LANCASTER – A former Desert Christian Schools employee may spend the rest of his life in prison for molesting young girls during Sunday church services at Grace Chapel in Lancaster.
Jonathan Michael Macy, who pleaded no contest last month to lewd acts on a child and admitted the special allegation of more than one victim, was sentenced Tuesday to 15 years to life in state prison.
“You should never, ever be in the company of children as far as I’m concerned,” Los Angeles County Superior Court Judge Daviann Mitchell said to Macy.
“Mr. Macy is a threat to the children here in the Antelope Valley,” said Deputy District Attorney Jon Hatami.

Macy worked at Grace Chapel and Desert Christian Schools in Lancaster, both on the same Lancaster campus. The 31-year-old was convicted of molesting two girls, ages 11 and 12, during Sunday church services at Grace Chapel. However, detectives know of at least five more young victims.
Additional charges were not filed against Macy because the prosecution and the defense, with approval from the victims’ families, agreed to the plea deal to protect the young victims from further emotional trauma.
Some of the victims’ family members gave victim impact statements Tuesday at Macy’s sentencing hearing.
Anne A. tearfully read her daughter’s letter to Macy, which stated that the girl had forgiven Macy and the incident had opened her “eyes to Christ.”
“I forgive you but that doesn’t mean there’s not anger in my heart over what you did,” the victim’s letter stated.
Anne said she was “broken hearted” over what happened to her daughter, and she was praying “for the peace that only God can give.”
Tiffiny A. said her 3-year-old granddaughter knew Macy while attending daycare at Desert Christian, and the child called Macy “the trash man” because Macy picked up trash around the campus. The child’s grandmother said she noticed unusual behavior in March or April. “We couldn’t get her to smile…she wanted to hide all the time,” Tiffiny said.
She said her “natural instincts kicked in” when she was helping the child get dressed for school and the 3-year-old “cringed and shuddered.”
Soon after, the child told family members about “the trash man,” Tiffiny said.
“She told some things that no little girl should have to tell her parents… it just broke our hearts,” Tiffiny said.
Macy reported to school, church officials in spring 2014
The 3-year-old’s family reported Macy for molestation months before his arrest, and detectives from the Sheriff Department’s Special Victims Bureau spoke to officials at Desert Christian Schools and Grace Chapel, according to the prosecutor.
However, that case fell apart because the child eventually shut down and she was deemed too young to testify.
“We kept that case around just in case, and then older children came forward and he ended up admitting,” Hatami said.

The two older girls came forward with accusations against Macy in August, and detectives again spoke to officials at Desert Christian Schools and Grace Chapel. This time around, Macy admitted to the molestations, and he was arrested on Aug. 13 and charged two days later with two counts of lewd acts upon a child under 14.
In a press statement issued shortly after Macy’s arrest, Desert Christian Schools’ Executive Director Cecil Swetland said Macy was removed from the school’s campus, no longer employed by Desert Christian, and unable to access the campus.
“We immediately informed all parents and staff about the pending investigation via email on Friday, August 8,” Swetland said in the statement.
Macy pleaded not guilty at his arraignment on Aug. 15; and then he pleaded no contest on Sept. 12.
A plea for leniency
At the sentencing hearing Tuesday, Macy’s family and friends asked the judge for leniency based on Macy’s willingness to assume full responsibility.
In a letter to Judge Mitchell, Carol and Michael Macy said their son had confessed to detectives and had not requested a lawyer or bargained for a lesser sentence.
Family friend Jill Krieger said the sentence seemed excessive and asked the judge to “reject the plea deal and perhaps lower [Macy’s] sentence.”
Michelle Palmer described Macy as “industrious, humble and gentle” and said Macy deeply regretted his actions. She asked the judge to reject the plea deal due to Macy’s voluntary confession and his desire to protect his church, the families and the victims.
However, the prosecutor said Macy had been facing 30 years to life based on the original charges alone, and would have faced even more time had the additional charges been filed. The 15-years-to-life prison sentence was necessary to provide justice for Macy’s seven victims, Hatami said.
In rejecting requests to lower Macy’s sentence, Judge Mitchell said, “These children have been sentenced to a lifetime of grief.”
The judge also issued a protective order barring Macy from coming into contact with any of the seven victims and ordered Macy to register as a sex offender for the rest of his life.
Macy will be eligible for parole in 15 years, but a parole board will have the ability to keep him in prison for the rest of his life.
