames everyone and everything else in the world. Trump did it. Putin did it. It’s “ultra MAGA’s” fault. The Republicans did it. Climate change did it. Mother Teresa did it. Get real Joe. You know who really did it. ME. I take full responsibility. I absolve you and you can still go to Catholic heaven even if you lie, steal and are a hypocritical bigot.
Just blame me. Everyone else does.
FWB says
Best post ever!
Stinger says
I knew it was you all along, and not old man Withers, like those meddling kids said! ;-)
America's Most Wicked Wordsmith says
Just saying says
“Restorative justice” is nothing more than a communist construct and leftist gibberish that really means no justice and the destruction of the American way of life. Third world, here we come.
Stinger says
It is clear that you have no knowledge about any of the subjects you just posted about. You may now return to the rock from under whence you slithered.
America's Most Against Soros DAs says
Stinger, our honorable crucible of truth:
With all due respect, I have to agree with the OP as crime in cities with woke Soros-funded DAs is rising exponentially. That’s a fact. NYC. SF. Portland. Seattle. LA. Atlanta. Middle class people are leaving in droves. Recalls are starting. Restorative justice is a failure for law abiding citizens.
Tim Scott says
LOL…like the “law abiding citizens of the middle class” have a clue. Just look at our own local recall effort; it is driven not by “crime rising exponentially,” because it in fact is not rising exponentially. The recall effort is being driven by disgruntled ADAs losing their gravy train who have abundant funding and media connections that allow them to plop their endless stream of crap op-eds and social media essays into the toilet of the public consciousness.
As to what is actually driving any “middle class exodus” from the cities…it’s BECAUSE THEY CAN. The pandemic forced a reckoning on all the employers that were thinking “well, yeah, killing the commute would be good for the environment and the mental health of my employees, but I want them here under my thumb all day to make me feel important so even though their job could be done from anywhere eff that telework thing.” So now all those people with middle manager/administrative jobs are heading out to smaller metros or even the big sky boondocks.
Dimmy says
You got it bud, that’s why they are leaving…
Lol, and yes, crime is up like a MOFO
America's Most Raving Madman says
My friend Tim:
I grew up in NYC so I kinda follow events. Crime is up 46% over last year, and tourists are keeping away. People I know live in fear. I believe your opinion about crime not rising exponentially is incorrect, but I wish it wasn’t.
Stinger says
Also, it seems that the DA is not the problem with the increase in crimes… Seems that LASD clearance rates have dropped dramatically, causing more criminals to walk the street to recommit their crimes much longer before Villanueva feels it’s important enough to merit doing his actual JOB, instead of playing partisan politics.
Most. Incompetent. Sheriff. Ever.
Stinger says
One question: How can restorative justice be at fault for any of your claims when it hasn’t been being used?
My God, guys – seriously – use SOME logical sense, would you, PLEASE?
America's Most Escaped From the Asylum says
“use SOME logical sense, would you, PLEASE?” LOLOL.
You ask too much. A bridge too far. Get real. You want miracles? You know who you’re dealing with. People like me!
Regards my intelligent interlocutor.
PS: I must really be weird. A good part of me wanted Vicky and Casey White to get away.
Beecee says
A little something to consider as you you see the same posters here b&$ching about repubs, “attacking muh democracy” and “stomping on the constitution”
Tim Scott says
Another wild blogger theory? I already showed you what an actual report, with evidence, looks like, and it isn’t a sound bite clip with a wild “interpretation” by a nitwit.
Meanwhile, I’ll bet your Donny dearest was pretty upset that his disloyal cabinet wouldn’t let him declare war on Mexico. He sooooooo wanted to be a big boy like Putin and violate international sovereignty on a whim…
Sonya says
Declare war with Mexico??!
Your wack
Tim Scott says
I wasn’t the president proposing firing missiles into Mexico, so WHO is “whack”?
Sal says
She watches Fox Tim, give her a break. They haven’t reported on ut.
America's Most Wacked RWNJ says
Mexico? We should nuke Portland.
Sonya says
Anybody who believes any of these books written by former trump officials is whack.
Beecee says
Calm down Racheal!
Beecee says
Meanwhile Brett Bair is completely taking Mark Esper apart on this subject.
It was another person in the cabinet that once suggested blowing up cartel operated drug operations with missiles.
So just like every former administration member that writes a book full of lies to make money, you bought it like the lemming you are.
Crap, I bet you bought the micheal wolf book as well, lol
Common man, you need to adopt and use the 72 hour rule.
But I won’t hold my breath.
Beecee says
I fully support using missiles to destroy drug production operations in Mexico. Lol
Tim Scott says
LOL…sooooo…EVERYONE that was IN the Trump administration is a liar…and EVERYONE who opposed the Trump administration is a liar…the cultist belief that only Trump himself is a source of truth would be hilarious if it weren’t so grotesque.
Tim Scott says
BTW Beecee…so since the source of guns that are a serious problem in Mexico is in very large part straw buyer supporting gun dealers in Arizona do you think it would be okay for Mexican military units to “neutralize” them, or would that be an act of international aggression?
Beecee says
Sure as hell wouldn’t mind if they neutralized those fast and furious folks from the Obama administration that purposely pumped a crap ton of firearms into Mexico.
That’s why Mexico hates you Libs.
Tim Scott says
LOL…good to know that the fact you have no idea what actually happened with fast and furious doesn’t stop you from babbling about it. Just in case anyone had a brief moment of thinking you were anything but an uninformed chattering boob.
FWB says
We should take over Mexico and wipe out the cartel. Mexico is absolutely stunning, the geography, culture, and climate is fantastic. I spent two years in Cabo 30 years ago.
America's Most in Love with Mexico says
The Mexican people are so warm, the food is so good, and the women are ……….sigh, a gift from heaven. I love Mexicans in Mexico too! I now live in Little TJ, AKA East Palmdale. It’s a hell of a lot better than living in Lancaster. And Wrecks just got re-elected to ensure Lancaster stays in the toilet.
AVLTE says
The people speak, but the King ignores the will of the people….
Are you afraid?
I had to laugh when Lancaster Mayor Rex Parris says “we couldn’t let injustice slide,” regarding Michael Rives holding two duely elected public seats.
I thought as you kidding Rex? You who acted as a dictator, threatening to arm white Lancaster citizens just because our corrupt LA County Sheriff Alex Villanueva would not require his deputies to get shots?
You Paris who spends all your free time in Malibu rather than Lancaster? You and your fellow rightwing councilmen whose only claim to fame is that they are endorsed by the sheriff and Rex. Why are you afraid to show citizens faces at your city council meetings? Are you afraid of being embarrassed?
Eugene Hernandez
Tim Scott says
No news there. Trump’s acting secretary at DHS put Homeland Security aside and used the department to assist the Trump campaign. Mow he “cannot recall” exactly what he did, but he recalls clearly that he did not do what all the evidence and other testimony says that he did. Just another Trumpkin…appointed to a job with no qualifications other than a willingness to subvert the constitutional government in the effort to produce a “president for life” autocracy.
Beecee says
Tim Scott says
Not as exciting as the made up BS you are always repeating from your RWNJ sources? Too bad. Eat facts.
Elysian says
Beecee says
Top democrats paid a visit to Ukraine for one last go at laundering American taxpayer dollars.
