According to a news release from the city of Lancaster: “This latest operation follows a history of attempts to curb illegal activities at this location. Despite a prior search warrant leading to arrests and the discovery of ghost guns and narcotics, charges were not pursued by the District Attorney’s office, allowing the cycle of criminal behavior to continue. This failure to prosecute has been a source of frustration for both law enforcement and the Lancaster community, highlighting a critical gap in our criminal justice system.”
Lancaster Mayor R. Rex Parris was personally involved in the latest operation, which was conducted during the morning of Jan. 25 , according to the city news release.
“Our community deserves peace and security, and we will not stand by while repeat offenders are allowed back on the streets due to a lack of prosecutorial action. [The] operation is a clear message: Lancaster is united and determined to ensure safety despite the drastic failures of our District Attorney to protect our community,” Parris said in the news release.
“The operation not only resulted in arrests but also shed light on the severe health and safety hazards present in the home, leading to its immediate condemnation. The ongoing investigation aims to build a robust case to prevent the recurrence of such criminal activity,” according to the Lancaster city news release.
The news release continues: “In a direct response to the concerns voiced by our vigilant residents, who took their worries to the City Council, this operation underscores the power of community engagement in law enforcement efforts. Following a social media post 19 weeks ago, which detailed the first day’s success of our Chief of Police, Rodrick Armalin, and highlighted the seizure of illegal firearms and narcotics from this very house, the community’s role has been pivotal… This collaboration between the community, Council, and law enforcement is a testament to Lancaster’s collective resolve to maintain the safety and well-being of our neighborhoods.”
randy says
I hope all these comments are reflected in the next election…I’m encouraged. Isn’t Lancaster just one large nuisance property? Where does it end? The pretend mayor and city council are just anal cavities cashing in on their decisions at our expense (oligarchy in Lancaster?). Gee, sounds familiar. Remember rex is so enamored with trump he went to the airport to greet him and shake his hand (instead of doing his civic duty) on a week day. He is also enamored with China and (the late) Deng Xiaoping…please wake up Lancaster, we are being led down the useless bike paths and off a cliff. It only matters if you care, our city council/mayor doesn’t.
Laguna Larry says
People need to vote and tell others to vote. If we don’t vote, we’ll have the same cast of clowns that have made our city a mess. Let’s send him back to Laguna.
Chief Executive Nobody says
They probably just started gangstalking the people in the house until they eventually thought themselves arrested by being driven crazy by all the small coincidental synchronized chaos which isn’t hard to do when someone is high on drugs I definitely don’t agree with the methods but hey I guess results
April is coming says
One “notorious nuisance” property that needs to be cleaned out is the council room at Fern St. at city hall. That place needs a hard flush and fresh blood.
William says
The problem is Gascon, a lame duck for Los Angeles County District Attorney’s office. Resident Voters WAKE UP, and vote him out of office…
Cogsworth, notable timekeeper to The Beast (Beauty and the Beast, Disney - 1991 animated film) says
Lame failures to attempt to remove George have failed severally and sequentially.
It is comical how the (R) tries and tries and then fails and resorts to cheating attorneys and signature collectors out of money they owe them.
The (R) party has evolved into the final stage of desperate hopelessness – criminality.
Only a matter of time, now.
Tick – tock….
Buh Bye says
Talk about closing the barn door after the horse is out. Where has he been since 2008? All we’ve had is failure after failure. First it was bird sounds on the BLVD. That didn’t do anything. Then he spent $10 million on his pet spy plane that did nothing but make money for the Godfather and provide flying lessons for the sheriff’s captain’s kid. Next he says he bringing “the gays” and Asians to the BLVD to lower crime. He declared war on gangs and Section 8. He lost both wars and cost the taxpayer millions in the process. Sierra Highway is lined with hookers and East Lancaster is a mess. Now this charade? Buh bye! Voting you out sir.
ISA says
Me personally minding my own business and if I’m not bothering anyone and I’m getting high behind close doors by myself and my neighbors suspect I’m getting high they rush down to city hall the district attorney did the right thing minding your own business is the best policy the district attorney was laughing at all. So mind your own. Business Lancaster residents. Because best believe I’m not going to be up in no one’s business but my own.
Raimous Goa says
This was just an election publicity stunt to prop up a mayor who has failed us on crime for over a decade. He has squandered millions of tax dollars on pet projects that line the pockets of his political pals. He needs to be voted out in April.
Tom Waiht says
The Pro Crime Mayor Rex is hiding from the poor public safety record he is responsible for under his watch. It isn’t pretty. His old energy has run its course and it’s past time to get behind some new positive energy to lead our city of Lancaster. It will become obvious who yhat is as we get closer to election. Its a exciting time to become part of the New Lancaster!
Tom says
All he cares about is the west side and keeping the good old boy network intact. Toss his butt out in April.
Glenda says
All Rex cares about is looks, this made him look bad, notice how perfect his “Hair” looks
David Childs says
He has small hands, why?
Makes Pud Look Larger Than It Is? says
Patrick baker crawford says
Well why he’s at it Mr Parris, could you clean up other hot spots of drugs an drug dealers an gang members an there affiliates, that are plaguing our once peaceful communities? Like ave I am tenth street west.
Take Action says
“Lancaster Mayor R. Rex Parris was personally involved in the latest operation…”
R. Rex led the commando raid?
T.B. says
The mayor is also personally involved in all the bad decisions that have led to Lancaster becoming a top ten most dangerous city in California. Eye in the Sky, War on Section 8, bird sounds on the BLVD, and his arrogant pseudo tough guy bravado have left our city in sorry shape.
Agent Ray says
I can’t wait for the FBI raid on the Fern St. shenanigans.
Tim Scott says
Wonder which of Wrecks’ cronies is trying to buy that property…
Dr.woo says
No foolin’. Why does he care so much about crime all of a sudden in one particular location?
Dr. Woo Woo Woo says
He doesn’t care, Dr. woo. This is a staged photo op to make it appear that he does care. He lives in Laguna and has had failure after failure after failure as mayor. It’s time to send him packing to the beach mansion.
Dr. Woo says
He belongs in prison, not Laguna.