By Israel Estrada, the brother of the 17-year-old boy ejected from a van that was struck by an alleged drunk driver in Palmdale on July 6, 2014.
My little brother’s name is Brandonly Estrada, nicknamed “Cano,” born in May 1997. He was riding in a van along with two other girls, Maria and Janet, who are both 20 years old, and another male passenger, Hector, who is 17 years old. Janet was driving.
In the early morning hours of July 6, all four of them, along with another car behind them, were going up the street from their house to the McDonald’s on 47th and Avenue S.
The female driver that crashed into the van is 25-year-old Wendy Aguilar-Flores. Wendy ran the red light as Janet was approaching the McDonald’s entrance. Wendy crashed into the side back of the van, causing the van to spin out of control, and my little brother Brandonly Estrada was ejected.

Wendy’s car flipped over numerous times and stayed flipped over. After the crash, Wendy got out of her flipped over vehicle and ran to my little brother and his friend, Hector. She started laughing and said “I can’t believe this sh** just happened.”
When the police got there, they did a Breathalyzer test on Wendy Aguilar-Flores, and we were informed by the detective that it came back twice over the amount of California law. Wendy was immediately arrested and charged with DUI causing injury.

But according to the detectives, it can escalate to more serious charges due to the injuries my little brother suffered.
In addition to Brandonly, there were other injuries from the van crash. The driver Janet suffered neck and back pain, and she was taken into the emergency room and was released from the hospital within a few hours. The other 17 year old, Hector, suffered from broken ribs, which punctured his kidney and liver. Maria did not suffer any injuries.
My mom received a call at around 5 a.m. telling her that Brandonly had got in a car accident. When we got to the hospital, the nurses told us that Brandonly had gone into surgery.
Before the surgery, the doctors had ordered for Brandonly to have a CAT scan. They told us his brain had shifted to the right and was already falling down, which could have caused his death. We were told he would have to be heavily sedated to avoid him from waking up, which would cause his brain to swell. The surgeons told us they had done everything they could, but they didn’t know if he would make it through.
We all suffered through three days and three nights without seeing his eyes or him moving. By the grace of God, he heard all our prayers and my little brother survived. He suffered a deep wound on the right side of his forehead, a broken nose, and many scrapes and burns. His right eye suffers from a deviation; he doesn’t have much control or strength over his right arm; and he is not able to walk for more than a few minutes and always needs someone standing behind him.

My little brother has always been very adventurous, spontaneous, loud, always laughing and making jokes, playing basketball, riding his motorcycle and simply amazing and fun to be around. Now he sleeps throughout most of the day. We want his life back! His life was just starting and because of a drunk driver he almost didn’t make it to stay with us.
On Tuesday, July 8, Wendy Aguilar-Flores was scheduled to appear in court for an arraignment. My sister, Jessica, and my wife, Mariza, both went to hear the outcome. When they went in, the family of Wendy laughed while my family was crying. When Wendy was called up after 4 p.m., she pleaded not guilty! She was originally held at the Palmdale Sheriff’s Station at $100,000 bond; now it is set for $180,000 and she is scheduled for a preliminary court hearing on July 18.
I hope that you’re able to help us get the word out, and I am thanking you on behalf of all our family and Brandonly ahead of time.
Online fundraiser to help Brandonly “Cano” Estrada
The family has established an online fundraiser to help cover the medical expenses for Brandonly and to get him the therapy he needs to get his life back. Donations of any amount can be made at http://www.gofundme.com/bh0fj0
Editor’s Update 7/18/14: Following a preliminary court hearing Friday, July 18, Wendy Aguilar-Flores was ordered to stand trial on all charges – driving under the influence of alcohol causing injury, driving with a blood alcohol level of 0.08 percent or more causing injury and driving with a suspended license. She is due back in court August 5.
Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article are the author’s own and do not necessarily reflect the views of The AV Times.
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Previous related story: Alleged DUI crash injures 4
Liz says
I hope everything is good for him, I hope he’s not suffering no more ..everyone makes mistakes….
