LANCASTER — A free drive-thru grocery distribution event will be held next week at the University of Antelope Valley’s Pioneer Event Center, located at 45000 Valley Central Way.
Groceries will be distributed from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 3, in the PEC parking lot. Line-up begins at 8:30 a.m. There are no eligibility restrictions or reservations required; the groceries are available to everyone. The boxes of groceries will contain meat, cheese, pasta, canned goods and fruit or vegetables.
Recipients must stay in their vehicles while the groceries are loaded by workers and are asked to wear facemasks. No walk-ups will be permitted.
The groceries will be provided by the Los Angeles Regional Food Bank. The distribution event will be hosted by Los Angeles County Supervisor Kathryn Barger, the city of Lancaster, and the Los Angeles County Department of Parks and Recreation, whose employees will help staff the event.
This will be Los Angeles County’s eighth grocery distribution in the Antelope Valley in partnership with the Los Angeles Regional Food Bank since the start of the COVID 19 pandemic. Grocery distribution events were held in 2020 in Littlerock, Lake Los Angeles, Quartz Hill, east Lancaster and Pearblossom, in April at Antelope Valley College and in June at the PEC Center.
Signs will be posted directing motorists to the pickup area. To enter the pickup line, motorists coming south from Avenue I are asked to take Valley Central Way south and turn left on Double Play Way. Coming north from Lancaster Boulevard, motorists should take Valley Central Way to Double Play Way, then turn right.
MIMI says
Can’t WE ALL just be “THANKFUL”:)
Gary Host says
>No walk-ups will be permitted.
I understand they want to be safe, but people without cars need food too.
Jolt says
This. I don’t own a car and am running low on food and this would have helped greatly.
Eilene says
If you are in Lancaster, or possibly anywhere in the Antelope Valley (it’s in their name A.V.P.H.), you can walk up, if I understood them correctly, because I asked about my friend who uses a motorized wheelchair, and they said she could come to them, or she could sign a paper they can give her and the next time they give out food, she can give that signed paper to someone with a car and they can pick up the food for her (and for themselves as well). Perhaps that would work for you and others. Their location is: 44226 10th St. W. in Lancaster, CA in the same shopping area as the Whole Wheatery. Hope this helps. The next food giveaway will be on Friday, February 25, 2022, from 8am to 11am. They are open from 8am to 5pm. Perhaps if there isn’t a food giveaway on the day you go there, they may still have some food available, like a small meal (I’m honestly not sure). Their phone number is: 661-942-4719, Ext. 302.
Hold on to your humanity says
You literally can’t please everybody… Did you ever considered that some people do have jobs but need a little extra help? I notice that as time goes on more and more people are starting to lose their humanity. Remember everyone has a judgment day….
Iconoclast says
Doesn’t anyone see the irony in this food giveaway? People are driving up in cars, after having paid $5.00 a gallon for gas, for free food in the morning, meaning they don’t work, and there are no restrictions on who qualifies? How about a job-a-thon?
Tim Scott says
Because only the rich should have cars? Is that your position? You think that there is no one facing the hard choice between car payments and buying food?
C the C with Me says
Not everyone is fortunate enough to have a former son in law land you a huge project that netted you millions so you don’t have to worry about food and can focus on important things like having your own private plane and owning a mansion with ocean views. Have a little compassion.
Get some humanity says
You literally can’t please everybody… Did you ever considered that some people do have jobs but need a little extra help? I notice that as time goes on more and more people are starting to lose their humanity. Remember everyone has a judgment day….
Claire says
Shout out to the humans from all walks of life that give their time to help those going through tough times, in every community.
Stinger says
Agreed. Like my grandfather used to tell me, “be a mensch.”
Eric says
It’s funny they never host this “Free food” in poor areas, the last one at AV college had late model cars with soccer moms stocking up. This is a dog and pony show at its best. Why not at the old fair grounds, oh wait that’s an area where people need it the most. Lmao
Tim Scott says
Well, they did them in Littlerock and Lake LA, but yeah.
Claire says
Yes, there is free food provided in poor areas that are available on a daily basis, and there are outreach groups that do amazing work for those in need. this free food is for every one that shows up, no questions asked. I used to be homeless and I know all the selfless people that put in the work.
Just incase says
They host them all over the AV, the catch usually is that they have to be at places connected with LA County since that’s where the food is coming from. The PEC center is, George Lane Park, Jackie Robinson Park, Steven Sorenson Park, AVC… Also many churches in every community because there is always a need.