The fatal collision occurred around 11:35 p.m. Thursday, June 22, on Pearblossom Highway just east of 25th Street East, according to a news release from the Palmdale Sheriff’s Station.
“A silver Honda was traveling eastbound on Pearblossom Highway and, for unknown reasons, the driver lost control of his vehicle and drifted into the opposing traffic lanes,” the news release states.
Both parties were treated on scene by Los Angeles County Fire Department paramedics. The Honda’s driver was pronounced dead at the scene. His name has not yet been released pending next of kin notification, but he was a Hispanic man between 30 and 35 years old, coroner’s Assistant Chief Ed Winter said Friday morning.
The SUV’s driver, 42-year-old Annie Ngor of Lancaster, was transported to Antelope Valley Hospital with minor injuries.
Pearblossom Highway, between 25th and 30th Street East, was closed until about 6 a.m. Friday, June 23, to allow for the crash investigation.
The investigation is ongoing.
Anyone with information regarding this traffic collision is encouraged to call Palmdale Station’s Traffic Department at 661-272-2400.
UPDATE: Family members have identified the victim as 18-year-old Victor Manuel Hernandez of Palmdale. They said he was coming home from work at the time of the fatal collision.
An online fundraiser has been created to help cover the cost of his burial. To donate to this effort, visit:
Yamilet B. says
He was a hardworking young man coming home from his duties. It is with a heavy heart to have heard such saddened news. My thoughts and prayers are with Victory Hernandez family. The journey ahead will be long and hard, but stay strong in your endeavor to continue on. (Rom. 15:5)
F _ _ k AV says
The article never mentions drunk driving, so why would anybody mention it in the comments. Also, most car accidents involve SOBER drivers.
RipVictorM says
562JUNIOR says
Irena says
That road is maintained by the county not the city I believe.
Tim Scott says
Correct. The section that needs all the work is outside the city limits, unfortunately.
George Keller says
Sorry guys, from the Aqueduct east is all City of Palmdale.
That section is the area of numerous fatalities, most from someone not making the curve. To add to it, the speed limit remains 65 MPH. The method of setting speed limits is of course go out and survey 100 cars through the area and what ever the 85 percentile is driving, that is the limit. The Traffic Engineers can lower it 5 more if they have accident data to support it….they have not.
Tim Scott says
I stand corrected. I thought that curve was past the aqueduct, but you are right.
Sad says
I pray for your family
A-Rod says
I cannot believe how insensitive some people are being. We are not the judge, nor the jury. How unfair of you to feel justified to speculate how this accident occurred, due to his age. Either way, a life was lost. This was someone’s son, someone’s family member, this tragedy will forever change his family’s lives. I don’t care how safe any of us drive, this can happen to any of us, due to the reckless negligence of another driver, or because of other circumstances. Please do not be evil, because we can all be in their shoes one day, it can happen to one of our family members. Would you like some insensitive jerk to be on here running his talk box before using his common sense? I know I wouldn’t. Have a heart people, keep this family in prayer, especially his mother. May God embrace her during this difficult time.♡
Karen says
People who live in AV are very mean, evil, and they gang up on others. Harass people to make hem want to move or commit suicide. That’s the A/V why should they respect someone’s passed relative. I’m sorry for your loss God bless sorry people are so mean.
Laughing says
That section of road needs a center barrier. The speed is too high for a curved hilly road without separation. The center barrier tends to sleep down drivers and prevents crossover crashes more often which seems to be the most common in that area. If you want it put in place write or call your local rep and the California department of transportation. Hech, include ol’ Jerry too! Email is cheap.
Lara says
That’s the fifth or sixth deadly accident in that area since January (that I’ve read about) and I have been avoiding the news. They added several traffic lights on 25th near Pearblossom, I wonder if that has affected the traffic patterns. I drive that road every day and it terrifies me.
Tim Scott says
That stretch of Pearblossom Highway has always been bad, and now it has a lot of usage. I suspect the only possible fix is a center divider, but that stretch belongs to the county and getting them to spend funds in the AV is nearly impossible. We keep sending the lone Republican to the county board of supervisors and when the funds are getting distributed our representative is banished to the kids’ table.
Libertarian says
In state of California where democraps have all the power, you blame republicans for all the mess?? Get outta here.
Tim Scott says
I didn’t blame anyone. That stretch of road was laid down decades ago, and I have not the first clue who engineered it.
What I said was that it could be fixed, but it would take money to fix it and that money has to be allocated by the county…and the AV is at the bottom of the county’s list of priorities.
It has been there, is there, and almost certainly will stay there, because we choose to send a republican representative to a democrat dominated board. It’s a ‘last great act of defiance’ middle finger, but it isn’t likely to get the road fixed.
