The barricade situation began about 11:40 a.m. Wednesday, July 25, in the 43600 block of Santa Rosa Circle, according to Deputy Armando Viera Jr. of the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department’s Information Bureau.
The suspect was identified as 57-year-old Daniel Zekoll, who was due to plead guilty to a federal child pornography charge, according to NBC4.
Shots were heard coming from the house when agents went to the home because the suspect missed a court date, a sheriff’s sergeant told a news photographer at the scene.
A SWAT team and crisis negotiators were dispatched to try to bring the standoff to a close without further incident, Viera said.
The Sheriff’s Special Enforcement Bureau tweeted about 9 p.m. that deputies made entry into the home and found the suspect dead from an apparent self-inflicted gunshot wound.
He was dead long before swat or any other le arrived on scene. No shots were fired at any time during the incident or the 3-5 hours preceding per the coroner’s report. So why was swat there in the first place? Typical AV sheriff’s accustomed to doing what ever they want. AV sheriff’s dept is as bad as the ghetto rats that have ruined Lancaster
Biglips says
Good ridence weak minded perverted pedophile commits suicide now that should be celebrated not shamed one less mother f@€kr for me to keep point on around my kid
Alexis says
The Antelope Valley if full of child porn apologists. Thousands of children, and babies being sexually exploited, no let’s make that millions, and you inbred commenters can only focus on your own twisted evil perversions.
Robby says
Your augment constitutes a fallacy of composition (e.g., ad hominem). Lost in the trees to such extent you can’t see the forest, you’ve missed the point, entirely. The moment this guy pulled the trigger, child porn forever ceased being the issue. The point being, heretofore, did law enforcement intend upon making an arrest? Or, did they intentionally roll out, on a public shaming sortie? Argument ad hominem, shaming those critical of the arrest tactics, would make you an intellectual lightweight who likely flunked her high school geometry (if the dumb girl ever made it that far).
Tim Scott says
Thing is that no one has made a coherent argument for this “public shaming sortie” theory. Without a coherent argument FOR it there is really no reason to argue AGAINST it.
We’ve got an alarmist cry of “why on a routine FTA warrant?” when the fact is that this was NOT a routine FTA warrant.
We’ve got an alarmist cry about SWAT rolling on a “child porn suspect” (who actually wasn’t a suspect since he had agreed to a plea) when by all indications SWAT rolled on a “shots fired, barricaded gunman, potential hostages” call.
In short, the arguments started out intellectually dishonest long before the arguers were attacked. Under those circumstances, all there is to do is question the motives of the people advocating for this seemingly crack pot idea.
Stop child pornography says
Calling someone dumb just proves your own ignorance. You didn’t grasp what the article said. They didn’t call SWAT, and a crisis negotiator until AFTER he barricaded himself in his home. He chose not to pay for the crime he committed (child pornography), so he decided to commit suicide. It’s that simple, yes simple. No one shamed him, he shamed himself, and wasn’t willing to accept the consequences of his shameful crime. His shameful crime of being a part of child sexual abuse, and child exploitation.
Travis Bickle says
AWWWW, the truth hurts, all you (pedophile apologists).
Lorie Dinesen says
The Antelope Valley is a dumping ground for these sick idiots, the state of California dumps these sick idiots on us, they dont care about us families with kids and grandkids, the state just cares about cheaper rent, that’s all, time for us to start protecting kids, whether they are ours or not,CANT WAIT TO GET OUT OF THIS STATE
John says
The Antelope valley, where people hate minorities but love child porn.
Keep it classy rednecks.
Russell says
The feds rolled an entire task force into his neighborhood? For a guy they caught, peeping at porn on the internet? Whether the Feds had any intention whatsoever at the outset, of making an arrest, is debatable. No two ways about it, that guy’s civil rights were violated.
Lori says
Snipers on the roofs, hunter-killer drones circling overhead, automatic weapons off their safeties, rolling in the heavy metal and the artillery, all decked out in the latest of fashionable SWAT apparel, we’ve got feds invading our neighborhoods serving up garden variety FTA warrants?
Billy-Bart says
Shades of Waco, and Ruby Ridge, right here in the Antelope Valley, the FBI rolling a fully mechanized military task force into our neighborhoods, but for no good reason than to shame some ‘ol perve, into committing suicide? What were they going to do if he didn’t? Strafe the house with a couple 50 mike-mikes? Finish it off with an RPG?
Jason says
… feds would have smoked the place, double-tapping a drone strike. “Whoa!”
Resa says
A maximum visibility sting can’t be ordered from direct operating level. Rank-and-file law enforcement can’t stage nor order high visibility stings. Whoever it was who pushed the button on this guy had to have been someone very high up on law enforcement’s food chain.