They look to pass another 33 billion of aid to Ukraine and you can bet your last dollar they are over there sniffing around for money/kickbacks.
Ukraine has always been a laundry mat for shady politicians.
Tim Scott says
Picked this up from a RWNJ blog, no evidence required I presume.
Let me show you how you would do this kind of thing if you had any integrity or concern for truth.
Beecee says
The Dems also stole the 2020 election.
Hillary Clinton and the democrats constructed the russia hoax to ruin a duly elected president.
Also politicians have been known to wash taxpayer dollars through Ukraine and enrichen their families.
Fat Black Bob says
The Russia hoax
The mail in voting
It was a mass conspiracy between Democrats, the media, and social media that caused the election to be stolen.
Pretty cleaver really
Democrats Suck
Elysian says
There ain’t nothing pretty about that cleaver. Nor your made up fantasy that protects your pretty brain from the hard truths of reality.
Stinger says
And yet, somehow, the ‘dumbocrats’ managed to do all of this without even one iota of evidence to be found in ANY of your crazed ‘recounts’, lawsuits, ‘forensic audits’ by RWNJ operations? Seriously?
So, what your saying is, somehow the ‘dumbocrats’ are so amazingly smart that your ENTIRE party is unable to even find any evidence of how the MAJORITY of the country supposedly conspired with each other and did such a thing? Okay… Right… BTW; that’s called ‘voting’, not stealing an election.
Beecee says
You would deny the evidence if it was presented to you…
Watch 2000 mules
Tim Scott says
LOLOLOLOL…2000 Mules? THAT’S what you are going with as a source? A MOVIE???!!! Like…hay, sure, maybe a RWNJ with a blog might just make stuff up, but if they put it in a MOVIE that makes it true!!! What a freakin’ joke of a dingbat you are. Were you dropped on your head as a child, or is it the drugs? C’mon, be honest.
Stinger says
No, BeeEss, as you already know; I would not deny facts presented as evidence, but I do require validation of said evidence before accepting them as actual facts. A methodology that you clearly do not ascribe to, which is why most evidence that you present tends to get tossed during the validation phase.
Tim Scott says
LOL…all from the same “reliable source” I presume. I notice you have nothing to say when presented with facts.
Beecee says
What a stupid OIG investigation…
Common man, try not to bore us to death, what are the recommendations or after actions?
Anybody in any kind of trouble?
Also, how’s those New York investigations on trump going for you, lol!
Endless posts from you and your lover about how the “walls are closing in” and “orange man going to jail”…
FBB says
True and fact
Stinger says
Evidence, please.
Beecee says
Damn screw 33
Now they want 40 billion
One last hurrah!
America's Most Shaking His Head says
After recklessly shooting and killing the cinematographer on his movie set, the always hypocritical and narcissistic Alec Baldwin today called for more gun control of legal gun owners, LOLOLOL.
The left’s idea of gun control is to restrict, tax, regulate and discourage legal gun owners, rather than getting the ILLEGAL guns off the streets and out of the hands of gangs, thugs, cartels, criminals and predators.
How crazy and utterly useless is that? You can’t make this nonsense up. Only Democrats would propose something so ridiculous and typically irrelevant.
FBB says
Tim Scott let’s meet for coffee at the Britisher lol
Stinger says
You will find Tim to be an excellent host and a gentleman. Whether you agree with him, or not, is another question, altogether. But the conversation will be enjoyable.
Tim Scott says
Wait, The Britisher serves coffee?
Stinger says
Yes. Yes, they do. Of course, it’s been a log time since I stopped in and had one, though… Not my normal haunts, you know.
Beecee says
Hello comrades,
We are to introducing our new disinformation governance board, aka “ministry of truth”
All of you communications are belong to us now.
Tim Scott says
Given the amount of already disproved BS that you post I am not surprised that this would concern you.
As we see from what’s going on with Russia, a population without access to real information and fed nothing but propaganda creates a dangerous situation…and we now have evidence that Fox “news” was in fact a propaganda outlet operating at the direction of the Trump administration, along with Breitbarf. Since most of the swill circulating through the right wing blogosphere can be traced back to origins with one or both of those propaganda sources it’s pretty easy to see why disinformation needs to be put in check.
Beecee says
Tim Scott says
Yeah, I’m sure even you have heard of it. Basic dictatorship with sham elections, autocratic ruler pining for the old “glory days” who randomly breaks international law and defies common decency and is held in respect by GOP leaders who wish they had “such freedom” to act without concern for the electorate.
Maybe you haven’t heard of it…I notice that the RWNJ media is mostly pretending there has been no invasion of Ukraine.
Beecee says
Awww come on Tim,
The 80’s are asking for their foreign policy back…
Stinger says
I dunno, BeeEss… The 80’s foreign policy may have a bit of a comeback thanks to Putin… Jes’ sayin’.
Beeecee says
Tim Scott says
We got the 80s foreign policy back, whether we wanted it of not. Putin will be erecting a new “Berlin Wall” in partitioned Ukraine. Russia will be cut off from the world economy again. There’s really no other end game available.
America's Most Ringing in the Revolution says
Good luck on trying to shut us up, huh Beecee? If they try, please refer to Phil Ochs song, “The Ringing of Revolution”.
Thank you founding fathers for the First, Second, and all the Amendments. This will only turn off most independent-thinking people and show the nation what the Democrats are really like.
Tim Scott says
At least you acknowledge that when people say “disinformation” it is most assuredly the crap you spew that they are referring to.
Stinger says
As usual, BeeEss, your article was standard RWNJ crapola. That said, however, I, too, have extraordinarily DEEP concerns about this concept a it is rife with potential abuses… Very concerning, indeed.
America's Most Feels Sorry for USA says
Who’s running the country??????
America's Most Not The Guy In The Bunny Suit says
Headline from today’s DailyMail.com:
“Joe’s missing millions! Financial records reveal Biden had $5.2million in unexplained income – as emails show he paid Hunter’s legal bills for one megabucks Chinese deal and was tapped as ‘big guy’ to get a 10% cut in another ”
Wow! What will Joe’s handler in the bunny suit say?
America's Most Always Amazed says
LOL. That’s hilarious. The communist “leadership” of Black Lives Matter has stolen all the millions that they extorted out of a guilt-ridden and bullied America. They used George Floyd to hoodwink gullible fools that they despised. What the hell did the contributors expect? I am always amazed at how stupid and guilt-ridden people can be. Did they own slaves?
Beecee says
BLM= buy large mansions
Alby says
or Big Load of Manure
America's Most Hunting Hunter's Ho's says
Know that Bernie Sanders runs the Democratic Party and Bernie is an avowed Socialist/Communist. He honeymooned in Moscow, Soviet Union in the 80’s cause he loved their system so much. He went to Venezuela to cavort with and praise Hugo Chavez, a communist enemy of the USA. This guy is a flat out communist and controls the Democratic Party. He would tax you to death and impoverish your children to give your money to minority groups and bribe them to vote Democratic.
How f_cking stupid are you troglodytes to even consider them for power? SMH
Tim Scott says
Who is frickin’ telling you that Sanders is “running the party.” That’s even more absurd than you usually are. Sanders is one senator from a pretty petty little state and he has NEVER authored a significant piece of legislation in his entire career in the senate. You may as well claim that Karl Marx is running the party. You’d be just as accurate, and Marx is dead.
