PALMDALE – Local residents are invited to a virtual presentation this Thursday to discuss the concept for a new permanent supportive housing community in Palmdale.
The presentation starts at 6 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 5, and attendees can register at: https://housingpartners.com/avenuer/
About the project
Located at the corner of Avenue R and 30th Street East, Avenue R Apartments will be a 57‐unit 100% permanent supportive housing community open to VA certified homeless veterans, non-VA certified homeless veterans, and homeless individuals.
The development will consist of 56 studio units and a two-bedroom manager’s unit located throughout six two‐story Spanish‐style casitas and a central clubhouse. Three offices will be provided for individual case management sessions, as well as a community room and central plaza for hosting group meetings, classes, workshops, and specialized trainings.
The design of the Avenue R Apartments is centered on creating a welcoming, safe environment for residents that promotes their health, wellbeing, and connections to the surrounding community. For a development summary on the Avenue R apartments, click here.
The project is presented by Highridge Costa, a leader in affordable housing, and Western Community Housing Inc., a nonprofit organization that promotes affordable housing and provides social services to low-income seniors and family households.
Tired of it says
70 percent of the homeless have an addiction. Let’s ruin another area with low rent dwellers. You think those selling will not be hanging out? Every high crime area in Lancaster is right next to low rent apartments.
Tim Scott says
We should get them a different planet so that you won’t have to deal with them on yours, AmIRite?
Cynthia says
Hi there. I’m just giving my opinion, please no mean comments if you don’t agree. I agree there definitely should be housing for vets. These people have fought, died, suffered, and still suffer so you and I can post comments freely like we are doing. No get should be on the street. Also, I am currently couch surfing homeless, but I was car homeless for a year and it was because of just one bad thing after another. It’s more than mind over matter trust me. Homelessness can happen to anyone. I worked in the medical field for 20 years and when I was homeless people looked at me like I was some freak loser, if they bothered to look at me at all. I felt shame everyday,and it stemmed from losing my job, losing my apartment cause the roommate I gave my rent to didn’t pay the landlord and then a car accident totalled my car. My credit tanked, and I’m still three years later trying to get back onto my feet, but it’s hard. Now I totally can understand people’s opinion about how the apartment projects or buildings will end up being you know ghetto like crime written getting ridden etc etc because unfortunately that seems to be the pattern in when these buildings go up. I think that when they take applications for the apartments they shouldn’t take anyone that never paid their rent and purposely trash the apartment you know if they got kicked out or whatever you know in retaliation etc etc or people with criminal records things like that you know not every homeless person is a junky crackhead loser criminal. So I think just the application in the vetting process should be more strict and hopefully it would be a nice place to live and a safe one but I don’t understand why the majority of them have to turn into you know like skid row lol. They need to fill the apartment with people that have respect for themselves and respect for their community and that are trying to be good citizens and make a life for themselves and their family. That’s just my two cents. stay safe everyone and the next time you see a homeless person asking for spare change at least look at them and don’t treat them badly thanks. I also think they’re even shouldn’t be any homelessness in this country at all because why should one person have a 36 million home and so many have no home at all when it’s a basic human need it’s disgusting anyway have a good night stay safe and stay well everybody.
AV Resident says
I don’t mind as long as the community of apartments are ‘kept up’. I mean , well maintained.
Not like the dump at the southeast corner of 20th E and E Ave R, or the dump at northwest corner of 20th E and E Ave R. The slumlords who own these properties should be put at notice.
Tatiana says
This is not okay if these are low income apartments there’s obviously going to be ghetto people living there and it’s going to affect the neighborhoods around it with their high crimes. I do not agree with this. Watch there be more gangs, and etc. Why don’t they move that somewhere else. I mean there’s already apartments in 30th st and ghetto people live there so that means there’s going to be even more ghetto people. Watch the high crimes go even up with those ratchet ass people living.
Francisco Sanchez says
Nothing wrong with helping the vets on their needs but, why only in the Eastside? Besides, the project is already moving up fast. Why the call on the community? Because the city, developer or someone has found a problem and need the approval from the people. Then, if something goes BAD, is the community ‘s problem for approving it. As usual.
Crossroads says
Only in the forsaken desert
William says
my2cents. Exactly.
The boat only holds 100 people lets keep loading more and more people on it till it capsizes.
I believe there’s a law or policy that water companies can’t refuse to hook up a new house or business. Doesn’t matter if there’s no water, just hook ’em up.
Is the Centennial City still going up at Fort Tejon?
I don’t get it. If there is no place to live in a city because it’s full, go somewhere else where there’s room and water. That’s been the America Way in the past. “Go west young man.” I guess that was spoken by easterners. LOL
As for water, 80% of the water goes to agriculture which is like 1.6 % of the economy in California.
It’s as if we were simply exporting our water outside the state and country contained inside almonds and vegetables. Or like Sparkletts and others, shipping it directly out of state.
Oh, well. We don’t live forever. The universe doesn’t care. It notices we don’t either.
Trumpist#1 says
Speak for yourself! I plan on living forever, unless Dems win the midterms, in which case I’ll kill myself.
Just kidding dummies.
Re-elected says
Not opposed to the project. I am opposed to it being literally right next to a school. There will be problems because of the population. This housing is a great idea for veterans who I assume have mental health struggles and we owe it to them to do projects like this. I just wish we could be smarter about choosing where to place them.