Danelda Robbins says
Only in the av do so many sympathize with baby rapers and kiddy diddlers. Must be something in the water or too many going to family reunions hoping to make a love connection. Something just aint auite right round these here parts
Tom says
He may have been a sick perv, but he saved us tax payers money. Now we don’t have to pay for court cost, prison fees, and mental health therapy.
RSF says
The amount of people on here that sympathize with the man who gets off on kids is truly disturbing.
Alexis says
The suicide rate of sexually exploited children is in the thousands, but you sick, evil people can only comment on the man that committed suicide. You’re all a bunch of self-centered degenerates that want the right to watch child porn, not giving a darn about the child being exploited.
Mandy P. says
I never realized how many women are into child porn.
John says
Wow, lots of pedophile apologists in the AV. You guys are disgusting.
This isn’t about porn, this is about the abuse and exploitation of children.
Unfortunately, I’m not surprised.
Alexis says
Thank you, John.
Blair says
… no. This isn’t about child exploitation. This is about government, abuse of power, police state tactics, surreptitiously eavesdropping on people who have a reasonable expectation of privacy, and militarized police grandstanding themselves invading our neighborhoods, setting up an American citizen innocent until proven guilty, for whom to deliberately and wantonly publicly humiliate to the brink of suicide.
John says
Someone who gets off on children being molested and raped deserves to be humiliated and locked away. Full stop, you sick , sick person. Get that through your thick inbred skull.
Alexis says
Too many disgusting mind-sets like yours, Blair. This about child exploitation! This about innocent children, and even babies being sexually exploited, so sick people like you can cry, (my first amendment rights are being chiseled away). Me, Me, Me, I, I, I,. Who cares about the people that are just watching children being sexually abused. go after the producers, not you, right? Well the producers wouldn’t be supplying if there was no demand. This is ALL about innocent children being victimized.
Shelly says
bzzzzzt! Wrong! This argument ceased being about child porn, the moment the perpetrator committed suicide. Why, on a routine FTA arrest warrant, would the Feds roll in a high profile militarized task force, and invade that neighborhood?No room for argument, law enforcement had no intention whatsoever that day, of making an arrest. Law enforcement deliberately set out to shame that guy, into committing suicide. And that, is a civil rights violation.
Tim Scott says
If you make a plea deal then don’t show up for the plea it isn’t a “routine failure to appear” warrant. Far be it from me to be an apologist for the cops, but that’s a misrepresentation on your part.
It might also be a misrepresentation to say the feds “rolled in with a high profile militarized task force.” Maybe you’re a neighbor and can shed some different light, but from what it says here federal agents went to the house looking for the guy and got no response but shots fired inside the house. The “high profile militarized task force” came after that…according to the report.
Alexis says
@Shelly…He committed suicide, because he wanted to do the crime of exploiting children and babies being sexually assaulted, and didn’t want to do the time. Instead of accepting the consequences, he decided on his own to kill himself. He knows adults that victimize children, and end up in prison, get abused. Even inmates can’t stand them. He couldn’t stand the thought of being abused by others, so he committed suicide.
Katie says
This had nothing to do with child pornography. What this is now about is, law enforcement, rolling into our neighborhoods with mechanized battalions serving routine failure-to-appear warrants.
Jeff says
Coming soon to a town near you, the FBI’s got everybody but the hot dog vendors turning out, for their newfangled public shaming festivals! Fun for the whole family! Step right up! Watch your neighbor be subject to public humiliation and commit suicide! We think the darned thing’s bound to go viral! says
… law enforcement invade our neighborhoods, to spring these public humiliation festivals upon us because, it turns them on –
Jessika says
For the FBI, shaming people to suicide is sport. They’re pretty good at it, too.
Alby says
They get off on cavity searches. It gives them a sense of domination and perverse fullfillment. Alot of them should barricade themselves in a room and off themselves before the public finds out how sick they really are. Especially the Lancaster pigs that hide behind the “bible belt.”
Roly says
The biggest purveyor of pornography: the United States government. No one is into porn more extensively, than the FBI. And, there is nothing that FBI agents love more, than notching their holsters shaming people into suicide –
Linda says
… the FBI needs to change its name, to the Bureau of Eavesdropping and Public Humiliation
Barton says
Once the feds have cooked up a child porn charge on your hard drive, your life’s effectively over. May as well go ahead, and jump.
Patricia says
The biggest purveyor of pornography in world history is the United States government. Pot calling the kettle black, the United States government dropped more propaganda pornography over WW II Germany, than they did, bombs.