America's Most Sick of Democrats says
Biden is beholden and obligated to Bernie for progressive support in the election, as well as to Rep. Clybourn (?) of SC for delivering the Black vote. Bernie is chair of the Senate Budget Committee, spending money that we don’t have. Biden kowtows to the far left of AOC and Bernie to hold his party together.
I can’t see how anyone can deny any of that, or Bernie’s lifelong record of being a socialist/commie. Pelosi said she will retire cause AOC and the Squad runs the progressive caucus in The House, the largest caucus. The Far, Far, Far Left runs the Democratic Party in Washington DC and California. Yuck! I just made myself puke.
Stinger says
One question, if I might… Which is Bernie; a socialist or a communist? The terms are not interchangeable.
I would point out that he is publicly not in favor of communism, but his position regarding his belief in the positives of democratic socialism is well established. Also, he does caucus with the Democrats most of the time, but he is an Independent, which cause not just a little consternation on the part of the DNC in 2016 and 2020.
I might also point out one little niggling detail that so many seem to forget: ALL governments are socialist in their primary intent. They take from all to (presumably) redirect those resources to projects and services intended to benefit all. This basic function is inherent in all governments, irrespective of type.
Do you support our veterans (I know that you do)? Welcome to the socialism of national defense. I could belabor the point (and wax long and loquacious about it’s relativity to capitalism, democracy, and such, too!), but I’m sure you’ve got it… Unless you WANT me to get jiggy with it… ;-)
America's Most Fighting The Enemies of Man & Nature says
Bernie is an avowed, proud socialist, no question, right? Because he loved the Soviet Union so much, I would think he was a communist sympathizer also, and I have a clear conscience calling him such. And he’s the chair of the Senate Budget Committee. Does that not give you pause, cause it scares the bejeebus out of me, lol.
Stinger says
Your first sentence is only partially inaccurate in that Bernie identifies as a democratic socialist, as there are a rather wide variety of ‘socialisms’ and most definitions are so simplified as to become specious, one can be forgiven the confusion.
Your second sentence is plainly false and clearly based in Fox hosts’ twisted views on facts… Here is a quote from, and a link to, Snopes:
“Fox News anchor Sean Hannity went so far as to claim that Sanders honeymooned in the Soviet Union during the “height of the Cold War.”
A bit of truth exists to this claim. Sanders did travel to the Soviet Union shortly after his wedding in 1988, and Sanders himself has described this trip as a “very strange honeymoon.” However, a romantic getaway was not the main focus of this trip. Sanders, who was the mayor of Burlington, Vermont, at the time, took a 12-person delegation of city representatives and officials, including his new wife Jane Sanders, the director of the Mayor’s Youth Office, on a trip to the Soviet Union to establish a sister city relationship with Yaroslavl.
Furthermore, this trip occurred in June 1988. This was not the “height of the Cold War,” as Hannity claimed. This trip occurred during the final years of the Cold War (which ended roughly in 1991) while tensions were de-escalating.”
Tim Scott says
You fell into the trap here Stinger. It makes no difference whether Sanders is a socialist, a communist, a rabbit, or a hare…because his name was only brought up under the absurd pretense that he is “running the democratic party.”
But he’s a senator…yeah, one of a hundred and half of them are republicans. NOTHING is coming out of the senate, whether Bernie Sanders writes it, reads it, or uses it for toilet paper, so WHO CARES what his positions best resemble? The ONLY senator who has any particular say in administration policy is a senator who can deliver ten republican votes, and that is CERTAINLY not Bernie Sanders.
Americas Most Influenced by GOP Propaganda and Nonsense wants to talk about Sanders, and AOC, and assorted other congressional nobodies because they do NOT want to talk about what the Biden administration is actually doing. That’s the GOP strategy.
America's Most Grateful for Tim & Stinger says
I really enjoy you guys telling me how stupid I am (seriously). Arguing is so much fun. I just wish William was here to pile on.
Mike says
Silly Tim…Marx isn’t dead. He’s very much alive in the Democratic Party. Just ask The Squad. They openly tout his ideas every day in the halls of congress.
Tim Scott says
So what? Other than Fox News no one pays any attention to them. Both parties have their fring elements…but it is the GOP that has allowed their most extremist members to take control of the party. That’s why people are leaving in droves.
Mike says
Better recalibrate your fact-o-meter tiny Tim, its throwing a BS code. The latest polls and publications show the exact opposite. Get your sh!t together baby boy.
Tim Scott says
LOL…the GOP in Arizona…Arizona, one of the seriously red states…had ten thousand voter registrations a day registering “not republican any more” for several weeks after the GOP’s little fascist play last year. That’s a fact. Now, those people may still vote GOP, but the party being taken over by the extremists is most assuredly not what they are wanting.
Meanwhile…you calling me “baby boy” because your own son wants nothing to do with you? Seems ungrateful after the family nepotism tradition got him on that public “service” teat.
FWB says
Bernie can’t run anything without going bankrupt. I’m not buying he’s running the democrat party. Joe Biden isn’t either, so who is?
Tim Scott says
Unlike the GOP, the democrats have a platform built by consensus rather than being a cult of personality slavishly following the whims of the “man in charge.” Well, man-child in charge I guess.
America's Most Pointless Pundit says
This month’s MVP (most valuable poster) Award goes to Beecee for keeping Tim awake and out of the pool room.
tx/rx says
Pool room? you miss spelled bath house.
America's Most Derisive & Dismissive says
Up yours. I said pool room. Do you have any substance or personality behind that despicable drive-by comment? Seems rather gutless to me.
Come out from under your rock, little person.
Tim Scott says
Light yours on fire and we’ll see if anyone goes for it.
America's Most Not Niles Crane says
Those are some profound comments. I can see we’re clearly dealing with an intellectual giant here.
Tim Scott says
Hey Mike, since you claim to read legislation out of Florida in full what do you think of the latest in well crafted GOP law making? I’ll give a synopsis for everyone else.
1) The governor has a hate boner for Disney, so we are dissolving the Reedy Creek assessment area.
2) Reedy Creek’s billions of dollars in debts will be…picked up by…well, probably the associated counties. How they will be divided we haven’t really considered, and whether those counties can take on such debts without the debts being called is an open question that we can’t be bothered to consider.
3) Who will take over responsibility for paying for road maintenance, waste management, fire protection, and other services again is maybe the counties we guess, but we haven’t really thought about that either.
4) How this hurts Disney is also not something we thought about. The district was formed and Disney paid for it all because it avoided red tape interactions with government while building its billions of dollars worth of theme parks. Since they are now built this apparently just absolves Disney of the ongoing administrative expense that they agreed to take on in perpetuity. They are probably celebrating. But hate boners do what they do.
LOLOLOL…GOP governance…petty vendettas resolved at taxpayer expense.
FWB says
“The district was formed and Disney paid for it all”
Now they’re just going to pay more
and they still won’t have to go through the same bureaucratic bs others go through
Disney is the devil
America's Most Person of Disinterest says
Walt Disney himself was a pig bigot that disliked and discriminated against Jews, Blacks, Hispanics, Gays and Hippies. Now his company is woke, wacked and run by gays and Jews.
LMFAO, life’s a kick.
I miss William.
