LOS ANGELES – An off-duty Los Angeles County sheriff’s deputy was at the U.S. Capitol on the day a violent mob breached the building in an effort to halt the certification of the Nov. 3 presidential election, Sheriff Alex Villanueva said Thursday.
Asked during a Facebook Live event how many of his deputies were at the Capitol on Jan. 6, Villanueva said one individual from his department had identified him or herself as being at the scene, “and that information has been passed on to the FBI.”
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In a subsequently released statement, the sheriff said, “I am very concerned one of my deputies may have been involved in wrongdoing at the U.S. Capitol,” adding that an administrative investigation has been opened into the matter and he has briefed the FBI.
Villanueva did not provide details on whether the deputy took part in the insurrection or is accused of committing any specific crime, and asked that anyone with additional information contact the sheriff’s department.
One officer with the Los Angeles Police Department reported attending the pro-Trump rally in Washington, D.C., that preceded the violence, but did not participate in any activity at the Capitol. The officer said he returned to where he was staying and saw the Capitol being stormed on television.
Heart broken American says
There was no widespread election fraud. No evidence, no fraud; therefore, all of this chaos (violence) was and is based on the big lie Donald Trump and those that backed him perpetrated. It’s bad enough that people came from around the United States to storm the U.S. Capitol trying to stop the process of counting electoral votes, but more shame on police officers that took an oath to protect and serve. This violence is all based on a lie and there will be consequences.
Sniper says
Trump is/was your Commander in Chief and yet you violate article 88 with every comment.
Everything Trump said was within the rights of the 1st Amendment. Remember, the Constitution?
“”Simply put, your continued attempts to redirect away from the truth of the statement shows your intent on spreading lies and disinformation, irrespective of any proof. That does not make you a Republican, nor even a conservative, and it damned sure doesn’t make you a patriot. It makes you a trumplican bent on destroying your own country over one little orange liar. Which, if you consider that patriotism in this country is based upon the Constitution and not any one person, makes you calling yourself a patriot a bit of a stretch… to put it nicely.””
Wow, Spoken like a TRUE CNN MSNBC Liberal Hypocrite. Russia Russia Russia!
YOU were just as much involved in the “continued attempts to redirect away from the truth of the statement shows your intent on spreading lies and disinformation, irrespective of any proof”. ” It makes you a Liberal bent on destroying your own country over your hate”
Like I said, its going to be interesting.
Stinger says
I seem to have upset you, Snipper. Why might that be? Is your position so fragile that you can’t handle the needs for proof, so you try to make up for it with bravado? Are you that sensitive of a snowflake? Did I hurt your widdle feelings with my demands for something you don’t have, like providing proof for your orange god’s outrageous claims? This is one major difference between you and I: I require evidence of extreme claims, such as election fraud, before I’m willing to believe that it is actually happening. Your orange baboon has had over 60 opportunities to present any proof whatsoever of his bullschnit claims and has yet to provide anything to anyone to support it – not even with judges (yes, that was plural) that HE appointed!
As for my being a Liberal; why, thank you. You honor me. I am, indeed, a Classical Liberal, just like most of the founding fathers of this country (do your research). YOUR equivalents were the ones who wanted to stay with the King. IF you choose to follow the course of history, you will notice an odd tendency towards liberalism.
Let us know when you have any proof of your claims or you will continue to be shouted down by those who require it. It’s really that simple and has little to do with you, personally, or your (apparently fragile) ego.
Out of sheer curiosity, which founding father do you tend to identify with?
Sniper says
Just like Russia Collusion? You Dems LIED thru your teeth to cover up and try to overthrow a President. Also, YOU did not accept the results of the Election and still continue today to lie to everyone.
BTW, Pelosi is in charge of Capital Security. She failed to protect and should be considered part of this “insurrection” as she did not provide what the Capital Police were requesting. Six requests for reinforcements.
Stinger says
Proof? Proof? Proof? Seriously – ANY PROOF?
Snipper provides none. Just projection and trumplican propaganda.
Capitol Security says
Was he providing security?
Dean says
Madonna talked about blowing up the White House. Why didnt they take all her videos off Youtube? She has a Facebook account too. DEMOCRATS ARE THE WORST HYPOCRITES ON THE PLANET!!!!
Dean says
Democrats are the Biggest Hypocrites on the planet. I think you people forget back in the 1960s and 1970s who had all kinds of Radical Leftist Domestic Terrorism violence that were bombing police Stations , Federal buildings. Bill Ayers was part of the Weather Underground. Him and his wife bombed in 1971 bombed the US STATE CAPITOL BUILDING. In 1972 he bombed the Pentagon. They also bombed Police stations and injured police. Was he shuwn for life No far from it. He and many other radicals became College Professors. His wife became a Law Professor. Guess what hes got a Facebook page. Many of these Radical Leftist Terrorist that tried to overthrow the Gov have Facebook pages. A few years ago Bill Ayers did an interview said he does not regert anything he did in the 70s and wish he did more So guess what kind of stuff he was teahing those college stutents. In 2001 Democrat of New York got President Bill Clinton to commute the sentences of two women who bombed the US State Capitol in 1983.
