LANCASTER – A convicted child sex offender, who sneaked into the country after he was deported to Mexico and then sexually abused an Antelope Valley girl for nearly seven years, was sentenced Friday to 518 years and four months to life in state prison.
Superior Court Judge Daviann Mitchell imposed the maximum term on Jose de Jesus Santana Aguilar, 52, who had previously been convicted in 1994 for committing a lewd act on another girl.
“You are a menace to society… you are a predator,” the judge told Aguilar, after hearing victim impact statements from the victim, her mother and her godmother.
The latest case involved sexual abuse that began in 2007 when the Littlerock girl was 12 and continued until she was 18. The victim was the daughter of Aguilar’s girlfriend at the time.
“You took away my childhood,” the victim told Aguilar in a tearful impact statement Friday. The girl said she cried herself to sleep for many years and had to endure the worst years of her life because she was too afraid to come forward. She thanked her family, detectives and the prosecutor for helping to bring Aguilar to justice, and she said she was stronger after having survived the ordeal.
“I will not see myself as a victim but as a survivor,” the girl said.
Speaking through a Spanish interpreter, the girl’s mother said she had loved Aguilar with all her soul and she never would have imagined his actions.
“You not only destroyed my daughter, you destroyed me as a woman…” she said. “May God forgive you because I will never forgive you.”
Last month, Antelope Valley jurors deliberated for two hours before finding Aguilar guilty of four counts of sodomy by use of force, three counts of committing a lewd act on a child, two counts each of continuous sexual abuse and forcible oral copulation of a victim over the age of 14 and one count of sexual penetration by a foreign object of a victim over the age of 14.
Before his trial began, Aguilar pleaded no contest to five counts of failing to update his sex offender registration annually and admitted that he had the 1994 child sex crime conviction.
In a sentencing memorandum, Deputy District Attorney Jon Hatami detailed Aguilar’s prior criminal record.
According to the document, Aguilar was arrested in 1994 for raping his cousin’s 13-year-old daughter. The “forcible act of sexual intercourse” happened during the time 31-year-old Aguilar was staying with his cousin in Los Angeles. Aguilar told detectives he had sex with the girl but said they were in a relationship, according to a police report attached to the memorandum. Aguilar pleaded no contest Dec. 7, 1994, to lewd acts upon a child under 14. Less than two weeks later, Aguilar was released from jail and placed on felony probation, according to court records.
He violated that probation in the following months by failing to register as a sex offender and by showing up at the victim’s school and home, according to the prosecutor. In July of 1995, Aguilar was accused of removing a screen from the victim’s bedroom window and using a car antenna to attempt to molest the sleeping girl through the bars of her bedroom window, according to a police report. It would be three years before Aguilar answered for the probation violations.
On Feb. 19, 1998, after a probation violation hearing, Aguilar was sentenced to six years in state prison. He completed his custody time and then he was deported to Mexico, according to court records.
Sometime in 2004, Aguilar illegally re-entered the United States and moved into his girlfriend’s Antelope Valley residence, according to the prosecutor. He then proceeded to molest, rape and sodomize his girlfriend’s 12-year-old daughter, from the time she was in seventh grade until she turned 18.
“The victim and her family have been through so much and they finally have received justice,” Hatami stated. “The jury did a very good job in the case. The defendant is a clear danger to young girls in the Antelope Valley and he will never again be able to hurt another child.”
Previous related story: Registered sex offender guilty of sexually abusing AV girl
sad mother says
This is not about immigration it’s about child predators. They are from everywhere rich and poor. My sons are dealing with this as we speak. You never really know anyone. People who pray on children are good at what they do are kids are victims of these adults. And the children and family’s are left to try and put the pieces of there lives together with therapy. We pray they are able to get through there teenage years without acting out in terrible ways my boys are only 3 and 10 right now and soon will have to testify against there father. It’s the worst feeling finding out something like this has happened right under your nose for so long. It’s devastating
dumbandblind says
People like these proliferate because good people dont do anything but talk.
Gowchong says
Sure am glad the sicko will spend the rest of his life in prison. And his life probably will not be long after Big Bubba finds out what he did to earn his way into the Gray Bar Hotel.
Mike C says
Have fun in prison. They’ll be waiting for you to get there. And it isn’t gonna be any fun.
Danny says
Another reason to close the boarder.
Mike C says
Don’t tell me there are still people out there that are so ignorant they still support our sorry a– president? He’s a traitor and has done nothing but ruin this country. And anyone that agrees with what he’s doing is scum in my eyes. Why don’t you go join ISIS if your so pro Obama?
Mike C says
Are you kidding me you moron? Agree with the worst president in the history of the United States policies? I know there are stupid people in this world but you take the cake. Anyone that still supports Obama should be hung by the neck until dead. Go f___ yourself.
