The man, identified by family members as 61-year-old Michael L. Thomas, was being restrained by at least four deputies when he was shot to death, his family claims.
“He never tried to reach for no gun so that story is false,” said brother James “Jimmy” Thomas.
According to a news release issued by the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department, the fatal shooting occurred around 5:25 a.m. Thursday, June 11, inside a residence in the 600 block of West Avenue H-12, after deputies responded to a “domestic violence in progress call for service.”
“The suspect refused to comply with the deputy’s orders, and an altercation between the deputies and the suspect ensued. During the altercation, the suspect reached down and attempted to gain control of one of the deputy’s firearm. It was at that time when a deputy-involved shooting occurred,” sheriff’s officials said in the news release.
Thomas’ girlfriend, Kimberly Smith, said she witnessed the altercation between Thomas and deputies. Smith, who was extremely upset and at times hard to understand, said she and Thomas got into a physical altercation early that morning over another female. Smith maintains that she never called officers to the home, but when deputies arrived, “four police officers came in and twisted his arm, no handcuffs no nothing,” Smith said, adding that she never saw Thomas trying to gain control of a deputy’s firearm.
Thomas’ brother, Jimmy, added, “That’s what they’ve been doing all through the media, always thinking that the black man is trying to pull a weapon… or reaching for their gun. And then they just shoot them and nothing happens to [the officers]. I know my brother, he would never do nothing like that.”
The family has obtained an attorney to seek justice for Thomas.
“I’m gonna miss my brother. He was a good man and a devoted father,” Jimmy said.
UPDATE: The sheriff’s department released a statement late Thursday night that appears to refute Kimberly Smith’s claim that she didn’t call officers to the home during the domestic dispute.
According to the LASD statement: “the 911 call was placed by the suspect’s girlfriend. During the call to 911, she never speaks to the operator but rather the phone line is left open. For several minutes arguing and fighting between the caller and the suspect can be heard in the background. Also, in a recorded statement to deputies, the suspect’s girlfriend indicated she was the person who called 911 and stated she was assaulted by the suspect.”
Read the full LASD statement at:
Previous related story: Man killed in deputy-involved shooting in Lancaster
JPB says
When do we ever get the truth in Rex’s Lancaster? We were told that a sheriff was shot by a person from a mental health building only to find out it wasn’t true. Our mayor told us that Raymond Jennings was a murderer but that wasn’t true. Rex blamed rising crime on homeless and told us to carry Guns illegally and shoot homeless if they robbed us. He also lied to us about Chinese birth tourism. Remember when he claimed a young man died from COVID after being turned away from a medical center. False.
Why would we believe anything coming out of Lancaster?
Justmeof3 says
These sheriffs don’t care who they kill. It’s a stripe for them. He’s the high school QB again, you know, big man on campus. The racism comes in when they profile someone based on their race and hassle them for fitting the description. My buddy became a sheriff, he tells me all about how they like to pull over certain individuals because of their race. Some even pull over cars because they saw an attractive female and wanted to impress them by making the guy she’s with look bad. That’s that one guy who married the chick he arrested, drove by her house all the time until she went out with him. Later he messed with another deputy’s wife. Yeah that guy. I even know how one sheriff drives drunk and gets away with it. All out here. These guys have never been in a fight but cuz of the gun, not the badge, they’re tough guys now. Mix in the racism, the adrenaline, and you got a trigger happy donut. So, all in all, it’s about these guys wanting you to listen to them and do what they say and when you don’t, then you have to pay the consequences. At the same time, being racist. There you go, glad to have set things straight. With a city full of people like this, and a lying mayor…..what do you expect? By the way, I don’t know why these guys act like they have never got laid before when they see a woman. Maybe cuz they only get laid cuz of that badge? Ain’t that right fellas?
Samuel says
Mental health issue in the black community is not being addressed. Thanks to factionalized anti-intellectuals and mindless self-serving militants (e.g., ANTIFA; BLM), it’s been systemically obfuscated. The black community doesn’t have a problem, with racism. Mental health issues festered 7 decades in the black community, attempting to dis it off as “systematic racism” only serves to exacerbate their plight. Hitting out, playing the race card, blaming police, moreso.
Na says
I would argue that it is systemic racism that is largely behind why the Black community’s mental health has been ignored or exploited. And I’d say racism plays a huge part in centuries of mental health and trauma.
I'm Right and you're Left says
I would argue that it is self-inflicted systematic racism that is plaguing our world right now.
