“Families facing eviction and foreclosure should know their rights and have legal advocates who can fight on their behalf, especially at this moment when Californians are grappling with sky-high rents and huge housing costs,” Newsom said in a statement.
Funding for the program would come from California’s share of the National Mortgage Settlement. According to Newsom, the funds would be placed into a trust that would then assist nonprofit groups to provide legal assistance for at-risk renters and homeowners.
The funds could be used for legal services, counseling, mediation, renter education and training.
Newsom made the announcement while touring the Los Angeles offices of Public Counsel, which provides a variety of legal services, including help for people facing eviction or foreclosure.
The proposal would need to be approved by the state Legislature.
Newsom said the money in his latest proposal would be on top of $20 million included in the 2019-20 state budget to provide legal assistance for renters to fight “unjust evictions.”
Lynn says
You know what you can do with 355 Million you can buy A Country and Build it… Legal fees? Cmon people use that money wisely that what Jesus would want you to do.
fact check says
Court rules that California misspent $330 million that should have helped homeowners. California must use money it obtained from banks through a lawsuit over unfair mortgage practices to help homeowners after the state’s highest court rejected arguments from Governor Gavin Newsom’s administration that it could use the money for other purposes.
Ruby says
… no compunction, worst governor in California history, Newsom mindlessly signs bills into California law he knows are unconstitutional.
Tim Scott says
Other than the clowns who get their “facts” straight from the Breitbarf propaganda mill there is NO ONE who “knows” it is unconstitutional. There are a few people who can make a very edgy borderline argument that it is unconstitutional, and a whole lot more who can blow a hole in that argument that you could shove California through with reasonable room to spare. How the courts will eventually rule is purely speculative.
Time for a recall and take California back says
The second..
Jerry Brown was the first
Time to clean the California swamp .
Recall the mayor. And. The governor
Tammy Dixon says
Not one penny will go to help people with their rent/mortgage and that’s what’s really needed. Not more money for lawyers to litigate.
Cher says
That money should go toward helping with housing cost so people who are low income or just lost a job can get ahead. Three months of rent paid would help people so much to not be evicted. But likely no one will see this money it will go towards training and blah blah blah. People need help now!
Deplorable says
$331 million and not one dollar for housing. You voted for him, not me.
Really Deplorable says
Your tax dollars at work…
Crooked Democrat politicians and property owners says
Minimum wage be put to $24 an hour.
California needs to clean the swamp review Democrats
Greedy apartment owners.
California renters should stop paying these greedy owners rent let them take the whole state of California to court it would take forever we don’t have enough courts to handle eviction notices
Question Lancaster Authority says
He should ask Rex what happened to the million dollars the county gave him for the homeless in Lancaster.
Alexis says
There is a lot being done for the homeless in Lancaster. Also Palmdale.