“As a nation, we can only truly thrive when every one of us has the opportunity to thrive. Our painful history of slavery has evolved into structural racism and bias built into and permeating throughout our democratic and economic institutions,” Governor Newsom said in a news release. “California’s rich diversity is our greatest asset, and we won’t turn away from this moment to make right the discrimination and disadvantages that Black Californians and people of color still face. While there is still so much work to do to unravel this legacy, these pieces of legislation are important steps in the right direction to building a more inclusive and equitable future for all.”
The Governor signed AB 3121, which establishes a nine-member task force to inform Californians about slavery and explore ways the state might provide reparations. The bill would require the task force to recommend, among other things, the form of compensation that should be awarded and who should be eligible for this compensation. Read the bill here.
The Governor also signed Assemblymember AB 3070, which would strengthen jury selection procedures and increase transparency to ensure attorney challenges to exclude jurors are not for discriminatory purposes. Both AB 3121 and AB 3070 were authored by Assemblymember Shirley Weber (D-San Diego).
“California has historically led the country on civil rights, yet we have not come to terms with our state’s ugly past that allowed slaveholding within our borders and returned escaped slaves to their masters,” said Weber said in a news release. “Neither have we effectively addressed our present justice system which allows prosecutors to bar African Americans from serving on juries. The Governor’s signature on AB 3121 and AB 3070 once again demonstrates that our state is dedicated to leading the nation on confronting and addressing systemic injustice.”
The Governor also signed AB 2542, which would prohibit the use of race, ethnicity or national origin to seek or obtain convictions or impose sentences. Known as “The California Racial Justice Act,” AB 2542 is a countermeasure to address a widely condemned 1987 legal precedent established by the U.S. Supreme Court in the case of McCleskey v. Kemp. The McCleskey decision has the functional effect of requiring that criminal defendants prove intentional discrimination when challenging racial bias in their legal process. This is a high standard and is almost impossible to meet without direct proof that the racially discriminatory behavior was conscious, deliberate and targeted.
Additionally, Governor Newsom signed AB 979, which requires publicly held corporations headquartered in California to have at least one director from an underrepresented community by the close of 2021.
In addition to the 2021 benchmark, AB 979 also requires corporate boards to include two members from underrepresented communities for corporations with more than four members, while corporations with more than nine must have a minimum of three by 2022.
The bill defines a director from an underrepresented community as an individual who self-identifies as Black, African American, Hispanic, Latino, Asian, Pacific Islander, Native American, Native Hawaiian or Alaska Native, or who self-identifies as gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender.
Diana says
If reparations are granted there is going to be a lot of people driving around with new rims on their cars!
Clark says
How they want to fund it is, by using the Affordable Care Act mandate as a precedent. Liberal left ideological Democrats in the policy community want reparations bundled into a critical race theory mandate. Those refusing to undergo critical race theory indoctrination are fined, $858 automatically deducted from your tax return every year you refuse, those proceeds arbitrarily redistributed to designated black households loyal to the Democrat party. What will determines funding will be, how many people resist indoctrination.
black by choice says
If a man can be a woman and a woman a man, then I will decide I am black when the money is being handed out. I will sue for discrimination if they choose not to!
Clownifornia says
Gavino Newssolini.
Alfredo says
… electric cars only, by 2035? Idiot! I cannot believe I voted for this guy! Even the most obtuse of my fellow Democrats knows exactly what’s going to happen, 5:30 everyday, when everyone gets home from work, toggles on their a/c to cool down the house, and plugs their electric vehicles to recharge, overnight? Ploof, out go the lights. No way California can generate that much electricity, from renewable sources. Electric vehicle mandate, we’ll have no choice but revert, to coal fire power plants. 40 of them. As it is, rolling blackouts, governing America’s wealthiest state, Newsom can’t be bothered to keep the electricity on. Much less arrest looters, or put fires out. Time to suck it up, my first time ever, signing a recall petition.
Ralphy says
To fund an electric vehicle mandate, you have to mandate an electric vehicle infrastructure. Commercial gas stations cannot be efficiently retrofitted, to electric vehicle regeneration. Assuming Newsom can fund the 40+ coal fire power plants sufficient for generating the electricity prerequisite, for 50 million electric vehicles, all our freeways will have to be retrofitted with rest stops, every 5 miles. Out one side of his mouth, Newson punishes us with a behemoth big gas tax to pad his slush fund, line his pockets. Out the other side of his mouth, he decrees a ban on gasoline vehicles, and an electric vehicle mandate, wholly devoid any infrastructure planning whatsoever? But, California is flat broke. There’s no money, for any of this. Having plundered California pensions providing coronavirus stimulus to illegal immigrants, Newsom bankrupted California. His mother-in-law, Nancy Pelosi, is currently running a coronavirus Ponzi Scheme in the U.S. House of Representatives, trying to bail Newsom out, at the U.S. Treasury’s expense.
