LANCASTER – A 4-year-old Lancaster girl nearly kidnapped from her front yard on Saturday received a holiday surprise from local deputies the very next day.
Deputies Amber Leist and Shane Chapman, and Detective Melissa Sullivan, returned to the victim’s home on Sunday to deliver Christmas gifts and food to the family.
“It helped to calm the nerves of the family, especially the little girl, because she was still kind of traumatized,” said Lancaster Community Relations Deputy Miguel Ruiz. “We really wanted to cheer her up because she really touched the hearts of the deputies.”
Just before noon on Saturday, Dec. 20, a 61-year-old male stranger tried to snatch the child from the family’s fenced yard on the 400 block of West Kildare Avenue in Lancaster, officials said.
“The victim’s 13-year-old brother rescued the victim as the suspect was walking away with his sister,” Ruiz stated. “Lancaster Deputy Amber Leist was nearby in a patrol car and quickly apprehended the suspect.”
Earl Williams was arrested in connection with the incident. (Read more here.)
Deputies who responded to the home Saturday saw that the family was in financial need, according to Ruiz.
“[The children] weren’t going to receive any gifts for Christmas, so we provided Christmas gifts for them,” Ruiz said.
Lancaster Sheriff’s Station will distribute nearly 300 toys and canned foods to needy Lancaster families this Christmas Eve and Christmas day, Ruiz said.
“We’re just really grateful for the opportunity, from the toys that were donated over the previous three weeks, to be able to do something like this,” Ruiz said. “We’re looking forward to a very safe and giving holiday season.”
callitasitis says
Open letter of Thanks to those who serve
To OUR men and women and families of our law enforcement, Fire and military community.
To those who work in our ER and hospitals.
To those who keep our light on, water running and our roads cleared.
To those who work in our correction facility, gatekeepers
To those who work in faith & service to mankind.
Thank you for your service, loyalty, commitment to duty, courage and faithful service in keeping America safe.
Autumn61 says
Yes, I totally agree!
callitasitis says
Great job LASD
Diana valdez says
You go deputies great story.
Dawn says
Very greatful for the hard working deputy’s for keeping the kids and everyone else safe great to see they do there jobs well thank you LACSD for all your hard work and even harder work during the holiday season. God bless you all
Dawn says
I’m trying to find out if anyone knows where I can turn to for help for Christmas I’ve called several places and have had no luck trying to get help for me and my family I recently lost my home and became homeless been staying with boy friends moms house it’s been a struggle trying to find work I can’t buy my family anything for Christmas or provide a dish for dinner I have a 5mo old son and a 7yr daughter and trying to reach out for the holidays as hard as it is doing so any advice would be greatly appreciated from the bottom of my heart It’s heart breaking thinking my daughters faith in Santa won’t be the same if she don’t have gifts it’s breaking my heart each day with it also being my sons first Christmas please help and point me in the right direction for assistance of any kind my email is as follows dawncol5118@gmail.com Thank you all for your time have a blessed Merry Christmas and a happy new year.
Desert Flower says
@RLancaster: You can find his picture on the Megan’s law list.
Dana says
Thank u LACSD and Squad 33. I am grateful for all of u! Merry Christmas and please be safe!
RLancaster says
Great Job! Poor baby I bet she was scare. Can you also post a picture of Earl Williams so everyone knows who he is.