The meeting will begin at 5:30 p.m., and the public can watch or participate online at or
The meeting also will be televised on Spectrum Channels 27 and 28.
“Lancaster and Palmdale have always shared geographical borders and common community goals,” said Lancaster Mayor R. Rex Parris. “Collaboration with all of the city’s partners, especially a neighboring city, will allow us to accomplish goals and dream up new possibilities for our communities that we might not be able to do separately.”
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“This is a great opportunity for both cities to work together on some important regional issues such as increasing jobs, economic growth, transportation, and addressing the regional digital divide,” said Palmdale Mayor Steve Hofbauer. “The collaborative efforts will make both cities stronger, and it will pay dividends to all the residents of the Antelope Valley.”
The joint council meeting will address a number of items that benefit both cities and help to build functional and safe communities. Topics for discussion include a joint firework show, a potential future event and evacuation center, and a future regional recreational complex.
The councils will also consider opportunities to revitalize the region’s economic development and local business scene through Destination AV and regional business recruitment. Additionally, the cities will explore ways of investing and bettering both communities through a SiFi proposal with the region’s school districts, and jointly collaborating on traffic safety issues. View the meeting agenda here.
[Information via news release from the city of Lancaster.]
Troublemaker says
Remember the fireworks debacle in Lancaster last 4th of July? Parris defied the County and had his own fireworks show at the soccer field. Apparently, all the deputies went over there because there were none to stop fireworks in Lancaster. Palmdale, on the other hand, followed the County’s advice against having a display during COVID19 and issued dozens of citations to violators. Meanwhile in Lancaster, the town was a war zone. The difference between the cities is between night and day. Lancaster is the night.
Deb A says
I’m a longtime Antelope Valley resident (1966 — present) and I support more cooperation between the cities. The Antelope Valley needs to stand together united as a region. If we don’t, we lose our collective voice! Los Angeles County and the State of California CAN –and– WILL crap on us as a region!
As it is, Santa Clarita is now united with the San Fernando Valley in business and politics, which means the San Fernando Valley now has a sphere of influence from Mulholland Drive all the way up to Agua Dulce.
We, as the Antelope Valley, have to stand together to ask for resources, to seek business, to keep Antelope Valley College robust, to advocate for higher level educational opportunities (such as a permanent State University branch), to keep aerospace contracts, to improve streets, parks, roadways and other common areas; to get Kaiser to work with our regional population, to improve transportation options, to expand the local workforce and to have increased housing options for that workforce.
If we unite as a region, we win and thrive! If we continue the past model of “the cactus curtain” and continue infighting and bickering, then we lose and have to deal with third-tier level support from the county and state, and minimal potential job creation. The options are here and the choice is easy!
Arnie Rodio says
As a long time resident you should know the foolery that goes on in Lancaster. You should also know they cannot be trusted to do the right thing for anybody else besides themselves. History says they are bad partners coming from Lancaster and that is why they have to pay to get the yes men from Palmdale elected to support this cooperating nonsense.
Tim Scott says
I agree in principle, but in practice what the cactus curtain accomplished was preventing Palmdale’s resources from being drained into the corrupt pockets of Wrecks and his crew. This current play at cooperation isn’t really about any of the gains you are talking about, it is about adding Palmdale to the pot since Lancaster is almost completely down the drain and the pot is going dry.
Unite says
I, also, am a longtime Antelope Valley resident (1956-present) and I agree with your comment, Deb A.. This division has been going on far too long.
AR says
Shall we all whine and complain year after year or are we going to get involved and shift this crap! It came to this because somebody believes our civil servants will somehow act responsibly when paid by Rex. Stop posting your woes & regrets & do the work necessary to hold our civil servants accountable. If you only knew how Rex and his ilk view you and you keep allowing it to happen year after year.
UHaul says
Grab some popcorn, pull up a chair and get ready to say goodbye to Palmdale. They had a nice 50 year run. Time to cash out on the house and move to a place that’s not under the corrupt leadership of Wrecks.
Jordan Petrovsky says
I was afraid this kind of thing would happen. That’s why I voted for Ledford in spite of the charges he faced brought about by Wrecks. Not saying it was proper what Ledford did, but IMO, not a major thing in the bigger picture, and could have been resolved out of court most likely, had it not been for terminator Wrecks.
Harry True says
Palmdale Mayor is weak and his council cronies were bankrolled by Rex so not much left to stand for. Write the check and hope for the best.
Tim Scott says
Council cronies? Wrecks went straight to it and bankrolled the weak mayor directly. It’s not like Hofbauer is leading some defense and being overrun by the rest of the council. Wrecks owns Hofbauer and has Sellout Steve leading the way to destruction, not a defense.
Palmdale getting exactly what it deserves, honestly. If seeing Lancaster spin down the toilet didn’t motivate the people of Palmdale to pay better attention to their city government in their heads be it.
Betsy Ross says
Laura Bettencourt is the only council member with the brass to stand up the the bully men all pumped up with self importance. Is there a room big enough?
Hofbauer is weak? You bet says
Hofbauer weak, you say?
4th grraders take his lunch money.They put on Rex masks and Hofbauer bends over. He gives “wuss” a bad name.
OKFine says
Another one rides the bus!
Ridin’ in the bus down the boulevard
And the place was pretty packed, yeah
Couldn’t find a seat so I had to stand
With the perverts in the back
It was smellin’ like a locker room
There was junk all over the floor
We’re already packed in like sardines
But we’re stoppin’ to pick up more, look out
Another one rides the bus, another one rides the bus
Another comes on and another comes on
Another one rides the bus
Hey, he’s gonna sit by you, another one rides the bus
Tim Scott says
Now that Hofbauer has signed Palmdale on to the “common goal” of lining Wrecks’ pockets sure we can all just get along.
We are in this together says
Together we are AV
East Lancaster says
Together (as long as Rex is in total control of everything) we are AV.
Palmdale is being absorbed and compromised. This is bad for Palmdale and good for Rex and the good old boys.
He wins. We lose.