Tim Scott says
That;s kinda the point. Disney took financial responsibility for providing all kinds of government services, forever, so they could slide through the construction process. That construction has been OVER for decades, and Disney has dutifully continued to pay. Now Florida is saying “you made us mad, so we aren’t going to let you keep paying!”
I dunno if that makes Disney “the devil” or the Florida legislature smart as hamsters…you decide.
Admittedly, Disney did a LOT of that paying by issuing bonds rather than cash out of pocket, which is fine since the bonds were backed by Disney which is probably more solvent than any county in Florida as well as the state itself…but those bonds aren’t “Disney bonds,” they go with the Reedy Creek District into becoming the state’s responsibility.
I dunno if THAT makes Disney the devil, or the Florida legislature NOT as smart as hamsters. Again, you decide.
Mike says
C’mon Tim. The sword has two sharp edges. If legislators can create laws that exempt corporations from certain state and local levies and regulations, it can certainly create legislation to force them to pay the debts they incurred. The question is, does the Florid Legislature and it’s Governor have the cojones to do it? Well…seeing how they just tea-bagged Disney without hesitation, I’m sure future headlines will be reading more of the same. Stay tuned.
Tim Scott says
LOLOL…thank you Mike for illustrating what the “conservative movement” has come to. What you are proposing is not only a gross violation of the constitution as enacted by colonials rebelling against 18th century monarchy, it takes us all the way back to unfettered monarchy privileges as outlawed by the Magna Carta in the thirteenth. You are one backwards fornication.
Mike says
Yea Tim…I’m pretty sure construction never ended at Disney World and has been ongoing since it’s inception. How else do you explain their current EPCOT construction project: Moana: Journey of Water, and the numerous other attractions that followed each Disney hit movie? Did you think they just watered the ground and the attractions grew organically? I know, I know, you can’t be bothered with facts.
Tim Scott says
Yeah they can probably do a lot more building with DeSantis passing off a billion dollars of their debt to the taxpayers.
Go fall out of a helicopter…make the world a better place.
Pinochet’s helicopter rides says
Only commies fall from the helicopters
Beecee says
Go woke, go broke
F around, find out
The based governor strikes again, and it’s great to see.
America's Most Wacked Out RWNJ says
DeSantis is THE MAN. Not because of this controversial bill, it’s not that important to me. He’s like a conservative knight, literally fighting the enemies of man and nature.
I might have to split my support between him, Nikki Haley, Ric Grenell and Mike Pompeo. Lot of talent on the GOP bench. Gov. Noem from SD; Sen. Tim Scott from SC; Sen. Josh Hawley from MO. I would vote for Dem Sen. Joe Mancin from WV in a heartbeat too. Maybe Sen. Sinema from AZ.
I like Tom Cotton, but he is a bit radical. Trump brings too much baggage, but we need his policies to save this country.
I can’t say this with enough passion or anymore conviction: VOTERS WHO ELECTED BIDEN & CO. ARE AS DUMB AS A PILE OF…………….teddy bears and red rose pedals.
America's Most Illiterate Misspeller says
Stinger says
Many voters who voted for Biden did so primarily to ensure that there would still be an election possible in 2024.
Tim Scott says
Hopefully they remember that, because it’s not like the fascist insurrectionists of the GOP have gone away.
Tim Scott says
Cost of the stunt has now been determined. Reedy Creek District outstanding debt, which by legislating to dissolve the district the state of Florida is obliged to pay off, is approximately ONE BILLION DOLLARS.
The truly hilarious next step should be the holders of the bonds suing the state to prevent them from backing out if their great plan to dissolve the district, because it turns out that the originating document says the state will take no such action without paying the debts in full. So instead of waiting the prescribed time for the bonds to mature the bond holders have a legitimate right to expect payment in full by the dissolution date specified in the new law and can claim damages if Florida tries to back out or attempts a “oh here’s Florida state bonds instead” play.
GOP governance at work. Personal vendetta by the governor, “legislation” without even a cursory examination of the issue, massive consequences that the taxpayers will wind up covering out of pocket.
America's Most Profound Philosopher says
If aliens arrived from another star system, what color do you think they might be? What gender? What political or sexual persuasion? Tall? Short? Reptilian? What sports teams might they root for?
These are the questions that keep me up at night. Especially the most important one: Do you think they might be hungry?
^Just Kidding^ …… Einstein and the laws of physics say the distances are too far. But ya never know……
Stinger says
“To Serve Man”…
America's Most Like Lazarus Long says
If we could capture a Reticulan, we could co-opt their technology and use their weapons to take over the world. So if you and I were co-emporers, after I murdered you the first thing I would do is beat the living hell out of Schiff and Swalwell.
That’s my plan.
America's Most Just Kidding says
Just kidding, DHS. Well. half kidding.
Stinger says
Ah, I see that you are presuming that I wouldn’t have already (ahem) removed you from the picture… ;-)
America's Most Chasing Bigfoot says
LOL. Good point.
Beecee says
Tim Scott says
Pretty amazing coincidence how a huge Trump supporter buys CNN and they immediately start reversing course and discrediting themselves. It’s almost like someone is trying to silence them. Wonder why.
America's Most Under His Rock says
Thank heaven!
Tim Scott says
Hey, since it seems to be working for Putin we can only expect that the GOP will try to follow suit.
Beecee says
What would a Friday be with out a mention of Putin, and hitler from our bud!
Can you imagine a drinking game where conservatives would have to take a shot for every mention of Putin, trump or hitler.
That is they key to decimating us as a whole. Lol
Tim Scott says
If you weren’t slavishly devoted to the propagandist’s swill maybe people wouldn’t point out the consequences to you so often.
I know that you want to pretend Trump isn’t the face of the GOP, but he controls more campaign money than all other GOP sources combined. GOP “leadership” bows to his every whim. The fact is that a vote for any GOP candidate is a vote to return power to a president who for the first time in history refused to accept electoral defeat and attempted to subvert the constitution and institute autocratic rule in the US.
I know that you want to pretend that the propagandists operating for the GOP aren’t basically following the same playbook that Putin is using to keep Russians in the dark about his military misadventures, and admittedly there are differences. Putin has already achieved the autocratic rule that Trump craves, so he could just shut down all independent media by fiat. The GOP has to buy them out.
I know that you want to pretend that Putin and Trump are somehow “a better kind of totalitarian” than Hitler was, but there is scant evidence to support your pretense. All three stoke nationalist xenophobia to energize their supporters. Trump’s attempt to duplicate Hitler’s burning of the reichstag fell just short but was basically the same plan. All three use propaganda extensively with total disregard for facts. The parallels outweigh the scarce differences overwhelmingly.
Beecee says
See what I mean,
I would be zhit face hammered drunk just from the above post, lol
Beeceee says
9 drink post,
Tim is dumb says
Don’t pretend you know how the GOP thinks. You would have to have common sense,
America's Most Unwoke Antisocial Socialist says
Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla and SpaceX, was asked if the “woke mind virus is the biggest threat to civilization?”. Musk answered, “yes”.
Stinger says
I, too, have a problem with over-woke programming in the various media. Oh, I don’t have a problem with ‘woke,’ just when they go too far and actually become the thing they are trying to stop.
As an example; I present any character who is presented as some nonstandard type, not because it is an intrinsic part of the character and is needed for the plotline, but merely to present someone of that varietal social group in the show.
