“The BHGH facility will use an advanced closed loop sustainable ecosystem design to create the optimal environment for plant life, increasing quality, production, and consistency,” Mayor R. Rex Parris said. “This is the future of farming, and we are thrilled that Lancaster will help to foster this unique and critically needed agriculture technology.”
Greenhouse agriculture is a commercial and sustainable method of farming that was started by the Dutch after World War II, perfected over time, and adapted around the world as a better way to grow fresh fruits and vegetables. The enclosed glass and steel, climate-controlled greenhouses create the optimal growing climate for plants to thrive, according to a news release from the city of Lancaster.
“Our greenhouses will combine traditional agriculture practices with advanced technologies to grow the best tasting, highest quality produce,” said BHGH founder Ari Kashani. “We are advancing agriculture to the new era; a more sustainable one. Our controlled greenhouses will produce 3,000% more yield per acre than a traditional farm, will use 90% less water, require 90% less human handling and will be free from any herbicides.”
As an example of the sustainability of greenhouse farming, a standard head of lettuce grown in the field consumes about 28 gallons of water from seed to harvest. In a greenhouse, the consumption drops to less than 2 gallons. The 62-acre BHGH Flagship facility will produce over 50 million pounds of fresh fruits and vegetables annually to be distributed to local and regional markets.
BHGH has worked closely with the city of Lancaster’s Planning Division to ensure that Lancaster’s standards for building efficient and sustainable structures were met.
“The project will bring hundreds of new construction jobs to the city, as well as over 200 permanent skilled jobs,” Kashani said. “With an abundant source of natural light, dry manageable climates, excellent transportation linkages, and a strong, supportive local community, Lancaster is the ideal location to ensure highly productive and profitable operations.”
“This marks the beginning of an important movement that can become a model for the entire nation to build secure and self-sufficient controlled agricultural environments,” Parris added. “It’s a whole new, more efficient and sustainable way to cultivate, produce, and feed our country.”
Antelope Valley Engineering, a local design and engineering firm, is leading the master planning and engineering effort for this agro-park development. The facility is slated to break ground in winter 2021/2022 and plans to be in production with fruits and vegetables on the market in late Winter 2022.
For more information on Bluehouse Greenhouse technology, visit www.bluehousegrown.com.
[Information via news release from the city of Lancaster.]
Claire says
You have computers, use them to find out about Bluehouse Greenhouse, Inc. (BHGH). This is a really cool operation, and will benefit all. The idiotic comments about hemp, or any other usual negativity, only comes from ignorance about this issue.
Thomas says
Farming coming back to the Antelope Valley. First good news we’ve heard in a long time. Back to the valley roots.
Claire says
Great positive comment, Thomas.
Weed says
This will be used by the Wrecks issued cannabis growers. From alfalfa to onions and now to weed. Full circle for our mayor and his vice. mayor.
Tim Scott says
They already have a facility that is more appropriate. These BHGH guys are great at growing fruits and vegetables but for cannabis you need controlled light unless you just wanna make rope.
Of course what Wrecks and his crew are growing is also only suitable for making rope, but that’s a separate issue.
Libs love stoners says
This thing will be full of weed in no time.
Tim Scott says
That’s certainly a higher profit crop. If somehow Wrecks and his cronies are at the bottom of this you may be right. The company seems legit and is too big for Wrecks and his small town podunk patrol though so maybe it stays on the square.
Big Buisness says
I would’t be surprised if there is a connection to Wrecks or Marvin investing on growing of Hemp or maybe it’s the Attorney sons of these fine examples of self serving public officials. They license the legal growing of Pot and eliminate the illegal operations at the same time. Sweet
Claire says
Don’t be envious, it will ruin your health. I don’t have anything to do with cannabis anymore, but I have friends with cards that can grow for personal reasons. If you are this concerned, why don’t you get a card, it’s very easy. This is for fruits and vegetables, so stay focused.
Tim Scott says
You don’t need a card any more. Anyone can grow six plants for personal use.
Claire says
Yes, you are right, but there are rules that apply. I have friends that have cards that can grow outside but must be locked up. It’s like alcohol now, only doesn’t do as much damage. Back in the day we didn’t care about rules, as we kept what we did private.
Claire says
See there, Big Business, you don’t even need a card these days, so you can grow your own. I can’t keep up with all the changing laws.