A 23-year-old Los Angeles County man pleaded guilty Thursday, May 19, for taking part in the 2021 insurrection at the U.S. Capitol, including breaking into the Senate chamber and sitting in the vice president’s chair. Christian Alexander Secor is scheduled to be sentenced Oct. 7, according to federal prosecutors.
Secor, who was a UCLA student, pleaded guilty in the District of Columbia to obstruction of an official proceeding.
According to court documents, on the day of the 2020 election, Nov. 3, 2020, Secor sent a text message stating, “We’re gonna win bigly and if we don’t we’re taking this ship down in flames.”
According to an affidavit filed in support of the charges, Secor, adorned with a “Make America Great Again” hat, was seen on video footage pushing his way past officers who were trying to block doors leading into the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021. A fellow UCLA student identified Secor as a UCLA undergrad and founder of America First Bruins, a conservative campus organization.
Secor goes by the nickname “Scuffled Elliott Roger,” which is “believed to be a reference to the 2014 Isla Vista mass murderer and (UC Santa Barbara) student who fatally stabbed his three roommates,” according to the FBI.
Secor also allegedly has tweeted that fascism is “epic,” according to the FBI affidavit, which also alleges he “valorizes the 2017 Charlottesville tiki torch march, which featured chants of ‘Jews will not replace us!”‘ and “states that he supports `nationalism everywhere,’ and suggests Jews and the state of Israel control the politics of other governments and attempt to influence ‘Westerners.”‘
FBI agents also said Secor defined himself as a “fascist” and made social media posts that the U.S. should be a “whites-only nation” and invited white nationalists to speak on campus. A day before the unrest at the Capitol, Secor texted someone saying he had brought a gas mask and that he “Wouldn’t be surprised if conservatives just storm the police and clobber antifa and the police, but that’s wishful thinking,” according to federal prosecutors.
Secor made his way up scaffolding to get to the Upper West Terrace of the Capitol and got in through the Senate’s door, made his way to the House side of the building and then up to the second floor, where he walked through the Speaker of the House’s office, prosecutors said. Secor later then helped a group of rioters in the building and made his way to the Senate chamber, where he went to the dais and then sat in the vice president’s seat, prosecutors said. After he left he boasted on Twitter that, “One day accomplished more for conservatism than the last 30 years,” according to prosecutors.
Secor was arrested Feb. 16, 2021, in Costa Mesa. The maximum punishment is 20 years and a $250,000 fine, but a federal judge will take into account many factors when determining a sentence.
In the months since Jan. 6, 2021, more than 800 individuals have been arrested in nearly all 50 states for crimes related to the breach of the U.S. Capitol, including more than 250 individuals charged with assaulting or impeding law enforcement. The investigation remains ongoing.
Mike smith says
Tim Scott is so leftist that his brain has stopped functioning. He’s so far gone he’s only qualified to be writing children’s coloring books that have no text.
Tim Scott says
LOL…random spew from Mike. What a loser.
By the way, I know people who write children’s books, and based on Mike’s posting every one of them is a better human than POS Mike.
America's Most Drops The Mike says
That’s it? No subject-relevant information or opinion? No solutions? No humor? Just a random personal attack without context? Try to do better.
Stinger says
Please go back, rethink your post with some addition of intelligence and wit, and try again. I mercifully gave you a point for the attempt with the coloring book bit.
America's Most Squeaky Wheel says
Wait a minute. That might be Michael Valentine Smith, the Stranger in a Strange Land, from Mars. In which case, we’re screwed cause he has awesome powers. Or it might just be some weenie named Mike Smith. Maybe I should be nice anyway.
Beecee says
This kid is a solid POS if this reported actions and ideology he spouts is correct, like I’ve said before, anybody dumb enough to fall into that glowing trap deserves to rot.
The reported ideology makes me despise him even more.
Anybody who believes a majority of conservatives think the way this feller thinks can KMA!
Tim Scott says
Similar to what I said before. I don’t believe a majority of Republicans are open fascists like this kid. But there is no question that the GOP makes an effort to ensure that when this kid goes to vote they are absolutely the party for him.
I’m curious…who are you saying set this “glowing trap”? The only person braying “come to DC Jan 6th! It’s gonna be wild!!!” that I recall is Donald Trump. Is that who you think “set the trap”?