(Let me clarify “syatemic” first. My systemic refers to a quality of racism that is not necessarily inflicted by the “system”, but moreso one that is prevelant amongst the community….
R hat said, I’ll add in my explanation of my conclusion ststed above:
Black people want to act different, talk different, dress different and look different… That is “different” from how other races act, talk, dress and look, and yet they want to be treated the same as other races.
It doesn’t work that way.
You want respect? EARN IT!
There, I said it!
Steve says
“According to the LASD statement: “the 911 call was placed by the suspect’s girlfriend. During the call to 911, she never speaks to the operator but rather the phone line is left open. For several minutes arguing and fighting between the caller and the suspect can be heard in the background. Also, in a recorded statement to deputies, the suspect’s girlfriend indicated she was the person who called 911 and stated she was assaulted by the suspect.”
So not only is she apparently a liar but even though she knows him well and has an intimate relationship with him he is still dangerous enough to her that she felt the need to call police, then when he resists them and puts them in danger she wants to complain. People always whine and complain about the police but they have no problem calling them the second it looks like somebody might pose a danger to them, then they want police to magically make the person they themselves were afraid of non-dangerous. Sorry but if a person you have a personal relationship with is dangerous even to you, odds are he or she will be dangerous to police when they arrive too and they are going to need to act accordingly. If you don’t like that, solve your own problems and don’t involve them. Good luck with that.
"Call the Police on the Police says
Kinda simple … act civilized and don’t do stupid shi*t and the police won’t bother you.
Most people have have the stupid sh*t problem while operating their motor vehicles.
Maritza says
So a skank gets her man upset and calls the cops, cops show up, dude gets belligerent with the cops and reaches for their gun and gets capped. Now, skank denies she called the cops so she and family can get a payout.
That’s the gist of it.
TruthHurts says
Yup! Said the things people will do for money!
Kino says
If you don’t commit crimes you would have no problem with the police it’s that simple. When you sit around outside your house all day cause you don’t have jobs things like this can happen.
Kimp says
Tell that to the EMT shot by police while sleeping in her bed in her apartment and other cases that that!!
Steve says
Those cases are a tiny minority and then people like you take them and try to generalize them to other cases like this where even the suspect’s own girlfriend was afraid enough of said suspect she obviously called for police to intervene, then big surprise, he is dangerous to the cops too and gets himself shot. The overwhelming majority of police shootings are justified and this one appears to be too. The tiny minority that are not do not change that, so stop trying to generalize them to everything. If you have to cite some other incident in a comment section about this one it’s because you can’t make any compelling argument against the police in this actual incident.
Stinger says
@Kimp: Irrelevant to the issue at hand. Attempting to bring in unrelated incidents shows a lack of applicable arguments to the debate at hand.
The actual truth says
Im very confused because he had a job . Also, a lot if people with jobs abuse their girlfriends. But you know what most people with jobs don’t do? Troll the internet, leaving the same prejudiced comments on every news story….
RM says
it’s quite unsettling to see the comments on these posts. you people are showing everyone how incredibly insensitive and racist you really are. this entire town was built on racism and a lot of you are keeping your beloved traditions alive i suppose.
(and don’t try to tell me this town wasn’t built on racism when the mascot for quartz hill highschool is a confederate soldier…disgusting)
Kree says
ALL WHITE PEOPLE ARE RACIST…that said …I would loooove to hear all of your instances of personal racism?I’m a normal white guy…most black people I meet love me n a very friendly…as are the white racists that you speak so passionately speak about…pull ur head out ur butt
The actual truth says
I find this hard to believe
Steve says
Your racism sword is so dull and rusty it wouldn’t even cut a limp noodle. The suspect’s own girlfriend was so afraid of him she obviously called police to intervene, then big surprise, he proved dangerous to the police too and they had to shoot him. The only racial element of these incidents is the bizarre tendency of African Americans, most of whom are not criminals, to habitually defend criminals who get themselves shot by police just because the criminal is AA. White’s on the other hand just don’t much care when a white criminal is shot by the police. We just figure one less white criminal and our neighborhoods have overwhelmingly lower crime rates because of out outlook on this. We side with police against criminals, while large numbers of AA’s never fail to side with criminals against the police, and their communities pay the price.
