The now-deleted video shows a girl mocking and then slapping a boy, said to be a special needs student, as other classmates look on.
The encounter occurred Thursday morning, according to the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department.
“Our school resource deputy was on campus at the time of (the) incident and handled the situation immediately,” according to a sheriff’s department statement. “Our investigation is currently ongoing.”
The person who posted the video said the boy who was slapped is autistic.
“We became aware of this matter shortly after it occurred and responded immediately,” Antelope Valley Union High School District Superintendent David Vierra said in a statement released Friday afternoon. “This type of behavior is not tolerated at any of our schools. Appropriate action has been taken with the parties involved by the both the school and law enforcement.
“Due to privacy, we are not able to disclose specific details about the actions taken,” he said. “We appreciate the community’s concern for our students, and continue to work with our law enforcement partners to ask that when you see something that threatens the safety of our school community, you say something.”
F__k the AV says
The kid being bullied needs to learn how to handle a baseball bat-if you know what I mean. That typically gets the point across in a very clear manner.
AdolphOliverMuff says
I prefer Aluminum. Wood tends to crack or break when it hits something solid.
Tim Scott says
And as I recall the last time it happened the kid got sent to the California Youth Authority until he turns 25. Might want to rethink how good an idea that is.
once bullied says
I would love to wait for this girl as she is walking out of the school and show her just what bullying is. The school needs to take responsibility and do the right thing. Things like this can cause a meltdown for the victim and God forbid anything worse like shooting up the school. School officials need to stand up and take action.
Tim Scott says
Unfortunately, bullying bullies can have those same negative consequences. It would be great if the solution was that simple, but I’m afraid that it isn’t.
John says
Telling students not to bully to prevent a mass shooting is like telling a wife to be nice so her husband won’t beat her.
Sure she should be nice, but he’s still a scum bag for beating her.
Cynic says
Rest assured that the school won’t do much, and it’s not really the school’s fault. The edu-bureaucrats in Sacramento and Washington DC have determined that suspensions and expulsions are bad and part of some supposedly sinister “school to prison pipeline”. I’m very familiar with the local high school district. You get caught stealing from the lunch line, then you have a chat with a VP and that’s it. I know of cases in which students have told school security that they’re going to shoot them and somehow they are not expelled. Students are no longer automatically expelled for having a knife on campus, which is beyond absurd. In 95% of the cases, bullying will just lead to a slap in the wrist. I do want to reiterate though, it’s not the district’s fault as these forms of “discipline reforms” are coming from the top.
Irena says
I see several posts asking why the schools aren’t doing anything. My question is, why aren’t the parents doing anything? This type of behavior is learned and often times encouraged by parents and older relatives. There should be more accountability for the adults and stiffer penalties for the minors.
Why? Because it happens at school. I’m not saying the parents aren’t responsible, but most times the school doesn’t even acknowledge the bullying, and if they do, no consequences are seen. The kid stays in class. The kid continues to bully. Often times, the bully is only moved to another school, to start the cycle all over again.
Maybe we need an all bully school where bullies get bullied…. since the parents don’t have any control.
Mars says
Sad to see another incident with students at schools in the AV..This is not the 1st or the last..Bullying goes on at all the schools..Sad to say staff either ignores or they stand back telling kids yoi can’t do that on campus and than students set up for jumping others outside of school..instead of blaming why not teach right from wrong at schools also.. I have a son in high school and a grandchild. In elementary school both with Autism and they tell us when they get home from school all the bullys that terrorize them or others.. Along with Staff doing nothing!! Even some of the bullying takes place by teachers..I also have to say this also includes physical and verbal assaults..I believe all schools need to be equipped with cameras everywhere along with holding people accountable for there actions.. Also this girl learned this behavior somewhere (Maybe she was bullied at some point)and I have to group other bystanders in this..Don’t be afraid to stand up for yourself or others at your school.. You could be what stands in the way from situations escalating..Even a negative outcome..
Jenn says
Yessenia says
They’re is another video that I seen where she’s dancing and laughing
Ariel says
its disturbing to watch the students around the incident just watch. all of them… they even laughed, taunted in the video which encouraged the girl to hit him. I hope that kid is okay
Jack says
Someone should figure out who she is and beat her dad up. Maybe then they’ll try to parent there ghetto loser kid.
Tim Scott says
Who are you, and where can we find your dad?
Chris says
Who are you, and where can we find you for bad parenting, Tim? Meet me in the parking lot at the Moose Lodge, and you name the time.
Tim Scott says
Drop me an e-mail address and we’ll work that out. I’ve been wanting to check out the Moose Lodge. After you swallow your bravado you can give me a tour.
Jack says
My dad is at the cemetary on 70th west. But if little Timmy boy wants to play …let me know.
Tim Scott says
As always, drop me a line at and we’ll set something up. I love meeting you heroes and watching you swallow all that bravado. Of course none of you ever take me up on it. Funny that.
☼Some Guy☼ says
Jack is right.. The only way to fix a bad parent is to beat them up. I think EVERY bad parent needs to be beaten up. Ok here is the plan.. Jack will go door to door looking for bad parents and beat them up.. he should start in east Palmdale and work his way toward Lancaster.
Meanwhile, me and Tim will be drunk in a bar somewhere.. Jack will meet us in that bar, at exactly at 1:20 AM… if he is still alive… :)
Tim Scott says
I don’t drink though….
Jack says
Lol. I wish I could pull that off. The valley is just to messed up. All the trash that moved up here. Time to find a new area to live that section 8 and the free money they get from popping kids out and being lazy that they cant afford.
Tim Scott says
Bye. Don’t let the door hit you on your way out. You won’t be missed.
Chris says
Probably one of Tim’s grandkids doing the bullying, it’s generational.
Tim Scott says
Wow, you appeared out of nowhere and seem to have no intentions but to pick a fight. What’s that about? This the Lancaster political machine’s response to my meeting with Sellout Steve?
You seem to be cut from the same cloth, actually. Sellout Steve gave me a “meet me punk, make my day” Dirty Harry impression when he thought I wasn’t a real person, then swallowed his bravado when I showed up. I’m guessing you would do the same, if you were actually willing to show up. But unlike Sellout Steve you can hide out in anonymity.
Madonna says
Sellout Steve. What a perfect description.
Christina says
I hope they arrest her for assult on a other student so she learns her lesson and the parents learn how to better educate there child
J says
This keeps happening and teachers keep acting as of nothing happens
Tim Scott says
Said someone in September of 1952…and every school day since.
Kevin W says
Boy you’re old :-)
Tim Scott says
I prefer “weathered.” :-)
Truth is that the 1952 thing is hearsay. I hadn’t quite been born yet, much less started paying attention to what was said about school bullies.
Chris says
Old, bitter, and a bully.