LANCASTER – A Lancaster man was charged Thursday with trying to threaten U.S. Sen. Dianne Feinstein‘s life, the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office said.
Craig Steven Shaver, 47, allegedly e-mailed a threat to the longtime senator on Sept. 30, prosecutors said.
He is set to be arraigned Friday, Oct. 12, in a Lancaster courtroom on one felony count each of attempted criminal threats and possession of a firearm by a felon.
The criminal complaint alleges that Shaver was convicted in 1991 of grand theft.
Shaver was arrested Tuesday, Oct. 9, by Los Angeles County sheriff’s deputies and has remained behind bars since then in lieu of $50,000 bail, according to jail records.
If convicted as charged, Shaver could face a potential maximum sentence of more than three years in state prison, according to the District Attorney’s Office.
UPDATE: Shaver pleaded not guilty to the felony charges on Friday, Oct. 12.
rf says
Anyone have an idea how her husband got the contract to sell off Post Offices that have closed for a 10% kick back on the sales?
Scotty says
Feinstein found out Craig was a Trump supporter.
Nancy says
Feinstein is the worst.
Amelia says
What this Bret Kavanaugh business proved was, Feinstein’s peculiar knack for doing dirty-work, yet never getting her own hands dirty. What Feinstein excels best at is, indirectly smearing or humiliating rivals or opponents, always keeping her hands clean.
Inspector Jacques Clouseau says
There is a time to laugh, and a time not to laugh, and this is not one of them.
Inspector gadget says
Feinstein for life. She should be the president of California. Then president of America.
Rosa says
… oh, no-no-no, senior! Thee first presidente de Sanctuary State of Mexifornia will be, Antonio Ramón Villaraigosa.
Juan Morfo Deroad says
I am not a Democrat; I am not a Republican; I am an American; I belong to the human race, and I refuse to use de-humanizing speech to tear down someone with different views.
RonJom says
What? Dehumanizing Feinstein? You mean you think that Feinstein should be treated with respect? Her and her husband are as crooked as Bill and Hillary. They pillaged hard working tax dollars Americas paid. She should be locked up or get the death penalty.
Some Guy says
Why do people label themselves and others? Am I left, right, liberal, conservative? Heck I don’t know.. I have different ideas on different issues.. There is no “club” I can join that will agree with me on every issue so why should I be a part of one? The only “wing” I care about is a chicken wing. (oh and those new boneless wings are great)
Truth is, politics sucks. Many people entered politics with good intentions but later learned that in order to survive you need to get used to human greed and personal agendas.
And one day Katie Hill will be the Feinstein of tomorrow, voting yes on a bill she knows is wrong, but has to in order to survive. Welcome to politics.
John C says
Can we please not celebrate the idea of prison rape, or the light racism of suggesting the hypothetical rapist would be a “Big Bubba”
Come on, we’re better than this.
Jip Joe says
I do not see a problem with that. She is not a human being. I value my dogs feces above that creature.
David says
… careful, Joe. Easy does it, pal. Do not make the mistake of underestimating Senator Feinstein. Snap her fingers, that fast, your life as you know it, is a foregone conclusion. That Las Vegas massacre of theirs was only the beginning. These left wing militants, they’re coming after us. If you’re not a straight-ticket dittohead Democrat, you’ve got to bite your lip; keep your distance; mince your words carefully. Even thoughtful, right leaning moderates? She’ll squash you like a bug.
Languedoc says
Mr. Jip Joe,
It is commonly accepted in this country that the citizens who are elected to higher office are accorded a degree of respect. That you choose to tell us that you do not follow this basic American custom is a very clear way of announcing to all of us that you are a slovenly, grubby, filth-loving, feces-obessesed sad sack.
C.R. says
… don’t let that folksy, grandmotherly appearance fool you. Due credit, where credit is due, nobody is more devious, sneaky, disingenuous, ruthless and underhanded than the honorable Senator Dianne Feinstein. Were you and she stranded on a remote, deserted island, food supply sufficient for only one? She’d have your throat slit by sundown. Snap her fingers, she can have you tossed in jail, for any silly reason whatsoever –
Oh Well... says
Dude! You outta jail already?
Smirl says
To Senator Feinstein, if you’re not a registered Democrat? Then, you’re an enemy of the state. No compunction whatsoever, no line she won’t cross, Senator Dianne Feinstein is utterly ruthless. She has more clout than Pelosi, Brown, Newsome and Garcetti, combined.
Tim Scott says
Oh BS. The number of GOP shills spouting how Democrats only represent Democrats is remarkable, given how GOP leadership has abandoned all pretense that they are anything other than servants of their small red meat devouring base.
Try again, shill, with a different randomly selected nonsensical talking point.
Alexis says
Smirl…Kevin de Leon is challenging her. There are a lot of people in her own party against her.
Helen says
No compunction whatsoever dragging our legislature and United States jurisprudence through the mud, that recent left wing smear campaign, sexing up the honorable Brett Kavannaugh for the amusement and merriment of the mainstream media, the person behind the scenes having engineered and choreographed that whole sorry affair was none other than Senator Dianne Feinstein (e.g., “pay no attention to that kind, elderly women behind the curtain?”).
Tim Scott says
This post is rooted so deep in absolute nonsense claims that I should be surprised. However, the Trumpists have convinced me that there is no “too far” for them to go in spreading manure.