Beecee says
Look up the term “glowing”
There’s your answer
Tim Scott says
Sooooo…Trump is a federal agent trying to trap his own loyalists?
I am guessing this makes some sort of sense in your reality…
Beecee says
If that’s the way you interpret it….
Surely the guy would have been indicted if so, but….
Tim Scott says
Okay, that last one doesn’t even make sense. I am at the point where I think you ate just saying whatever strikes you as the craziest thing in the moment to maintain a persona of being a totally over the top RWNJ, but let’s ‘proceed as if’ for a while just for fun.
You are proposing that this poor gullible Trump loyalist was ‘trapped.’ Your answer to “by who?” was so far nothing but a vague reference to “the feds.” I’m not asking you to name names here, but, what feds? Like give me a plausible department of the TRUMP administration that would mount such an operation against TRUMP loyalists?
Before you start, we already know that the head of homeland security was improperly using that department to aid the Trump campaign prior to election day, so please don’t suggest that after election day they spun on a dime and quickly threw together this supposed “entrapment operation.”
Similarly, we know that at DoJ there was an assistant AG going over the heads of everyone in his chain of command and appealing to Trump to fire them and appoint him as acting AG. So if this operation you believe in originates at Justice you have to explain how it was so well compartmentalized that Jeffery Clark couldn’t get hold of it, point it out to Trump, and get himself appointed AG.
But anyway, carry on. Do tell where we should be looking for these miscreants that set this “glow trap” of which you speak so…glowingly.
Beecee says
TLTR Racheal….
Tim Scott says
Cowardly user that never tires about spewing nonsense, then she ducks when questioned. You really are sickening.
Beecee says
If you wouldn’t take my posts and twist them into a pretzel stating things I never said, all I’m left to do is move on, it’s tiring.
“Sooooo…Trump is a federal agent trying to trap his own loyalists?“
You make some statement like this and I can’t move forward with any serious conversation with you.
Simple as that…
And that multi paragraph mish mosh of absolute incorrect garbage on every level imaginable….
You want to talk about sickening, lol
Jefferson says
All Republicans may not be fascists but if you happen to be one the Grand ol’ Party seems to be where you will be found, it’s the authoritarians party now.
Beecee says
“it’s the authoritarians party now”
This is pure projection if you support this current administration.
Good god!
Tim Scott says
LOL…”wear masks to protect public health,” Beecee has an aneurysm.
“Stage a riot to disrupt the certification of the election results so we can overturn the majority’s choice and appoint our candidate instead,” Beecee does not consider this authoritarian.
Beecee says
“Stage a riot“
Yup, and you guys did an excellent job of it,
Pat yourselves on the back.
Beecee says
Also m,
You want to talk about the ultimate projection is you accusing others of disrupting election results…
Good god
Tim Scott says
LOLOL…you are seriously going with “the attack on the capitol was a democrat sponsored false flag operation”? REALLY??? I mean, I know you are immunized against actual information sources, but at this point even that should be breaking down. I mean, how many convictions does it take?
America's Most Prepared for Riots says
Perhaps she is referring to riots during the “summer of love” when Democrats encouraged seditious, lawless mobs to burn down our cities after George Floyd was killed.
Tim Scott says
There was absolutely no “sedition” in any of those events. Not even in the ballpark of sedition. I’m guessing that you have no clue what the legal defining components of sedition would be and you are just using it as a buzzword.
If you are going to interject, try not to be as ridiculous as Beecee, even though you get your information from the same idiotic “sources.”
America's Most Infected With Monkeypox says
“Sedition is overt conduct that tends toward rebellion against the established order. Sedition often includes subversion of a constitution and incitement of discontent toward, or insurrection against, established authority.”
If that doesn’t sound like the Democrat’s “summer of love”, I don’t know what does. If I was POTUS, I would have used the National Guard to put down those “seditious insurrectionist rebels” pronto, with malice and force. Lots of force.
America's Most Censored & Moderated says
Any time now……..censored again? I don’t get a chance to respond? We’ll wait.
Beeceee says
“There was absolutely no “sedition” in any of those events”
The mutants did try to burn a police department with everyone inside.