Desert Christian, Grace Chapel respond to sentencing hearing
After Macy’s sentencing hearing, both Desert Christian Schools and Grace Chapel released media statements.
Desert Christian Schools’ media statement:
“Desert Christian Schools’ highest priority is the safety of our students. We are pleased that the painful saga associated with Jonathan Macy has come to a conclusion with a formal sentence rendered today. We know, however, that this matter will continue to weigh heavily on those involved. We are committed to providing comfort and support for those affected. We want to thank law enforcement for their efforts in handling this situation. Throughout the process, we have worked closely with them and sincerely appreciate their professionalism. Our thoughts and prayers go out to all of those involved in this tragic series of events.”
Grace Chapel’s media statement:
“Grace Chapel is committed to the physical, emotional and spiritual well-being of our church members and families. Having learned that this case regarding Jonathan Macy has been resolved in a sentencing hearing earlier today, we are comforted that this matter has been brought to a resolution and we will continue to care for and support the families involved as they deal with the serious impact on their lives. We also want to express our gratitude for law enforcement officials and applaud them for their care and professionalism. Having worked closely with them throughout the investigation, we are thankful for their dedication to excellence.”
Previous related stories:
Desert Christian employee guilty of molesting children at church
Desert Christian School employee pleads not guilty to molesting children at church
Lancaster man arrested for allegedly molesting children at church
Hmmmm...... says
Just a wondering thought……As MYSELF being a MEMBER of Grace Chapel, I have first off experienced there rules and conditions of the Church to NEVER allow a Man and Woman to be alone one on one together it helps to prevent an accusation or real situation of something going on…..The Church’s Stipulation was No woman should be transported by a Man alone! I myself was denied being in a car for a ride to church and back home by a man UNLESS there was a Chaparone ( sorry about the mis spelling). I Never had a problem with that, all it did was protect me and the man who provided the service. I also know that I Never have seen a man or woman alone in a room together in private there at the church…. If they ever were, it was in the churche’s office where there were MANY others walking about and around and there was NO privacy for them to do anything unthinkable…..Also, to break it down, in the Sunday School classes that my OWN children attended, It was always noticed that One man or woman was NEVER in the class with the children alone….So, I wonder how Jonathan Macy was EVER alone with these Girls???….Maybe because he was there so long he worked to earn their trust, and they Never saw it coming?? so they went off alone with him for what ever reason not knowing his intent…..Why was that rule of No One single male and No one single female To be alone together APPLIED to ALL AGES of members and workers??…If the girls were told of this rule for their own safety would their of been more of a chance that Macy would of NOT had the opportunity to commit this horrible act??……..Please do NOT TWIST THIS!!….THIS IS STILL NO FAULT AT ALL BY THE VICTIMS!!!…..MACY IS A SICK SICK DISGUSTING PERSON! A WOLF IN SHEEPS CLOTHING, AND GOD HIMSELF HAS A SPECIAL PLACE FOR HIM!….I DONT AGREE WITH SOME OF THE OTHERS AT MY CHURCH FOR SEEING HIS SO- CALLED REMORSE!!! I WILL NOT PRAY FOR HIM! HE SHOULD NEVER BE LET OUT OF PRISON!….THE ONLY ONES I PRAY FOR WILL BE THE VICTIMS AND THEIR FAMILIES….AND MIKE AND CAROL MACY….
Friend says
@christine The church did a great job with the situation. The way you talked about the people didn’t show the love of God in your heart. You should pray for the church and it’s recovery instead of your rude remarks. I understand the situation and why you are mad but there was no reason for you to name people an day rude remarks. That shows us who reads this that you don’t care about others only about yourself. I am continually praying for the situation and that the church is being prayed for. Bad things happen at all churches so don’t single out any church.
Anna says
Thank you friend, could not have said it better. I know all the people she blasted and they are not like she portrayed them to be. The church is a meeting place for people who want the word of God, it does not sanction what happened. This man’s family is a good family, I went to school with the father and I know the mother. They must be beyond grief…yes I know the victims are damaged and the families torn up please don’t start, but the parents did nothing wrong so don’t spill hate towards them. Can you imagine if it was your son? Would you be in the court chanting death? No, you would be begging for his life as they were. We are all capable of sin but we can be forgiven by the blood of Jesus. You wonder if Jonathan will go to Heaven? Yes, if he truly repents he will just as you and I will no matter the sin.
There are lots of churches in this valley who do not cater to everyone’s whim. I went to a huge church for many years and never ever spoke to the pastor, does that make him a bad person? No.