Susan Rosenburg and Linda Evens were serving a 58 year prison sentence. They served 16 years.. Susan Rosenburg now is one of the biggest sponsors and leading activists for Black Lives Matter. Guess what she has a Faacebook page and a twitter account. So anybody want to still try to tell me theres not a HUGE DOUBLE STANDARD. .
Dave says
Dean aka Trumpist#1
You are drinking again with those long tirades that look like 1 incoherent sentence.
Trumpist#1 aka a dozen other usernames here that all speak like they are talking out of the same hole.
Tim Scott says
Well, in the long history of crimes committed by LACSD deputies sedition would be new, but hardly surprising.
Heart broken American says
Anyone making the decision to show up at the U.S. Capitol in an effort to halt the certification of the Nov. 3 presidential election, by using force in which one Capitol Police Officer was murdered, needs to be held accountable, especially other police officers.
AV Illegal says
Geeze…so to disagree with all the issues related to that bogus election and going to the heart of the country for a protest should be grounds for what? Getting fired, maybe hanged….perhaps a firing squad?
Funny you chose a name with American in it since you are upset with someone exercising the very rights at the heart of being American.
Several 100 thousand showed up, and about 100 who were extremists somehow now represent the entire group, or for that matter the entire Republican party???? I would think even a sound thinking Democrat or Libertarian / Independent would see the flawed logic in that.
Stinger says
AV, you ignorant slut, that was typical hyperbole from nothing.
a; Nobody is in trouble for simply expressing their outrage about their belief, based on very obvious lies, of election fraud. The problem is when they go from a peaceful protest to a violent, riotous, insurrection attempt.
b; The use of the term by the poster was clearly a nom de plume for the opinion expressed and had no statement on exercising rights… Which your buddies at the capitol ceased to be doing the moment they turned into a violent, riotous, insurrectionist mob.
c; Now, you make a fair point that not all the people there were there to commit violence. However, at no time did the post above make any reference to any person’s political stripe, be it Republican or Democrat, or any other party.
d; Now, about flawed logic… The statement was very clearly written and you
CHOSE to obfuscate its intent in your response. A typical tactic by someone who has no real argument against the facts.
Simply put, your continued attempts to redirect away from the truth of the statement shows your intent on spreading lies and disinformation, irrespective of any proof. That does not make you a Republican, nor even a conservative, and it damned sure doesn’t make you a patriot. It makes you a trumplican bent on destroying your own country over one little orange liar. Which, if you consider that patriotism in this country is based upon the Constitution and not any one person, makes you calling yourself a patriot a bit of a stretch… to put it nicely.
Remember: “Patriotism means to stand with the country. It does not mean to stand with the president.” – Theodore Roosevelt
Matt says
I like the office reference.
AV Illegal says
I guess name calling is what you all do when under the influence of liberalism. A common tactic. I am sorry you feel the need to do that, but hey, it’s America. Live it up.
Well, the “slut” says it again…..Several 100 thousand showed up, and about 100 who were extremists somehow now represent the entire group, or for that matter the entire Republican party???? I would think even a sound thinking Democrat or Libertarian / Independent would see the flawed logic in that.
When someone from an opposing thought speaks up, liberalism steps in and all you can do is try to show your intelligence by acting ignorant. Just because you say something does not make it truth, gospel or anything else relevant.
Now go back in your basement and obfuscate yourself back into Websters dictionary.
Stinger says
Still no proof ever provided, just noise and bluster. Also, no sense of comedic history, either, or you would have enjoyed the ‘ignorant slut’ reference and not taken it so apparently personal (projection again?).
Also, it is a typical response of a trumplican to belittle education and those who choose to get some of it. This appears to be a shared trait with other lower economic class groups that they would try to belittle. Fascinating.
Heart broken American says
This wasn’t a bogus (rigged) election.
AV Illegal says
You are funny….I know you are in a recreational weed state so I understand. I guess going around an individual states constitution violating the law to gain a million or so votes is illegal, so technically that wasn’t bogus, just against the law. Luckily, the Democrats in PA. don’t care.
Stinger says
Extraordinary claims require proof. As usual, you have none, because there is none. If there was any, your orange baboon’s buddies would have presented SOMETHING.
You already know this to be true, yet continue to lie about it. You ain’t Goebbels and we ain’t buying bullschnit today.
