The event is scheduled for Thursday, April 28, from 1 to 6 p.m. at the Guidance Charter School campus, located at 37230 37th Street East in Palmdale.
The inaugural Community Cultural Heritage & Service Day is a free community event open to the public to celebrate the rich diversity of the city of Palmdale. It will include cultural performances and entertainment, a teen summit, a blood drive, medical screenings, and children’s activities, including jumpers and face painting. Free hot dogs, hamburgers and drinks will be provided for all guests.
The event will also celebrate the Guidance Charter School’s 15th year.
For more information on the inaugural Community Cultural Heritage & Service Day, contact Kamal Al-Khatib at 661-810-6990 or email
[Information via news release from the city of Palmdale.]
Ivan Paul Freely says
You want a white heritage month, but the rest of us want you grumpy old racist crackers to move to a third world state like Arizona or Mississippi and quit your whining.
cll says
I’m tired of this Heritage crap you love your heritage so much go back to your country we need a white Heritage Month
SMHX2 says
Caucasians (by the way Hispanics are white) celebrate their heritage and privilege 24/7, 365 days a year. Talk about going back to your country, when I you going back to yours? BIGOT.
As far as Bob is concerned, he is not worth a second of my time, same ridiculous rants over and over. Get a brain transplant or read more to have better material to comment with.
Mike says
Hispanics are white? How is that possible? Why do they have a check box for white and another for hispanics? How about people heritage? Why have a latino, black heritage day/month?and whites dont have a specific day or month for heritage, if so, it would be racist.
SMHX2 says
Duh, know the difference between ethnicity and race? Let me kick a little knowledge into you, you check the Hispanic box and then the white subcategory. Oh what glory it must be to be completely oblivious, AKA white priviledge- thinking for you is not mandatory- WOW!
Tim Scott says
This is their country.
As to your “white heritage” month, what exactly do you want to celebrate? I enjoy the Highland Games, myself. Oktoberfest has good points also.
Mike says
Missed the point was to point out there is no need for any specialty days, about people day, where everyone is equal.of course you believe in white privilage, which is complete garbage.whats really sad is, I never thought about black, brown, white, or racism untill obama started running for office.he came right out of the gate blaming whitey,and hes acted foolish ever since.
Flint. says
It’s a cycle. Groups come to a country. Refuse to try in school, work to better themselves, or integrate into the culture. Then they are poor and they blame racism for their own failures and hate the country. It’s not just America going through this. It’s the modern migrant experience. Muslims in France hate France because they immigrated to France and have not been able to grow wealthy. Are the French racist or have the Muslims failed to be successful although plenty of effort has been wasted trying to help them improve their lives?
Flint. says
It’s a cycle. Tim Scott displays his ignorance of the world. I can’t wait to see how the pope explains the idea that borders should be ignored to the Italian people once a million African men arrive and all the countries bordering Italy close their border. If an American suggested an immigrant must learn the language and integrate with the culture or have benefits cut off and potentially be forced to leave, ole Tim would be calling everyone racist and fascist. Unfortunately, European liberals are now advocating that policy. Liberalis, is great until someone actually considers how idiotic the outcomes are. Should we let more criminals out because it won’t affect crime rates? The professors say crime is complex and releasing criminals won’t lead to more crime.
Immigrant Offspring says
Flint, you are completely ignorant. I, like millions of Americans, an the offspring of poor immigrants who came to America and did nothing close to your pathetic assessment. People like you and the racist, bigoted mayor of Lancaster are pathetic.
Mike says
Whos country? Its our country.see thats the problem.its everybodys.just like the nc law, that makes it the same for special treatment for gays or transgendered. But libs twist it as discrimination.or being gay is more of a right than about equal.funny how equal to some, means more.
Tim Scott says
Theirs. Yours. Mine.
No one tells you to “go back to your own country,” as far as I know. If they do, I will happily point out that this IS your country, just like I did in my previous comment.
shelli logan says
hey lame one? they are in theyre country, this country of america is made up of the people of countless countries, who have settled here for the last 400 yrs. just because your white doesnt give you the reason to call it yours!, you didnt fight in the wars that formed america! americas nation of great people include many countries of brown skinned people and whites as well!, whites from russia, germany, france, scottland, ireland, canada and sooooo on, you think because you are white skinned that this is your country?. i wonder what all the white skinned foreigners would say to you if you made that remark to a brown skinned person who just fought in a battle to make america free, so that you could live free centuries later?, why dont you tell all the other whites from foreign countries to go back to it? i mean gees how or what kind of white are you?, your the stereo typicle pig that condems this country to hell, ARE YOU WHITE WHITE? never knew one existed of that so called race! lol untill i read your assinine ignorant comment.