William Franklin Hughes III is charged in the July 14 strangulation of 36-year-old Lyndi Fisher of Lancaster, according to the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office.
Hughes allegedly killed Fisher after she arrived at his home to repair his refrigerator, said Deputy District Attorney Ryan Williams.
A month earlier, Fisher had repaired an appliance at Hughes’ home, the prosecutor said.
Hughes told Los Angeles County sheriff’s deputies that Fisher had been injured while fixing an appliance at his home in the 43200 block of Doverwood Court, according to the sheriff’s department.
Hughes allegedly told deputies that he had briefly left his home and that he saw Fisher unresponsive on the floor when he returned.
Hughes was arrested the following day.
He was charged July 18 with one count of willful, deliberate and premeditated murder, according to the District Attorney’s Office. The felony complaint also includes an allegation that Hughes was convicted of making criminal threats in 2013.
The threats were against his father, and Hughes also was convicted of assault in that case, the Los Angeles Times reported. Hughes has a history of mental illness, according to the Times’ news report. [Read it here.]
Hughes is due back in an Antelope Valley courtroom Sept. 7 for a preliminary hearing to determine whether there is sufficient evidence to proceed to trial.
He remains jailed in lieu of $2.5 million bail.
Hughes faces a possible maximum sentence of 55 years to life in state prison if convicted as charged, according to the District Attorney’s Office.
The case remains under investigation by the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department..
Previous related story: Woman found dead in Lancaster home
Editor’s note: An earlier version of this story was updated to include additional details.
Friend says
She was such a beautiful soul that did not deserve this. Sad to see this comment section filled with such hate and ignorance of those who blame politics for a violent murder. This had nothing to do with politics. She was my friend and he will be found guilty and justice will be served.
George says
Ur a Clinton lover kick ur butt to the curb ur a joke
Tim Scott says
And once again we prove that Trump’s appeal is stronger the less educated the voter.
alex says
What’s your excuse for a lack of education as a voter.
Tim Scott says
What makes you think I’m an uneducated voter?
Tim Scott says
Welcome back Mike. Is there any event happening that you’d like to comment on, or am I still the only thing in the world that you are interested in? Not that it isn’t flattering, in a gross and disgusting sort of way, but I always hoped you would broaden your horizons a bit.
Ruby says
… it’s a non sequitur. Spurious correlation, GDP, a function of the prime rate, we could say exactly the same thing, pull down a robust r-squared, but to say GDP was high because of interest rates, would be absurd. Final analysis, interest rates have no more deterministic causal affect on national income, any more than electoral outcomes, a function of education. The most drop dead stupid people in America, those with bachelor’s degrees proves, intelligence quotient has zero correlation, to education. Any relationship between electoral outcomes, a function of education, is spurious –
Tim Scott says
I think there is a readily apparent statistical correlation when you consider the demographics. Every bracketing shows better margins for Trump the lower you go in education. Non-high school graduates broke for Trump by a wider margin than high school graduates. High school graduates broke for Trump and college graduates broke against him. People with post graduate degrees broke against him by an even wider margin.
While I agree that education does not accurately correlate with intelligence, I think the correlation between voting behavior and education is undeniable.
Brittney says
… as per the Democrats, crooked Hillary lost because of racist-NAZI-fascist-communists, and the Rueskey conspiracy! But now, apparently they’ve changed their minds. Again. Now, they say crooked Hillary lost, on account only the special smart sophisticated intelligent wonderful people, with special smart sophisticated intelligent wonderful educations, voted for her. And, it’s the little-stupid-racist-NAZI-fascist-commie-people who voted for Trump. And, they have the histogram to prove it!
Marguerite says
… we had no choice, but vote for Trump. We did so, on account Democrats refer to everyone who isn’t, a NAZI or a racist –
Florence says
The only thing Democrats care about is, their cranial safe-space, repealing our Founding Father’s 1st amendment guarantee, tearing down civil war monuments, and standing on our doorsteps telling us what to think, how to think, and how they think we ought to be living our lives. I don’t particularly agree with their outlook, on anything, anymore. And, we didn’t like that Nancy Pelosi’s daughter gets to be a super-delegate. So, when my husband and I walked away from the Democratic party in 2016, changed our voter registrations to nonpartisan? Fair warning if you were ever a Democrat – do not (NOT) change your voter registration. First thing they did to us was, pepper us asunder, jury duty summons, IRS tax audits; ZIP, no more money in the checking account, we had to freeze our credit bureaus because, they sold us out on our personal data, and now we’re identify theft victims. Such awful people, somehow the Democratic party devolved, into the Orwellian face of American distopia.
Matt says
Now normally I don’t comment on these, I just get a guilty pleasure out of reading some of the back and forth on here. I don’t follow along party lines. I have voted for both democrats and republicans for president in the past. You can’t possibly agree with everything the person running says, so I listen and make up my own mind, but I just had to comment here. After reading your comment, the only thing I thought was WOW!!!!! What in the world makes you so special that the Democratic Party would go after two people in the antelope valley that decided to switch parties. You seem to be some what educated based on the way you presented your statement, but my God, you sure have a mighty high opinion of yourself to think they would be so upset about losing you two. I just had to laugh. Thanks for making my night.
Star says
Yess me to they are destroying our country !!!
Bob says
Don’t worry Hughes. Since you committed this murder in California, you’ll be out of jail in no time.
Classmate says
Good. “Bud” Hughes has been been been a nuisance since high school. Another one of his arrests:
hcf says
Wow. What a nut case.