Alby says
A lot of them must be neutered. Or theyre more turned on by their batons and cuffs…. bunch of pansexuals I tell you
Me says
Another member of nambla outta the reach of our kids . Rest in pedophilia I guess
Liz says
Not kill the roaches, fine, LARGE FINES to the INTERNET SERVICES and COMPANIES, PEOPLE that provide pornography. It’s difficult to stop this.
Many things can contribute,
1. It’s a pattern that starts from childhood. Adult taking the child, child grows and repeats pattern, until it’s stops.
2. Bully, laughed at, partner’s remarks.
3. etc… etc….
Becky says
David Davis. To say he “didn’t harm a child” is incorrect. He may, MAY, not have physically touched a child, but by looking at, purchasing, downloading the pornographic material means there WAS A CHILD HARMED IN THE MAKING OF THAT MATERIAL. And that is against the law. And vile. So, yes, he was guilty. Rehab?? Perhaps if he had turned himself in and asked for help he could have gotten it. But it seems his guilt was too overwhelming. I do feel very sorry for his family.
David Davis says
Keep things in perspective, the people that made the child porn are guilty of the physical activity. That guy just observed the images and he never physically harmed any child. Law enforcement observers those types of images, should law enforcement be stigmatised with hate as well? Your saying that if someone burns down a barn then later an observer noticeses the burnt barn, that the observer caused the fire? This case reminds me of a prosector who also committed sucide when police went to his home because he was texting a child about sex. It’s some type of genetic factor that adults carry. Instead of ignorantly demonizing the factor, it should be studied and prevented because all of you carry the gene and so will your decedent’s. Stop the witch hunt on someone that didn’t physically harm a child.
Alexis says
@David Davis…I know you won’t comprehend what I’m saying, but I am going to say it anyway. Every child that is exploited for sexual purposes, in order to satisfy the addiction of the observer, needs to be stopped, although it won’t be, because it permeates this society. Every time someone spends time observing sexually exploited children, they most likely will act out their fantasies. Every child that is used for sexual purposes doesn’t have a choice, because the adult is making that choice for them. Now they are being victimized. Consider this David Davis; you decide to purchase your items from the homeboy network, knowing in the back of your mind that you are purchasing stolen goods. Now you are part of the crime of buying stolen goods even though you didn’t actually do the stealing of someone else’s property. You are still guilty! Imagine how much more damage is done to an innocent child because of adult perversions.
Dave Davis says
Molester dave davis! Your address and ipl address are now under investigation. Your home will be searched soon for child porn.
DavidDavis says
They should have offered that guy therapy instead of criminalization to help him get rid of his addiction. He never harmed any child which means he developed an addiction to viewing that type of material.
David says
No they should’ve killed him right away get rid of the roaches in this world
Daviddavis is loco says
How do you you know he never harmed a child?
Tim Scott says
He doesn’t. You may not have noticed, but “David Davis” makes up crap constantly. Usually he claims that he “heard it” either from his motorcycle gang contacts, sheriff’s department contacts, Mexican Mafia contacts, his street spy ring network of elderly people, or when none of those seem appropriate just a “secret source.” He’s a clown.
Mr. Bill says
Just another bozo on the bus.
Pennywise says
Are you wearing your clown shoes, Tim?
Tim Scott says
Nope. Wanna meet me and see my shoes?
Pennywise says
That was you, Tim, Driving your clown car into Vallarta parking lot on the East side. Then you walked into the store wearing your clown shoes. Then you starting clowning around in the store, annoying everyone. You probably take them off when you type.
Pennywise says
I guess DavidDavis isn’t the only clown in town, LOL.
Tim Scott says
Of course DD isn’t the only clown. There’s you, Pennywise.
Yep says
God told him.
chuy nazareth says
wow your god is partly to blame in this I guess, doesn’t your sky daddy supposedly sees everything…including when these pedos are abusing those kids in kiddy porn, the only good outcome of this is that the pedophile is not going to harm another kid again, the police should start looking at all the churches in the area…churches are notorious for hiding pedophiles.
David Davis says
The guy never harmed any kids in all the years of living in the AV. He developed a curiosity over that type of pornographic material. If the internet would have never hosted those types of images, thousands of people would have never been sucked into that activity. Lawyers, doctors, politicians, police officers, federal law enforcement officials have all been arrested for viewing children pornographic material. It’s a genetic factor dealing with curiosity that has dragged humans into those types of illegal images, aided by the wide spread access to computers. The federal government allows those images to float through the internet without making an effort to get rid of it. The public needs to have a say in the matter. All the accounts of people ingaged in that activity should be closed by the internet providers. All peer to peer networks should be eliminated.