Redd says
The antelop valley police and doctors almost killed me while I was pregnant they violated my rights civilly and it’s hard to go against the county or government especially in Lancaster has anyone ever heard of someone during an arrest a person without being seen by anyone swallowing drugs because if caught with would add more charges but in that time th arrested person starting not feeling good in coustody and was pregnant and in fear of losing baby or ones own life told the officer that they tried concealing a bag of drugs and now aren’t feeling good arrested person goes to hospital with 2 or 3 officers in test are being ran the doctor for hours after 6 hours of no signs of drug overdose they tell you that your going into surgery to remove the bag that was swallowed and your going to die if they don’t go in get the bag I’ve never heard of them having to cut a person unless they are body packing mulleers for drugs etc refused to accept this procedure then asked if there was Any alternative solution like iv fluids charcole etc. was told no beged to contact mother becuSe never heard any one have to do that was refused and then the surgeon told the officer that he needed to tell me I need to have this surgery the officer him and another officer told me that I would die or my baby would die and If that happened they where going to book me for child endangerment or murder I fell extorted no drugs was found I have a scar that looks like someone shot me with a shot gun Lancaster is racist and I graudated from quartz hills high school
Citizens" Rights Watch says
You forgot to say “PERIOD”.
L says
Lol I know I was just trying to get it all out fast
Huh says
So you lied to the officers about swallowing drugs because you didn’t feel good? Then had the audacity to play victim when you a PREGNANT woman told the police you swallowed drugs? They were probably just concerned for your baby and pissed off that someone would risk their babies life for a charge. And just because you’ve never heard of someone needing surgery to remove a bag of drugs doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen, you’re not a doctor, nor officer, nor surgeon do I don’t see why you think you know better
L says
First of all No I never lied about anything They never seen me swallow anything actually I wish I never told them because if I knew it wasn’t enough to over dose I for sure wouldn’t have told them anything but forget all of that no I am not a doctor but I am not a dummy either and a rocket scientist could tell u that a pregnant women can take activated charcole and the baby wouldn’t be harmed or iv fluid flush until because I myself was scared and didn’t want me or the baby to be hurt it was less than 20 dallor a of drugs I didn’t know what to expect I just didn’t want to die or my unborn some people make mistakes so yes it was a very stupid decision but they never seen me swallow anything I was arrested and was 16 weeks pregnant the unborn child act says I still have the rights as a women to chose a abortion before the lungs of the fetus developes which is 24 weeks when the baby is able to live without the mothers womb but that’s besides the point they did xrays ultra sounds monograms the X-ray tech said it was in my lower gi the surgeon did a unessary surgery on me and scared me for the rest of my life it wasn’t enough drugs to over dose and they knew that but told me I would die they also knew the content of the bag was never tied so 6 hours later they peform a surgey in emergency situations are mostly hanled fast while the person is unable to make descions Which can save there life point is the police officer was in the operating room and told me when I woke up that he seen my baby before I did and it was blood and guts everywhere violation of my hippa he’s not medically trained to be inside an operatiing room and they put me at risk of death more than I did my self or my child they put me to sleep Gave me anestia (pregnant women aren’t suppose to have any type of surgery while pregnant and I have 26 staples couldn’t walk stomach ripping because I was growing they could of sat me on the toilet and put me on potty watch why did they have to cut me open like a frog the scar is horrible they wasn’t trying to save me or my child they billed my medical for all those procedures they preformed a exploratory gastro lapotomy thats what u do when all test xrays have been done but the problem (pain ) is still undiagnosed well my test result all showed that they bag was already profrated and They said after 6 hours in the er I started having jitterd speech and contacted surgery they cut me open put my baby on the table cut my intestines and found nothing but a piece of plastic I’m sure if it was a white woman they would have not cut her open in fact I’ve never heard of anything like that and I have the right to my body which is autonomy it’s more to this story tho I wish I had some one to listen to me I understand that I made a awful decision but like u said am I a police office or the doctor ? They are put in the position of authority for a reason not to abuse it they police should have never been telling me I have to have the surgery when I was telling them no they didn’t have to cut me what was the outcome of them cutting me nothing besides the fact that I could of died me and my child I’m scared for life diagnosis pregnant ingestion of amethaphine Am I a saint no he’ll no but it was about 10 dallor in drugs an they was not suppose to cut me open pregnant unless I was mulling or body packing
L says
And it doesn’t happen look it up only someone who is a body packer and that’s facts a man was forced to have anal probing and surgery when arrest because he had cociane in his butt guess what it’s against the law to do that they wasn’t concerned for me or my baby smh clearly my baby was a fetus and when the officer was inside the operating room that was not appropriate he’s not medically trained and even when I delivered my child in custody the law officers had to wait outside the operations room because of my health privacy I mean I don’t see what threat I would be if I’m pregnant under anestia with my guts hanging out that the office has to be present lynwood female jail In la just lost and settled to pay all females from 2010-2015 for violation of rights strip searhes was unconstitutional but maybe I should have said nothing I or I should have lied to them I don’t think I know better I know they were wrong and didn’t give a duck about me or my baby
L says
What if I would of died for the surgery it was more risk of me dying from that surgey me and my child then the risk I caused myself and child I begged to call my mother because I am disable they denied me to tell anyone I was goin into surgery my mom didn’t know until she saw me rolling in court 2 weeks later in a wheel chair never seen a judge for 10 or more days when I did see one he said he didn’t know what type of medical conditions I had but he doesn’t take wheel chair cases and they were trying to charge me with 8 felony’s which none stuck I ended up pleading no contest to Id theft which in fact should of been a misdamnior I a cashed a 200$ check I just wanted to go home to my family because I felt violated and weld that feel safe I took the felony smh ruined my life also after wards the child service wrote in my report that I swallowed b
Matt says
Damn girl, get your life together quickly. For u and your baby.