Plus, all three of my children went to DC school from pre-school to graduation from the high school. They received an excellent education, safe environment, and are college graduates. Never before has this happened at the school. The only trouble my daughter had was when a girl who’s father was a council man kept being nasty to her, that was stopped asap.
Unless you know the folks involved personally do not bad mouth them, they don’t deserve it. You wouldn’t want someone saying bad things about you on this site. And for those who don’t want to go to church because you think it is full of molesters, that is an excuse you have to not live a Christ filled life.
callitasitis says
15 years to life. Most likely NOT. What is needed is confirmation by use of polygraph while in treatment at CDC before these sexual predators are released. A GPS device and mental health treatment plan (doctors) WILL NOT deter these type of sexual predators from re-offending but it may kick the enlighten Sacramento leaders behinds to do what is best for the public safety. No one can 100% cure these predators if someone states they can, and then they can have these sexual predators housed with their family. Sexual predators usually have a prefer target group (children, adolescent, adults) but is does not mean they will not target another group. There are the interfamilial predators that prey with in a family. We rarely hear about these types of case in the news outlet. This predator will serve his time in protection with CDC. There is only one cure , life in CDC
Auntie Lope says
Hey isnt Desert Christian the school that was founded by the Runners? The very AV legislators who created Jessica’s Law and never miss an opportunity to remind us how they are saving the childrenz?
How is Jessicas Law protecting kids in your own school? How is that working out?
ashley says
I wonder if Michelle Palmer would still want his sentence lowered if he molested her children! Was he trying to protect the children before this happened!! Whether he confessed or not that doesnt change what he did !
Mother who is grieving!! says
Agree @Ashley completely!!
@ Michelle Palmer- You are mother too and you have a daughter and a Son and a foster kid. Your such a heartless person who is supporting a bloody Child Molester:((( You do not know the pain that I am going through right now…. I am shattered completely because I unfortunately witnessed the horrible Beast attacking my Daughter. You are saying you want the sentence lowered, do you even realize what your saying.?? You have stated that Bustard….. as a humble and gentle person. Just like you know the Macy’s we know them too!!! I never felt Carol Macy and Jonathan Macy are genuine people, they are hypocrites and so are you!! You yourself is a person who is two faced!! Just because u have a foster kid doesn’t make you a Saint. We all have eyes and keep a constant watch on hypocrites like you. I am saying this to you …. One day you will heart fully regret for the statement you have given Jonathan and for supporting Carol. I respect Mike Macy he really is a nice man but not the following two that I have stated above. I am typing this as I am wiping my tears because you do not know the pain you guys have caused us but God is Good ….. He will take care of us.
This is the last of our friendship Michelle Palmer.
@ Antelope Valley times please make sure Michelle gets this note!!
ashley says
@ mother who is grieving
God bless you and your family. Its sick what that monster did to your daughter and I pray for the best for you and your family. I didnt know anybody who attended the church but as a mother , I cant begin to imagine the pain, suffering and betrayal that your family and daughter are going through. That man and anybody who thinks he deserves less than what he got is full sh**. I hope he stays there for the rest of his life an gets denied for parole.
Christine says
I attended Grace Chapel from 2002- 2011. I would see Jonathan there all the time in the last few years of my attendance. He appeared to me to be stand offish and would avoid eye contact, like he was shy or something…I noticed that if someone would initiate contact or conversation with him he would be very nice and well spoken. To my he seemed off….NOW I KNOW WHY!!! He should of GOT LIFE! without Parole!….If the judge said he is a threat to children then by all means PROTECT our children and NEVER let him or any other Pedophile OUT, KEEP THEM LOCKED UP!!!….I am sickened by Macy’s Family, the pastors, and the church, his friends asking for leniency!…..There are valid reasons why I stopped going to GC, and this will ENSURE that I will never go back!!….I went to a wed night Christian parenting class a couple times, and an assistant pastor teaching it encouraged corporal punishment with a “switch” he designed and made himself. I do NOT agree! he would give them to parents to use on their children…I know DCFS would NOT agree either. The funny thing is that even the assistant pastor himself, admitted that DCFS would have problem with it!!….I have a problem with THAT!! Everyone there is so nice when you are a new comer….when the newness wears off, you notice the cliques and the judgemental looks and the FAVORITISM…Pastor Chris talks to who he seems important and worthy, others he makes feel he has no time for…His wife, Kristen, is a Fake Superficial person, of coarse her and her husband’s favorite worthy people would say she is such a wonderful woman of God….but they are bias and have the blinders on….that woman never said one word to me, EVER in all the years I went! I would try to talk to her and she would just walk by like she was always busy going somewhere and give me the biggest Fake closed mouth smile….Big turn off for me, I did not see Jesus in her at All…but when someone “important” in the church walked up she had all the time to walk up to them and talk to them….Jill Tanner, Don’t get me started on her,,,way worse! she is snobby, arrogant, and ridiculas…..This thing about Jonathan though takes the cake!….I encourage everyone to try other churches,, there are some really nice ones in AV besides GC
FRED says
Someone is bitter!
