The arrest occurred April 30 near Division Street and Avenue J in Lancaster, and video of the arrest posted to social media showed a black man, identified as 22-year-old Kennathan Williams, face down on the ground, with a deputy on the suspect’s back with his gun drawn and aimed at the back of the suspect’s head (see video below).
“Why was a deputy holding a gun to the youth’s head when he was already face down with his hands being cuffed by a second deputy? Why are Black and Latino people continually treated with disrespect and disregard,” Christian Green told the crowd of about 100 protestors.
“We have to stand here now and defend the people in our community. They have a powerful militia, it’s called the sheriff’s department. We have a powerful militia, it’s called the power of the people,” youth activist Giovanni Pope told the cheering crowd.
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The sheriff’s department addressed the video in a news release issued Thursday that said the department was directing an in-depth review of its policy and tactics.
Sheriff’s officials later elaborated on the incident. According to City News Service, sheriff’s officials said the deputy saw what he believed to be a drug deal occurring involving an armed Williams, who ran from the area. When the deputy caught up with Williams near a gas station, Williams laid down and was detained at gunpoint and arrested on suspicion of felony possession of a loaded and concealed firearm.
Friday’s protest was triggered by the April 30 arrest, but it was part of a larger call to action demanding that Lancaster and Palmdale leaders cancel citywide contracts with the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department.
“ We don’t need to just cancel the contract, we need a whole paradigm shift,” said Barron Gardner, Antelope Valley High School Teacher.
The “Cancel the Contract” coalition outlined its demands in a news release, which states:
We call on the Department of Justice to actually implement the settlement agreement which has been in place since 2015 but has not been followed since agreed upon. We want the U.S. Attorney General, The CA Attorney General, and the LA County Supervisors to review the lack of progress and compliance on the 2015 Federal Settlement Agreement; review the ongoing policing violence and history of white supremacy in the region, and open an independent investigation into the June 2020 killing of Michael Thomas. We call on Antelope Valley and LA County elected officials to do more to stop racial profiling of young men of color and the use of excessive force by LA Sheriffs in the Antelope Valley. Our community won’t be mistreated and ignored any longer.”
The Cancel the Contract coalition is led by a steering committee that includes Waunette Cullors (WOW Flower Project), Beth Cayetano (Alliance for Black Student Equity), Janie Hodge (Paving the Way Foundation), Ruth Sanchez (ACLU AV Chapter, Dolores Huerta Foundation), Cortez Chandler (Timelist Group, Inc.), Doretta Thompson (Against All Odds, IWSA Inc.), Pastor Brian Johnson ( The Nehemiah Project), and Ansar Muhammad (The H.E.L.P.E.R. Foundation). View video of all the speakers at Friday’s protest here.
Previous related story: LASD responds to online video of Lancaster arrest, protest planned for Friday
Vic says
What about the misuse of public funds and power? No bid contracts, useless boondoggles like LEAPS, overspending on the so-called homeless solution that houses a tiny fraction of what the county building would have housed. It is time for Rex and his cronies to leave.
William says
I suspect that many Trump lovers in Lancaster are also fine with the corruption of Rex Parris too.
I fail to understnd those people.
Vic says
No one has ever accused Lancaster voters for being intelligent. No one. Ever. Never ever. Never ever ever.
Alby says
We know that the sheriff department nor the “power of the people” are both well regulated militias but that doesn’t mean I’m gonna trust an indigenous hispanic community over sheriffs to patrol the streets that I travel.
FatWhiteBob says
I’m pretty sure the cop just wanted to make it through his shift without getting shot.
Tim Scott says
I’m pretty sure he would survive just fine if he follows department policies. Notice that the cops aren’t dropping like flies, and presumably at least some of them are following the rules.
Rafael says
I wish we could just ship all of these ghe++o maggots out to Cal City, put a big fence around it and let them go at it. Let them decide who their “police” will be, let them decide on how to get goods and services brought in, let them try to maintain the schools and parks. The whole thing would look like Detroit in 2 weeks tops!
Dave Bowman says
lol there it is. dont you ever wonder if attitudes like yours is what it really all about hmmmmmmm?
