LANCASTER – A Desert Christian School employee was arrested for allegedly molesting two children during Sunday church services at Grace Chapel, authorities said.

Jonathan Macy, 31, of Lancaster, was arrested Wednesday morning and jailed in lieu of $1.2 million bail, according to a press release from the Sheriff Department’s Special Victims Bureau. Read it below:
On August 5, 2014, Detectives from the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department Special Victims Bureau began investigating an allegation of child molestation involving a young female child and an employee at Desert Christian School in Lancaster.
Over the course of the investigation, a second victim of child molestation was identified. Both victims had come to know the suspect due to his employment at Grace Chapel Church, which is located on the campus of Desert Christian School in the 44600 Block of 15th Street West in Lancaster.
The acts of molestation occurred while the children were at Grace Chapel for Sunday Church Services.
As a result of the investigation, the suspect, Jonathan Macy, a white male, 31 years old and resident of Lancaster, was arrested by Sheriff’s Special Victims Bureau Detectives during the morning hours on Wednesday, August 13, 2014.
He is currently in the custody of the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department and being held in lieu of 1.2 million dollars bail.
Detectives have learned that the suspect was also employed as a teacher at St. Mary’s School in Palmdale. School officials at both Desert Christian and St. Mary’s School have been cooperative with detectives.
Anyone with information about this incident is encouraged to contact the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department’s Special Victims Bureau at (877) 710-5273.
Jenn says
Wow, my husband and I are very scared now as it is we always had troubles in finding
A church we was comftable with when we came across grace chapel we thought this was the best church ever, after reading that thier where prier allegations.. I just don’t know what else to say now? We are talking about the times we left my daughter for Sundays service and we do rember guys being precent in the rooms but I rember thier
Was also females but I don’t know now.. I just don’t know what to say… Becoming a Christian is learning how not to judged ppl but how can I not judged ? All of this is very scary over all.
Geneva says
my goodness…i knew this guy when i attended Desert Christian before i moved to Texas, after 5th grade about 6 years ago. he was my VBS leader when i was little and i knew his family too. i am keeping the victims and their families in my prayers. i cant help but thinking about how many times i was alone with him, especially when i visited during the last 3 summers before this one, when i saw him on the school campus and would stop to talk to him. it makes me think that if i had visited this summer like i was supposed that i would have been a victim as well. scary…
CPPS/V says
Predators prey in church environments where children are vulnerable. I learned hard way, you cannot be too careful to whom you turn for ‘spiritual guidance’ and, moms hate to hear this but- your children are not safe from predators ANYWHERE. Perverts can be and are EVERYWHERE and you really can’t let your kids out of your sight. Find jobs where you can work from home, it’s a fact of life.
Oh and CPPS/V stands for Catholic Pedophile Priest Survivor / Victim
Danny says
This guy needs to eat a bullet!
Tired of hearing how everything is some type of addiction stop already
A fellow student says
This is scary!! This guy was a sub band teacher at my school! And always seemed quite nice! Guess me and my friends have to be cautious this year on campus
Former church goer says
I always thought this guy and his whole family were weird. Glad to see him behind bars
Celia says
I am amazed at some of what I am reading. Sex addiction in all its many forms is not uncommon in our society and it is not always easily identifiable depending on the exact nature of the sex addiction and how it manifests itself . . .in fact it is often quite easily hidden. It is not always child molestation and doesn’t always lead to child molestation. But this I know from personal experience and from books I’ve picked up at Family Christian and even editorials in the local paper by Shane Idelman . . . . as it is not uncommon in general society, it is also not uncommon among Christians and those of other religions as well. Addiction is an illness and it is no respecter of persons. Being a Christian and suffering from an addiction/mental illness are not mutually exclusive. Addiction in any form is tough to deal with but those suffering from them need prayer and professional help as much as do their victims.
Kathrynn says
This is completely nauseating to me. I love this church and the people in it. I grew up with this man and his whole family. My heart and prayers go out to the Macy’s during this time. He is very ill, lost, and confused and needs prayer. I will never understand what drives someone to do such things to another, let alone a defenseless child. My heart is breaking for the victims, his family, this church and the entire Christian community. I pray there aren’t more victims. Hopefully, this heinous situation will force churches and schools to be much more attentive to investigating the “Christians” they consider for teaching positions.
God, family, country says
Thank you for your compassion. They are alert and run full background checks on potential employees but unless they have prior convictions, nothing comes up.
Saywhat! says
I tought it only happend in the Catholic Church! Guess I was WRONG! Glad he was caught! Now he’s going to pay for it in jail! Lol
Mary says
Any parent sending their kids back to class at this school, should not do so until every employee and volunteer is finget-printed. If they have, it should be updated again.
I am so sorry to hear about your grandaughter, I can’t imagine what you guys went through and what a shame no one watched him after this.
FRED says
Unfortunately fingerprinting does not necessarily weed out every one. Just the ones that have already committed a crime. Macy had a clean and stellar record, rendering a fingerprint or background check ineffective.