A Sexual Abuse Survivor says
Macy has only been convicted of two molestations out of seven known victims. There is no doubt that still more young children have not come forward, whether out of shame, fear, or a lack of understanding.
These children will be haunted by Jonathan’s actions for the rest of their lives. It will take tears and the grace of God for them to come to terms with what has been done to them, and even then, it will have a lasting affect. Seven known lives will carry this for the rest of their lives, and Jonathan Macy will only be imprisoned for 15 years, if he even serves out that sentence.
My heart goes out to the friends and family of Jonathan Macy, but how can you ask for a reduced sentence? Even King David had to suffer the consequences of his immorality, why should Jonathan be exempt from the full consequences of his sin? If Jonathan had been truly repentant, then why did he not confess to his deeds before being caught in his web? No, he only pleaded guilty after being caught and confronted, and not even after the first victim came forward.
God bless these children with comfort and peace, may His love heal these wounds they should never have received. As for Macy himself, God can grant forgiveness, but this man should never be allowed near children again.
Another Survivor says
This story horrifies me. I too am a survivor of childhood sexual abuse. My abuser was never brought to justice and now is most likely dead as I am 49 years old now. I was 6. I have carried this around all my life. I can’t begin to tell you how the abuse has affected me throughout my life.
I never got any help until I was an adult to deal with this either.
To the family of Macy, Macy cannot repent enough for the damage he has caused these young children. To even ask for a lighter sentence because he shows remorse is inconceivable. I do not wish anything to happen to another human being, however he should pay for the rest of his life for what he has done, just as his survivors will pay the rest of their lives for the pain he has caused.
I cannot stress enough just how much of my abuse shaped and patterned my life. This will be same for those young survivors as well. I hope that the parents of these young children get the kids the help they need right away.
Take care young kids and know you did nothing wrong. It was a sick sick human being that should never be allowed near kids ever again.
FRED says
I have seen several cases of this type. They all sicken me and anger me. I struggle with forgiving such heinous acts innocent children are subjected to. They never ask for this life sentence to be imposed upon them by the perpetrator. Macy got 17 to life but will probably be out in 5. The innocent children who are his victims will never be “out.” Ever.
And that’s sad.
FRED says
Correction…15 to life…not 17 to life.
justice says
The prisoners will take care of this man.
really? A lesser charge? says
A lesser sentence because he “took responsibility??” ARE YOU KIDDING ME? What about the LIFE LONG DAMAGE he cause these INNOCENT children? YOU are a selfish family, ALL of you from the parents to the child they raised. SMH 15 to life is NOT enough time. How inconsiderate you are. DISGUSTING
Concerned Citizen says
I agree with the prior comment. This man only to took a plea deal because the punishment he would have been more severe if he went to trial. Shame on his family. So what if he admitted to the crime!!! He has forever changed these girls lives. Sexual abuse changes a childs life in so many ways. How can these girls ever feel safe when they were violated in what was considered to be a safe haven (school and church). I hope these girls receive the help they need to overcome such a tragic event in their lives.
Another Concerned Citizen says
I agree!! Macy took the easier, softer, Chicken [removed] way out…Why is this commendable?? NO WAY! Shame on his family and GC to encourage this and enable him!….He should be doing the max punishment!
J says
My daughter attended the preschooler were never notified till it hit the public it was heart breaking finding out the extent of situation I too notice change in my daughter behavior while she attend the school I pulled her as soon as I found out what was going I hope that man get what he deserve in prison and how dare the family as for leginacy those poor children didn’t get that when he took there innocent shame on the family
Kelsey says
I am a former student of Desert Christian and I volunteer at Grace Chapel I also worked with Jonathan during our VBS session at the church. We were not told of just what Jonathan did to the children because they do not want to damage the children any longer and have the entire church know what exactly happened which I agree with. Jonathan was a janitor at Desert Christian but he was an employee of the school. There is no ‘volunteer’ teacher at Desert Christian because of safety reasons. For me, I had absolutely no clue that this had happened with Jonathan because he never let on that he was this type of guy. He was always so nice and gentle with kids and always told us the workers to never be alone with a child in a room but i see that he is a hypocrite.