Tio Jaime says
This crowd is just a tiny noisy minority of people who represent maybe 5-10% of the Antelope Valley in their thinking. The vast majority of us support our men and women in law enforcement. We are thankful to them for keeping the scumbags in check and letting the hard working families of the Antelope Valley enjoy the benefits of living here without feeling threatened or afraid. If anyone doesn’t like this or doesn’t support our law enforcement officers, then feel free to leave and move to another community! For the record, I’m a Latino and a lifelong Democrat, but I support law and order and want a peaceful, thriving community. Not one where the criminals create anarchy and destruction!
Dave Bowman says
if you havent read the FBI findings report im gonna post it right here so that next time you “righteous” hatred comes out you will think before you comment on something you know nothing about………
Johnny Maynerd says
The idea is supposed to be, to influence people, winning hearts and minds through moral suasion, as opposed to alienating people, making them hate you. Hoping to turn Palmdale into another Portland, carve themselves their own summer of love CHOP zone, isn’t going to fly, not here in the Antelope Valley. Those Palmdale ANTIFA activists try pulling a stunt like that here? Lock ‘n load, push-back’s going to be overwhelming. Not in my neighborhood.
Dave Bowman says
well that sounds like an open mind” now dont it. mind telling us ALL which ANTIFA cells are here in the AV or is that what youve heard from the local LASD? and just WHO is making WHO hate them? furthermore ….what “chop zone” and who stated that point of view or is that another DT propaganda talking point? and finally “Lock ‘n load, push-back’s going to be overwhelming. Not in my neighborhood.” that says it all now dont it “wood”?
Ron says
Dave Bowman says
only the anglo %35 of the AV feels like the LASD is doing a “good job”. my advice is to remember that the majority rules. but we will see…wont we.
Tio Jaime says
The AV is majority Hispanic now. Lots of us have family, friends and distant relatives in law enforcement too. The overwhelming majority of Hispanic people support our law enforcement.
If you don’t like it, then you should think about relocating to a dysfunctional Anglo city like Seattle, Minneapolis or Portland.
Condemnation says
What does LeBron have to say about this?
Monica says
Were Lebron James king and country, all white men would get the guillotine, all white women subjugated, as reparation for slavery.
Dave Bowman says
so whats your point or is that just more hate speak?
Barbi says
The censorship on these comments is grossly slanted, the strongest, most robust of conservative and moderate sentiment expunged, distorting what was once an honest open forum, into what is now a hard-left Tim Scott echo chamber.
Tim Scott says
LOL…I get my comments held for moderation all the time. They almost always pass because I don’t break the rules. If some half-witted conservative tries to sling Trumpian racism and gets caught that’s their problem.
Meanwhile, time for Barbi to learn.
Censorship happens when the state imposes limits on what you can say, using (in our case it would be misusing) the apparatus of law enforcement.
As a private company, the AVTimes is actually not capable of censorship, because they are not the state. They are FULLY within their rights to tell you and whatever yahoos you are whining about what can or cannot be posted on their site. Just like larger media providers can tell Daffy Donny to peddle his lies elsewhere because they are not required to post them.
Okay, so now you have been given some facts, let’s see if they stick in your little brain.
Matt says
No, the strongest and most robust comments from conservative comments are conspiracy theories based on out right lies that have been disproven over and over again and should be moderated. It has been proven by people who hear the conspiracy theories and then blame fox News for why they stormed the capitol. Only problem is, is that they repeat a fraudulent claim for weeks,, and then put out a one sentence statement that says oops,, we were wrong. Then morons parrot what they heard for weeks ignoring the retraction.. So please again Barbi, back into your hole until you have something intelligent to say. Its all lies. Biden won fair and square. Wake up moron!!!!
Claire says
Barbi…Perhaps you haven’t read Ron’s or Trumpist’s comments that are filled with hateful racist words posted here. Somehow, even though it’s against the rules those comments are allowed. It’s one thing to have a robust conservative or moderate viewpoint, but to use this forum to dehumanize a race of people is quite another.
Tim Scott says
LOL…no idea catches on faster with “conservatives” than a really stupid one. Q proved that.
