![Barbara Boxer](https://theavtimes.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/Barbara-Boxer.jpg)
LOS ANGELES – Retiring Sen. Barbara Boxer, D-Calif., introduced a bill Tuesday that would scrap the Electoral College and determine the winner of presidential elections by the outcome of the popular vote.
Despite President-elect Donald Trump‘s victory in the Electoral College, Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton currently leads the popular vote by nearly 1 million votes.
“In my lifetime, I have seen two elections where the winner of the general election did not win the popular vote,” Boxer said. “The Electoral College is an outdated, undemocratic system that does not reflect our modern society, and it needs to change immediately. Every American should be guaranteed that their vote counts.”
Boxer’s legislation would amend the Constitution of the United States to abolish the Electoral College. The long-shot amendment would take effect only if ratified by three-fourths of the states within seven years after its passage by Congress.
“In 2012, Donald Trump tweeted, ‘The electoral college is a disaster for a democracy,’” Boxer said. “I couldn’t agree more. One person, one vote!”
According to current results, Clinton has 61,329,657 votes and Trump has 60,530,867. It is the fifth time in history that a nominee has won the popular vote but not the Electoral College.
The same happened to Al Gore in 2000, when he lost to George W. Bush.
California voters on Tuesday elected Boxer’s successor, the state’s first new U.S. senator in 24 years.
State Attorney General Kamala Harris will be the first black politician in history to represent California in the Senate.
SMHX2 says
Good job, gerrymandering has destroyed what the electoral college was really about. The popular vote should be the only vote. Pleaple are so stupid that they didn’t pay attention that it even happened here in Palmdale, separating the area into 4 districts for the pure benefit of the middle class racist white men! Trying to erase the minorities vote much???
Patriot says
Where was your outrage when Californias voted down gay marriage?only to be overturned in the courts.or is the system broken,only when it’s against your agenda?I didn’t vote for obama,should I have rioted,looted,and cryed?
William says
Haven’t you been whining about something or other that last 8 years anyway?
Some people just whine as a way of being. There’s always a reason in their minds. You seem to be just such an individual.
Patriot says
10 trillion in 8 years with nothing to show for it.yep.
William says
Let’s see, patriot
bush had the Iraq War OFF BUDGET, so it added to the debt when President Obama put it back in the budget.
Worse recovery from the WORST RECESSION.
But, you know all that, right? Right.
After all the fake news that being reported lately, we can now dismiss everything your write because it’s likely from a fake source.
Even. Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn retweeted a fake story. That’s how bad it’s gonna be the next 4 years.
Elections Have Consquences says
You can thank V. Jesse Smith, Juan Juaragi, Nigel Holley, Answar “Stan” Muhammad, Darren Parker, Emmett Murell, and the entire cast of characters that was used by Mayor R. Rex Parris and his sidekick Marvin Crist to shake down Palmdale of some serious cash and to restore the Lancaster Republican power base.
What fools they are to put their trust in a sheister lawyer who only does what benefits himself.
Enjoy your new “districts” which will be ruled from the white Lancaster Republican west side power elite who are ruining Lancaster.
Ronald O. Richards says
I agree, the Democrats rigged the primaries against Bernie, and the super-delegates are a disgrace, especially for a party that calls itself “democratic”, but that doesn’t make the Electoral College right. It is grotesquely undemocratic, but I can see why the Republicans like it: They’ve only managed to win the popular vote once in the last 30 years, and they had to start an illegal war of aggression against a Third World country that hadn’t attacked us in order to do that.
Clinton will probably wind up with a popular vote majority of over two million. What a disgrace that our antiquated electoral system allows a racist, misogynistic, chickenhawk punk simpleton like Trump to steal the election and become the country’s next (and first!) Predator-in-Chief.
I look forward to his impeachment hearings and more as more details come out of his assaults on women.
Patriot says
I’ll bet you never complained about the system before.only now.a bunch of Un American crybabies.please,just leave the country.I know,go to the middle east,they will welcome you with open arms.