What’s Barger going to say to her fellow board members? “I need this or my constituents are going to lose faith in me and elect someone else.” The four democrats on the board would look at her and say “Great!” That’s how representative government works.
NancyPelosi says
I agree. DemoCraps? That’s a good one. I like DummyCrats and Libtrads.
Tim Scott says
Thanks Bon…I think someone else suggested the center divider before I did though.
Libertarian says
Hispanics are in Spain. Mexicans are in Mexico. So, what we have here is a lot of Mexicans who can’t drive very well. I worked in the bar, have seen them driving home drunk as hell, way too many times. No one else does that, maybe once in the blue moon.
Crazy says
If you worked in a bar and ALLOWED them to drive “drunk as hell” you should be sued. Also my uncle was killed by a drunk driving “WHITE MAN”. Hhhmmmm so your theory is WRONG. Drunk driving is not a race thing so STFU with your racist BD
Inshock says
Libertarian, I must say that you have got to be the most ignorant POS I have had to pleasure to not meet. I am not Mexican nor am I defending those of whom you speak of, but to say that no other race drinks and drives (once in a blue moon) im hoping is the dumbest thing you have shared. (although i doubt it) In reality their addiction or inability to know better than drinking and driving is not excused and should never be taken lightly but your wreckless bartending and allowing contributing to someones drinking and driving in a sober mindset that you should have is pathetic. I hope you don’t interact with others in this fashion any longer and if so let me know where and I will make sure to stay away you racist POS!
Spain says
No where in this article did it say he was drunk, he was a 18 yr old who was on his way to his gf house, after work. Oh and for your info Libraian, Hispanics do go back to Spain as well as Mexicans. I’m a Hispanic born and raised here in the USA and my great grandparents were from Spain and ended up in Mexico and So yeah all that racist talk should be put aside and focus on the reality of the situation and that’s
, that a young man lost his life too early, not because he was drunk. RIP Victor M Hernandez gone too soon
Vinny says
I know the person who passed away, it had nothing to do with drinking and driving. So go sit on your middle finger and spin you insensitive moron. Your mind is so corrupt and clouded that you cannot even stay on the subject, which is a an 18 year old young man who passed away unfortunately,way too early. take your bigotry to the Aryan Nation site.
Anai says
Hi Kathy,
My boyfriend and I heard the crash from outside his house on 30th. We were afraid no one saw or heard it so we arrived at the scene prior to the paramedics. I am so sorry for your loss, my condolences to you & your family as well. My heart ached as I left the scene, I knew a family had lost someone. Don’t pay attention to the people on here that have negative arrogant things to say. I will be keeping you all in my prayers.
Kathy says
Thank you Anai . We appreciate that .
Cesar says
I just saw this and i found out it was my cousins boyfriend in that car ….damn thats [removed]
Cindee says
My gosh people. White, black, brown, red or yellow, who cares. The fact is a life was lost n someone’s loved one is gone. Young or old it is NOT easy to handle. What if it was you? Be kinder, his family is grieving n could use your prayers instead of criticism. Please have some heart for them. Kathy, I don’t know u or your family but my heart breaks for u. Time will heal a little but the pain will always be there. I hope this gives u some comfort . I’m so sorry for the loss of your son.
Tina says
Kathy I am so sorry for your loss of your son. This was a tragic accident and he is now with god. I pray that people will have the respect to let you grieve is the only way that you can. The loss of a child is tragic and hard to realize that you will never see them again except it heaven. My heart is sad for your loss and I grieve with you as a mother. Be strong and remember the times that you had. R.I.P. young soul you will be missed
Kathy says
Thank you I’m sorry I meant to put nephew . He is my nephew .
leslie says
sorry for your loss Kathy. Praying for the family.
Stephen Merrill says
A life was lost, Let us all pray, Don’t be so Quick to Blame! It’s not about race, It’s about Life.
So hold back your comments about whose the better drivers here. That does not matter, Life does!
Alex says
They c9me flying down from the fwy., pearblossom exit like crazy and then down 25th st east.. it’s out of control
Al says
I couldn’t agree more.
People are still in ‘flying’ mode coming off the freeway’.
Try coming down that road with a trailer at 45mph and you will get shoved off the road….
Don says
So much hatred!!!
I’m glad I don’t live in the AV anymore.
William says
Where do you reside now, Don?
Tim Scott says
Don is Foolco and he lives in Santa Clarita.
Letty says
My opinion is that it doesn’t matter what race is getting into this deadly accidents, what matters what is this city going to do to prevent so many accidents from happening in most of the state no city street limit is as high as ours almost every street post speed limit is above 45 mph even residential zone are used as freeways and highways instead of pointing fingers Mexicans Latins Hispanic, we should be looking at solutions we all have to admit we live far from everything we don’t have entertainment here we all drive far from home to have a good time then have to drive back up to the A.V. It’s not fun we work far during the week. So we all need to take in consideration all the factors. Before the car accidents were do to drinking and driving, they got harder on that aspect now it’s talking texting and driving so when is it going to stop? Mmmmm NEVER why? Cause people will continue to be that People Humans so instead or doing this back and forward just say your condolences and don’t be rude.