Engine 23 says
Smokee him out, you say? Why? Is Barbi on fire?
Dave Bowman says
“Lock ‘n load, push-back’s going to be overwhelming. Not in my neighborhood.” …..Johnny Maynerd says
May 11, 2021 at 11:04 am… now that sounds like some “bleeding heart liberal” now dont it?
Observation says
Internet tough guy and anti-White racist Tim Scott wouldn’t last one hour on the night shift with the LACSD or LAPD.
Tim Scott says
Probably not. They have the state’s authority to kill, and baton polishers like you to excuse their actions. When they play tough guy and say “just pretend I don’t have a badge” they are just lying to themselves.
Tim Scott says
Of all the half baked crazy theories said about me in these comments this one is always the funniest. If comments get deleted here ever, the only times I have seen it was when someone openly used really vulgar slurs or said something that was an outright criminal thing like a death threat on Wrecks or Hornblower or something.
As to the multitude of lame buffoons that try to insult me to drive me to silence, I certainly have never seen, or asked for, any deletions, because I can give better than I get in basically any form of conflict other than the LACSD exercising their monopoly on “legal” violence…but since Tim Scott isn’t the name on my driver’s license I don’t worry about getting shot at a routine traffic stop.
Trumpist#1 says
I am a conservative and have posted here for years. I sometimes also think that AV Times gives preference to Democratic viewpoints and suppresses ours.
But Tim Scott is not an AV Times staffer. I started reading this forum years ago and found Tim’s opinions to be provocative, interesting, humorous, and pretty much the only reason to waste my time here. So I met him for coffee in person one day and found him to be a cultured, personable and intelligent gentleman. He explained to me the limitations of free speech in a non-governmental setting and how his posts also get moderated.
I seldom agree with Tim’s national politics. I almost always agree with Tim’s local politics. I argue with him and we insult each other routinely, but I still like and respect Tim personally, and you would too if you met him in person. Heated arguments on internet forums are quite different from meeting someone eye to eye (if you have the nerve, lol cause he can be inTIMidating in this venue).
M.G. says
Right Trumpist#1, when you’re not using screen names like Barbi. BTW, you are not a conservative; I know conservatives that have nothing to do with Trump. You are a racist and an embracer of conspiracy theories.
Dave Bowman says
why would he want to?
K says
Speaking as someone who has at Highland High School the morning the student came in with a gun firing several shots, including one shot that struck a student, I would NEVER want to see the day come when there was not a deputy on any of our high school campuses. There was not one single person at school that day not happy to see those officers come in and do their best to protect everyone. Thank God for our law enforcement officers. Barron Gardner, I really hope that your campus does not experience the same type of incident at AV High School. If they get rid of the high school deputy, and you do find yourself in the same situation, I hope you will be the first one to confront someone (who is firing a gun) in trying to protect those students/fellow employees on campus.
ft says
you are 100% correct because the side yelling and only two officer at beginning.
Rico says
… question of the day, what do whacked-out democrats have in common with the mainstream media?
1). they like election rigging –
2). they like the coronavirus –
3). they love killing unborn children –
4). they love race baiting –
5). they do exactly what Nancy Pelosi tells them to do –
Stinger says
I call Goebbels-bot on this one
Sam says
“ The suspect was in possession of a loaded handgun with an extended high capacity magazine. The suspect was not injured during the incident.”
Tim Scott says
Go lay face down in a parking lot in the AV on a good sunny afternoon and press your face to the blacktop, then come tell us how “fine” you are.
Tim Hole says
Tim, you should lay face down. Don’t call the cops for any more of your stolen vehicles, and then cry for the ones who might have been knocked around while being apprehended. You are the problem.
Tim Scott says
LOL…yeah, well, if I had the resources to track my car believe me I wouldn’t have called the county goon squad, and if they had just told me where it was I’d have happily gone and picked it up myself.
I find it hilarious that you are upset that I would repeat a cop confessing to a crime while acting like some sort of supporter of law and order. Are you so stupid that you don’t see the contradiction, or are you just trolling?