Albert says
Everyone here is dumb. I am the only smart one here.
So by that I will not try to explain what I think of all this because all of you will not understand.
Alby says
Thanks albert for making all the other alberts not look dumb and stupid. Thank this albert for being the sacrificial lamb…. Lol Lambert.
Steve H says
I’m so glad I don’t live anywhere near the Antelope Valley, because you’ve got some seriously ignorant people out there who comment on news articles, talking about “these people” and “the 13%” who “can’t be Civil.”
You know who’s not being civil? Ugly-ass white cops shooting fleeing suspects and blind people and now a 61-year-old man whose family says there were four deputies restraining him. You know who else isn’t being civil? Racist-ass white people writing hateful comments that go unrefuted underneath newspaper articles about police homicides.
AV Resident says
It’s very simple. Stop committing crimes. And when asked to comply. Comply.
If authorities are called out to a home for a domestic disturbance at 5:25 in the morning, something was going awry.
Steve says
Yeah something went awry, the girlfriend was so scared of him she called police to come help her. Now she wants to complain about what happened because he was violent toward them too. real shocker there. So sick of these people who expect police to magically make violent people non-violent and non compliant people magically peacefully comply.
The actual truth says
Most of the protestors and/or looters are white. Facts matter.
Stinger says
Present evidence to support your claim, please.
Grams says
Stop committing crimes and you’ll be fine. None of this is police’s fault, no defunding nothing I won’t live in a lawless world. Move to another country if you can’t be a good citizen.
We get no love says
Im surprised that no other news agencies reported this or the young kids hanging. It just shows how important we are out here. So where and when is the AV protest taking place?
AV Resident says
Protest? There is nothing to protest. Some young man committed suicide and the older fellow was reaching for a deputy’s revolver and died doing so.
Ron says
We Support our Law Enforcement. Always Comply and follow orders.
Carl says
If only complying was enough.
Steve says
Almost all these police use of force cases involve non-compliance. Even most recent poster boy and career felon George Floyd was not complying having repeatedly dropped to the ground to avoid being transported after being arrested. He wound up on the ground being restrained in the first place because that’s where he repeatedly put himself. Had he just complied and allowed himself to be transported for booking he’d have probably been out on by bail by that evening. Or better yet perhaps he could have refrained from going out and passing fake money in the first place…..oh well I guess at least he wasn’t doing more armed home invasions, that day anyway.
Stinger says
Sorry, Steve, but wrong incident to try to get behind. Once the suspect was in custody, the use of force that was applied was clearly outside of the progression and, indeed, was against standard training. Once the suspect is in custody, the officer is fully responsible for the safety of the arrestee.
You want to get behind a use of force that was correctly handled, yet the BLM protesters are going stupid over it and, yet, still getting their way? Go with the Rayshard Brooks case. That one is clearly the suspect’s own damned fault.
he was released from jail because of covid. no big loss.
L says
No that’s not a reason to kill someone really what type of sick [removed] is this it’s like two wrongs don’t make a right and if the police do wrong regardless they should be held accountable the police doctors and other people that have authority they didn’t get the authority for nothing it’s to serve and protect and they are suppose to act in a more higher level they have rules but they break them it’s ok for them to break the law but for others or regular citizens we don’t have that option we do the crime we do the time no matter what a officer is feeling inside he should not let that descide how he handles a person there is a long standing pattern of officers abusing there powers especially towards black family’s or people my mom lost her housing in Lancaster because they said they smelt mariajuan in 2009 everyone in the household was drug tested and no one tested positive for marijuana but my mom still lost everything she had because they are in charge
Out for action says
No [removed], right? Seems like they get off even more when you do listen and have your hands up, that’s when 6 of them rush you. Watch commander or special agent Doofy, out there in Lancaster knows what I’m talking ain’t that right pig?