The mutants destroyed a courthouse as well interrupting all business and proceedings inside.
And then the mutants protesting illegally in front of Supreme Court justices homes possibly throwing a wrench in future decisions.
Also the mutants protesting the actual Supreme Court almost busting down the front doors
See the commonality here?
They’re all mutants, lol
Tim Scott says
America’s Most Paranoid, do you think the AVTimes staff puts in a lot of time on the weekend working the moderation queue?
Stinger says
I can tell y’all from personal, frustrating, experience that they generally do not bother with the moderation queue on the weekend, unless they get a free moment.
Nerds ^^ says
But both your comments post no problem whatsoever….
Got it!
America's Most Paranoid & Delusional says
I’m always flagged for extra moderation, even during the week, and deservedly so, lol. Still frustrating.
Stinger says
“Democrats encouraged seditious, lawless mobs to burn down our cities after George Floyd was killed.”
I recall the many peaceful demonstrations and a few notably lawless mobs rioting and such, but I don’t seem to recall any significant Democrats encouraging, “seditious, lawless mobs to burn down our cities…”
Stinger says
BeeEss says: ““Stage a riot“ Yup, and you guys did an excellent job of it,
Pat yourselves on the back.”
If you ever needed any proof that BeeEss is completely divorced from reality when it comes to his yammy yutz; here you go.
America's Most Malicious & Seditious says
“I don’t seem to recall any significant Democrats encouraging, “seditious, lawless mobs to burn down our cities…”
Didn’t Kamala Lala Ding Dong sponsor a bail fund to spring lawless rioters? And the media calling riots and burning “peaceful protests”. Don’t believe your lying eyes?
Beecee says
“I recall the many peaceful demonstrations and a few notably lawless mobs rioting and such“
Correct stinker!
‘Twas the summer of love, with “mostly peaceful protests”
Beecee says
“LOLOL…you are seriously going with “the attack on the capitol was a democrat sponsored false flag operation”? REALLY???“
This is another example of you twisting my comments into pretzels. Make a statement like this and I’m out.
You cannot be taken seriously.
Beecee says
“I don’t seem to recall any significant Democrats encouraging, “seditious, lawless mobs to burn down our cities…”
See, lack of reason and judgement on facts on your part.
A crap ton of leftist organizations funded and set up bail funds for these miscreants to run a muck that summer.
You guys means of achieving power has always been through violence and fear.
Stinger says
Ah. I see that you are conflating again. I can see how one might consider private offers to cover bail and such as ‘encouragement.’ However, in that regard, might I point out that, in the reverse situation, such as private offers to cover bail and legal fees for January 6th defendants, one could equally consider as ‘encouragement’ by republicans. Since I don’t hold the entire Republican party responsible for the ‘encouragements’ of a few outlying members of their party, I hold the Democratic party equally responsible for their outlying members’ efforts.
Now, then… as for this little statement, “You guys means of achieving power has always been through violence and fear.” These are the types of wildly dangerous lies intended to do nothing but traitorously enflame violence and try to destroy our country. Shame on you, BeeEss, for engaging in it.
America's Most Neither Here Nor There says
“private offers”? From the vice president? That’s private? No, that’s Democratic policy!
Beecee says
Don’t even waste your time with these liars.
Stinkers, show me an instance where a Jan 6 attendant was bailed out by right wing organizations or billionaire donors.
Not some gofundme that raised $1000 bucks.
I’ll wait,
Meanwhile I’ll dig up what happened during the summer of love that you obviously are unaware of.
Donald Trump says
If elected I will pardon this one for sure. What a hero!
Beecee says
FWB says
I would bet that no where in the guilty conviction is the word Insurrection
Prove me wrong
Stinger says
As the defendant was not charged with the specific charge of Insurrection (18 USC 2383), you are correct. The charges that the defendant accrued, however, were in furtherance of an insurrection attempt.
Tim Scott says
Why bother? You ignore proof any time it contradicts with your conspiracy fantasies. We’ve all seen that more than enough times at this point. That’s why it’s better to respond to your posts as the garbage from garbage that they are.
FWB says
Seems my conspiracy fantasies are coming true
America's Most Dangerous Domestic Terrorist says
I wish my fantasies came true. And they have nothing to do with politics, lol.