Alby says
It takes a hell of a lot of speed to make a car split in half. As much as I respect the dead, I also think that stupid idiot drivers should wake up and follow the damn speed limits and road signs.
Lindsay Galdamez says
He fell asleep it had nothing do with speed it was a car accident. He was my brother. U don’t know the meaning of “respect ” but it’s okay God sees all
Roger says
… texting while driving, I’ll bet he was pretty darned good at it, too –
Kathy says
Before replying heartless comments that satisfy your self , stop and realize that there is a human who JUST lost their life and have some empathy for another human being . Before you spit out any clueless words from your mouth here are some facts ,
This man was NOT 30-35 years old , this was my 18 year old . He was driving home from work because he helped support a family . He sadly fell asleep and the result ended tragically . We are currently devastated. We lost someone very very very special .
Jennie Velasquez says
Kathy, you shouldn’t be reading these comments that are just adding more to your pain. My prayers go out to you and your family. I cannot imagine the pain of losing a child.
No matter what anybody says about grief and about time healing all wounds, the truth is, there are certain sorrows that never fade away until the heart stops beating and the last breath is taken.
Kathy says
Meant to put nephew * in there .
He is my nephew not son . Thank you for you condolences
Sandra says
My deepest condolences, I don’t know you, but I knew your son, he was a good kid, as a mother myself I can’t imagine what you are going through,, please ignore these stupid people’s insensitive comments, sending prayers to you and your family & a warm hug
joel levario says
So you’re saying a man in his 30’s is some how of less value then an 18 yr old? Didn’t really understand your comment .
Guy should pulled over if he was that sleepy, plain and simple. Lucky he didn’t take another life with him . Commuting to and from work isn’t for everyone.
wil says
Really Joel? She just lost her son and this way you have to say? WTF! Commenting on tragedies is not for everyone…
Lindsay Galdamez says
My brother was coming home exhausted from work supporting his family. Ur comments have no affect on my family. My brother is with god now peaceful. U can be rude all u want god sees all
Either you're a liar or he was talking to you on the phone says
Now how do you know if he fell asleep was he texting you or talking to you on the phone come on quit making up stories
Vinny says
I know the person who passed away, it had nothing to do with drinking and driving. So go sit on your middle finger and spin you insensitive moron. Your mind is so corrupt and clouded that you cannot even stay on the subject, which is a an 18 year old young man who passed away unfortunately,way too early. take your bigotry to the Aryan Nation site.
Karina says
Kathy, you don’t know me but are you Delmi’s daughter? I’ve known all of you for years, my parents Hugo & Leonor are best friends with your grandparents.. I am so sorry for your loss.. I grew up with Roxana and Osvaldo. Please keep us posted for the funeral we will be there with you guys. Have your grandpa call my dad Hugo to keep us informed.
Kathy says
Karina – yes I am Delmys daughter . I will let my grandpa know . If you want email me a number to
Thank you
Karol says
All I got to say is that however the accident happend and if the person that lost its life in this horrific accident was hispanic or not. We should all know that it was a life that was cute short and that there is a family out there that at this moment they are suffering for their lost. Remember before posting some ignorant messages that those family members do check these because they want to have a little info if what really happens to there love ones. So all i am asking is to have respect for that soul that is no longer with us. R. I. P
Ad says
All u are no different calling out Mexicans please and what are u
Sandra says
The roads up here are amazing death roads. I can not believe all the accidents up here. Guess that’s why R Rex Parris has so much money. Why is that not a conflict of interest? being mayor and a traffic accident attorney. He has the money and the power to fix these roads yet nothing ever gets fixed.
Sas Quatch says
Not that I am a fan of Rex, but this area isn’t part of Lancaster, but it is part of Palmdale. It’s also State Hwy 138. So even Ledford gets a pass on maintaining it. This has to be fixed by the state.
eo2 says
Could drivers have anything to do with it? What are all the idiots safely navigating these roads all the time doing wrong?
Jennie V says
Great comment. Hopefully he does something to lower the speed limit in the Antelope Valley but then again who knows if he is in it for the best interest of the people or himself, I’m not saying this young man was speeding just a comment in general. And yes, we should have some empathy before assuming and making cruel comments. I cannot even imagine what it would be like to lose any of my daughters, the pain the mother must be going thru. I pray that God give her the serenity to accept this tragic loss and help her cope with it.