F tim says
Well Tim, should they have taken him to dry town to make sure he wasn’t to hot? Maybe he just shouldn’t of broken the LA county gun laws and not been a criminal. I’m sure you have an excuse for why none of this was his fault. Your intellectual jargon doesn’t make you sound any smarter, but then again your in Lancaster so you might be the smartest person out there , but you sure don’t have an ounce of common sense.
Tim Scott says
Maybe they should have followed department policy and made a legal arrest.
I don’t really get how people can talk out one side of their mouths about be “in support of law and order” and then when someone suggests that cops maybe, y’know, follow the law, you turn into these invective spewing hate mongers.
Dave Bowman says
actually the arrest in mo wasnt the real issue but how the LASD acted toward the crowd or did you miss the 2 machine guns that the cops broke out, or the auto loader shot gun OR how they intimidated the crowd (which is strictly forbidden by the DoJ’s settlement agreement… here ill post the link pg 25, section 106. ?? and it coudnt have been because they felt threatened by the crowd (all twelve of them) because if they had been then how could the arresting officer just walked thru them? maybe THATS what everyone is missing OR ….ignoring?
Brandi says
According to democrat “Tim Scott,” police must be made to carry potholders, for hot pavement arrests.
Dave Bowman says
even the LASD stated that the arresting officer was NOT trained to respond in the manner he did. and as the LASD has already cost LACO taxpayers over $330,000,000 this year alone is misconduct suits maybe allowing them to do as they please in their disregard of the rules, perhaps now is a good time to look at what the cops are up to?
Edward says
The photo of the genius holding the sign that says “no more cops in av schools” is a PERFECT representation of the linear thinking these groups clearly possess. The left seemingly follows a predictable, All or Nothing/ black or white response.
Let’s call a spade, a spade. It doesn’t matter what LASD does, as they (deputies) will ALWAYS be scrutinized and disliked by certain individuals. It’s pretty sad because those very deputies who you flip off when you’re crossing the crosswalk on Av. I and Sierra Hwy, are still going to run code to save your butt if you God forbid find yourself in a precarious situation. The hypocrisy is unfathomable.
Its pathetic this rhetoric is given a platform and stupid people listen to idiots like Kim kartrashian who, for Instance, will recklessly twat, that the young man who hanged himself was murdered. (tragic and very sorry for the families loss) Odd and needed to be investigated but dumb people take her and others like her, their word as the Gospel and its just hard to watch.
Point being, who the hell benefits from removing deputies from schools? They are a MASSIVE deterrent and God forbid there is an active shooter, you will have wished you weren’t as misinformed as you appear to be. They go running toward gun shots while instinctively, evereyone else runs away. I can’t understand who could possibly benefit from this.
Please enlighten me
Tim Scott says
They ARE a massive deterrent…to learning. Turning schools into armed camps is among the dumbest things conservatives have fallen for.
OKFine says
So what is Mr. Kennathan Williams arrest and incarceration record, anyone know? Felon in possession of a gun, gang banger, running for office, what is he all about?
As our BLM brigade is so interested in how they treated this paragon of virtue in the community, good to know more about who he is.
Dave Bowman says
do you know who he is?
Van Dammit says
It looks like it is time for Rex to bring back the birdie sounds on the BLVD to calm everyone down. Remember when he was piping bird sounds on the BLVD? I do. Remember when it lowered crime like he said it would? I do not.
Stinger says
“Why was a deputy holding a gun to the youth’s head when he was already face down with his hands being cuffed by a second deputy?” – Christian Green
The video shows clearly that the deputy’s weapon was holstered once sufficient personnel were there to effect the arrest safely.
Christian Green is a liar.
This racial kabuki theater is nothing but an inappropriate attempt to turn a minor arrest into some sort of racial issue and it is grossly pathetic. Every time these professional protesters run one of these scams over a nonissue, it hurts the real cause of trying to clear our criminal justice system of its endemic flaws rationally. There are plenty of real problem incidents that deserve to be protested over but they won’t be because of misguided events, like this one, taking away the attention.
