The free event will feature a resource fair, games, food, folkloric dance, and musical performances by Sonora Dinamita, Los Cadetes, and other popular bands.
The California Department of Public Health’s VaccinateALL58 campaign will also be on-site providing free COVID-19 vaccines to eligible residents 12 and older. No appointment is necessary.
The event will be preceded by a 12k march “For Respect and Papers,” organized to bring awareness to the more than 12 million undocumented individuals in the United States without immigration status.
“For the past four decades, the United States has not passed an immigration reform. There are more than 12 million individuals living here without legal status or a pathway to citizenship,” organizers said in a news release. “The Antelope Valley is composed of about 44.7 percent Hispanic, making it the biggest ethnic group in the area. Many know of someone who has experienced limited accessibility to resources and services due to lack of status, language barriers, and other obstacles,”
The march “For Respect and Papers” will kick off at 8 a.m. at the Home Depot Parking Lot, located at 340 West Avenue P in Palmdale. The demonstrators will stop in front of the offices of Antelope Valley’s elected representatives — including Congressman Mike Garcia, Assemblyman Tom Lackey, and Los Angeles County Supervisor Kathryn Barger — to express their grievances and call for support.
“Recently the United States Senate has passed a $3.4 trillion budget, setting up a platform for an immigration reform. Now is the time to mobilize the Latinx communities and call our allies to walk in solidarity,” organizers said.
The two events were organized to recognize the contributions made by the local Latinx community while bringing awareness to the barriers they face. For more information on these events, visit
[Information via news release from the Salva Organization.]
Alby says
Alot of them come over hear thinking that California belongs to them like Crap-canistan belongs to the Taliban. They’ll cook, clean and do they’re job like “okey si senor” but in back of their unamericanized minds, they must be planning some militia with their coke-head relatives to undermine the American powers that will destroy and obliterate them back to the society they unfortunately chose to leave behind instead of making it better. They haven’t had volcanos blow up their neighborhoods, literally forcing them to leave the lives they chose to have and enjoy. They illegally cross over looking for their idea of “their” American dream… Finding cokes dealers and Hollywood power bottums to clean after without worrying about “papers” or accountability and only “comida and cerveza.” When a natural disaster forces Haitians out of there homes to seek help, they eventually want to return back to the homes that they’re proud of like they have many times when the previous disasters finally blew over. Wait till the volcano mess gets cleaned up, it can eventually be the happening spot for tourists and generate good revenue on their behalf. But what are undocumented illegals of mexico doing to better their home and better themselves for their future generational seeds that are bound to spill all over California if it doesnt get curbed well enough?
Crossroads says
@ oyuki I can totally agree with you !!!! To many Lazy people tax payers money…. People will always find a fault or reason to complain…. About someone else but never take accountability for themselves such a shame ….. That You guys feel that way instead of helping your neighbors you want to kick them Down
Smokey the clown says
For reals man. We can’t support illegal immigrants when we can’t support ourselves.
Oyuki says
You dont need to support them they work and support themselves versus most dont even want ro work they like sitting g on their bums waiting for free money. Makes me think your one of them by the way you expressed yourself
People on the bus go up and down says
Be nice to see a fleet of Greyhound busses load them up and deport them back south of the border.
Laughing says
Lina says
Hahahahhaahhahaha keep dreaming. Not going to happen
Haiti says
“And then!”