Billy Gote says
That is not In Lancaster, runs through Palmdale and is a state road. State must pay to fix it.
Tim Scott says
Pearblossom Highway isn’t a state road, and the part that has all the deadly accidents is county, not Palmdale, unfortunately. If it got annexed into the city it would be a lot easier and more likely to get it fixed.
Shane Falco says
Actually Tim, you’re wrong again. 138 is part of the California Freeway and Expressway System and is a state road.
Tim Scott says
And 138 is Palmdale Blvd, not Pearblossom Highway. Ask Mike…CHP would know.
Tim Scott says
Of course Mike is likely to lie…what one brother says the other swears to…part of being raised by a crooked cop I suppose. Probably better to just check a map.
trying to set things straight says
Highway 138 runs through this valley from Interstate 5, to the 14 freeway. That same road is also known as Avenue D. It joins the 14 at that point.
At the Palmdale Bl eastbound turnoff, the state highway [138] also turns east. It continues in that direction to 47th Street East, where it turns right again, heading in a southerly direction.
According to Google maps, it becomes known as Fort Tejon Road at a point south of Avenue S. It veers to the south east where it joins the already existing Pearblossom Highway. It continues with both that name and number designation, crossing the valley toward I-5 in San Bernardino County.
The site of this accident is on the portion of Pearblossom Highway *before* it gets to the intersection where 138 joins it.
Tim is correct in his statement that this portion of the roadway is not designated as 138, but is simply Pearblossom Highway.
Shane is correct that a part of Pearblossom Highway carries the designation as 138, and is a state highway for that part of its distance, but *not* at the point where this person lost his life so horribly.
Tim Scott says
Excellent clarity. The small error, in that 138 runs east to I-15 in San Bernardino County, not I-5, I’d guess is a typo.
Anyway, the section under discussion, as stated before, is county responsibility. Dingbat Don (local version, not Trump) obviously lost the context in his rush to call me wrong, but yes could state that Pearblossom Highway, where it is also Highway 138, is a state highway.
T says
Pear Blossom Hwy/ 138 has always been known as “Blood Alley”. I hate that hwy. Been driving it for 35 yrs. Hasn’t gotten any better !
Blanca says
This Is such horrible , i passed there probably minutes from this accident happening,it was a horrible scene…alot of people drive fast in this highway. i drive this highway and its a fast place ..
Drivers need to slow down, eventually you will get home safely..
RIP to the guy who lost his life
Jenny says
Hi Blanca its victors mom do u think u can talk to us about what u saw that day?
Daniel Krull says
Pearblossom Hwy needs a center divider and much better lighting around the curve where this accident happened. What is it going to take to get this to happen?
blanca says
i totally agree with you .and the road is not perfect either.. needs to be repaired
RR says
Latin as in from Latin America? I do think you mean mexican.
I'm with the post. I think he's right and correct says
Well.i also travel around that intersection and I think he’s about right.
Matter of fact I had three Latins in the little red Toyota shot right through the stop light coming from Littlerock Dam right through Pier Blossom Highway to Avenue T without Stockton doing about 60 miles an hour so he’s right there is a bunch of ignorant people
R says
And you have always stayed within posted speed limits? One one lane roads you’ve never passed a driver going the posted speed either eh? Talk about ignorant and immature fools. Lol ;-)
Tammy Taylor says
The speed of cars on this street is outrages. To say that it’s more one race then another is just showing your prejudices, Many different factors go into a crash race isn’t one of them.
Josus says
I call it “highway of hell”
Lindsay Galdamez says
My brother did not go to hell.
Robert says
I passed by before any first responders were there and seen the wreckage. It was pretty horrible. Saw the lifeless body laying in the street as well.
Jenny says
Hi Robert it’s victors mom do u think we can talk to u regarding what u saw that day?
C says
That’s unfortunate. I’m guess the driver was probably distracted. Maybe using his phone or falling asleep at the wheel.
Roxana says
Sorry to disappoint u put no my son was very responsible yes he was young great lil man it hurts to hear all these comments u didn’t even know him .He was a great big brother son cousin grandson percent in what he applied himself to so please keep him out of ur mouth .. rip my son mommy will always love u.
Karina says
Roxana, lamento mucho lo sucedido.. no hagas caso a esta gente sin oficio. Estamos pendientes para poder acompañalos.. siento mucho tu dolor mi más sentido pésame. Dios te Bendiga
Snyder says
That highway is bad bad for many accidents
Mayra G Preciado says
I agree but have you noticed that every accident thats happened these past 2years in that same area has been do to lost control and spinned out of control and split the cars in half instant deaths so sad prayers to all
Daniel says
What, no comments yet? RIP in peace Honda driver and I hope Annie Ngor recovers quickly. This, I’m sure, was a terrible experience.