The fatal collision happened around 9:36 p.m. Monday, July 19, near the intersection of 10th Street West and Avenue K, according to a news release from the Lancaster Sheriff’s Station.
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“Preliminary investigation indicates a male adult in a Buick was traveling northbound on 10th Street West, south of Avenue K. The male adult conducted a left (west) turn and collided into a male adult riding a motorcycle, who was traveling southbound on 10th Street West,” the news release states.
The motorcyclist was ejected from his bike and pronounced dead at the scene. His name has not yet been released pending next of kin notification, but he was in his 60s, according to the Los Angeles County Coroner’s Office.
The driver remained at the scene and spoke to deputies.
“The cause of the collision is still being investigated. It is unknown if speed was a factor in the collision. It is unknown at this time if alcohol or drugs played a role,” the news release states.
Anyone with information regarding this collision is encouraged to contact the traffic investigators at Lancaster Sheriff’s Station by calling 661-948-8466.
Tired of careless drivers says
I was there and they did a sobriety field test which the guy driving the Buick failed miserably he was under the influence that’s why they took him to jail
FatWhiteBob says
Phones kill more people than drunk drivers
AV says
If I’m not mistaken that’s a well lit up intersection. How could you not see him?
Tim Scott says
I totaled my car when someone making a left turn pulled out right in front of me. She said didn’t see me, and since it pretty much totaled her car too it certainly wasn’t something she did on purpose. It was broad daylight. Optics are pretty complex and there’s just no explaining some things.
It’s the sad price for the convenience of transportation that we are gonna lose tens of thousands of people every year to traffic accidents. I hate it, and hate it worse when it strikes close to home, but since I am not willing to give up driving either I …grudgingly accept it I guess.
Antelope Valley Safe Streets says
A better transit system would mean less vehicles and less chaos on the road.
10th Street West is a corridor that honestly needs a streetcar line. Or at least bus service with 10 min frequncies.
Tim Scott says
While I agree I think we are a very long way from having that sort of transit running past nine PM, when this accident happened. Too many people in the AV pine for the days when the sleepy little town rolled up the sidewalks at sunset…days that thankfully are buried in the past and never to return.
William says
I have yet to see a full or even half-full AVTA bus.
I see them stopped frequently at 10th West near the Mall and maybe 5 or 6 people in them.
Are they really that empty all day? I’ve seen them at morning and afternoon “rush hours” and it’s no different.
They could get by with small airport type shuttle vans if that’s all they carry.
If they did have more shuttle vans, they’d need more dirvers but not the expense of the large buses. And, they could run more frequently and in more routes perhaps.
They sure do create congestion around the Mall out of proportions to the few passengers they carry.
Does anyone have an inkling as to why I see mostly empty buses not just once or twice but every single time I see one? I’ve never seen one packed with passengers standing.
They should at least put a bunch of manequins in them so they don’t look like a loser system.
sad face says
your sister lost her man… and you’re on here bragging about your hUbBy PrO rIdInG sKiLlS ” luckily my hubby prepares for everything..”…. smfh…. Go tell your sister that non-sense and see if she cares to hear about your hUbBy PrO rIdInG sKiLlS, it’s like your saying her man did have the skills to ride his bike because he wasn’t PREPARED FOR SOMETHING HE DIDNT knows WAS GONNA HAPPEN… Sometimes it’s best to just STFU and keep some things to yourself…
Another Down Rider says
Too many down riders lately.. lost my little brother in October 2020 from a bike accident and they just seem to continue up here like weekly… Bikes are fun people but stick to off-road on them… at least you have a better chance at survival. These bikes getting smashed by Big Rigs and Cars the riders have no chance.. Everyone thinks it won’t happen to them until it’s too late…
Ride In Peace
KLF says
I am “the sister”. If he wasn’t under the influence of drugs or alcohol and he literally simply made a mistake. My heart breaks for him also. He has to live with that guilt forever. He doesn’t know how amazing that man riding the motorcycle was..
Tim Scott says
Sorry for your loss.
Lisa Gray says
He was my sister’s boyfriend they live
Toni Taylor says
He was a dear friend. He was a safe rider and did not drive haphazardly. I am praying for him and his loved ones. This is a true shock and my heart breaks. RIP
T says
Something happened to my cousin & a 5 year old lil boy lost their lives in May of 2014 off k 15th street east. Rip Oscar & dori
Lisa says
The moron in the Buick was in a hurry to get where? Im sure it wasnt to work so why was he in such a rush now he killed an innocent motorcyclists cause of his selfish actions
Claire says
No doubt the person in the Buick that stayed at the scene is traumatized as well as this riders family.
That’s an arrowed light, so point blank, someone ran a red light!
Matt says
Happened more south of K. Notice the pic shows the car by Rubios, and article said near the intersection. No arrow, not even a light, but doesn’t make it any better. A man still died.
Ejected says
“The driver remained at the scene and spoke to deputies.”
Smart move. The Buick driver may have not seen the biker.
Rf says
Yes, speed was a factor. The moron in the Buick was in too much of a hurry to take the time to make sure the road was clear for his turn
Tim Scott says
“In too much of a hurry…”
How long does it take to “make sure the road is clear”? Do you look five times? Fifteen? A hundred? Wait a minute? An hour?
I used to drive a tiny sports car. People pulled in front of me all the time. Made lane changes practically right on top of me. They just didn’t see me. That was part of the experience of driving that car. I had to be ten times as alert as I was when I was driving my 3/4 ton Dodge pickup with shot paint…NO ONE pulled in front of me when I was driving that, unsurprisingly.
I also got totaled in a big ass white four door just like that one when someone turned right in front of me. They weren’t “in too big of a hurry” and I didn’t lambast them up one side and down the other for just not seeing me…though as I said, big ass white four door it seems hard to miss it. But stuff happens.
Always sad to see a rider or driver killed. RIP.
Lisa Gray says
Ya but he’s a family member and people drive crazy out here especially in town my hubby and I just got back from utah on our bike and people dont care they think they’re bigger than you so they can bully you I’ve seen it all luckily my hubby prepares for everything..
Tim Scott says
I don’t think it’s so much “they think they can bully you because they are bigger” (in a bigger vehicle) as much as they just don’t see you because you are smaller.
Driving is not something that humans were evolved to do. It involves moving a whole lot faster than we are built for, and that means processing more information faster. We do have very well developed threat assessment filters connected to vision, and those relate to size. If you catch a wolf coming at you out of the corner of your eye, your mind will prioritize that a lot differently than if it is a chihuahua. That kind of filtering is built in, and it shows up when we are trying to keep up with the information involved in driving.
Sorry for your loss, and your family’s loss.
Patty says
Thanks for this logical info Tim.
I’ve pondered this a lot when on my bicycle by vehicles that cut me off on right turns!
Crossroads says
People need to get off there phones and pay attention to the Road and yes the other cars do try to bully you I’ve been riding for long time and people don’t like to share the Road mister Tim
Tim Scott says
Meh. “Try to bully” is a state of mind assumption. Admittedly, when I gave people the benefit of the doubt that they just didn’t see my car (which had a roof line that was lower than most cars’ trunk lid and hood) that also was an assumption. I just didn’t wanna go through life mad at everyone that cut me off because it genuinely happened every day that I drove that car.
timsup2nothin says
Phones are a plague.