Don’t get me wrong, if the show is about exploring said social group and/or their perspective(s), then fine. Just don’t keep trying to stuff this stuff down our throats just for ‘woke’ sake!
America's Most Neurotic & Psychotic says
Agree. I think media presenting it out of context is virtue signalling.
I don’t need to virtue signal because everybody knows I’m already virtuous, good, nice, perfect, innocent and pure as the driven snow (incredulous emoji).
Beecee says
“innocent and pure as the driven snow”
Give Ben credit
America's Most Purer Than Snow says
“Give Ben credit”. ?????
Who’s Ben? Ben Dover? Ben Awhile? Is he/she/it as pure as I am? Is he a Democrat?
Beecee says
Ben Shapiro constantly uses that saying.
America's Most Nonredeemable Reprobate says
Oh, The Daily Wire. Got it. Hey, he really might be pretty good and pure. I’m certainly not.
America's Most Master Debater says
He must be a hell of a debater, cause he can get in more words in a limited time, like a machine gun.
Beecee says
Goes for Larry elder
RayRay says
Is it true that the song “Third Rate Romance, Low Rent Rendezvous” was written after a three day bender on Sierra Highway in Lancaster?
America's Most Getting Dingy says
LOLOL. That’s funny. How did I miss that RayRay?
Beecee says
Stinger says
That little bit of satire gets a legit LOL.
Laguna Ray says
Pop the cork boys!!!! Time to celebrate our election rout tonight!!! LOL!!! Like anyone had a chance!!! Let’s have a post election BBQ down at the beach house. Screw the Brown Act!!! Last one in the water is off one of my commissions!!! Gawd I love April elections!!!! LOL!!
Beecee says
Build back better….
FWB says
I would seriously welcome Obama back with open arms over this moronic fool Joe Biden.
worst POTUS ever!
Beecee says
Gotcha bud!
America's Most Laughing At Joe says
LOL. Too funny. Was that real or staged?
Dumb Leftest says
It was edited to look bad. Biden is one of the smartest, cleaver, quick, witty POTUS we’ve ever had.
Fornicate Off
America's Most Written Dronestrike says
OK, Mr. or Ms. Leftest. Your dumb AND you can’t spell worth a sh!t either. We agree. Probably ignorant as a Bandini pile to make a ludicrous statement like that and vote for this catastrophic administration. It’s your direct fault, you moron, that the f1_1ck!ng country is going down the tubes, you slow-witted imbecile. Your in denial and will soon be in the dustbin of history.
Always a pleasure, Mr. Dumb Leftest. Check back anytime.
Tim Scott says
When you find out that he is right and have to eat those words they are gonna be hard to swallow.
America's Most Like Filonious Gru says
Right that “Biden is one of the smartest, cleaver, quick, witty POTUS we’ve ever had”? LOL. With all due respect, I’ll take my chances, thank you.
Tim Scott says
No, the fact that you watch these idiotic chop videos and think they somehow reflect reality.
It’s propaganda, and the fact that you fall for it says a whole lot more about you than it does Biden.
America's Most Not Pierre Delecto says
The videos are funny, no matter what. And Joe’s mind is gone, no question. Feinstein’s too. What’s with the Dems that they want to be represented by ancient demented pols?
This administration is the most inclusive, incompetent, corrupt, unpatriotic, foolish, socialist, woke, old, hypocritical, disingenuous, opaque, lying, despicable bunch of weenies and soft commies in our country’s history. They have done more damage to foreign and domestic policy in 15 months than Jimmy Carter did in four years. But at least they don’t tweet mean things, lol.
The midterms will determine the verdict of the voters. If the Democratic socialist aren’t repudiated for generations, we’re done and I’m leaving for Australia.
Tim Scott says
“No question” based on WHAT? You watch these idiotic propaganda videos and come to these inane conclusions and it’s frankly embarrassing listening to you.
America's Most Still As Obnoxious As Ever says
And I bet that some here would help me pay for my ticket, LOLOL.
Stinger says
“What’s with the Dems that they want to be represented by ancient demented pols?”
Let’s be fair, America’s Most… That odd idiosyncrasy seems to run in both parties… I mean, have ya looked at Moscow Mitch lately?
America's Most Disgusted With Mitch says
Mitch was voted the least popular senator, period. Everyone despises that swamp creature, including most Republicans.
Dumb Leftest says
Not sure why you expect a dumb leftest would know how to spell?
Joe Biden might not be doing well, but he’s hands down better than that insane lying Trump
Beecee says
“When we OU find out he’s right”
Wtf, hahahahaha!
America's Most Looking Forward To It says
The Bidens are so corrupt, so thoroughly owned by China, Ukraine and Russia, that as soon as the GOP gets control, it’s…..******* IMPEACHMENT TIME *****
Except this time it will not be a hoax like that perpetrated on the country by Pelosi, Schiff, Schumer and the rest of the lying, socialist, incompetent, sneaky Democrats.
America's Most Conspiring With the QAnon Shaman says
Now that I read my post above, it DOES sound like QAnon nonsense, LMFAO, but it’s not.
Fat White Bob says
“ Except this time it will not be a hoax”
I expect Tim to disappear or start posting under a different name when this happens.
It’s kinda sad Tim has nothing better to do than spew his leftest vomit on this site. Tim how long have you been faking a disability to get benefits and avoid working? Being fat isn’t an excuse, I’m proof of that.
For as much bs you spew you should run for Mayor and fix all the problems you say Rex created.
I nominate Tim for mayor of Lancaster.
America's Most Would Vote For Tim says
Nah, FWB. With all due respect, you’re wrong. He’d never do that. And he’d make a hell of a lot better mayor than Wrecks.
America's Most Still Obnoxious says
After the GOP lost control of the Senate to socialists on 1/3 with those 2 catastrophic senate races in Georgia, I went into the fetal position for a week. But I soon snapped out of it, still Trumpist#1 (then), and still as obnoxious as ever.
FWB says
Well if Tim is stuck in Lancaster, let’s nominate him for mayor.
I was stuck in Lodi again last week
Tim Scott says
I’m not in Lancaster, and I’m never stuck.
F Tim says
Stuck on stupid to be exact.
Tim Scott says
Responding to a two week old thread and that was the best you could do? Why would you bother?
Mike says
I have to disagree Tim. You are most certainly stuck…on stupid.
Tim Scott says
Gosh Mike…duping a comment from ten days ago…aren’t you the clever one!
Mike says
How else will someone like you understand it? Of course it bears repeating that you’re STUCK. ON. STUPID….Timpon.
Tim Scott says
LOL…wow, a feminine hygiene product pun. Is that what you think attracts the ladies? Face it Mike, without your first wife’s money the younger model probably would admit you disgust her.
Dumb Leftest says
Typical delusional right winger. Biden’s going to label you has a home grown terrorist and we’ll see who’s laughing then.
America's Most At The Center of The Plot says
Just watched Demented Joe’s news conference. Observations:
1. Joe reads from his handlers cards and only takes one or two pre-approved, softball questions. Joe lies thru his teeth all the time, without shame. He blames high gas prices on big oil, Putin, GOP and everyone else but his policies.
2. The disingenuous, prevaricating, corrupt and non compos mentis SOB lies to your ignorant faces, and you imbeciles believe him. SMH.
3. Trump was so much more transparent, honest and not afraid of hostile questions. The difference between the two is stark and obvious. The country suffers, the world burns, and Joe tells us it’s never been better. Democratic voters: You have the brains of a tardigrade.