Ronald O. Richards says
You’d lose that bet. I’ve been complaining about the undemocratic nature of the Electoral College since 1972, and will continue to do so. Sorry, but the Middle East isn’t my cup of tea. :-) You, however, might like it there as they seem to discourage any rational political discourse in favor of ad hominem attacks.
Patriot says
Liberal talking points ron,thanks for your concern about the way the vote went.
My comment wasn’t directed to you,untill now.
If you don’t like the way votes are counted,change it,or quit crying about trump being elected.
Perhaps you would like a welfare,illegal,lib nut job state like california,to choose the president.and have the less populated,less welfare,less illegal states,to have no say so.
William says
Fake ‘news’ from patriot. He has no credibility on anything.
Tim Scott says
You mean the leach states that have no economy of their own? You should maybe move to Kansas or one of your other paradise spots “Patriot.” You certainly wouldn’t be missed here.
Patriot says
Here we go with the 6 or 7 biggest economy in the world speak.doesn’t mean a thing,if you to go into debt.u.s. has the 2nd biggest economy,yet loses money,by the second.ca goes into debt,by the second.sure give me a state that makes money,you will find less libs,less welfare,and less illegals.
Tim Scott says
Good. Motor on to your “state that makes money.” Don’t let the door hit you in the butt.
Mr fed up says
Its funny, the dems rigged the primary against poor sellout Bernie, with super delegates? Enjoyed 8 yrs of Pres. Obama thanks to the electoral college, now wants to ebolish it cause there candidate they tryed to rig the general election with failed?! Hypocrisy! Much!
William says
Didn’t President Obama win both the popular vote and the Electoral College vote in 2008 and 2012, Mr fed up?
What are you trying to say?
d'z nugz says
head line should be changed to “butt hurt liberal tries to get her own way”
Look it up says
Except America was born as a Republic not a “mob rule” of complete democracy that would allow for easy rigging in a small focused area that allows for that one spot to completely dominate everywhere, turning it more into a parliment system where the super wealthy royal class have all the say and no checks against them…
Every American well knows this already. What needs to happen is term limits. Republican or democrat, every official needs to reminded of something called accountability. End the dynasties and really, the californian royal class should not be complaining as trump will have ZERO effect on california anyhow without bringing “states rights” into question and i dont think he has the balls to point a finger at california for picking and choosing what they want to obey in the Bill of Rights. It might happen if he gets a second term but that is so slim and would lead to war.
Richard Brain says
Good luck with that you has-been hag! Thank God and the Founding Fathers for the Electoral College. The real purpose for the EC is to prevent 1 or 2 of the most populated states speak for the entire nation. I live in Lib-Tard central ( California) and can tell you for a fact that millions of us don’t even vote in the general election because it’s a wasted vote. I would suggest that if we went to an “Every vote counts” system, you would be surprised by the outcome. In other words, if the republicans in California, New York and Illinois had actually voted, the popular vote as well would have gone to Trump as well.
Piss off Libs, quit whining, recognize that the citizens are fed up with your [removed]. We have won, we will own the supreme court for 30 years (thank god) and so many other good things. Jt
John says
Well said, Richard.
William says
You will own the recessions, the poorly handled natural disasters and any terrorist attacks along with whatever else doesn’t work. The gop can’t govern.
All yours.
Patriot says
B t b.Williams fav.back to bush.lol.you own the worst recovery ever.
Most money spent ever
Biggest tax increase ever
Worst president ever.worst then your other dem jimmy carter.
William says
Fake. Fake. Fake. Fake.
patriot’s part of the fake news problem.
Russ says
And you are part of the mainstream media problem, what is the difference? They both only show or tell stories that fit each others agenda and they both tell partial truths and quotes to fit what they are trying to feed their followers and increase ratings. It is too bad everyone is either on the left or right and nothing in between. I miss the America where it did not matter whether you were Democrat or Republican as long as you did what was right for the American people. Now it is my way or the highway and its no wonder we are at each others throat. Both political parties and the Media are to blame for this and unfortunately I do not see compromise from either side.