Joanne Fern says
I don’t blame the sheriff’s they were trying to control somebody and when you don’t comply with the officers orders and try to not get arrested that is when things can and do go wrong. When you have four officers trying to get somebody to comply and they are wrestling a firearm is likely to go off. Play stupid games win stupid prizes.
RM says
tell that to the family of philando castile who did absolutely nothing wrong & was still murdered in front of his woman & child… they LIED and said he was reaching for his weapon when he was really trying to show the officer his permit to carry.
Pallet Town Trainer says
as to the Castile comment. He lets the officer know he has a firearm on him. So now the officer is aware of this firearm, and he tells Castile to not pull the firearm out. At that moment, Castile should’ve stopped moving his hands completely. This is just common sense. Officers have to deal with insanity all the time. So you have to be able to put yourself in their mindset at least momentarily. Even if it inconveniences you. This is for your own safety, and for theirs. Instead of ceasing all movement, Castile goes to reach for something. Whether that was the firearm or his information, who knows. But he shouldn’t have reached for anything and should instead have waited for instructions from the officer.
Steve says
All Castile could think of was the felony charge he was going to take for being a user of a federally controlled substance with said substance in his possession while in possession of a firearm. It was a felony for Castile to even touch a gun and under current federal guidelines would have been for 2 years after his last use of marijuana.
Steve says
Philando Castile clearly didn’t comply based on the audio on the patrol car video and a jury apparently agreed. On top of that as an illegal user of a federally controlled substance Philando Castile was committing a felony just by being in possession of a firearm. That’s one of the “common sense reasonable gun safety laws” progressives claim to support. Philando was looking at years in prison as a prohibited person in possession. Having the gun in his possession while in actual possession of marijuana was yet another felony. Philando could have gotten about 20 years on gun violations alone. Again that is your “common sense reasonable gun safety” regulations and it gave him reason not to comply and resist which based on the audio of the incident is pretty clearly what happened.
Redd says
They forced me to have surgery while I was 16 weeks pregnant to try to obtain a bag of drugs I told them I didn’t want to sign anything (I signed cause I was scared the police was intimidating Me telling me I had to sign it they kept saying I would die and I would also be booked for murder and child endangerment if my child dies I asked several times to speak to my mother they denied me to tell any one I was going in a surgery I was put to sleep the police officer was inside of the operating room and he told me he saw my baby before me and that it was nothing in the bag just blood and guts I was sent to twin towers I had 28 stiches it’s horrible I wish I could show u guys my stomach it’s like someone tried to kill me I feel extorrhed they did the surgery for nothing knowing that through the xrays and other test in the emergency room that the bag had already opened and nothing was in it they knew they gave me anestesia and put me down while pregnant and cut me open and stapleed me back up I don’t know what they did to me I’ve been scared to go to hospital they wasn’t trying to save my life they was trying to convict me of a crime and put my life and my child’s life in danger you don’t cut someone for nothing
Josie Webb says
He was SIXTY-ONE YEARS OLD. Are you honestly trying to tell yourself FOUR policemen can’t control a 61-year old man? Or, are you just that disingenuous?
Steve says
As soon as the 61 year old man tries to gain control of an officers firearm deadly force is justified. He was obviously a danger to his girlfriend so she called police, then he was a danger to them too. Big surprise there. Couldn’t even behave civilly to his significant other so why would anybody expect him not to pose an equal threat to cops who are strangers?
Pattie mom says
It is always going to be about race…they never do anything wrong and it always has to be someone else’s fault. If you don’t want to be stereo typed, stop doing crimes…and that goes for all races. I am tired of others thinking we owe them. I have an education, I have a job, I pay my bills and do not rely on the system or anyone else. Be an example especially to your children. Stop and think. Be the first to change and hopefully this will catch on.
Trumpist#1 says
Pattie mom:
Once again I agree with your words of wisdom, logic and moderation.
Steve says
It already caught on long ago, just not with the people who are causing all the problems…..
Jogger says
“…she and Thomas got into a physical altercation early that morning over another female.”