Tim Scott says
Point out what “policies” Biden has gotten into place and explain the mechanism of how they affect gas prices.
I’ll wait.
The first policy proposal that I think is significant he just mentioned today. Making oil companies pay for the leases they are idling is a very good move. Of course oil money owns more than enough senators to keep it from happening, but it’s a good idea.
America's Most Antisocial Antisocialist says
I don’t think nitpicking policies is the issue. All people (voters) see is that their lives are worse under Biden. 13 months ago, gas was cheap and we were energy independent. The world had relative peace. The border was secure. Inflation was minimal.
That’s all it comes down to. Our lives suck worse under Biden and I believe the Democrats are gonna pay big-time in November, and maybe for many election cycles to come.
Tim Scott says
Fox used to tell you life was grand, now they are telling you life sucks and its the democrats’ fault, and any argument with this claim is “nitpicking.” Got it.
Gas was cheap because no one was going anywhere.
Nothing has actually changed in this reality, but Trump is no longer beating the “I made us energy independent” fallacy into your head as a current thing.
The “relative peace” claim is absurd to start with. Ask Yemin. But in reference to Ukraine, if Trump hadn’t made Putin think that NATO was dead with his refusal to acknowledge article five Putin probably wouldn’t have risked it. Biden resurrecting NATO while Trump continues to slurp Putin is the biggest demonstration of how dangerous the GOP really is.
Nothing has changed at the border other than Fox reporters coming and going.
Inflation has been minimal for decades. Notice how that makes the rich get richer and everyone else poorer?
You might be right about elections, because the GOP has got half the voters stuck on stupid with their propagandists. The good news for me is that I divested from the USA when Trump took office and I’ll probably never bring my money back here so if the GOP destroys the place I really don’t care. What’s your plan?
Fat White Bob says
You should have left with your money.
and the democrats say it’s all Trump’s fault.
Frankly I believe nothing from Fox or the alphabet news networks. Neither are journalist.
Tim Scott says
Why? The US has a lot more to offer than anywhere else in the world. I can live here and enjoy it and be ready to escape on a moment’s notice. As Russians who are having a hard time getting out before the new iron curtain closes completely can tell you; when there’s an autocrat coming to power you have to get ready. If the GOP gives Trump or someone like him a second chance the constitution almost certainly won’t hold.
Beecee says
Easy, here we go,
On Day 1, Biden ended the Keystone XL Pipeline, halted leasing on federal lands for oil and gas productions, and levied heavy restrictions on domestic oil producers, making it harder to produce oil in America. This abrupt switch caused widespread uncertainty and disruption in the domestic oil market, limiting our ability to produce oil in the U.S. and forcing dependence on foreign nations to power our country.
From a recent “Hill” piece.
Tim Scott says
Of course oil executives say they aren’t drilling on the leases they have because more oil means lower profits, not for any of the reasons you claim, nut whatever makes it easier to spew hate at democrats, right?
To get specific though…”ended the pipeline”…the pipeline never moved a drop of oil, and still hasn’t. NOTHING changed there. It’s not like prices dropped in anticipation that someday there was gonna be a pipeline. So IF there is any connection between “ending the pipeline” and rising prices it connects through something other than reduced supply.
Would the oil monopolists use such a thing to “justify” taking higher profits? Sure. That’s why allowing such a monopoly to exist is the essence of NOT capitalism.
Beecee says
“Of course oil executives say they aren’t drilling on the leases they have”
They can’t cause they can’t get the permits to do so, another debunked talking point.
Beecee says
“It’s not like prices dropped in anticipation that someday there was gonna be a pipeline”
That’s exactly what happens….
Another dumb talking point brought to you by democrats.
Your running out of them.
Tim Scott says
LOLOLOL…try again Beecee, that one is hilarious!
You think oil companies drop prices ON THE COME? “Hey, we’re gonna have more later, so let’s just drop prices now!” File that under things NEVER heard said by an oil company exec…or frankly anyone in any business, ever.
And they ALREADY HAVE permits they aren’t using. They have wells ALREADY drilled that they aren’t putting into production. Are you getting paid to shill for the oil companies by chance, or are you just that far removed from reality?
Tim Scott says
I just went and got a pizza. I told them there’s a pizza pipeline in the planning stages and three, maybe four years down the line there will be more pizzas so they should just give away the pizzas they have now.
Unfortunately Beecee doesn’t run the pizza place…
Beecee says
And you just paid more then you usually would for that pizza due to…
Wait for it…
Woke liberal democratic policies.
Tim Scott says
Way to ignore the point. Or did it genuinely go over your head? I understand that you are stuck with the standard US education in economics…ie, none…so I guess that’s understandable.
Beecee says
“This abrupt switch caused widespread uncertainty and disruption in the domestic oil market“
I don’t think uncertainty equals stable or lower prices,
You should know that you economic genius you.
Economic geniuses and democrats don’t mix.
Tim Scott says
Keep trying Beecee…even someone with no education in economics like yourself is bound to say something right eventually if you just keep on spewing.
Luke says
We’re suppose to believe it’s a good move just because convicted bank robber Dimmy says so?
America's Most Hazardous Material says
Obama went on an apology tour to Egypt and the Middle East, soon after he was elected. He whined and groveled and told the world the USA was evil, and he won a Nobel Peace Prize.
Trump and Pompeo ramrodded the historic Abraham Accords, and he got the finger. Fair? Objective?
FWB says
I suspect Tim’s behavior has changed because he sees the writing on the wall and uncontrollably pooping his pants.
Tim Scott says
Nah, you just convinced me that the whole “screw everyone but me me me” bit is real. So there’s really no reason to waste civility on you.
John says
I personally know FWB. He’s not fat and not white. He’s a Mexican.
America's Most: Stable Genius or Capricious Moron? says
I don’t gt the context of your post in relation to my comment about demented, corrupt Joe Biden and Democrats. Was a comment deleted?
BTW: I can’t imagine ANY scenario that would make Tim do that, LMAO.
America's Most Embarrrassed for Our Country says
Holy crap!! Did you see Biden making a doddering old fool of himself when Obama came to the White House? He shuffled around aimlessly looking for someone that wanted to talk to him.
That’s the freakin” Commander-in-Chief \_O_/ WTF? Embarrassing for the country and scary for our security.
Luke says
Joe Biden’s family hates him.. and they want everyone in America to hate him to.
Sonyaa says
In 1977 Joseph R Biden stated that integrating black student would turn schools into ‘A jungle, a racial jungle’
“I don’t want my children to grow up in a jungle, a racial jungle”
-Joe Biden
America's Most Expelled From Kindergarten says
And as I’ve brought up, non compos mentis Joe gave the eulogy for his friend and mentor Robert Byrd who previously served as grand wizard of the Ku Klux Klan. He sponsored the Super Predator bill, and promoted stronger penalties for crack cocaine. He’s really been an overt racist his whole life.
And yet Dems and Blacks love him now. Short memories or stupidity???????
FWB says
just selective memory and ignorance
Tim Scott says
Any Trumpist that wants to talk about selective memory and ignorance is so far gone that the only response is “go fornicate yourself.”
You obviously have no intention to be taken seriously.
FWB says
It’s prevalent in both parties Tim. I however don’t let it make me ugly.
