PALMDALE – Rep. Steve Knight, R-Palmdale, was among the lawmakers on an Amtrak train that crashed Wednesday in Virginia, but he said he and his wife were both uninjured.
“Lily and I were on the train that crashed this morning,” Knight wrote on his Twitter page shortly after the crash, which occurred around 8:20 a.m. California time in Crozet, Virginia.
“We are safe and uninjured,” he wrote. “First responders are currently treating those who are hurt. Please keep the victims in your prayers.”
Some reports indicated that Lily Knight, a nurse, was helping to treat people at the scene.
One person was killed in the crash that involved the Amtrak train and a garbage truck. Nobody on the train was believed to have been seriously hurt, although at least four people were taken to hospitals with minor injuries. Read more information on the crash here.
The train was carrying Republican lawmakers to a retreat at the Greenbrier Resort in White Sulpher Springs, West Virginia.

UPDATE: Knight’s office released the following statement regarding the crash:
In the late morning of January 31, a train carrying Republican Members of Congress collided with a garbage truck outside of Charlottesville, Virginia. The members were en route to the annual GOP retreat.
Rep. Steve Knight and his wife, Lily Knight were on the train during the crash, but were not injured. Mrs. Knight, who is a registered NICU nurse at Antelope Valley Hospital, provided first-aid and medical treatment at the site of the crash. Rep. Knight’s office is not able to confirm the number of injured persons nor the extent of injuries.”
AdolfOliverMuff says
Who paid for this “retreat”?
Tim Scott says
Facts says
Lobbyists for Republicans, and tax payers for the Democrats.
Chasjazzbo says
Though I am 180º from Steve’s political viewpoint, I am thankful that he was not hurt in this incident. Steve is a good man. We just disagree. Then I read some of the acerbic comments not pertinent to this train accident. Geez People! Isn’t the AV better than this?
William says
knight is NOT a good man. He was onboard the voter suppression ‘train’ as it were back around 2012 when he and the other gopers in Sacramento opposed funding for voter polling places on University of California and Cal State University campuses.
Now, get this, because the campuses couldn’t handle the crowds. Read that again Chasjazzbo. I heard him say that at a town hall meeting back then when a dumb lady in the back of the room (a fox news fan apparently) asked him about voter fraud, that non-existent issue that red states tried to counteract with all kinds of voter suppresion policies, some of which were ruled unconstitutional. That ‘train’ crashed in most cases when the courts got a hold of those new laws.
Yes, indeed, republicans in many red states passed unconstitutional laws to suppress voting. They call themselves “patriots” but are the opposite of that.
For that alone, he is unfit for elected office. Why do you suppose he and the California gop legislators opposed polling places on campuses? They had them in elementary schools and people’s garages back in the day for crying out loud.
He is disgusting as are republicans who stand with him to suppress votes of what they perceive to be likely Democratic voters. parris is another sleaze who suppresses votes in Lancaster by having the elections in March or whenever and by not having districts.
I anxiously await our local republicans who comment here to defend those practices.
Now you know, Chasjazzbo. This is one more thing to disagree with him. Nothing else he does in D.C. can make up for that.
Facts says
Oops, William! Wrong guy; that would be Senator Roderick Wright (Dem), convicted of 8 felony counts of voter fraud. No practices to defend when it never happened. If you are going to condemn a person, at least try to NOT deviate from the facts.
Anthony says
… parasite dreamers, living the high life off the fat of the land, tax free, usurping their lavish educational and social benefits, courtesy of the sanctuary city, all the while secretly pray, for a political train wreck which might result, in getting more free stuff –
Alby says
And to think they would call themselves “AV supporter.”
Alexis says
One fatality, and another hurt, and all you jerks can talk about is your political agenda.
Really??? says
Tim Scott says
Republican lawmakers on their way to a “retreat.” I wonder who the sponsor was.