Tim Scott says
LOLOLOLOL…and WHAT pray tell, are you doing to “clear our criminal justice system of its endemic flaws rationally”? The AV has 40% bigots who do not want anything changed because they like having “the law” on their side. The rest of the white population is too complacent to peak their head up and take a look at what goes on. So tell me, how are these endemic flaws going to “rationally” get cleared out?
Here’s a suggestion, we can leave managing the contract for law enforcement in the capable hands of Wrecks Parris (glaringly obvious bigot) and his pocket puppet Steve Hornblower (ditto). Oh, hey, that’s not gonna work.
The bad news is that probably the only thing worse than having those two in charge of contracts with the LASD would be letting the megalomaniacs have direct control over a local police department. Wrecks would absolutely be using that as a private army.
Claire says
Excellent comment Stinger.
Be Honest! says
Hey, Christian Green, a 22 year old is not a “youth” — he’s a MAN!
Dave Bowman says
educate yourself
Stinger says
This is the wrong incident for them to protest over. It weakens the BLM movement’s position to protest over legitimate uses of force.
Tim Scott says
Makes no difference. The racists in the AV are gonna put on their “backing the badge” costumes every time anyway because they WANT the cops to beat down the minorities, illegally or not. Since the racists represent about 40% of the voting power and almost all of the economic power they have the valley in a political death grip that will take generations to break. The only possible recourse is federal intervention, and we already see that not being very effective.
I have personal ties here that keep me from physically leaving, but all my investment is outside this valley.
Epstein didn't kill himself says
Tim Scott,
I can’t say I disagree with you in regard to a Lancaster, Mayor driven P. D. would entail. Pretty comical but in my opinion, accurate.
My question is, where are you getting these numbers? I don’t ask that pejoratively. You are well spoken and articulate but those appear to be arbitrary and you clearly have a bias, (which I will not try to pretend I know anything about) as I am sure you have valid reasons.
Tim Scott says
The numbers are anecdotal. I circulate in a few different “community levels,” including the moderately affluent generally white “old school AV” community. When I was in business here that was where most of my clientele came from, and I spent A LOT of time biting my tongue.
While anecdotal, they are pretty well borne out by polling on most issues. When the sheriff’s department is used in an openly racist way and gets smacked down by the federal courts it isn’t really “I support law and order” that drives the “support the sheriff’s department” crowd, because the sheriff’s department is obviously at that point in opposition to law and order. So you can pretty easily verify the number who are really driven by “so long as they beat on minorities I don’t care if it’s legal.”
triggered dim says
The numbers are anecdotal.< good lord this unit is funny
F tim says
Hey old dude , just because your a 100 years old , and they only shot musket guns when you were a kid. I have no problem with police in schools to protect the kids from shootings and fist fights , do you expect the 70% of liberal teachers to stop the fighting with jazz hands?
Dave Bowman says
well stated
Claire says
This incident was a dangerous situation because of the people off to the side yelling, and at any moment could have escalated. The officer that should have been handcuffing this man could not do so because of this crowd; he had to face the crowd to protect his partner. Finally, when backup came he was handcuffed. The crowd off to the side was making this a dangerous situation, not letting these officers make a proper arrest. I know we need reform but with the usual suspects showing up trying to turn this incident into something it wasn’t, is causing this nation much harm.
Tim Scott says
Sure. “I was too scared to do my job because we were getting yelled at, so I drew my gun on the crowd and stood around.” If Deputy Dimwit is that cowardly give him a different job. Waste management is hiring. Oh, wait, garbage collector is statistically more dangerous than being a cop so he isn’t gonna want to go there. Maybe he can get a job in construction…oh, guess not there either. I dunno what he is suited for I guess.
Stinger says
And what happens when he turns his back on the clearly aggressive and potentially violent crowd to help his partner effect the arrest? Are you serious?
Tim, you are leading with more heat than light on this.
Tim Scott says
LOLOLOLOL…you HONESTLY think a half dozen citizens are gonna bum rush two heavily armed paramilitary thugs in broad daylight? Get real.
Those two, unfortunately, have the entire weight of the national monopoly on violence behind them. For them to prance around yammering about how they “fear for their lives every day” is an absolute disgrace, and for goofy people to support it is worse.
That was two gutless bullies baking someone’s face on the pavement because they could get away with it, period.