Lily says
what is wrong with u people dont wish bad upon anyone i’m sorry to hear what happened to you but trust me it wasnt intentionally done it was an accident when u drink ur mind is not all there especially when u black out and who ever she was with shouldn’t have let her drive period, why didnt he have his seat belt we all know when we get in the car anything could happen thats why we need to make sure we always put on our seatbelts! i know wendy for 10 yrs my prayers go out for u and ur family and my friend wendy on her court dates! Wendy doesnt have priors for drinking this is her 1st one no one should be calling her a monster i just seen wendy last week wendy didn’t laugh and becuase i known her for a long time already!!!!!!!!!!!!
nino says
Enough is enough 2 says
Well of course seat belts don’t kill, it is the lack of using your seatbelt is what can kill…. It is not a guarantee of survival…. But it does greatly increase your odds at survival….
Law wise says
Not too long ago drinking and driving was not much of a crime as it is now much like the seatbelt law is now…. So a law was broken with a DUI driver crashing into another, another law was broken with a seatbelt not being worn which caused a crash lead to a death…. If the person had their seatbelt on and survived, the girl would not be looking at charges of man slaughter,wrongful death, or vehicular homicide…. So in 20-40 years the not wearing of a seatbelt might be publicly ridiculed and shamed as driving under the influence is today….. This is a sad situation that happens all too often… So remember to help prevent your friends from driving after partaking in mind altering booze or other things and remember to get everyone in your car you are driving or riding in to fasten their seat belts….. My condolences to both families…..
Deaf tone says
Everything happens for a Reason…
William says
I remember a comedienne who misheard that as “Anything can happen with a razor.”
bird says
William—I doubt that you would find anything humorous in this situation, if this happened to someone you loved.
right on says
I agree 110% law wise.hopefuly everynody makes it out of this one ok.
Roberto says
Proving that Marijuana is less dangerous than alcohol.
Olivia says
Amen to that
Carla says
I can’t believe you guys really have to argue about it, who cares if he wasn’t wearing his seat belt, no one has to justify who is more right or wrong, that’s simply ignorant. This should be teaching everyone that it is never safe to be driving drunk, point blank period. We get advised on the daily about it….My prayers go out to Cano and his family and I hope he gets better in no time.
Me says
It matters if you wear seat belt or not. you don’t you will get hurt lots more and if you do you just may walk away with less injuries. so the ignorant is You CARLA. hope you don’t wear your seat belt. so you can learn
Carla says
Okay, I’m not saying it didn’t matter he was wearing his seatbelt, I’m just saying it’s pointless to argue about whether he was or wasn’t (referring to the arguments below) because it already happened. Ann accident happened and many mistakes happened. The last thing anyone should be doing is arguing and trying to justify who was more right or wrong.
I’m NOT ignorant, you do not know me lol and I’m soooo sorry you’re so cruel to hope that upon another human being….wish u the best.
Wtf says
Pretty sure the issue has nothing to do with wearing a seat belt. But since were on the subject ill say one thing about that. Seat belts were designed more so for high speed crashes. In many cases a seat belt is to blame for actually a lot of injuries as well. But no one can speculate on what would have happened if that person had or had not been wearing one at the time. We can only assume and well we all know what assuming does. Had his seat belt been on, it could have just as well caused just as much brain injuries as he has now. Your brain floats in thin layer of fluid, so the impact alone could very well have been just as badly injured as it is now from the head being stationary and the brain moving at her rate of speed. So moving forward here, the point we all need to focus on is the driver of the car. She had a suspended license #1, had she not been driving this kid wouldnt be where he is now, #2 had she not been under the influence, again he would not have been where he is now. She chose to drive and im pretty sure she had been driving on this suspended license prior to this accident as well. Which in my opinion there should be a law “that ranks” up there close to what premeditation is too as for the consequences goes. He shouldnt have to die in order for the courts to really slap her with some serious jail time. His life will never be the same again and neither should hers. In fact he will pay 10x or more in general then she will ever do in jail for her stupidity. How fair is that now.
not wtf says
Mr wtf its very clear on the fact the the other occupants that stay properly secure to the two cars involved didn’t suffer any brain injury. Given that one flipped over several times. is also clear who cause the accident. and that’s never been denied. but the mayor injuries to Cano its from been ejected from the car. But you can only see what you want to see. it appears that you have very little knowledge. the only way he would suffer great craneo injury is if the other car would hit directly were his head was in the car. that would take a 4×4 really high off the ground. All the made believe smart acting explanation the you given goes out the window. and that’s why hector suffer injuries to the torso and not his head. I hope that Cano recuperates well from this unfortunate event.
