He also insisted the state has no plans to institute a “vaccine passport” system, again calling such a program unnecessary if more people get the shots. But he left the door open for possible new statewide health restrictions if cases continue spiking and hospital space becomes threatened.
“We are not ideological,” Newsom said during an appearance in Long Beach (view it below). “… I’ll maintain that today as it relates to any subsequent decisions on the basis of epidemiology, on the basis of science, on the basis of the status of our health-care delivery system.”
Newsom said 76.6% of California adults have received at least one dose, and about 75% of residents aged 12 and over. He said the state is stepping up its work with community groups, churches and local medical practices to encourage vaccinations for those who remain hesitant.
“We are trying to combat the misinformation on these right-wing shows, these right-wing pundits,” Newsom said. “They are simply ideological about this.
“It was nice to see one of them last night or two nights ago finally acknowledge the truth about science and the efficacy of these vaccines,” Newsom said in reference to pro-vaccine comments this week by Fox News host Sean Hannity. “We need to see more of that. We need to see more courage of conviction for those that have privately gotten the vaccine but are out there preaching somehow that these vaccines are unsafe or leading the public astray on that.”
The governor acknowledged the recent indoor mask-wearing mandate instituted in Los Angeles County in response to surging case numbers, noting that more than half of California residents are now in jurisdictions where there’s at least some form of recommendation for mask wearing. He also stressed that mask-wearing will be mandatory in schools this fall.
But he held back from suggesting a more general statewide mask mandate might be on the horizon. He also insisted that requiring people to carry a “vaccine passport” is “unnecessary if we continue to see increases in vaccinations.” But he said individual businesses can make their own decisions about what to require from employees and customers.
“We subscribe to a point of view that local businesses can make determinations for themselves of what’s appropriate,” he said.
Newsom noted the spread of the infectious “Delta” variant of the virus, saying it now represents 60% of California cases that undergo special sequencing to identify variants.
“The most important thing we can do to get this pandemic behind us is to get vaccinated,” Newsom said. “I want to encourage everybody that hasn’t gotten vaccinated to get vaccinated. I also encourage you if you’re hesitant to get vaccinated to consider the words of those that are in ICU’s and hospitals right now. The universal regret. Listen to their words, not mine. The universal regret is `could have, would have. I wish I had gotten vaccinated.”‘
Loampounder says
Remember last year when Newsom said that he would not trust a vaccine from Trump and signed an executive order to require Californian scientists and doctors to review all vaccines before they could be applied in the state?
And which community have the lowest vaccine rates in the state? Minorities. Are they listening to “right-wing” pundits???
Tim Scott says
No they just got shuffled to the back of the bus by institutional racism…again…but they are catching up now since the only white people who haven’t been vaccinated are the Trumpists and they are willing to die to make a “statement” so the vaccines are available to everyone else…at least here. You’d be able to fake your point better down south where they are operating in “better to flush a vaccine down a toilet than risk saving a black life.” Keeps that statistic in place for you to make misleading claims about.
As to having the vaccines tested by state authorities…that was a good idea. Trump’s administration was FOR SALE. He’d sell his mother to the pharmaceutical companies, or anyone else with a buck. I’m glad there was some backstop testing…California, New York…I assume other states as well.
Sonya says
“better to flush a vaccine down a toilet than risk saving a black life.”
InStiTuTiOnaL RaCiSm!!!!!
You’re wack!
Tim Scott says
LOL…you haters have no clue. You can’t list a single reason for this “Newsom is terrible” blather you have picked up from the right wing propaganda mill.
Did the dude hypocritically go out to dinner at a time when ordinary folk were being told not to? Yeah, he did. Does that change the fact that California, under his leadership, came through a genuinely harrowing time in far better shape than could have been expected? No. Does that change the fact that California fared far better through that than comparable states? No. Does that change that before the pandemic the guy was wildly popular because by pretty much every measure he was doing a great job? No.
Congratulations whack jobs, you cost the state a small fortune forcing through a recall election that hopefully will not cause too much of a disruption.
Trumpist#1 says
Didn’t he just invite all the homeless in the other states to California for a “new (see paid) beginning”? That’s a good reason. And BTW I am a proud hater of Gruesome Newsom. He makes me long to have Jerry the Moonbeam Brown back.