The Church is a safe place for children but man’s heart is wicked and even the most honest of men can fall because we are all naturally sinful. I am so deeply sorry for the girls who had to go through such a terrible thing and I pray for them and their families all the time. I also pray for Jonathan that he sees the error in his ways and begs for forgiveness from God
Molly says
Thank you, Kelsey. That answered my question completely. I think you have a very good heart.
Jodi Mullins says
I too worked with Jonathan. He was always very kind. I would never suspected him of this sort of behavior and there was never any indication that he was drawn to children in an inappropriate way. Having said that, you never really know what is in the heart of men and as parents we must always be diligent. Desert Christian conduct background checks and, unless someone has a prior conviction, there is no way the school would have known. DCS IS a safe place for your children. I pray for the victims and their families as well as for Jonathan. God hasn’t stopped loving him because of his behavior and needs prayers as well.
Donna Olander says
Thank you Jodi! Well said.
Molly says
Does anyone know exactly what he did to these girls? Was it exposure? Touching? The term, “child molestation” covers quite a range. And please don’t bust my chops, I’m just asking the question.
Letlow says
Unless the families speak on it (I doubt they will) no one will ever know exactly what Jon Macy did because the pervert pleaded out before the prelim. Even if it was just exposure and nothing else, I say he still deserves the 15 to life. The man was satisfying his sick, twisted urges for children in God’s house for crying out loud. And he corrupted a three year old! This man is a deviant and needs to stay in jail FOREVER!!!!
Julia says
@Molly – oh dear… daring to ask questions? All that is necessary is the verbal atomic bomb of “child molestation” and all reasoning goes out the window. “Lewd Acts” on a child covers everything from a fleeting touch over clothing to the most heinous acts one can think of.
Question anything in that arena – YOU must be a pervert yourself!
15 years to life – that is a killer’s sentence. At some point people who commit these acts – and they always have and they always will – will figure out that it is not worth it to leave witnesses behind.
But if it saves one child…
Another Survivor says
Molly not busting your chops but just to let you know it doesn’t really matter what he did to these girls. They will carry this around for life like a life sentence. He deserves more than 15 years to life.
Every time I hear about yet another child molestation case it takes me back to being 6 years old and I re-live the horrible things that were done to me. How is this not worse than a life sentence.
I can bury it but that’s about all I can do. So for now, I hope that Macy never gets out of prison and he lives with the guilt the rest of his life of how he ruined young girls lives.
Julia says
@Another – Not knowing any specifics and therefore not really wanting to defend this particular person here, but how on earth could it not matter what exactly transpired? Was there a hug? Was there a kiss? On the cheek? On the lips? Tongue? Was there touching? Over clothing? Under clothing? Of the chest? Of the buttocks? Of the genitals? Was there penetration? Digital? Full Intercourse? Oral copulation? By whom of whom?
Here, I am saying it. As opposed to hiding behind this nebulous “molestation” that fills our heads with whatever horror movie is playing in our heads. Checking off one or more of the items above should be the basis for this man’s punishment. What else could it be?
BTW, clearly not applicable here but the California Penal Code defines rude language directed at a person 17 years or younger as Child Molestation (PC 647.6 – Annoy and Molest a Child under 18). Look it up.
Why should this man be punished based on some bad things that happened to you decades ago? Where is the logic in that? How could you possibly read this article completely lacking any detail whatsoever and state “He deserves more than 15 years to life.”?
I know quite a few survivors of CSA who would be gravely insulted at your suggestion they are damaged for life and beyond repair. And yes, regardless of what exactly transpired, these girls will live with a ‘life sentence’ as long as every one keeps telling them so. Feel better?
KayDee says
Oh please!! You think he would really be prosecuted for just a hug or even a kiss on the cheek?! It was enough for the charges to be felonies and not misdemeanors. For the love of God, STOP TRYING TO MINIMIZE this tragedy!! The girls did not testify precisely because they didn’t want the details of this crime put out for all to see. But you, and selfishly so, demand details to satisfy your own curiosity. SHAME ON YOU!!! Why don’t you track down the parents and ask them for the details? Hopefully you will get the a** whipping you justly deserve!!