tie says
Right is right and wrong is wrong…if he did or did not have on a seat belt he was bound to.be.involved in a accident because she was DRINKING AND DRIVING….MY CONDOLENCES GO OUT TO YOU AND YOUR FAMILY WITH GOD!!! ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE
Olivia says
My prayers go out to both families. Thank the good Lord Brandon or cano as his family calls him is recovering. Being judgmental in this case is useless, I see fault on both parties. Wendy shouldn’t of been drinking and driving, one it’s against the law and second it doesn’t show good judgement, but she made a mistake and hopefully will take this to heart and learn from it. Brandon or “cano” should of been wearing a seatbelt, the driver of the vehicle should of I forced it, being she was the adult and driver. If he would of been wearing his seatbelt, he would of not been ejected, plain and simple. Also, why were 17 year olds out at this time, the law is simple under 18 there is a legal curfew, why are these parents not enforcing rules. Nonetheless wether they were under age or not, it was a tragic accident that could of been prevented by not drinking and driving and always wear a seatbelt.
Brenda says
Wendy is my best friend and I know she knows she did wrong and that she has to pay the consequences but she’s not a monster a bitch and all the name she’s been called most of us have made the stupid mistake to drink and drive but we’ve just been lucky enough to not get caught, so who r we to judge….. This is so we can learn from someone else’s mistakes drinking and driving is no joke!!!! This could have happened to anyone it was a huge mistake and my prayers go out to both family’s because it’s a tragedy to both mothers and family’s
Nichole says
Everyone has really good points as for one SEAT BELT…. ON HIS BEHALF… WAS HE USING IT OR NOT? Wendy’s car flip multiple times and she’s a small girl by the grace of God she was able to get out of her car and go check on the young man and his family…. They say she laugh I can picture her laughing not as a joke but being scared and worried and she laughs those things off out of past history… Cuz she know she mess up and her consequence have to be paid in witch she paying them by being away from her family an kid…. I wish everyone would stop being so negative about this all we hall have been drank and drive but got away with it in this case she wasn’t so lucky but bye the end of the day we are all breathing bye the grace of God my prayers go out to everyone involve…. Wendy I love you as you always been there for me it’s my time to show you as a friend And be there for you every step of the way…..
Nancy P says
Well said Nichole. Everyone has made MISTAKES. Your friend knows she did wrong. You are a good friend for not abandoning her. I also believe she was probably in shock and the “laughing”, if there was any, was involuntary.
Name says
Here’s the definition of laughter: an expression or appearance of merriment or amusement; cheerful or joyful gaiety; mirth; hilarity; laughter.
Prayers to the family of the victim, Brandonly, for a great recovery and strength.
A says
Thanks for the definition. It’s odd, but I’ve known a few people who laugh when they’re in shock, or nervous, or confused. Not all people are the same.
J says
First and foremost, Wendy’s friends, SPEAK FOR YOURSELFS!!!!! Don’t make a stereotype up as to most or everyone has made the mistake of drinking and driving! I have never driven under the influence and I know many people who don’t do it either. Wendy was a selfish person, disregarding the safety and life’s of others. I honestly can’t understand why anyone would post about how great of a person she is, to me all that just goes down the toilet as soon as she got behind the wheel. It honestly made me laugh to read that her friends came on here to say that they have made the same mistake but gotten away with it!! How old are these people, geeze please grow up. I don’t think that drunk driving is in any way shape or form. MISTAKE!!! She willing got into the car and drove drunk!!! Yes the kid was t wearing a seat belt but had she not driven drunk this wouldn’t have happened period. The only one that made a mistake was the kid for not wearing a seatbelt.
J says
If she’s such a great person that just made a mistake according to her friends, why did she plead not guilty!!? Why didn’t she assume her responsibility for her MISTAKE!!
