“As the only Level 2 Trauma Center in the region, we must maintain an adequate blood supply for our patients,” said CEO Ed Mirzabegian. “We encourage those who are healthy and able to donate at this time.”
The AV Hospital Blood Donor Center is complying with guidelines set by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, such as spacing chairs six feet apart, moderating the number of donors in the Center at one time, adhering to thorough cleaning practices and encouraging people to make appointments ahead of time instead of walking in to donate.
Giving blood is safe, easy and takes less than an hour. A person must be at least 17 years old, weigh 110 pounds or more (16 years old with written parent/guardian consent and weigh 120 pounds or more), be in good health (no colds, flu, infections or unstable health conditions) and not have given blood in the last eight weeks. First time donors must present a picture ID (driver’s license or state ID card).
Those interested in donating can make an appointment by calling the Blood Donor Center at 661‑949‑5622. It is located on the 3rd floor of the Antelope Valley Outpatient Imaging Center, 44105 15th Street West, Suite 305.
[Information via news release from Antelope Valley Hospital.]
Michelle Johnson says
I tried to walk in yesterday after hearing the request for blood on 97.7 KTPI to discover they are closed on Mondays… Anyone know the hours they are open for the rest of the week?
Bill says
I have called the posted number once a week for the past 3 weeks in an attempt to make an appointment to donate. No return call from AV.
AVMOM says
They are doing walk-ins.