“The suspect refused to comply with the deputy’s orders, and an altercation between the deputies and the suspect ensued.”
Michael Thomas didn’t do anything.
Law and order says
I support Antelope Valley LASD. Of course the perps family is going to dispute what happened. Next thing that will hear is how he was a great man.
Steve says
Probably be a mural of him with angel wings any day now…….
Eric says
What’s even funnier in today’s age of technology how come LASD doesn’t have body cams, hummm! Sounds very suspicious. I’m just saying.
Kevin says
Ask the Board of Supervisors. They arent funding it. I think they would love to have them so they could prove tnis family was lying.
Ron says
Like I said until the 13% learns how to behave and comply this going to continue. Some people just refuse to follow orders. It seems these people are HOPELESS!! Cannot act Civil!!! Its not racist to tell the truth. Asians dont have this problem with police. Why are they so successful?
Ron says
Maybe Asians know how to behave. Cant say that about the 13%.
steve says
Talk to the DEMOCRAT politicians who failed to fund them and pass regulations governing their use.
Family lotto says
Hey LASD instead of just settling this lawsuit and making a non deserving family millionaires. How about using those county attorney’s and fight this case. Its funny how the first thing in the families mind is a lawsuit. Poor guy wasnt even cold yet.
Actually, the attourney fished them out. He caught the story on the wire and offered his services to the family. The man has 5 kids, even if he did go for the cops gun… they use level 3 retention holsters which means there are three different functions that have to be done simultaneously to release that weapon from its holster, are you trying to say that 4 very well trained and physically fit sheriff’s deputies were unable to overpower a 62 year old man without having to use deadly force? STOP IT… not justifying anyones actions in this.
Stephen Davis says
@Enough – this is the third deputy fatal shooting in the last two months in Lancaster. On April 20th , according to the AV Press , a suspect was shot while running away from the deputy. On May 29th , a still unidentified man was fatally shot in a scuffle with a deputy on Ave K {people on scene said that he was blind) , and now this one. Are these officers not equipped with tasers so they do not have to resort to deadly force when not needed ? At the very least we need body cameras on these officers to help hold them accountable for their actions. At the most , an independent investigation into the training and acceptable use of deadly force by Lancaster PD. Too many people are dying at the hands of this department under questionable and sometimes unexplained circumstances.
Dan says
The April 20th incident was a guy who shot several rounds at police, the May 29th incident was a white supremesist who pulled out a replica gun on police, yesterday’s incident speaks for itself and you jump to conclusions
? says
No shots were fired during the April 20th shooting. No gun was found. The guy was running when he was shot.
AV Resident says
Another one jumping to conclusions. If you don’t know, or are educated, about the circumstances. Shut the hell up. The ignorance of some of you commenters is amazing.
Steve says
How about people just stop fighting with the police, then they won’t need to shoot or taser anyone. There is no right to challenge your arrest with physical force in the street.
Steve says
Guess the rioting wasn’t the effective deterrent the rioters thought it would be. Maybe try not committing crimes now and see how that goes.
Alby says
Level 3 retention holsters you say? That means I have legal grace if I go for a cops gun aye? Aye? Mmmm seee? Lawyers have us bad guys backs legally seee? Before you know, it’ll be at level 6 retention. Just give us your wallet while yur at it.
Tom says
I see you dont understand what a level 3 retention holsters is or how it functions. Level 1 is just a piece of leather or nylon with a metal snap on the side of the holster closes to the body. This keeps the gun in the holster when running, getting in and out of the car etc. Most cops will unsnap the strap when a threat may seem possible. Level two is a piece of leather or nylon that covers the trigger, so an accidental discharge can not occur by either a finger accidentally getting into the trigger guard or any other object while the holster is being worn. Level three comes in two forms depending on the manufacturer. One is made so the gun can only exit the holster at a certain angel. And the other is a molded sleeve made of hard plastic molded into the shape and design of the gun. It is a tight fit yet with practice the gun can be drawn quite quick. These three levels are safe yet in a hand to hand fight with multiple hands in the area and movement of both cop and the aggressor the gun can be pulled out by the aggressor just as easy as the old floppy leather holsters used in western movies. One cant use the safety features of a holster on why you shouldn’t defend yourself when a threat takes place when an assaulter of a cop goes after his weapon.
Still learning says
@tom thank you for my morning bit of useless trivia information (useless because I’m pretty sue that I myself will never actually need it!). Learn something new everyday!
steve says
Your supposition and ageism means nothing.