According to its annual report — which defines a hate crime as one in which hatred or prejudice toward a victim’s race or ethnicity, religion, disability, gender or sexual orientation was a substantial factor — there were 389 reported hate crimes countywide last year, an increase of five cases from 2013, which had the lowest reported cases in 25 years.
The largest number of hate crimes, 86, took place in the Metro area, which stretches from West Hollywood to Boyle Heights. But if one compares the population of the regions to the number of reported hate crimes, the Metro area had the highest rate followed by the Antelope Valley.
View the complete report, including hate crime maps, graphs and tables, here.
The Antelope Valley – including Lancaster, Palmdale, Quartz Hill, Littlerock, Lake Los Angeles, Acton and Gorman – reported 22 hate crimes in 2014, or 5.9 hate crimes per 100,000 residents, according to the report. The local numbers have declined from 2013, when the Antelope Valley reported 6.2 hate crimes per 100,000 residents – the largest number of hate crimes per capita in L.A. County.
Similar to past years, four groups represented the bulk of victims of hate crimes countywide, with 86 percent of them being either black, lesbian women/gay men, Jewish or Latino. However, two groups documented in the report saw dramatic increases: crimes targeting gay men grew 31 percent from 70 to 108, and anti-Jewish crimes rose 31 percent from 42 in 2013 to 55 last year.
“It is disturbing that the trend of declining anti-Jewish hate crimes reversed itself this past year, both around the country and in LA County,” stated Amanda Susskind, the Pacific Southwest regional director of the Anti- Defamation League. “As we see across the country, some of this increase was due to the spate of hate crimes during the conflict between Hamas and Israel during the summer of 2014.”
The peak of hate crimes reported in the county was in 2001, when the post September 11th period led to anti-Muslim/Middle Easterner hate crimes, which boosted the county total to its zenith: 1,031 hate crimes.
“Hate crime is not just a law enforcement matter,” L.A. County Sheriff Jim McDonnell said in a news release. “The decrease in hate crimes over the past seven years is the result of a community-wide effort.”
Officials said that while the number of social media-related hate crimes remained low, there remains the problem of racial hate speech on the Internet.
The commission’s report was generated from data collected from sheriff and city police departments, school districts and community groups. Read the full report here.
Previous related stories:
AV ranks first in LA County for hate crimes per capita
Hate crimes decline in LA County, AV ranks first per capita
Anon says
Is calling an African American veteran a “gang candidate” a hate crime or just a racist statement? Is there a difference between a racist statement and a hate crime? Isn’t racism hateful?
Paul G. says
Yes , Tim I agree with your comment.
Ryan Hunt says
High testosterone fueled men are compelled to what they feel is to toughen up men that are viewed as too feminine, I get that. But why hate on Jews? Why hate on any body? Seriously, we don’t have to worry about how other people look, live or express themselves unless they are harmful to others. Just keep on giving attention to such negativity. The offences are few in relation to the proportion of the population but to report on it brings that negativity to an even greater populous. Don’t you see that? Reporting such acts of negativity so widely conspires with those who carried out those acts. Society is not all there.
True Moo says
That’s a new one, those who report on crimes or what you call negative acts are coconspirators to them and should be prosecuted as such? Interesting…
Tim Scott says
So, if “they” don’t want to report this very specific ‘fact,’ where did you find out?
I get it.
You just made up something you thought would sound good at the white guy club, and the “86%” is a number pulled out of thin air because using a specific number makes your claim look more credible.
Carry on.
Claire says
It doesn’t matter what category you fall into, you commit hate crimes everyday with your speech. Carry on
Ryan Hunt says
You two crack me up, are you both related? Friends maybe? Surely not enemies.
Tim Scott says
Claire is the president of my fan club, and follows me around the site faithfully.
Ryan Hunt says
Thank you for the good humor, Tim, I really needed it.
Ryan Hunt says
Thank you for the good humor, Tim, I really needed it.
tim says
I think the statistics wrong 86% of the victims are white all the hate crimes being committed these days are by African Americans against white people over they don’t want to report that
Paul G. says
Yes I agree with you Tim.