Could be a pharmaceutical company, like the one that drafted Knight’s “no hero left behind” legislation. Of course the pharmaceutical company originally called it “get some VA funding directed to buy our experimental machines so we can test them on some vets and see how they work.”
Or maybe it was just a strategy session to discuss how much it would cost to keep a Republican party yes man in place to sell out the interests of Californians for “the good of the party.”
Really??? says
It seems a train full of ‘garbage’ hit a truck on the tracks. Garbage everywhere.
New name for the gop-“Banana republicans”
Retreat is right. Over 30 filthy, rotten republicans have announced they will not seek re-election in November. That little creep Trey Gowdy is the latest one.
Now, if only knight will be another. But, he’s dedicated his life to being on the government payroll like the runners and others.
I don’t know which is preferable, that knight not run again or that he be in the minority twiddling his thumbs (well, 1 thumb as the other is up you-know-where) if the Democrats take the House for the next 2 years. If they do, I would hope they sanction Devin Nunes if he makes it that far.
They got their tax cut and now it’s on to work as lobbyists. Right, gopers?
Lisa says
That’s a good one, a train full of ‘garbage’ hit a truck on the tracks.
AV supporter says
I was really hoping he was hurt
Magnetlady says
What a terrible thing to say… It might happen to your family, would YOU like people wishing ”ill-will” to them? Grow up, PLEASE!
Alexis says
A lot of commenters on here wish “ill-will.” Yes, please grow up! Like little kids that say “I hate you, I want you to die.”
Alexis says
Dear AV supporter: You give new meaning the word “appalling.”
Alby says
What you really are is an AV leach.
AV supporter says
By the sound all of your names you’re going to be deported in a couple of days anyway beaners
Alexis says
Well, AV supporter, a white nationalist like yourself that have called people of my ethnicity (vermin), are nothing more than deeply insecure and bitter. (beaners), really! The only thing you support is hate.
Alby says
I wouldn’t worry about what leaches think Alexis.
Alby says
And besides, AV leach is probably on welfare and has a Hispanic lisp.
Mark says
… no surprises, here. Caught red handed, cheering, when the world Trade Center went down, it’s no surprise parasite Mexifornia dreamers secretly wish for congressman Ted Knight to have died in a train accident
Mark's caregiver says
Mark = confusion times infinity.
trump said it was Muslims that cheered on 9/11 in New Jersey. You can’t even get your lies straight.
“Ted Knight”???? Didn’t he play “Ted Baxter” on the Mary Tyler Moore Show?
Mark. You really should sleep it off before you type but I doubt it would help.
Alby says
That was New Jersey. I’ve witnessed Mexicans and Jews cheer as well here in the av. Not all of them. Can’t let a barrel of rotten apples spoil the truck load. You don’t get out much do you? I think it’s time for night night for you “Caregiver”. Do you need to be tucked in?
Mark's caregiver says
You’re just like Mark, Alby.
I doubt that you know what you’re talking about. There were Jews and Mexicans in the Twin Towers. You probably heard it through your fetid grapevine like Mark did.
Thank God I don’t get out much in your ‘world’.
Alby says
There were also Muslims in the Twin towers dummy.
Mark's caregiver says
Alby is such a fool. There weren’t Muslims in New Jersey cheering the collapse of the Towers.
You are of the ‘alternative facts’ peoples, aren’t ya? That was a another trump lie.
Mark's caregiver says
Anyone else here see Jews and Mexicans cheer the collapse of the Twin Towers in the Antelope Valley?
Alby did. And, Mark disappeared after dropping a nonsense post about a Ted Knight, whoever that is.
Alby says
AV supporter (leach) is a good example of one of those parasites.
Alby says
But I digress from the main topic. Glad everyone on the train’s alright. Sorry for the loss of the truck driver. It’s odd that of all days that Amtrak operates smoothly, they get into an accident involving lawmakers. Most likely just a unfortunate coincidence….. right?