BS says
Frank jones says
You people don’t have any idea what it’s like to be homeless I bet your all fat and sitting on your ass right now I would go on but I use to be like you till I hit bottom I don’t worry everyone here h as to die sometime wait until everyone and everything is gone and you are still here go west ha ha ha you are funny in more ways than one
JB says
No, I don’t have any idea what’s it like to be homeless because I push myself to provide for my mself and the ones that depend on me although this is one big daily mental[removed] having to do this on a daily basis but it is what I chose and it’s up to me to see it through until I’m done with my responsibilities. How’s that for answer.
Tim Scott says
How’s that for answer?
Arrogant, and almost certainly unwarranted because there’s a great likelihood that your success has as much to do with luck as it does with whatever image of your own awesomeness that you are attributing it to…because a genuinely capable person would know better than to give an answer like that.
JB says
Success is relative which I never claimed to attain. How you got that from my comment is beyond me. Striving for a better life coming from nothing is better suited in my situation. Mind over matter my friend, I don’t mind what doesn’t matter.
Tim Scott says
Yeah, I generally don’t make friends with arrogant jerks that think that they are better than other people just because they haven’t had any bad luck in life…so sure you don’t matter.
Try out “there but for the grace of god go I” and see how it fits.
Michelle says
Well, because we do not want to judge anyone or to even compare ourselves with anyone walking the earth like you, are privileged. Don’t think more of yourself than you do about others. Soon the playing field will be leveled and we will understand the meaning of LOVE or lack thereof. One day you may find yourself in a similar situation and “I PROMISE YOU,” The way you feel now will be the reason you fail and end up on the streets later. What you put out will return to YOU! I will pray that your heart condition changes concerning your fellow man WHO JUST AS WELL COULD BE YOU❣
Claire says
Frank…I understand what it’s like to be homeless. Don’t let detractor’s get in your way because there are good people in every community willing and non-judgmental to help you.
Trumpist#1 says
Yeah, Alexis/Claire/Lily/Moderate:
Yes, you understand what it’s like to be homeless, addicted, sexually perverted, disfunctional, useless, obnoxious, shallow and unwanted.
William says
Yes, Trumper.
They know you very well.
We all do.
Who do you think you’re kidding when you post those occasional 100 word paragraphs that look like drunken rants? It’s the schnapps talking. We can practically smell it.
Claire says
I think this is beautiful! A welcoming safe environment for residents.
Claire says
An unfair experiment on a portion of the city that is already dealing with high crime rates. Nothing is going to fix the problems our DA is creating, this will only exacerbate it and making it harder for current residents.
138 hwy says
Hmmmm. Why don;t they build these 600 square foot dwellings in Malibu, Bel Air, Pacific palisades, Beverly hills, Hidden Hills, etc.? Every body should know that these units will become “instant ghettos.”
Reality says
They won’t if the city and community has a vested interest. A ghetto doesn’t have to be what you envision
Stinger says
Ah, the same old false objections… more of the usual NIMBYisms and whataboutisms to argue against moving forward to help our homeless veterans who need help. Of course, if you try to help anyone ELSE, these same people will cry, “what about the vets!”
my2cents says
Before any more housing or apartment buildings get built, why doesn’t the state, county, and city officials fix our current infrastructure? We’re told to cut back on water usage, help conserve electricity, don’t run this or that during flex alerts. If the electric companies, water departments, etc. struggle with providing services to those of us already here, I don’t see how building new houses and apartments are going to help. Maybe it’s time to invest in stocks for battery-powered candles.
William says
my2cents. Exactly.
The boat only holds 100 people lets keep loading more and more people on it till it capsizes.
I believe there’s a law or policy that water companies can’t refuse to hook up a new house or business. Doesn’t matter if there’s no water, just hook ’em up.
Is the Centennial City still going up at Fort Tejon?
I don’t get it. If there is no place to live in a city because it’s full, go somewhere else where there’s room and water. That’s been the America Way in the past. “Go west young man.” I guess that was spoken by easterners. LOL
As for water, 80% of the water goes to agriculture which is like 1.6 % of the economy in California.
It’s as if we were simply exporting our water outside the state and country contained inside almonds and vegetables. Or like Sparkletts and others, shipping it directly out of state.
Oh, well. We don’t live forever. The universe doesn’t care. It notices we don’t either.
Stinger says
Sooo…. This project, by groups OTHER than SCE or PWD, etc., should NOT be allowed to move forward because you believe SCE and PWD, etc., should do unrelated infrastructure work somewhere else? Really?
Okay, then: With that logic, YOU should not permit yourself to do anything at all, ever again, until these infrastructure projects you want are done… NOTHING ELSE may be done by you UNTIL that happens. ‘kay? Make sense you to you?
Claire says
Here’s a part all of us can do to conserve water: “If it’s yellow let it mellow, if it’s brown flush it down.” Jerry Brown quite in the 70’s.
Trumpist#1 says
Classic 3rd grade poetry from an abomination with the brains and writing ability of a tardigrade.
Marty True says
Of course more apartments being dumped on the Eastside of Palmdale. When is the Westside gonna get at least 1 project. Our elected majority are blocking the Westside from their fair share of apartments and it is wrong! . Remember this when election time comes around.
Jean says
My husband is a veteran a disabled veteran. Let’s get these people into safe places. My concen is all the motels occupying drug attacks. The healing starts somewhere
Terry Irons says
Veterans could be just as safe if this was the Westside being promoted. Why does the Westside never get their fair share of apartment development? Why do our elected officials fear Westside voters but not Eastside voters when they approve this kind of development? It’s not fair!!
Stinger says
I’m sure that we have plenty more homeless veterans who would be happy with another, similar, project on the west side… or just about anywhere, for that matter.
Did you have any locations to suggest?