All this political drama needs to come to a head so we can actually move forward. It makes me wonder if politicians are happier with us divided.
I’ll go about my day and just consider I may have hit a trigger to get a comment like that.
Tim Scott says
It’s too late to make you ugly. You’ve demonstrated that more than sufficiently.
Fat White Bob says
We all have our opinions.. And we don’t even agree on the facts.
There is NO way Biden won in 2020, legitimately.
The proof IS all over the face of the nation.
Biden was “injected” into power, not elected.
Tim Scott says
Go fornicate yourself.
That’s the only response you are worth.
FWB says
“I don’t want my children to grow up in a jungle, a racial jungle”
Then don’t raise them in Palmdale or Lancaster
Stinger says
Wow, Sonya… 43 years back for that one, eh? Funny how long your memory is on Biden, yet so short on everything over the last 5 years, including your treasonous party’s setting up a violent attempt to overthrow democracy for a pumpkin pud packer.
FWB says
Black Americans who support this old racist white fool must be stupid
Beeecee says
But, but, but Hunters laptop isn’t real, it’s Russian disinformation…
Hunter doesn’t have any pay for play schemes with our rival countries that can cause huge security risks for our country…
They come out now with the truth they have known all along and swayed an election by suppressing it all up to and during the election with the help of the tech giants.
Tim Scott says
Do you even read when people respond to you?
We already went over the realities of the laptop. It has data in it that can be, and has been, verified. It has other data in it that will likely never be verified and probably was put there by other sources as the laptop made the out of custody rounds.
At the end of the day, if Hunter Biden gets prosecuted, and even convicted, I am not gonna GAF. As far as I know Hunter Biden has never run for office.
FWB says
” It has other data in it that will likely never be verified and probably was put there by other sources as the laptop made the out of custody rounds.”
hang on to that thought as it’s the only defense
Tim Scott says
Anything that has passed through the hands of Rudy Guilianni is not fit for presentation in a court of law.
Sonya says
Says Tim Scott of desert view ‘high’lands
Tim Scott says
Wait…I moved? When did that happen? Let me look out a window…
Nope, you’re just wrong as usual.
America's Most's Humble Opinion says
This fascination with outing personal info, whether correct or not, is disturbing, nasty and inappropriate, and will only serve to suppress opinions and stifle debate.
Sonyaa says
This gentleman does not seem very debatable at the moment, all he is doing is lashing out with insults.
Stinger says
Sonyaa; that comment was factually inaccurate in its entirety. No insults have been used in this conversation thread by any party to it… with the, maybe, possible exception of the ‘high’ attempt by Sonya (yourself?), and this next part of my post.
Please engage brain and then attempt communications again.
Sonya says
Dudes out here telling folks to go F them selves, why don’t you get your brain straight before you post.
Tim Scott says
Read key words: “in this conversation thread.”
You interjected this nonsensical dox attempt out of nowhere, with no basis whatever, in response to “anything corrupted by Rudy G isn’t useful in court.” That was, and remains, just a bald faced fact. The guy has been laughed out of more courtrooms than he can count and disbarred everywhere he used to be licensed.
Now, if you just have to ride to the assistance of FWB there are plenty of places you might go so that, but you can be more effective if you don’t make erroneous dox attempts, call statements false that aren’t, and exaggerate what you are complaining about. You do know that people is a plural, right?
Stinger says
Why don’t you pay attention to what you are reading and learn the difference between a discussion thread and an entire page.
You’re still not engaging your thought processes prior to posting, Sonya/Sonyaa/etc.
Sonya says
; )
FWB says
If you’ve lived in the desert view ‘high’lands, you know where Snob Hill is.
Beeecee says
“On Sept. 21, 2017, Hunter Biden wrote to a building manager requesting new office signage to reflect a new family enterprise and a new business relationship: “The Biden Foundation and Hudson West (CEFC-US),” he wrote in emails to the property manager.
He also requested keys for his new office mates: his father, Joe; his mother, Jill; his uncle James; and the Chinese executive, Gongwen Dong”
Keys for the ‘Big Guy’ and the Doctor as well.
Tim Scott says
Interesting. I just ordered signage for a whorehouse and requested a key for you. Does that make you a whore?
America's Most Expectant says
Can I have a key?
Dim snott says
No it makes you an old commie phag
Beeceee says
Extra nasty this morning…
Going into sexist rants again, classy…
Your mad at the world cause the truth hurts, your boy is leading the most corrupt presidency ever, enjoy as the world burns.
PS: please keep this ‘sexualizing out children’a top democratic priority, it’s gonna do great for you guys in November.
Tim Scott says
That wasn’t a sexist rant, it was a useful example.
Me requesting a key for you says NOTHING about you. That’s obvious. Now apply that.
Hunter Biden may very well have played on his family name. That has nothing to do with Joe Biden, unless some evidence surfaces to make that connection.
America's Most Mistaken for George Clooney says
Hey, Dim:
Does perpetrating a drive-by make you feel empowered? Infantile name calling (as much as I enjoy it) does not reflect well on you or your semi-literate argument.
Beeecee says
Hunter Biden was selling his fathers power and influence yet that has nothing to do with Joe Biden…
Gotcha, lol
Tim Scott says
So based on Hunter Biden saying “this is a family business and I need a key for my father” you conclude Joe Biden was part of the play. The equivalent is that me getting you a key to the new whorehouse does indeed make you a whore.
Now, since that’s absurd let’s get real about the Bidens. If, and it is still an if, Hunter Biden told people “pay me and I’ll talk to my father who is VP of the US” that still doesn’t mean anything about anyone but Hunter Biden. You might want to make that leap, and no doubt that’s all the talk on your “reliable source” blogs, but the inconsistency is pretty clear.
By the way, I e-mailed William that you were joining my stable.
Was I supposed to check that with you first?
Beeecee says
“So based on Hunter Biden saying “this is a family business and I need a key for my father” you conclude Joe Biden was part of the play“
Uhhhh yeah, that paired with all the other evidence when you read that second Washington compost piece…
Yes, lol
Tim Scott says
O’ll look into it, but my first impression is that if the evidence were really convincing to people who aren’t as obviously slanted as you I wouldn’t have to go looking for it. The legal case seems to be on Hunter Biden, and barely solidifying on him. The DoJ that is so very reluctant to prosecute Trump seems very unlikely to be presenting evidence against the actual president.
Tim Scott says
Direct quote from the Washington Post: “The Post did not find evidence that Joe Biden personally benefited from or knew details about the transactions with CEFC, which took place after he had left the vice presidency and before he announced his intentions to run for the White House in 2020.”
Neither did I.
What evidence there is makes the beginnings of a case against Hunter Biden, maybe, but if I were prosecuting I’d more likely look at a fraud charge than the unlicensed foreign representation charge.
Based on the money exchanged with the Chinese Hunter Biden got a bunch of money for SOMETHING, which given who he is and what he’s been about is very likely some sort of claim he made to provide influence because seriously, what else does he have to sell. However the whole thing looks to have fallen apart almost immediately, which would imply that he couldn’t deliver. So defrauding the Chinese? Seems plausible.
But, once again, there’s no evidence linking anything to Joe Biden. His finances get some of the heaviest scrutiny in America…nada. All this laptop noise that has been corroborated has occasional references to him by Hunter Biden, but no direct exchanges with him as far as I’ve seen…so again, nada.