P says
Ms kat says
Mary says
So she laughs when she’s nervous okay but in court the WHOLE family was laughing that’s some F#####D UP family! Who drinks and drives let alone on a suspended drivers license. Bottom line many young people believe they are above the law by drinking, not wearing their seat belts and being out past curfew under age. Sorry but there are so many wrongs with this whole story. Best of luck to the injured young man and hopefully justice will put this young lady in rehab and a little, “thinking about it”, time behind bars.
karen says
[removed] that [removed] Wendy she has to pay what she has done, I still don’t understand why she was driving drunk she needs to grow the [removed] up really , that boy almost lost his life because of the stupid mistake she did hopefully she writes in jail , stupid [removed] , yeah [removed] she’s a nice girl , she did it once she will do it again . She deserves to stay in jail
Mr Me says
Karen. Your an ignorant person. If Brandonly would have been wearing his seat belt his injuries would have been less. So you can scream all the dirty words like you are used to. And it not going to change the facts. And it is possible that the cars weren’t going to McDonald’s to buy food but to refill more beer or
karer says
Mr Me, what if Wendy was going to refill on more beer there 17 how where they going to buy here if the legal age to buy beer is 21, and I’m pretty sure Wendy was going to go buy beer
A says
At that time? Doubtful. Stores don’t sell between 2 and 6 am.
Just Saying says
People tend to get really passionate in times of crisis. Having to watch someone go through tremendous pain over things that could have been avoided(on both ends), make people angry. Whoever Karen is has the right to be mad just as you have the right to an opinion about where you think they were actually traveling too. She’s not ignorant because she uses profanity, she’s mad and expressing her feelings. Not everyone who uses “dirty words” are ignorant.
danny says
i would make a new friend she truly is a carless monster. this is no accident if she was a good person she would not of got behind the wheel totally avoidable she took the weapon and used it. no excuses hope she pays dearly for what she did totally unfair that she gets to walk away maybe post bond and move along with her life. again your friend is a monster and you defending her puts you at the same level.
MORE ME says
danny. Wendy is not my friend but you guys are trying way to hard to shape a person into a monster. the reality is she is human and like other members of this tragic event several made bad choices. and those choices led to the exact place where each one is at this point. if the person driving the suv wasn’t driving under the influence the person that got ejected would have still been ejected by the choice he had made earlier. not to leave out the lack of responsability in part of the adult in charge of the mini van to aid a couple minors to break the curfew law and not enforce the seatbelt law.
dontunderstand says
was he not wearing his seatbelt for him to fly out?
seriously says
Then people get mad at the sheriff’s dept for conducting DUI checkpoints … this is why people! To get stupid drunk driver’s from the street … it really doesn’t help when you have people with big ol’ signs warning potential drunk drivers either. I’ll be praying for Brandonly, for his recovery and for his family who has to go through this. Don’t give up Brandonly!!!!
Absolutely Vacant says
Yeah, but DUI checks have turned into a big money making scam. They call anything a DUI to vacuum our wallets dry for every penny they can. DUI’s are for Joe Citizen while off-duty Joe Cop sits at Schooners drinking then driving home and gets a pass because he’s one of the armed revenue collectors and gets to hide behind his tin shield.
umm says
I don’t think anyone has to worry about DUI checkpoints making money if you comply with law in the first place. I’ve gone through them many times and never had an issue …
SadButTrue says
Unfortunately I must agree with “Absolutely Vacant”. Sometime ago I sprang my ankle bowling and had to ask a friend to drive me home, in my own car. I had my license, registration, and insurance card, yet I sat on the passenger side. My friend is a licensed driver, but didn’t have his license on him at the time. We went through the checkpoint, no one had anything to drink. And the highway patrol Impounded my car for the driver not having a license on him. They would not even allow me to drive. By the time he went to court and took his license, I can’t recall if he had a fine; I had to pay close to $1000 to get my car. This included the release from the police department and $100 per day for impound fees. If it were only to get drunk drivers off the street I would TOTALLY AGREE, but unfortunately that wasn’t my experience.
D says
Why were the kids in the van getting a late dinner at almost 4 in the mornin? They were probably out parting and drinking as well. Trying to act all inoccent. And im sure as hell know Wendy wasn’t laughing after the accident you [removed].
You’re probably related or a friends with the irresponsible idiot!! I don’t see anywhere the family mentioned they were innocent!! But if you’re trying to point the finger at the teenagers, I guess they are responsible for Wendys dumb ass drinking and driving!!!! I was at the McDonalds when it happened, and they did also test the teenage driver!!!!! Get out of here with your nonsense!! Hope her stupid ass stays in there where she deserves!!!!!!