Wolfgang says
Correction, Alfredo. An electric vehicle mandate would require 40 coal fire power plants, just for Southern California’s 10 counties, a portion of those plants exclusively dedicated to maintain national security. All those electric vehicles, randomly going on and off, we’d need a separate power grid for America’s military, entirely. Were it cleaner, more efficient to convert to electric vehicles, we’d be doing that 50 years ago. Final analysis, status quo unleaded gasoline vehicles are cleaner, more environmentally friendly than would be, Newsom Almighty’s electric vehicle mandate.
Love Earth says
This is the part that the extremists fail to acknowledge. The Newsoms and Rex’s of the world have such myopia that they are unable to reason. A focused use of the cleanest available fossil fuels at the maximum efficiencies combined with continue improvements in the production and storage of renewables is an effective and manageable approach. Rex should agree. He likes flying in is fossil fuel powered private plane.
Diana says
Not to worry, you people in California will re-elect this idiot again and again and again. Just like you have re-elected Schumer, Waters, Schiff and lets not forget the queen of them all, PELOSI! You people in the “Golden State” deserve this.
Maryjo says
Here in California, Nancy Pelosi controls everything. She’s the boss of everybody. Everyone here in California has to do what she says.
AV Resident says
Sorry, I’m s Californian and did not vote for not one of those [removed]
I love this state, being a native Californian, cannot wait if live long enough to see Conservatives once again
Lots of people signing recalls to boot Newsomes sorry entitled ass out.
John Evans says
So this is kinda like how “heels up Harris” got her start. A B.S. commission designed to lock in Ca Blacks ( otherwise known as Americans, and if Christian-brothers and sisters) to the Marxist party of death. It’s pretty clear Gov . Newsom thinks black people only respond to freebies. Pretty racist viewpoint considering California refused to join the United States unless it was a free state. I would think a free education would be all that’s necessary, because without that there’s no real hope, and that’s been going on well before white Californians became the ethnic minority compared to non-whites. In other words it’s the Newsom’s of the world with an underlying racist philosophy regarding the ability to succeed who belittle and patronize “minorities”. Also kinda like Biden of the famous quote, “if you’re not voting for me you ain’t black”. That statement alone should disqualify a presidential run. But in progressive California we will keep imagining that freebies bring self esteem. No wonder Marxism and vodka go hand in hand. Stupid is as stupid does.
This guy is an idiot says
This so-called ignorant Governor needs to get out of California you have done nothing but cause are they can problems you and your little ancestor Nancy go to Russia or Cuba
James says
Slavery has nothing to do with them sagging their pants and stealing cars. Or having 5 kids with 3 fathers. Or selling drugs on a street corner.
Barbara Parsons says
There are no slaves live today to give reparations to.
barbi says
I’m sorry, but the guy’s an idiot. He’s got to go. Everybody, if you please, boot over, download, sign the recall petition, and mail, it in, ASAP:
Thanks, and God bless.
Beverly says
Done! Thanks a half-ton for the link, Barbi! You’re a peach. Got my two next door neighbors to sign the petition, too!
AV Resident says
I and spouse signed, last week.
Richard says
… Nancy Pelosi’s son-in-law, Gavin Newsom’s only doing what his mommy’s telling him to do. Conflict of interest, effectively holding two offices simultaneously, Nancy Pelosi is California’s de facto governor –
Robert says
So what will be the qualifications to receive reparations for slavery?
knowledge of American history I would hope.. Do you have to be Black?
My family fought for the North, some of my ancestors died fighting for slaves freedom. I think that qualifies me for reparations.
black folks need to give me 25% of their reparations for saving their ancestors.
Patricia says
… what Democrats intend upon doing once President Biden steps down, hands off to Kamala Harris will be, just like the Obamacare, bundling reparations into a critical race theory mandate, those refusing to undergo critical race theory indoctrination fined $858, proceeds automatically deducted from your tax return every year you refuse, proceeds arbitrarily redistributed to black people on a special list deemed loyal to the Democrat party. First thing on President Kamala Harris’s to-do list, a critical race theory mandate.
Loam says
“The Governor signed AB 3121, which establishes a nine-member task force to inform Californians about slavery and explore ways the state might provide reparations.”
California was never a slave state. Slavery in the US ended 155 years ago. Why do current citizens need to be “informed” about slavery????
If California returned slaves to owners, it did so to according to Federal requirements. Why would the state make reparations for following federal law?
California was a state for 15 years when slavery was outlawed in the US. Slaves were never imported to the state of CA, there was never a slave market in the state of CA, and state legislature never approved slavery. How much could reparations cost?
Alby says
I heard it could be somewhere in the trillions. Blm isnt politicaly or financially beneficial so they’re upping their tactics with the illusions of slavery. Lets see them try to teach that to many of those in high dollar clothing with the gold chains around their neck that are making it just fine without no racial agenda.
Loam says
Sure, people would ask for for the moon. But how much damage could California have done in terms of financial cost of slavery? Did the state cause damage to a thousand people over those 15 years?
Do we deduct funds for the benefit we we gave people as a left-leaning state? Reduce reparations for all of the welfare services we gave to people who came from the South in search of a better life?