Shrug…this looks very much like Trumpists believing what they want to believe and pretending they have evidence.
Beeecee says
Let’s also not forget Joe threatening the country of Ukraine with 1 billion dollars of relief unless he fired the prosecutors who were looking at the link between his son Hunter, and the Ukrainian natural gas company ‘burisma’
Fat White Bob says
I bartered a side job a Janie’s Ranch. Installed the panic buttons in the rooms.
America's Most Bartered & Battered says
Bartered? LOLOL. Experiences like that make it all worthwhile.
Tim Scott says
I did look into this and made an extensive reply, which seems to have failed at moderation.
The most interesting thing is that the Washington Post, right in the article being referenced, says straight out that there has been no evidence that Joe Biden was involved in any scheme Hunter may have been running…which is exactly the point that I’ve been trying to push through the Trumpist filters.
The most likely looking potential crime is the thing with China, and that also is where it looks really obvious that Joe Biden isn’t involved. The Chinese gave Hunter a fat retainer, and the deal then fell apart very rapidly. That could very easily have been Hunter making claims about selling access and then not coming through, leading the Chinese to stop paying the retainer. Technically that might even be prosecutable as fraud, though I really couldn’t care less about anyone parting the Chinese from their money.
Anyway, I have now wasted more time on “Hunter Biden’s laptop” than it will ever be worth. If Hunter Biden committed actual crimes, the DoJ seems willing and capable of dealing with it. I already would have said that I wouldn’t vote for him if he ran for dog catcher, but the reality is he has never shown any interest in running for anything so that doesn’t really matter.
So there ya go Beecee.
Beecee says
“Hunter Biden called his dad ‘the Big Guy’ or ‘my Chairman,’ and frequently referenced asking him for his sign-off or advice on various potential deals that we were discussing,” Bobulinski wrote in a letter to The Post in October 2020. “I’ve seen VP Biden saying he never talked to Hunter about his business. I’ve seen firsthand that that’s not true, because it wasn’t just Hunter’s business, they said they were putting the Biden family name and its legacy on the line.”
There is evidence on the laptop that Joe Biden profited from Hunter’s overseas business dealings, indicating mingled finances, shared bank accounts and household bills Hunter was expected to pay for his father.
Hunter complained about having to give “half” his salary to his father and “pay for everything for this entire family for 30 years.”
Better hope none of this is true then…
Tim Scott says
Well we know a good honest guy like Hunter Biden would never lie to someone like Bubba Linsky.
TheAdjudicator says
“Do you even read when people respond to you?”
Dim you are infamous for rambling. You get one paragraph and that’s it. We’re considering cutting that back to just two sentences.
Sonya says
Couldn’t say it any better myself,
Same goes for his lover Willdo
Tim Scott says
That was an extremely low bar, but I believe you. You have never said anything better. In fact everything you have ever said all put together is about a zero value.
Tim Scott says
If you are too slow witted to follow more than a sound bite that’s not my problem…
You may be too slow witted to figure it out from there…it’s your problem.
Sal says
For all of the Hunter Biden yellers, let’s pivot to Jared Kushner shall we? Lol,.
America's Most Hunter Hunter says
Oh, is Kushner being investigated for money laundering? Tax evasion? Bribery? Selling daddy’s influence. Unregistered foreign agent? Drugs? Prostitutes? Paternity suits? Deadbeat dad? Getting kicked out of the Navy for drugs?
Not even close, Sally! Your posts reek of desperation and prevarication. Nice try to take our eyes off the ball. Hunter is toast, as is your credibility.
Tim Scott says
Probably. Of course since you only get news from Fox you’ll never know since they’ll never cover it.
America's Most Delirious Dingbat says
I can’t even read Fox News cause I have heavy security and ad/tracking blockers on all my PCs, so they won’t let me in. I read mostly UPI, Reuters, AP, Daily Mail, The Diplomat, Wash Times, National Interest, and a host of foreign news sites.
The entire world is aware of the investigations into Hunter, not only Fox News.
When I was a kid in NYC, we had seven different newspapers delivered every day.
Regards my very intelligent friend.
Beecee says
Salamander strikes again…
Well I know one thing for sure, hunter never was part of brokering one of the best peace deals in our history.
Maybe a piece of crack.
America's Most Not a Schiffhead says
Beecee says
Leader of the free world….
Tim Scott says
LOL…bloggers in the know.
Tim Scott says
Trying to raise taxes on billionaires like their idiot hero. Get ready for Trumpists to have a cow.
Tim Scott says
Another one bites the dust. Politician convicted of taking campaign contributions from foreign nationals. Unsurprisingly, it’s a Republican.
This is a demonstration of what is wrong with the fantasy bubble Trumpists live in. The simple truth is that these crimes are really hard to get away with; casting fraudulent ballots, taking foreign money for a campaign, misuse of campaign funds, etc. Republicans get convicted on the regular, because they are such hard crimes to hide. There’s way too much oversight, and the paper trails are just too obvious to bury, and there are just too many people involved to count on them all keeping quiet.
But Trumpists ignore all that reality and continue to pretend that Democrats are somehow “getting away with it” on enormous scales.
Beecee says
Tim Scott says
Yes, pretend. The idea that one party can get away with the enormous conspiracies you attribute to them, with no rats and leaving nary a trace of actual evidence, when the other party is constantly getting caught red handed is…inexplicable. How do you even try to explain how what seems to be a pretty efficient system for busting Republicans is totally ineffective against Democrats?
Keep in mind in your explanation that polling shows that Republicans are the majority in almost all law enforcement organizations by a pretty large margin, so if there was a “okay, let these guys get away with it” tilt it would go the other way.
By the way, did your “unbiased sources” tell you that the judge in the Edwards e-mail hearing came back and agreed that there was more than sufficient evidence for a good faith finding that Trump and Edwards were engaged in a criminal conspiracy so attorney-client privilege does not apply? I seem to recall you saying that that allegation was “just sensationalism thrown in by the committee” and not anything to be believed, or something to that effect.
Beecee says
“By the way, did your “unbiased sources” tell you that the judge in the Edwards e-mail hearing”
You mean Eastman?
Let’s not normalize cognitive declination…
“Judge in California finds that Eastman and trump ‘more likely then not’ committed crimes….”
Sounds like a slam dunk to me, lol
Sal says
That’s the President you are defending. One who is just most likely guilty. That’s the guy I know I’d want back in office.
Tim Scott says
LOL…way to grab an out and try to escape the subject.
“More likely than not” is the standard required by law in the matter before the judge, so that’s what the judge says. The judge then adds to the evidence saying that the e-mails Eastman was trying to hide will indeed be useful to a prosecution.
Trump’s only chance is if the DoJ just stands on “we do not want the political circus of prosecuting a former president on seditious conspiracy charges so we are gonna let this slide.”
FWB says
You should learn to have your own stance without the display of TDS
Tim Scott says
You should go fornicate yourself.
You are apparently a self centered cretin that doesn’t want any human interactions outside one way advantage taking, and the only person that deserves you is you.
America's Most Still Trying says
“You should go fornicate yourself.”
That’s easy for you to say but I’ve been trying and trying………
Tim Scott says
LOL…be careful…don’t want to break anything.
Stinger says
More yoga… Must get more flexible… ;-)
Beecee says