More than 300 themes idea were submitted for consideration in the annual contest, organizers said. To qualify, themes had to be five words or less and centered on “kids.”
“We received several creative theme entries that always make it a challenge when selecting a winner. Nonetheless, the Antelope Valley Fair Association Board of Directors selected ‘Who Let the Kids out?!’ submitted by Cynthia Felts as the winning theme,” said Marketing Manager Wendy Bozigian.
Bozigian added, “This theme is a clever play on words that fits perfectly with the topic of kids. It also provides our graphic designer, Maby Hernandez, flexibility in creating artwork to illustrate this theme throughout Fair 2016 advertisements and promotions.”
Felts’ winning theme captures the essence of what the AV Fair is all about, according to Bozigian.
When asked how she came up with her winning theme, Felts told organizers: “My husband enters every year, but this year I decided to give it a try and it just came to me.”
As the winner of the Fair 2016 theme contest, Felts will ride in the AV Fair parade as a VIP; she will receive a Fair season parking pass and two tickets to the Fair 2016 Palmdale Auto Mall Concert Series and Rally Kia Arena entertainment; and she will be recognized at the annual “Kick-Off” (Volunteer Appreciation) dinner.
[Information via news release from the Antelope Valley Fair Association.]
Previous related story: Help create the theme for AV Fair 2016!
Turd Ferguson says
I like the theme Who Let the Kids Out.I like the theme Who Let the Kids Out.But I would have chosen Who Let the LEAPS Out.But I would have chosen Who Let the LEAPS Out.Letting the kids out is good.Letting the kids out is good.Letting LEAPS out is bad.Letting LEAPS out is bad.LEAPS pollutes the air.LEAPS pollutes the air.LEAPS wastes tax dollars.LEAPS wastes tax dollars.$90,000.00 a month.$90,000.00 a month.For ten years.For ten years.That is $10,800,000.00.That is $10,800,000.00.And it goes to Rexs political contributor.And it goes to Rexs political contributor.Who donates money to Rex so he can be mayor.Who donates money to Rex so he can be mayor.Then Rex does dumb things like LEAPS.Then Rex does dumb things like LEAPS.Which gives tax dollars to Rexs political contributor.Which gives tax dollars to Rexs political contributor.Who donates money to Rex so he can be mayor.Who donates money to Rex so he can be mayor.Then Rex does dumb things like LEAPS.Then Rex does dumb things like LEAPS.Which gives tax dollars to Rexs political contributor.Which gives tax dollars to Rexs political contributor.Who donates money to Rex so he can be mayor.Who donates money to Rex so he can be mayor.Then Rex does dumb things like LEAPS.Then Rex does dumb things like LEAPS.Which gives tax dollars to Rexs political contributor.Which gives tax dollars to Rexs political contributor.Who donates money to Rex so he can be mayor.Who donates money to Rex so he can be mayor.Then Rex does dumb things like LEAPS.Then Rex does dumb things like LEAPS.Will it ever end?Will it ever end?
Anon says
So long as the Good Old Boys are in charge, it will never end.
frank rizzo says
Do you really even care William or just want to constantly complain? Keyboard warriors to the rescue!
William says
@frank Rizzo
I thought I told you to wait in the car.
BTW Anon is Anon, not me.
You are so confused, frankie, I bet ya gots yer shoes on yer wrong feets.
Anon says
William, don’t waste your time with Frank Rizzo. Most likely he is on wither Good Old Boys or benefits from them. It’s a cozy group that takes care of their own while the rest of us and the city go to hell in a hand basket.
William says
Yeah, you’re right. He shows up here occasionally to deposit his nonsense and doesn’t hang around for replies because he always gets slapped upside his head for it.
He must like it.
Boozer says
A more appropriate theme would be “Who Let the Drunks Out”. Boozing it up at the Fair is a long-time tradition that fits right in with all the other booze events in Lancaster.
Eric says
Did you know people only get drunk at events in Lancaster? There has not been a single case, anywhere else in the country, of people getting drunk at a public event.
I mean come on, its not like we live in an alcohol fueled society. We won’t let big tobacco market to our kids, we sure as hell don’t allow big alcohol to plant the idea that its only a party with alcohol there….
