LOS ANGELES – A Palmdale man was convicted Wednesday of the torture- killing of his girlfriend’s 8-year-old son, whose short life and agonizing death also led to a murder charge against his mother and criminal counts against social workers accused of ignoring his plight.
Isauro Aguirre, 37, was convicted of first-degree murder and faces a possible death sentence for the killing of Gabriel Fernandez, who was routinely beaten, shot with a BB gun, forced to eat cat feces and sleep while gagged and bound inside a small cabinet. Along with convicting Aguirre of murder, the seven-woman, five-man jury found true a special circumstance allegation of murder involving the infliction of torture.
The jury deliberated for about 5 1/2 hours over two days before reaching its verdict late Wednesday morning.
Superior Court Judge George G. Lomeli ordered jurors to return to the downtown Los Angeles courtroom Nov. 27 for the start of the penalty phase of Aguirre’s trial, in which they will be asked to recommend whether Aguirre should be sentenced to death or life in prison without the possibility of parole.
Gabriel’s mother, 34-year-old Pearl Sinthia Fernandez, is still awaiting trial for the boy’s May 2013 death. Prosecutors are also seeking the death penalty for her.
Deputy District Attorney Jonathan Hatami embraced the boy’s biological father in court after the verdict.
Hatami told reporters later that what the two discussed was “private,” saying, “I’m a dad and he’s a dad.”
“Some justice, I think, has been served by this verdict, and maybe some closure can be felt by Gabriel’s family as far as at least they feel that the system … is trying to make some things right, and maybe this is a small part of that, maybe,” said Hatami, who described himself as a “survivor” of child abuse at age 4 and 5.
Amanda Nevarez — who created the Facebook page Gabriel’s Justice that has been liked by nearly 80,000 people — said it was “quite emotional” to hear the jury’s verdict.
“There are certain words we can use for this guy like murderer now, convicted murderer, so I think that makes a big improvement in what’s going on in this case,” she said. “It’s a hard feeling because it’s very emotional because it’s not quite a win because the win would have been Gabriel still alive. … We no longer have to worry about this particular person out on the streets doing this to another child.”
One of Aguirre’s attorneys, Michael Sklar, acknowledged during the trial that Aguirre killed the boy, but told jurors Monday in his closing argument the defendant “acted in a rage of anger followed by an explosion of violence” and not with the deliberation and premeditation required for first-degree murder. He argued that jurors should convict his client of the lesser count of second-degree murder.

Hatami called Aguirre an “evil” man who “liked torturing” the boy and did so systematically in the months leading up to the child’s death. Aguirre hated Gabriel because he thought the boy was gay, according to the prosecutor, who began his closing argument by displaying a photo of Gabriel’s battered body lying on an autopsy table — covered in injuries head to toe — as evidence of Aguirre’s intent to kill the boy.
“You can’t believe a person in our society would intentionally murder a child,” Hatami said, comparing the abuse to that suffered by a prisoner of war.
“Believe it, because it happened. This was intentional murder by torture,” he told the jury. “Do not go back in the jury room and make excuses for the defendant … this had nothing to do with drugs … this had nothing to do with mental health issues.”
Hatami — who is handling the case with colleague Scott Yang — said in the months leading up to the boy’s death, Gabriel was “being starved and punched and kicked and abused and beaten … he was belittled, bullied and called gay. His teeth were knocked out. He was tied up every night in a box. … Gabriel was dying.”
The prosecutor painted a picture of Aguirre sleeping in a comfortable bed night after night while, in the same room, Gabriel was bound and gagged inside a small cabinet with a “sock in his mouth, a shoelace (tying) up his hands, a bandanna over his face” and his ankles handcuffed.
“To force a child to eat cat litter and cat feces, more than once, how does somebody do that?” Hatami asked, referring to testimony by Gabriel’s older brother.
He alleged that the 6-foot-2, 270-pound defendant punched and kicked Gabriel hard enough to dent the walls of the family’s apartment and leave the boy unconscious, then — with help from the boy’s mother — hid some of the child’s bloody clothing and moved a picture to cover up one of the biggest indentations before calling 911.
The defense contended that Aguirre never meant to kill the child, but Hatami sought to undercut that claim, telling jurors in his summation of the case that Aguirre hated the boy. The couple only took him from his maternal grandparents so that they could collect welfare payments for his care, the prosecutor said.
“Gabriel was a gentler boy, a sweeter boy (than his brother) and the defendant hated him because of that … he believed Gabriel was gay,” Hatami said. “This stressful situation and rage thing is a lie … because it’s not supported by the evidence. The defendant actually liked torturing Gabriel. He got off on it … he is a murderer and he is a torturer.”
Sklar acknowledged “unspeakable acts of abuse over a period of time” by his client, but urged the panel as a matter of law to focus only on the evening of May 22, 2013, when Gabriel endured the beating that caused his death.
Aguirre was angry because Gabriel had asked his mother to leave Aguirre and then denied saying so, calling his mother a liar in front of Aguirre, the defense attorney said.
“Isauro exploded in a rage of anger” and later “described his anger as a 20 on a scale of 10” to a detective, Sklar said. “He was completely out of control.”
But once his client realized Gabriel was unconscious, “he immediately took steps to begin to revive him,” the defense attorney said, telling jurors that Aguirre had run cold water over the boy while “repeatedly hollering his name” and told the boy’s mother to call 911 for help.
He said his client realized that a call to 911 would result in his arrest, and described Aguirre’s subsequent statements to investigators as “genuine remorse” for what he had done rather than expressions of self-pity for his own predicament.