Mr Me says
Karen. Your an ignorant person. If Brandonly would have been wearing his seat belt his injuries would have been less. So you can scream all the dirty words like you are used to. And it not going to change the facts. And it is possible that the cars weren’t going to McDonald’s to buy food but to refill more beer or
A says
You’re trying way to hard to put blame anywhere.
djralo says
Nice try but the accident happened at 5 stores don’t sell beer until 6 so your lies trying to defame the victims show how pathetic u r
jne says
Get out of here with this [removed] .there’s witnesses.!!were u there that early sunday morning? And you’re idiot friend should of NEVER gotten into that car knowing she was drunk! So im sorry to say but you defending her only makes you look even [removed] than she is.
Lin says
1125 east ave r
ELICE says
I Completely understand Jessie comment, never the less as you stated Wendy needs to learn her lesson period. she is already bless to have an opportunity of bail, what she did is not okay and yes i agree her doing what she did does not mean she is a monster but she is one immature women for doing whats he did!!!! so my perspective point of view is she should get some time in jail!!! even though not even that would repair nd solve the damage she has caused
Lani says
If you understood Jesse’s comment, like you said, then you would understand that he is defending the integrity of her character. Yet, you still called her immature. There’s no concrete evidence that she is immature. This whole article was written by someone who wasn’t there at the time of the accident. Like Jesse stated in his comment, neither he or the author of this article were present when the accident happened. The author, Israel, is going based off of what he was told by his friends who were present, just like Jesse is going based off of what his friend, Wendy, has told him. So why is it that we assume Wendy was laughing at the time of the accident? Just because the author said so? If that’s the case, then we should also give Jesse’s comment some credit when he says that Wendy was remorseful. Jesse never excused Wendy for what she did, but I can see why it’s important to him to protect the integrity of her character. It musnt be easy on him because he obviously wants to support the victims family, but at the same time he want a to be fair and clear her name of personal attacks on who she really is as a person. I don’t know about you, but if she has a friend like Jesse trying to protect her character, then maybe there is some credence due to her character not her actions. I don’t who what is entirely true, but it doesn’t seem right to me to judge someone’s character just because they made an awful mistake. My prayers go out to everyone that was affected. Not just one side.
big rick says
Give the bich life in jail. Enough is enough with this drunk driving crap in Palmdale. Im tired of seeing these young people suffer so much…. all because of someones dumb mistake and then they only get a slap on the hand and the victim has a lifetime of issues. Go figure. Fuk the system.
mr says
Ignorant blind Rick. Why don’t you promote wearing a seat belt while you’re at it.
charlotte says
We are sorry for what you and your family are going through. I know Wendy she is really a good girl, that made a horrible and adult choice. She needs to pay for what she did, drunk driving is never ok!! People don’t realized that tragedy affects both sides, the people they hurt and themselves..both sides are destroyed because of the negligence of one person. But please know that we are praying for your lil brother recovery!!!
Jesse says
I have nothing to hide and nothing to be ashamed of.
The drunk driver in the article, Wendy, is a really close friend of mine.
She made a dumb mistake, but unfortunately it was a critical one.
She a smart, caring woman who works really hard for the things she has. But like I said, she made a terrible mistake that she NEEDS to have consequences for. I’m not excusing her for anything she did, but the article villifies her in a manner that makes it seem like she does this kind of thing regularly and comically. I mean no disrespect because I understand that a loved Brandonly was critically wounded by Wendy’s actions; therefore, in their eyes, Wendy is the villian. That’s understandable and the results of the accident was her own doing.–her fault.
But much like Israel Estrada (to whom I’ve offer my deepest sympathy for), I wasn’t at the accident when it occurred. So I cannot confirm what was said and if anyone was laughing at the time of the accident.
But when two of us friends went to visit Wendy, she wasn’t laughing about the accident. Covered in blood, she was very remorseful and mentioned that she even tried to help the victims when the accident occurred.
During the court arraignment, her family WAS laughing amongst each other about non-related nonsense. The seemingly lack of concern and evident interest of other sidebars to be very disrespectful towards Brandonly’s family. Of that, I can agree to, wholeheartedly.
However, Wendy is at the fault for her own actions, not to be criticized over the actions of her family. She is wrong for what she did–getting drunk without having a designated driver, driving drunk, and putting someone in critical condition, as a result. But again, the actions and disrespectful nature of her family should not be applied to her character.