Stinger says
Tim, I am really trying to be patient with you, as you are normally a pretty reasonable guy, but your reactions seem far more emotional than rational.
It does not appear that you are as willing to ‘walk a mile’ in the shoes of a deputy as you are in the shoes of other people in the community. This skews your perspective considerably for this discussion.
[removed] says
Actually I had a sit down coffee session with a deputy that I met through this comments section, and while that isn’t “walking a mile” I acknowledge that he gave me a lot of perspectives I had not considered.
But perspectives are perspectives, and facts are facts.
If the deputy honest to goodness believed that that crowd of rude noisy onlookers were only kept at bay by his drawn gun and watchful eye he’s a pure idiot.
Stinger says
@[removed] You had a cup of coffee with a cop once… Well, that is a nice start, but hardly represents the amount of knowledge necessary for a fuller understanding of the policies and procedures that are in place for safety of both the public and the deputies.
Facts are, indeed, facts. The fact is that the deputies followed those procedures correctly for the circumstances at hand. Why? Law enforcement can be a dirty, ugly, violent business – even when done right. It may surprise you (and Tim) to learn that, multiple times in the past, crowds that have started out just like this one have indeed turned very violent in extraordinarily short order, leading to avoidable injuries and deaths. Policies were put into place to try to prevent further escalation of force by having deputies go to a defensive stance while waiting for sufficient support to continue with the arrest safely. Was this crowd going to go violent? Maybe, maybe not. Fortunately, we’ll never know as those procedures were followed.
The deputies were no idiots. They acted professionally, according to established policies and procedures. I am sorry that the optics of the incident caused you distress.
Tim Scott says
Yeah that [removed] is just me…
I am almost certain that there is a LACSD policy that says proper use of a firearm does NOT include putting the muzzle up against a suspect, EVER. When a CHP cop pulled his gun on me because I was rude I was told that so long as he kept it pointed ‘safe’ at the ground I was not actually being threatened and he was within policy. I’m pretty sure an “it was pointed at the ground so policy followed” claim falls apart here.
But sure, during our “cup of coffee” that specific thing never came up. (by the way, that deputy and I still keep in touch, and I suppose I could ask him for a professional opinion…)
triggered dim says
A soft parrot like YOU wouldn’t make a half a$$ed hall monitor.
Dave Bowman says
so threatened by the crowd after arresting the suspect the cop walked thru it…
Smh says
I’m not the brightest crayon in the tool shed but he is 22 years “old. ” Therefore unless I am mistaken, he’s not a youth. More importantly, cancel the contract? Did you folks think about what that looks like for the AV? It’s comparable to the “defund idiocy.” This would be a horrible mistake on too many levels to explain in the forum but let’s collectively wave goodbye to all the life saving benefits of having the Largest sheriff’s department in the world.
Tim Scott says
The reason that cancelling the contract is a bad idea is that it would mean a local police department that bigot Wrecks Parris would undoubtedly use like a private army. I mean he has already been slapped by the feds for misuse of the Sheriff’s Department and even though the department has done piss poorly at enacting any real reforms that were required I am certain they are at least a little wary of following Wrecks down that path again. Can you imagine the brutality if a local police chief “owed his job” to Wrecks Parris?
Vic says
“Owe his job to Wrecks Parris?” You mean the current Lancaster Chief of Police? What could go wrong with Wrecks controlling his own police department? Hasn’t he already deputized everyone by telling them to carry guns and shoot the homeless if they try to rob you?
Wrecks is a wreck.
Listen up says
In the words of Snoop Dog, “Lancaster is like a gang bang resort for every that move from LA, worst mother f**kers in the world move out there cuz’ the rent is cheap and before you know it the’ll be 20,000 gangs out there, the motha f**kers are used to being a gang livin out there, they be mixin and matching cuz some of them don’t raise they kids right”…..Now try to tell people that we don’t need cops. Snoop Dog was a crip. Don’t tell me he doesn’t know what he is talking about. Take it from a real gangster, “worst in the world”.
kd cali says
Yep I was raised here it was cool,Then LA came,This boom started in the late 80’s ,90’s plus they also put a prison here.Im not talking bad about LA folks at all cuz my family came from there but moved here like in the late 60’s plus most of my fam is still there,I’m talking about the unsavory folks,It’s not a good look at all.
