“The 2022 California Poppy Festival will be bigger and better than ever before,” Lancaster Mayor R. Rex Parris said in a news release. “Our team is hard at work and pulling out all of the stops – this will be nothing like you have ever seen or experienced before at the California Poppy Festival.”
To accommodate more events, people, and entertainment, the Festival will be held at the AV Fair & Event Center, located at 2551 West Avenue H, for the first time ever. For three days, Lancaster residents and people from across the state will be able to enjoy live entertainment, a beer garden, food, live animal exhibits, over 200 vendors, and more, organizers said.
The California Poppy Festival will be open:
- Friday, April 22 from 2 to 10 p.m.
- Saturday, April 23 from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m.
- Sunday, April, 24 from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
New to the Festival this year will be Motor Mayhem, a Monster Truck show, the Rural Olympics, and more. This year’s Festival will also host amusement rides, attractions, and entertainment.
“All of us at the AV Fair & Event Center are thrilled to partner with the city of Lancaster as we bring one of the most iconic events in the state to the Antelope Valley Fair & Event Center. Hosting this event is a terrific way to kick off our 2022 event season,” said Drew Mercy, Antelope Valley Fair Board of Director President. “A dynamic California Poppy Festival with an unprecedented 2022 AV Fair & Alfalfa Festival ‘What a Ride’ planned to take place in late September, and a ton of diverse and exciting community events happening in between these two treasured events… We’re determined to create as many opportunities as possible to make lifelong memories in 2022.”
The California Poppy Festival originally began as part of an Earth Day celebration but has since been combined into one event. This year, Metrolink is offering free rides on Earth Day (April 22) to encourage the use of public transportation. With the Poppy Festival’s move to the AV Fair & Event Center, the Antelope Valley will be able to welcome even more visitors to the Lancaster area to enjoy this springtime attraction.
“I am so glad to see the partnership between the city of Lancaster and the AV Fair and Event Center for the 2022 California Poppy Festival. This is a landmark event for not only Lancaster but for the entire state of California,” said Lancaster Vice Mayor Marvin Crist.
To learn more about the 2022 California Poppy Festival, visit: PoppyFestival.com.
[Information via news release from the city of Lancaster.]
Beecee says
FWB says
Never seen a monster truck show at what appears to me (I’ve never been) as a an art/poppy festival.
Now it’s a Poppy/Earth Day/Monster Truck/amusement ride Event.
Rednecks and daisy sniffers what a combination
J McIntyre says
Your published Poppy F Stovall dates are incorrect. The 22nd is not on Friday, the 25th is.
Tim Scott says
Ummm…the AVTimes apparently just took the dates from the linked Lancaster website so if they were wrong that wouldn’t necessarily be their fault…but they aren’t actually wrong. Did you look at March instead of April?
Cosmo says
Try looking at the right month. April 22nd is Friday