She isn’t heartless. She isn’t immature. To be honest, I don’t know what made her hop into the car and drive away intoxicated. I don’t know why she didn’t call a cab either. She wasn’t with our main group of friends that day, but where ever she went, she left alone and without anyone who was really concerned about her safety to tell her not to drive drunk, or even just to take away her keys. So, in her drunken state, she made a dumb decision that resulted in a young man’s injuries and hospitalization.
Smart people CAN make dumb mistakes. We do it all the time.
This was her dumb mistake–an ATROCIOUSLY SEVERE one–but a dumb one nonetheless and I am disappointed in her at the moment. And I honestly feel for the Israel, Brandonly, and their family. And in no way, shape, or form am I trying to play this down–that is not even an intention of mine because I know she is wrong. Drunk Driving is wrong, period.
She knows she’s wrong, too. She is sorry. She is remorseful. And she knows that she has to live up to the consequences of her actions. But as her friend, I cannot will not allow her character to be villified for things that do NOT apply to her… especially from the judging voices of those who know nothing about her outside of this article.
Outside of this accident, Wendy is a good person. Again, I’m not defending what she did. She should serve out the consequences of her actions so that she can learn from her mistake.
But I am defending her character; she’s nothing like the article paints her to be.
I just wish her family would take this issue seriously and stop thinking about themselves. I wish they would understand that there is a young man in critical condition and that the very least they could do is get out of their own world and offer their emotional support for the other family… at the VERY least.
Israel, I contacted you through Facebook. But in case you haven’t had the time to log on, which is understandable, know that there are a small group of us close friends to Wendy that offer our prayers to you and your family. I don’t want to message my life story here, but let’s just say that I understand the emotions you and your family are going through. I’ve been in your situation with another drunk driver. I get the pain, the anger, and the resentment. I understand the agony of waiting for a loved one to be okay.
Wendy does need consequences and be made an example of, not only for your family’s peace of mind, but to discourage other drivers from driving drunk in the future. I love Wendy with all my heart and I want her to learn her lesson from this.
But my heart truly does go out to the Estradas. May God be with you guys and I keep praying for Brandonly’s recovery. I also pray that you guys forgive Wendy for all the grievance she has caused, but not for her benefit–for your own benefit. And Israel, just like I messaged you in Facebook, let us know if there’s anything we could possibly do to help you guys. I can’t speak for Wendy’s family, but her close friends want you all to know that we understand she was at fault and we would like to offer our support.
Letlow says
Very well stated. Thank you for the perspective. I’m glad to see that Wendy may know the gravity of her actions. Drunk driving destroys so many lives. The victim, victim’s family, the driver, the driver’s friends… This story is a powerful reminder of that.
Nicole says
I totally understand what you mean! Recently one of my good friends Roberto was in this situation concerning the death of the 16 year old girl who was killed in her home. The press and many people made him look like a heartless monster but I knew exactly the person he was inside and I could assure everyone he was a loving and caring person. I’m sorry that this had to happen to your friend Wendy. Like you said, she did make a mistake and now unfortunately she has to pay the concequences. I will keep your friend and any of the hurt victims family’s in my prayers. Again Thank you for sharing this because for once I felt like someone understood how I felt when my friend Roberto was going through this. God bless!
Jenny says
Beautifully stated, filled with compassion and respect.
Enrique says
Jesse you claim to be a friend of Wendy’s but not once did you mention that she is also a mother. I know Wendy and her family personally and they have rasied her child since the child was an infant. Well Wendy was out parting with (your main group of friends ) her family was up at night taking care of her child. Stop being so hung up on protecting a character that was brought upon you and realize that her family is also going thru hard times. They have an immuture 25 year old daughter who would rather be out partying then taking care of her own child. You claim to be a friend but I doubt you’ve reach out to Wendy’s family also. All im trying to say is know facts before you speak or comment, dont let an immuture 25 year old women actions reflect on her family. My prayers go out to both families .
Brenda says
What does does her daughter have to do with any of this? Wendy is my best friend and I know for a fact that she would never hurt anyone
Lola says
Brenda her daughter has alot to do with it, that just shows you Wendy is a careless irresponsible person. Plain and simple Wendy should of been home with her daughter not parting like if she doesn’t have a responsibility at home. She’s selfish and immature. Prayers go out to both families…
H says
Not to start an argument but if someone feels remorse for something they did and knows what they did was wrong then how and why would you plead not guilty to something you know your guilty about??