Contract Cancelation says
Be careful what you wish for in Lancaster.
Milles says
… snowflake democrats, hosting yet another crybaby convention, all the while secretly hoping for a fair chance at a looting excursion. More free stuff –
HCF says
This is hilarious. Cancel the contract. Let the criminals run amok and be happy with what you petitioned for when you see crime skyrocket.
John Delacerda says
Thank you LASD!
My response to those who want to cancel the LASD contract.
Just who do you think will provide the citizens of the AV protection from these felons?
Tim Scott says
What makes you think you need “protection from felons”?
Loaded, concealed, firearm. says
“felony possession of a loaded and concealed firearm”
Tim Scott says
LOLOLOL…and you think he was coming for YOU? WTF did YOU do?
Claire says
John…Come on man, open your eyes. The people that cause the most harm in the A.V. or anywhere else in this nation wear thousand dollar suits, and yes, they are felons.
Her true Cullors says
Waunette Cullors ???
Is she related to the Marxist BLM founder who bought 4 mansions with BLM donations (extortion money) ?
A race baiting bigot. Just what we need here in the AV to stir up trouble and profit from it. Only stupid and guilty morons will buy her nonsense.
FatWhiteBob says
Lancaster is a crime ridden pit.
Cops know what they’re dealing with
Boots to the head
Stop mistreating us says
We want fair treatment.
anon says
You do realize he was armed right? The cops were in all their power to arrest him. They’re here to protect us, yet you guys are siding with an armed suspect. Smh
Ron says
Ever stop to think that maybe cops are Not the problem. Maybe its your People need to pull up their pants and learn to behave!!!!
Ed says
If you show me an example of LASD mistreatment in the AV or anywhere, I’ll condemn that all day. They are held to a higher standard and believe they need to be held accountable.
Problem is “they mistreat, us” is such a blanket statement and “cop watch” sjw type stuff is a joke. It’s inflammatory and the restraint I’ve seen by le is truly remarkable.
Most importantly, perhaps you are misinterpreting officer presence as “rude” or insert your favorite adjective. You know why? Bad people will look for any sign of weakness and they will exploit and or attack. It’s life or death. So the way they present themselves is crucial in showing by the way they speak and stand etc, that they are not to be messed with and you will lose if you try. They aren’t your friend. It’s good to see people fear them because if criminals didn’t, it’d be the purge daily.
Ron says
Well how about we pull the cops out of the ghetto areas and just let them kill each other a bury the dead in the backyard.
Warden says
Just say you hate minorities and be done with it, no need for all this veiled bs.
Tim Scott says
Ron’s bigotry isn’t veiled by anything nut the internet. In person he’s no doubt a gutless weasel that has to swallow constantly because he’s too cowardly to let his mouth run, so when he gets to his keyboard it just all spews out.
Misuse of Force says
Just like the big mouth Scotch/Irish boomer…
Tim Scott says
Apparently we’ve met…so did you identify yourself as someone I had called a coward here and demand satisfaction, or did you swallow your tongue and tuck tail?
I can guess the answer.
Ron says
I love Asians!!!! Asians don’t seem to have a problem with the police. They dont walk around with a chip on their shoulder. They are not bothered by White Privilege. They just move forward and end up in Medical School. They have higher incomes tha Whites. Why do they do so well?
kdcali says
Were Asians enslaved,Hung from trees, Discriminated against.Shot by police jogging,Sleeping,Driving.So you just need to shut up and read a book.
Claire says
Read the history of anti-Asian atrocities committed by the U.S.. Internment of Asian Americans during the war, with their property stripped from them. Torture, killings, etc., and hate is rearing it’s ugly head again.
Stevie says
Vast majority of Americans overwhelmingly support police. It’s only a small, crybaby democrat cohort, which doesn’t. Most who don’t have rap sheets a mile long.
Ron says
So if theres no cops you guys Kill Each other.
Ron says
These people are pathetic Garbage.