Tim Scott says
No one is saying that Lancaster is the ONLY place with booze laden events. What people are saying is that booze laden DOES seem to be a core element in getting Lancaster involved in an event. If you want to put on an event that doesn’t involve a beer distributor as a major sponsor you will get more help from Palmdale, but if you have Budweiser on your side Lancaster will bend over backwards to accommodate you.
Boozer says
Eric, relax. You’ll get your Commision seat. But don’t let that blind you to the fact that our city promotes alcohol consumption at every turn. We even created an event to promote beer drinking. Not to worry. The only attorney that would sue us happens to he mayor. So raise your glass and drink up.
Boozer says
People can get drunk all sorts of places. It’s just easier to do so in Lancaster because the events are so booze centric. Every event is booze, booze, booze. The Fair is the granddaddy of all the booze events in Lancaster. No limits at all. Booze, booze, booze. Then the go cart races got into the booze selling world. Nothing says “let’s get drunk” better than dollar beer nights at the ball park. I guess it’s two bucks a beer now on Thirsty Thursdays. Booze at Celebrate Boozey America. You would have to think that the pastor over at Lancaster Babtist can’t be too thrilled about all the booze.
FranRizzo says
Do you people get out at all? All fairs and major events have alcohol present. Even in Palmdale. Who let the jerks out?
Boozer says
I have been to concerts, fairs, and events in lots of cities. No place is booze more central than in Lancaster. The Fair is the worst. They could make a ton of money doing sobriety check points outside the gates. Rex will never let that happen. He’s raking in the dough selling booze, booze, booze! Nothing says family event than boozing it up at the fair, go cart races, America is great event. Wonder if they will have Shots with Santa at the Christmas on the BLVD.
William says
There has been a recent report done that says the shrinking older, white male demographic is dying prematurely due to things like alcoholism, drug use (both illegal and prescription), diabetes, overweight issues and so on.
Darwinism will take care of them as they die off early.
That’s why they are hollering so loudly on fox ‘news’.
Billandtimsbogusanswers says
William, have a great thanksgiving.
William says
Thank you, Billandtimsbogusanswers
And, you have a wonderful Thanksgiving too.
Philip says
“And if it weren’t for those rotten kids, I would’ve gotten away with it!”
Oh, crap. I just got a cease and desist letter from Hannah Barbara… Hey Editor! I need a retraction!
Ha Ha! Good on ya, Eric and Tm. These bugs just keep coming…
Woof Woof Woof Woof Woof Woof Woof!!!
Randall says
Out of 300 submissions, this is the best? This is shamefully pathetic Mr. Bozagian. Actually, is the Fair Board prepared for the litigation involved initiated by the artists of “who let the dogs out”. At the very least this is so unoriginal the “winner” should be banned from the fair. But mediocracy is what the AV is about…maybe that should have been theme. Thanks for telling adults to stay away, because we know how deep the pockets of kids are.
Eric says
Sour grapes? I see no pending litigation where the Baha Men are suing Lancaster or the fair. In any court, it’d be an extreme stretch to say that is where the theme originated out of. The phrase “who let (x) out” has been in use for a long time.
I’m guessing your suggestion must have been Gomorrah Nights based on the fact that you are aggravated they are aiming a FAIR at KIDS.
Tm says
WTF!?!?!?!?wow someone is mad that their theme didn’t win..whhaaa..cry like a baby….and for the record….it won’t be a litigation unless it was the actual phrase…..
lucy says
I’m sorry ,I have to agree Baha Men was my first thought straight away of who let the dogs out but let them do it if that’s the best they they must of been pretty bad this year.the children in this town don’t have alot to do anyway so let them have the fair .Just please don’t drink and drive and run over one of the children !!!!
Randall says
Out of 300 submissions, this is the best? This is shamefully pathetic Mr. Bozagian. Actually, is the Fair Board prepared for the litigation involved initiated by the artists of “who let the dogs out”. At the very least this is so unoriginal the “winner” should be banned from the fair. But mediocracy is what the AV is about…maybe that should have been theme. Thanks for telling adults to stay away, because we know how deep the pockets of kids are.
Eric says
Lancaster School District let the kids out! A week and three days for Thanksgiving, get outta here….