KayDee says
Haha Mike C. your anger is comical. Wishing death on people who support our president, and then you wonder why the majority of people don’t think like you do. Why the majority of us still support our great commander in chief, despite what you tell yourself. Fact: Obama won twice and he would win again if he didn’t term out. Fact: Bush was in office when this child predator got out of prison the first time AND when he hopped the border back into the US. So what does Obama have to do with article? Absolutely nothing. Haha, jokes on you!
Mike C says
Kay dee, save all the bullsh_t your rambling on about our so called commander in chief. This worthless piece of sh_ t would never ever win another term you ignorant ????? Why don’t you go join isis and support them like Obama is doing or move to Mexico with Jake Mills and make room for more real Americans in this country. We don’t need people in this countrythat are so ignorant they still believe in Obama.
jack says
Youre right hes already won two terms.
Gowchong says
What does LAND OF THE LAND mean? Lanny, you’re funny.
Danny says
Lanny, has nothing to do with being a racist seems to be a word that everyone throws around due to their own ignorance these days. It’s a fact that if the boarder was more controlled to keep people out that don’t belong this would not have happened. Maybe the next one that sneaks back gets you and you’ll change your Obama love’n mind. Or maybe when you lose your job because someone will do it cheaper if you even work. Do you have a job or is Obama paving the path to force us that do to support the ones that don’t.
Who’s to say I’m from Europe could be Native American, African or Mexican
Dauntless says
Danny, I agree! We have enough of our own child molesters, here!
Tina says
Border* I have better grammar than you and I am a Mexican American.
Danny says
Tina, wow can’t get nothing past you maybe you should patrol the “boarder”
avmom says
Exactly. An unsecured border is an open invitation to terrorists, disease & scum like the one in the article.
Dauntless says
How is it that this pervert was able to molest the second girl for so many years? What was it that she was so frightened of? Why couldn’t she confide in her mother sooner than later? Is this man retarded, or, just ignorant? I’ve heard quite a few stories of rape and incest in families from across the border…It’s not that uncommon for the families to know, but won’t outwardly acknowledge this kind of behavior. They just pretend it didn’t happen?! Are these people like the “hillbillies” in the Ozark mountains?
sondra says
For one, obviously you don’t know what it’s like to be taken advantage of feel scared. If you don’t feel safe then it is hard to go forward about things. And also, your use of the word “retarded” is extremely offensive. Being angry is not an excuse for ignorance. I’m not defending this sick man, just suggesting you consider what you say before you say it.
Dauntless says
Sondra, should I have said “mentally impaired”, instead? Would you have understood what I was saying? I’m curious, I really want to know what’s mentally wrong with this type of a degenerate? Now, go away…..!
Lizzy says
Usually there is a threat, my step father said he would kick me out to live on the street, that later escalated to threats of murder. He said mother would not believe me, or that she would hate me for taking him from her. If I didnt let him touch me he would touch my sister next. They take the threats and make you believe them by lowering your self worth. I have been called lazy, fat, stupid, been told that I am the reason why my parents divorced, my mom should have given me to an orphanage, the list goes on and on. One time at the dinner table I said somthing to make him angry so he grabbed me by the upper arm yelled at me 3 inches from my face and threw me back in my chair so hard that I toppled over it, then yelled at me for throwing myself. I looked at my mom for help just to hear “you need to stop trying to cause trouble, by being so overly dramatic”. I remember this night clearly because to my child-like mind her not helping me confirmed every bad thing he said. When you hear those things everyday and get no backup you believe it. That is how abuse continues for years before someone says something. I said something too late, so I got no justice. I am glad this girl got her abuser put behind bars so he can’t hurt anymore girls.
Dauntless says
This is an awful story Lizzy and it’s very disheartening that your “mom” wasn’t there for you. I’m sorry that you had to go through that! This is one of the things that I don’t understand…A parent who chooses sides and refuses to acknowledge what is going on, right in front of their face! I’ve never trusted anyone with my kids when they were younger. And for good reason! No one had to ever tell me…it’s a natural-born instinct. I’m glad that you finally felt safe enough to to tell! I hope you have a positive outlook on yourself these days! Love, light and healing to you, Lizzy. Thank you for sharing such a personal story.
im some person says
I don’t get it. Is their desire for sex with a child so strong that they can’t help themselves?
I enjoy sex, and the sexual pleasure an adult woman can give me, but I am not gonna flush my life down the toilet because of my desire.. I’m not gonna rape or harm anyone… and if I have to go without sex sometimes.. ok.. so be it.
I guess I just don’t understand what its like to be attracted to children… And I know we all hate child molesters and perverts… but I thank god I am normal and and was not cursed with those desires.
Bikerbob says
Me thinks thee protest to much. I’m sure you are “normal”. Whoa Dude get help.
Me thinks thee protest too much. I’m sure you are “normal” ya, normal that’s what you are.