Heart broken American says
You don’t know, nor do you understand. You can try dehumanizing me by saying you know I am in an altered state, but that doesn’t bother me. I do my best to keep from believing lies, and it takes a great deal of diligence to separate facts from lies. You choose to believe a lie.
Dave says
AV Illegal
S/he buys the lie.
S/he dismisses the truth.
Stinger is doing a great job pricking holes in his inflated lie-filled balloon but IT’S HOPELESS STINGER. HOPELESS.
Have you seen any true Trumpers admit they were conned, fooled, played or worse on this site? They keep digging the hole they’re in deeper and deeper.
AV Illegal could have provided just a bit of proof but didn’t, won’t because s/he can’t.
Neither could Rudy Giuliani and that’s why 60+ cases were thrown out.
Stinger says
Ahhh, Dave, I know the koolaid drinking trumplicans could never bring themselves to admit to anything besides whatever their little orange baboon god lies to them about that day. But, my name is accurately chosen in this regard. They can keep bloviating, but they risk getting stung by all who still reside in objective reality… like lil ole me.
Even trumplicans have the right to free speech… and we have the right to rebut their bullschnit, too. Keep the faith. In the end, the liberal minded always win and the small minded always lose. History has shown it to be so.
Magnetlady says
As the former wife of a Police Officer, they have ”lives” outside of the Police Department.. LEO’s are allowed to have their own political views & can TRAVEL anywhere they’d like, just like Civilians. Just because a LASD officer attended an event in D.C. does not make him ”radio-active” in his JOB… They follow the laws no matter where they are.. Do not engage in ”Cancel Culture” against him, you never know when it might be YOU who is accused next. Would you like your Career destroyed over something trivial? Look at both sides of an issue, not what the Liberal Media tells you..
Stinger says
You are correct. It would be unfair to jump to conclusions on this issue as further information needs to be developed to confirm whether, or not, something inappropriate occurred with this particular deputy.
Reports have been coming in that there were quite a few protesters at the capitol that did NOT engage in the rioting and, in fact, saved a few people.
I, for one, will wait for further investigation before I get in my leaping exercise on this conclusion.
Jason ZINK says
Why is this newsworthy???? The news has become petty and all about stirring the pot and hate!
AV Illegal says
It’s newsworthy because the media learned how to spell a new word…..Insurr….Inscererection…aw nevermind, the rest of the liberals don’t know how to spell it anyway.
Matt says
Wrong Mr.Zink, But according to AV illegals comment that’s why he is here.
Heart broken American says
Look up the definition of insurrection. It doesn’t matter whether a person is a liberal, conservative, or doesn’t have a label, rebellion against the rule of law is breaking the law, therefore, consequences are involved.
Don't be heartbroken says
Move to Venezuela. Then you can change your name to Heartbroken Venezuelan……except if you disagreed with their rule of law you would be executed.
XB51 says
There is a big difference between disagreeing and rebellion (lawlessness).
AV Illegal says
Protesting and assembly is not illegal, which is what a huge majority were doing until the painted idiots, who were part of a coordinated effort to make things go wrong, showed up. I agree there was an insurrection, but not by the masses.
Why is it no one speaks of the insurrections in other places of this country? Because it does not fit into the whole plan. That is why it all suddenly disappeared. The media and money backers got the word this looks bad for Dem’s, so black it out. Suddenly it is all quiet, even though people died, buildings burned, cities were taken over…..it all just goes away when the puppet masters say so.
I don’t live at the end of that string so I will always be an outcast here among the puppets. No problem. I enjoy living free and enjoy seeing the tangled web with so many caught up in it.
Matt says
Or…..they stopped. Do u have inside info on riots we dont know about? What exactly are you talking about? What “insurrections” are you referring to. Please enlighten me with your vast knowledge that makes you the smartest man in the room and everybody else sheep?
AV Illegal says
Oh Matt….See, you are blind to what has been happening in the country this past year. Let me explain it to you this way. There were a bunch of “Mostly peaceful protests” that occurred wherein hundreds of businesses were burned to the ground, police stations burned, Federal buildings burned or occupied, people killed, over 1,000 police/National guard injured and whole sections of cities ruined. I believe those would fall into the category of insurrection…..a violent uprising against an authority or government.
The general populous has no idea what happened to those insurrections because they were silenced in their already limited information sharing by their puppet masters. It did not fit the narrative anymore so they got the nod to stop. Surely you don’t think it all stopped because things changed do you? Maybe they all got tired?
Stinger says
AV Illegal, the string, walked into a bar. The bartender told him, “we don’t serve strings here. You’ll have to leave.” So, AV Illegal, the string, contorted himself into a trumplican ball with his ends coming apart and walked back into the bar. The bartender told him again, “we don’t serve strings here. Aren’t you a string?” To which, AV Illegal replied, “No. I’m a frayed knot.”