Aguirre’s attorney also asked jurors why the last attack on the child occurred while two of his siblings — who testified during Aguirre’s trial — were home and why the boy’s body was not disposed of in an effort to conceal what had happened to him if his client intended to kill the boy.
The attorney also alleged that Gabriel’s mother was the one who hit the boy with a belt, shot him with a BB gun and was responsible for much of the abuse prior to his death.
Los Angeles County Fire Department personnel went to the family’s home in the 200 block of East Avenue Q-10 in Palmdale in response to a call that Gabriel was not breathing. He was declared brain-dead that day and taken off life support two days later.
Aguirre and the boy’s mother have been jailed without bail since being charged in May 2013 with the boy’s death. The two were subsequently indicted by a Los Angeles County grand jury.
Two former Los Angeles County social workers — Stefanie Rodriguez and Patricia Clement — and supervisors Kevin Bom and Gregory Merritt were charged last year with one felony count each of child abuse and falsifying public records in connection with the case.
Editor’s note: An earlier version of this story was updated to include quotes from outside the court and more details.
Previous related stories:
Jury deliberations underway in trial of man charged in 8-year-old’s death
Closing arguments underway in trial of man charged in 8-year-old’s death
Defense seeks to convince jury of defendant’s remorse in 8-year-old boy’s death
Teacher reported alleged abuse of boy months before his death
Eight BBs recovered from 8-year-old boy’s body after his death
Victim’s brother, sister testify about alleged abuse
Palmdale man’s defense attorney admits client murdered 8-year-old boy
Trial date set for Palmdale couple charged in boy’s beating death
DA to seek death penalty against Palmdale couple in Gabriel’s beating death
L.A. County trying to block return of social worker in Palmdale child abuse death
Accused child killers plead not guilty
Four social workers fired in death of Gabriel
Couple charged with capital murder in death of Palmdale boy
Justice for Gabriel protest, teacher speaks out
Palmdale boy dies after abuse, mother and boyfriend arrested
idontgetit says
Kind of “funny”… had this man, during the torture and before the poor child’s death, touched the boy on the buttocks, he would be required to register as a sex offender and an ongoing threat to society – for the rest of his life – inside of prison or out.
Now…. not so much. Should he ever get out of prison, he can resume his life without anyone knowing. Unlike the guy who directed a crude comment at a 16 year old. Yah, that makes sense.
nan says
Karen says
It had nothing to do with sexual oriention…. they were afraid their welfare checks would be taken away from all they reports…. that was his excuse he wanted the free money and every time they were reported he beat the boy! This was about greed and money and that man tried using sexual orientation as an insanity plea towards homophobia. Read between the lines…. he was a scumbag trying to sponge money from welfare checks. That’s why they took him from the grandparents for the money…. then investigations came and beatings started… greed and welfare department should be brought down with child services as well as the cops that put the boy in the squad car threatening to put him in jail for lies… when the little thing was not lieing…. he was being tortured to death!!!!!!!!!!
George says
I don’t feel sorry for these people there no words to say what they did to this young boy ,me back yard just ,the not human
aManOfTruth says
I feel sorry for the guy.. I know that’s hard to imagine… but I know the guy is sitting in jail right now trying to understand how he got as high or drunk as he did…to do what he did… nobody would do that to a kid unless they were out of it… wasted… I am sure when he sobered up he was like “oh my god, what did I do?”
Laughing says
Believe it or not there are people born into this world that are very sick and twisted and do enjoy torturing animals and children, as well as other adults. They are stone cold sober while they do it and it gives them the warm fuzzies to do it. There is no fixing them either.
realism bites again says
sure give the pos an excuse or cop out for what he deliberately did.. Liberal idiots like you are what I hate most about CA.. no sense, all heart. he hurt that kid for extended time, may GOD have peace on his soul, because MANKIND WILL NOT..
Big Mac says
This was not a one time thing that went too far. This was the continuous and repeated daily torturing of a child that could not defend himself. It was done because of his perceived sexual orientation. I think the only thing this guy is sitting in jail thinking about is how is he going to stay alive in the prison system.
He need not worry about the State executing him. Just put him in general population, they have a way of working these things out.
Tim Scott says
If he is wondering anything he might be wondering why wealthy, politically connected “christians” are allowed to send their gay children out for torture at the hands of strangers in “intervention retreats” and they don’t get put in jail, and there’s no self righteous outcry calling for them to be tortured and murdered in turn. He may well be thinking that his mistake was doing his own dirty work.
Karen says
Your a scumbags to even feel sorry for this piece of crud. Man of nothing… the boy was an 8 year old little frail innocent child and if one has morals or human decent life you are endowed knowing that it’s wrong to harm another living thing. I’ll be put down for my post but you need investigated do you have children in your home? Because to feel sorry for that scumbags your just like him and that’s the only reason you have empathy for such a horrid human being. I hope AV press tracks your email a police investigate what you do in life towards others. No excuse for the brutality that child endorsed. He needs tortured for what he did!
Karen says
Endored… forgive my grammer…. I was horrified by a person having empathy for a 280 pound man who brutally murdered and tortured a child. Man of truth…. you need investigated….. this poor child lived in a box gagged after being beaten… don’t feel sorry for the fat asshole eating off the welfare check while torturing the child the government played the fat fick to torture! Feel sorry for the child. I hope everyone involved in this case gets prison time.
Dani says
Forget the death penalty. It costs more to keep him there and we rarely use death for these people. Put him in general population and make him wear a sign stating what he did. They’ll take care of him.
Mike says
My thoughts exactly!!!!
Patricia says
Great job Jon Hatami. I don’t alway agree with your tactics but i was impressed with you closing argument. The jury came to the right decision.