Cindy says
I also know Wendy and her family what you said is very understandable but the way people need to see things as well is if she would have been the this boys situation her family would be just as hurt and had anger towards the drunk driver as well.
Yolanda says
It is so sad to hear about what happened and Wendy is at fault but to make her seem like a monster? It’s so not right. I’m sorry to hear about what happened to your brother believe me if it was mine I would be mad to but things happen instead of focusing on making Wendy seem like a monster thank god that your brother is ok. The lord speaks about forgiving and believe me even tho I haven spoken to Wendy I know she is sorry and yes as strange as that is Wendy laughs when she is scared or sad or anything. I’m sure she didn’t do it to be evil I’m sorry for what happend to the victim here but Wendy is already serving her sentence. Don’t go down to that fucked up level where you talk down on her please. She is really a great person that made a stupid mistake and now she is paying for it. If any one can help me contact Wendy please email me if I can write to her or anything I wish to be there for her and her baby girl. Cherryybc@yahoo.com please contact me if you know where I can write to her. And for the victims fam I’m Soo sorry for the MISTAKE that Wendy made but she is not a monster my prayers do go out to both families and I wish a speedy recovery for your brother. But remember having hate in your heart won’t help you at all. I’m sorry again and I’m not defending Wendy’s actions I’m just defending the person she is.
jackie hart says
We are sorry to hear what is going on may god bless your lil brother.
me and my husband where there when they where doing the investigation we seeing the van and the other car that crash. All I can tell you god is the one with the powerful hand and he left your lil brother here for a purpose on earth.
And I feel your pain 9 year ago my brother die and the doctors gave him back to us but is was gods doings for him to live he was in coma for one month and when he came 2 he did not even have a clue of who we where but the faith my family had was stronger then anything else he graduated since his accident as a auto tech and had his 4 son god is power he will be ok my brother was not going to be with us but he is here stronger then ever.walk by faith not by sight. May god be with you and your family.
Bob says
Prayers go out to your bother & family,
And how do you know Wendy Aguilar laughed when she got out the car ?
And said ” i can’t believe this jst happened “? Were you there ?
KayDee says
I’m guessing the two people she was laughing at told him? No sympathy for the drunk driver! Reminds of that drunk Tommy Lee Cole that killed two people in Lancaster. He was smiling all throughout court and his family was cracking jokes and having a blast… until his ass was found guilty. smh
to many deaths caused by dui says
I was friends with the two people that Tommy Lee killed. It was heartbreaking that he showed no remoarse so when they found him guilty it was a huge relief. We waited over a year for him to be found guilty. Hopefully Wendy gets her sentencing sooner because she made the choice to get behind the wheel drunk.
Eva Marie Quintero says
May God Continue to Heal brandonly, My prayers will be sent your way.
Gary says
I’m sorry to hear this. I’m sending prayers to your brother. We as citizens have 2 put an end to this drunk driving
Erika says
I’m so sorry to read what Brandonly and the rest of you are going through. It hurts my heart. I pray for complete recovery from this, physically and emotionally. It’s terrible if the other family is finding this amusing, and I pray for them as well. I believe he will be healed completely and b your family vindicated of the inconsiderate behavior.
I'm so sorry says
I’m sorry about what your family is going thru it’s a terrible experience but thank god that your brother made it thru. I lost two friends to drunk driving in a horrible accident caused by a DUI when they were on their way home from work. I helped with the fundraising my advice is go to sweet frog, chilies and ask to do fundraisers. Get the word out as much as possible. I’m really sorry and all my prayers to you and your family.
Chris says
I am so sorry for what you and your family are going through, although i cannot help with money at this time, i am willing to help any other way that i can. My email is chrisparra89@gmail.com contact me if there is any other way that i can help. My prayers go out for you guys, it’s sad that the family had the nerve to laugh at you. It shows how immature people can be. I would never wish this upon anyone but hopefully one day they will open their eyes and realize the damage this alcoholic has done to your family!
Meagan Isom says
I have faith that your brother will make it. I will continue to pray for him! My brothsr just got out of Antelope Valley hospital CCU.He was in a car accedent in June. So i fesl your pain..
monica says
Prayers go out to you and your family I pray justice is served and she gets what is coming to her
sick of drunk drivers says
I am so sorry that your family is having to deal with such horendous injuries and sorrow.