OK, now tell me why I’m a babbling idiot. You have so many reasons to choose from.
Native Californian says
Didn’t he just steal BILLIONS of the Gasoline Tax Brown put in place that was to only go to Road Repairs for “Climate Change” ? How about shutting down a nuclear power plant that doesn’t generate greenhouse gases while the state is having rolling blackouts and driving more natural gas power generation plants which contribute to the farce climate change? What about all the forest fires due to his lack of management? The government provides him funds to clean the forest and he stole that money too. Should we talk about Water Shortages due to his lack of intelligence, the massive EED fraud scandal, or that Ca is dead last in vaccine distribution? Prove ONE of these wrong.
Bottom line, He’s a Democrat which makes him a Thief, Liar, and Corrupt just like his Aunt.
I would rather spend tax dollars getting his butt out of office than it going to all the illegals working on his and his aunts vineyards. You would rather bend over and take it because that’s what you have been trained to do.
Loampounder says
Tens of billions lost to fraud at the Employment Development Department under Newsom.
Major COVID spike this winter after Newsom put additional lockdowns in place; proved he did not know how to manage COVID properly.
Slow vaccine roll-out across the state under Newsom.
Mismanagement across the state shown in sad DMV he promised to upgrade, roads he promised to fix, and schools closed (STILL); crime is up across the state.
Tens of thousands of criminals released from prisons while prison guards get raises and no reduction in staff at all.
Homeless surge under Newsom, with billions of dollars already wasted to homeless groups with no results.
Millions of dollars given away in vaccine lotteries while Newsom played game-show host, not NOW he complains about low vaccine rates? Demonstrates his horrible planning ability.
Billions upon billions of dollars he is giving away to special groups over the past few months in expended welfare programs, yet rents have not been paid.
16 months of a declared state emergency and still counting!!!
Recall Newsom.
Frank says
I am no fan of Newsom, but he has handled the pandemic much better than the leaders in LA County. Yes, he showed us all what an out of touch elitist he is by his do-as-I-say-not-as-I-do incident at the French Laundry. In that respect he is very much like our local moron who rules Lancaster.
It’s too bad Jerry Brown can’t run again. He was a very good governor. Newsom is no Brown.
William says
40% of the new COVID infections are in Texas, Florida and Missouri, all orange states run by republican governors far worse than Newsome.
But, of course, the Trump supporters were all out to get Newsome because he’s a Democrat. They can’t and won’t think any deeper than that.
Abdul says
This is our worst crop of democrats in U.S. history. The worst governor in California history, this guy has got to go. We’ve got to get him out of there.
Mert says
Whatever nitwit democrat you people decide on, as governor? Fine. But, Newsom’s got to go.
Smell the Freedom says
“We are trying to combat the misinformation on these right-wing shows, these right-wing pundits,”
~ Gavin: Refering to Sean Hannity
Sean Hannity is not “Right Wing”, it’s just that Gavin is so far Left that anything in the middle looks to be on the right.
Gavin’s Secretary of State, Ms. Shirley “Big Shirley” Weber was sued in Sacramento Superior Court yesterday by a candidate she and gavin fear. Shirley refused to put this man’s name on the RECALL ballot. That man of course is the ever popular radio talk show host LARRY ELDER.
The COURT said Shirley could not omit Larry from the ballot.
There was no mention by the court of Gavin’s EDD fiasco wherein $30,000,000,000,000
( that’s thirty billion dollars – thats right 13 zeroes) of taxpayer’s money that have disappeared.
No mention either of the tryant’s mandatory shut down wherein thousands of businesses closed permanently.
No mention of the mandatory mask wearing and social distancingrule for everyone else while he went to a restaurant – THE FRENCH LAUNDRY – with dozens of friends: No one at the party had a mask.
And the list goes on and on….
I’m voting for Larry!
Matt says
U lost all credibility with he isn’t right wing, and Rachel Maddow is in the middle too right? The man went with Trump to some of his appearances and talked about how wonderful he was. The man is on Fox for crying out loud. There are about 2 people there who may be a little centrist, be he sure ain’t one of em. Lol.