Julia says
Oh please!!! A hug and a kiss – even with a 14/15 year old – is all that is needed for felony charges and conviction. Happens all the time. Even the slightest transgression with a child under 14, and yes, there are those, will result in felony charges. There is no way for any misdemeanor offense with a child under 14.
I am not minimizing anything. I have no idea what happened, but neither does anyone else except those involved or who read the court documents. Yet everyone is screaming that 15 years to life is not enough and these girls are living with a life sentence. It may or it may not be, they may or they may not be. But based on what??? On people’s personal experiences from way back when? That this guy seemed “off”?
How do I “want” the details? I am merely pointing out that, yes, it does matter what happened. How can it not?
This mind set is frightening. I won’t even address your threat of physical violence…. not unexpected, though.
Another Survivor says
Julia – I am not saying that he should be punished based on what happened to me. What I am saying is this man confessed to molesting these children. These children will carry this with them their entire life. So yes it is a life sentence. It does not go away. Why if he confessed should he not get a life sentence as well.
I never said I was damaged beyond repair and I resent you implying that as well. I said I carry it with me always. And yes when I hear about sexual abuse it does take me back. But I am by all means a survivor and will remain so.
These kids will never forget what happened to them. I hope that they get the help they need to lead as normal a life as possible but their life will never be the same. Their innocence has been stripped away and you can’t get it back.
To even suggest minimizing what Macy has done to these kids is apalling. So I still stand behind what I say that he deserves more than 15 years to life.
FRED says
Another Survivor…you are a strong person (I’m assuming woman). Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Stay strong young lady. In spite of the fact that what you experienced many years ago will never leave your brain. You overcame.
Christine says
It seems strange that Dessert Christian’s administrative staff didn’t inform the parents earlier, back when the first victim came forward in spring of 2014. Why did they wait until August? It does not seem as though Desert Christian had the children’s best interest at heart. Was he still working there up until August? Dessert Christian is quick to expell the children when they are caught even talking about sexual conduct yet they let this preditor walk the campus after such accusations? I hope I am wrong.
I will pray for the innocent victims. No child molester deserves a lesser sentence just because he admitted to his evil acts. He deserves life in prison. Period.
Jodi Mullins says
There is a legal process that has to be followed. Just because a child makes allegations doesn’t mean they are true. You can’t trash a man’s character forever (which is what happens with child molestation charges and accusations) unless you have a case you can present to the court.
Christine says
I understand there is a legal process. Shouldn’t there also be an ethical process to protect our children? My three children went to DCS for most of their elementary and middle school years and I personally know of three kids that were expelled for rumors of sexual conduct. I’m talking about a text that had the word “sex” in it. These kids were publicly humiliated, kicked out, and forced to go to another school, being ripped away from all they know, yet an adult man that had been accused of molestation by a THREE YEAR OLD is able to walk the campus amongst our children? I’m not saying that administration should have publicly humiliated him, (like they do their students) but they should have an olbligation to protect the innocent children that attend school every day.
bird says
Jodi Mullins—Yes Jodi, just because a child makes allegations doesn’t mean it is true. For the safety of other children, the leaders are still suppose to remove this person from access to children until accusations are either proven true or false. To allow this person to have 5 or 6 months, to go about his business can be devastating for other children in the mean time. Children are the utmost priority, and are to be protected.
james stouvenel says
May God have mercy on his soul. If he even gets to Heaven. This man is worse than Hubbert. Hurting kids makes me sick just thinking about It. Churches are supposed to be the safest place for families here in the AV. Now people will question this.
Mark says
Pedophiles and churches have always been hand in hand.
Look at the Catholic church
callitasitis says
Beware of wolves in sheep clothing. The body of the church is responsible to safe guard it members, that mean it is everyone’s duty. It is not just the elders, pastors and church leaders it is everyone responsible to protect the body. The Church has never been safe; it was not safe for Christ so why would it be safe for anyone? The church is the body of believers and NOT all people who attend church services are” real” believers.
Duke says
I thought Macy didn’t work there? Or was he a janitor that watched the kids?
God, family, country says
@Duke: He was employed by Desert Christian as a janitor and as a substitute teacher. He helped out at Grace Chapel as a janitor and was active in various areas of ministry. Accusations were made against him early this year by a toddler at DCS. When they were unable to prove the allegations or substantiate them sufficiently, he was transferred to the high school campus of DCS but the church (Grace Chapel ) wasn’t notified of the allegations made against him.