Chris Hamilton says
Desert Christian Schools and would assume all schools would employ the same system used by many secular organizations. It’s called LiveScan. As Fred mentioned, it only would identify someone WITH a criminal record. Also, once someone is arrested LiveScan pings the institution to notify. In this case, that wouldn’t have happened. I pray for this man, his family, the victims, and the community.
Helena says
FRED says
And what does your comment have to do with Macy? Or should I say…
Grammy says
Desert Christian School is VERY aware of a prior occurrence that happened in early April. My grand daughter was molested by this “man” while at the pre-school and a police investigation was handled by Special Victims Unit. Because she was ONLY 3 YEARS OLD and unable to testify, the case was dropped. One would think that the church and school would have kept better eye on him after the allegation was brought forth.
Quigley says
Kept a better eye on him??? He should have been fired!!! Actually if this is how the school personnel handled the situation then they should have been fired as well! SMFH!
Grammy says
We were told that they would be installing video surveillance to hinder this from happening again. They could not let him go based on the word of a 3 year old. This man has been working with and around children for 10 years. You betcha there are many others! Fortunately with this new allegation, he did admit to doing it. Such a sad thing when you put your children in the VERY BEST place that you kind find for daycare and they STILL encounter these monsters!
Molly says
He admitted to doing it? When was that?
Grammy says
Our family was contacted by the sheriff’s station prior to the story going public, informing us and warning us that it would be going to the press. It was the sheriff that told us that he admitted to molesting one of the victims. The second victim then came forward. I feel so sorry for these girls and their families as we have also experienced the pain and anger. So sad that ALL OF THIS COULD HAVE BEEN AVOIDED BY THE VERY FIRST ACCUSATION!
Irena says
According to another story he has plead not guilty
Molly says
He did confess to it. I just don’t know what “it” is. He was charged with lewd acts, but what does that mean? And, for crying out loud don’t tell me sex addiction isn’t rampant in this world. Pornography is available everywhere you turn, whether you want it or not. It’s virtually in your face. By no means does that excuse deviant behavior, but it can certainly explain it.
No longer working there says
No cameras were installed… :(
Kristi says
Why did the church say nothing? They were very forthcoming when this happened a few years ago with a different young man.
Concerned parent says
My children were still attending DC in April and one of them was in the pre school. I am so sorry to hear this happened to your grand daughter. How come us parents never heard about this incident?! I am so disgusted!!
No longer working there says
Because the staff was ordered to be quiet. No one was supposed to talk about it. We were told it was “gossip”.
Concerned parent says
Are you serious?! Was the entire staff notified or only the pre school teachers?! Either way I am furious!
J says
Did the school notify other parents are anything because my daughter attended too and he behavior change I started question everything but wasn’t given any answer then later she was ask not to return
Concerned parent says
Is your incident on file with the sheriffs department?
Concerned parent says
Is it true that your grand daughters case is being re-investigated by the sheriffs dept?
Shane Falco says
The sheriffs department and the licensing agency both investigated. While they investigated the guy was placed on leave. Both the LASD and the licensing agency determined there was no evidence that anything happened. He was reinstated to his position but at another campus out of an abundance of caution.
Now that another charge with an older child has been made, with this child able to give details, the LASD is revisiting the earlier allegation.
Grammy makes it sound like the school/ church did nothing about it when that is clearly not the case. You can’t fire somebody for being a molester if they haven’t even been charged. The school acted with due diligence both times and has been commended by the LASD for their cooperation in trying to get to the bottom of this.
Mary says
He is a nice man but again you do not know these people like you think you know them. I have attended this church and their Palmdale church and though I have gone, I don’t know them. He is a human and though I truly believe Pastor Chris is a good man, two children, possibly more, were sexually violsred in his church. I know that this happens ever where and Pastor Chris didnt do anything to hurt these kids. But some where, some how, these kids were left alone with this man. Having attended the church myself, I am aware that there are more than one person with the chikdren during classss; however, I remenver taking my grandson and two men teachers were in the classrokm – no women. This cant be done any more. My niece did not invite me or even telk me about the allegations – I found out from an online friend. Had I knoen about a meeti.g, I would have wanted to go. How did these kids get victimizrd with so many people in the rooms and on campys? Though it has neen said that this guy had no criminal record, I think aftrr tjis every employee and evrry classroom volunteer should ne fingetprinted before going back to their positions.
Irena says
Are you saying only men are capable of molesting a child? Though it is uncommon women do molest children as well. Usually as an accomplish with a male partner but they are capable of it as well.
Mary says
Irena, very true. I should add both men and women. If you read an earlier post I posted, I did mention both genders.
Mary says
2 kids? Anyone willing to bet more will come foreward?
Steve says
Well its shameful if its true. I wondered why the church sent us that letter. That is such a nice church too! Pastor Chris and his staff must be immensely devastated!! I hope people don’t judge this church for the one bad apple. Uhg is all I can say.