Ali says
Low quality human being, devoid a moral center, Dianne Feinstein only responds to sexual harassment accusations, on Republicans. Whensoever a fellow Democrat falls accused, she slams the door in their face; sweeps it under the rug. So desperate was she sexing up and smearing Judge Kavanaugh, she overreached, humiliating fellow democrats, wrecking her own credibility.
Extremist says
Diane Lyingstein.
Rego says
Let’s not forget about her Chinese Spy
David_Davis says
He may have been jesting but now he is in major trouble. The question is, did he have “mens rea?” Did he really have a criminal intention to cause harm? The state of California is responsible that he did what he did because the state refuses to replace science with law. This would teach people the difference between legal behavior and illegal behavior. We all need to campaign to have the school curriculum changed, to only include English, Math, Law, and History. Science should be taught at a university level. After High School, people should know as much law as a lawyer. Crime, court cost and prison cost will drastically be reduced saving the state millions of dollars a year.
Thomas says
David Davis, where do you get your ideas from? You sound like someone who roams the net reading articles and opinions, then you post those ideas in here trying to make them your own. You sound like a fool.
Idiots says
Feinstein is a lying disgusting person
Nancy says
All democrat politicians are.
Tim Scott says
LOL…maybe you should move to one of the backwards and bankrupted states where the solid moral leadership of Trumpists holds sway.
Alexis says
California is ranked among the top nine states with the worst fiscal condition by the Mercatus Center. That was in 2016, and now it is even worse. I’m not political, and I’m not moving and Nancy doesn’t need to consider moving either. Moral leadership is lacking in both houses. California is going broke, and it’s not so funny.
Tim Scott says
Oh, please. Why didn’t you just go with “but Donnie Trump says bad things about California.” The Mercatus Center is so deeply embedded in the right wing that it has feathers, and Tyler Cowen’s “the market is everything” neo-classical economics are scoffed at by every economist except him and his students.
Alexis says
States can’t go bankrupt, but hat may change soon. California is not bankrupt, but it is insolvent.
Tim Scott says
Yeah, actually they can go bankrupt (in the financial sense, not the legal sense) and no, actually California isn’t insolvent. Please stop spewing random tidbits picked up from the right wing nonsense talking point mill.
East Lancaster says
Lancaster is in worse shape fiscally and morally than the state. Check out the debt. Other than Communist Chinese companies, they cannot attract new businesses. Fern street under the Parris Regime is full of nepotism and insider deals at the expense of the taxpayer. We need real change in Lancaster. Voting districts would be a good start.
Alexis says
No, Tim, I am not political, and it is not right wing nonsense, it is factual. States can’t go bankrupt, and, yes, California is insolvent. Anyone that takes a few minutes to look it up can see. You can rant all you want, but it doesn’t change the facts.
Tim Scott says
Anyone notice the close correlation between people who say “I’m not political” over and over and over and people who spew steady streams of right wing talking points?
Alexis says
The San Francisco Chronicle is factual, with a left-center editorial bias, and though I am not political, I’m giving you facts by a left leaning San Francisco Chronical. Your “right wing nonsense talking mill,” doesn’t hold up.
Tim Scott says
You cited the Mercatus Center, not the San Francisco Chronicle.
Ever notice how people spewing right wing talking points are always willing to point to a more mainstream source when that mainstream source mentions their talking point? Chronicle could say “right wing spewer of nonsense makes ridiculous claim that ‘Trump is the best,'” and next thing you know the right wing echo chamber is filled with “SF Chronicle says Trump is best.”
The ability to just void one’s mind of all thoughts of context is remarkable.
Democrat says
Tim, I’m a Democrat, and I know California is insolvent. This has nothing to do with right wing talking points, this has to do the fact that California is an insolvent state. Before you attack someone, maybe you should read more about the state you live in, and why California is insolvent.
Tim Scott says
Instead of claiming to be a democrat and then suggesting “reading up” on right wing talking points you should look into what “insolvent” means.
Please point to any debts that the state of California has failed to pay on time.
Okay, with that dispatched let’s examine standard right wing nonsense practices. One, make an absurd claim like “California is insolvent.” Two, attack anyone who disagrees as ‘lacking true knowledge.’ Three, argue that the key word in whatever absurd claim they made has no specific meaning, really, so their statement was accurate enough. Four, move on, chanting the same nonsense as if they had not just had their rhetorical head handed to them.
You are due up for step three.
Laughing says
This report for the general fund seems to refute your statement that the state is insolvent Alexis
It comes from a page of many reports for the state
Languedoc says
I do not believe that “All Democrat politicians are.” is a complete sentence.
That, coupled with your childish insistence on using the incorrect “Democrat” rather than “Democratic” appellation just about sums up your resolute, stubborn stupidity.
William says
Your user name says it all.
Languedoc says
Senator Feinstein is NOT a lying, disgusting person–She is one of the most moral people in the Senate. You know not of what you speak, child.
Jacque says
But it’s okay for her to threaten the POTUS crooked senator
Tim Scott says
I seriously doubt that Feinstein is sending threatening e-mails to Trump, and if she is I am pretty certain that you would have no way of knowing about it.
Emily says
… perhaps Jacques mistaken reference was, to the most pervasive eavesdropper in United State History, Eric Holder, and Congressional Representative of the gang-banger cohort in South-Central, Maxine Waters, the both of them caught red-handed, openly advocating political violence –