The Antelope Valley Parole Office is seeking your help in locating the following at-large parolees. If you recognize these parolees and know where they might be located, contact the Antelope Valley Parole Office at 661-729-0530, ext. 272.
Cruz Martinez
Cruz Martinez is a 53-year-old male with black hair and brown eyes. He is approximately 5 feet 9 inches tall and weighs around 146 pounds.
Martinez is on parole for burglary.
His criminal history includes numerous spousal batteries, burglary, DUI, grand theft, vehicular manslaughter, petty theft with priors, terrorist threats, assault with a deadly weapon, battery, robbery, and possession of a weapon.
Martinez failed to report to his parole agent as instructed and he is believed to be somewhere in Lancaster.
Anyone with information on the location of Cruz Martinez is urged to contact the Antelope Valley Parole Office at 661-729-0530, ext. 272.
Sean Blair
Sean Blair is a 49-year-old male with brown hair and blue eyes. He is approximately 6 feet 1 inch tall and weighs about 246 pounds.
Blair is on parole for attempted robbery.
His criminal history includes numerous spousal batteries, possession of a controlled substance, rape with force and violence, false imprisonment, possession of dangerous weapons, receiving stolen property and burglary.
Blair failed to report to his parole agent as instructed and he is believed to be somewhere in Lancaster.
Anyone with information on the location of Sean Blair is urged to contact the Antelope Valley Parole Office at 661-729-0530, ext. 272.
good old days says
In the good old days judges would give criminals a choice: Prison or the military? Whatever happened to that? The majority of thoses criminals turned out to become great soldiers that fought for our country:-)
sickofit says
Over and over, week after week after week, we continue to read about these career criminals ‘failing to report to their parole officer’. These people ARE dangerous. Why is Jerry Brown dumping this scum into our already overcrowded jail system? And why are these dangerous criminals loose at all?! It is OUTRAGEOUS and I am SICK of it.
Lancaster Is very racise says
How are these two able to be walking the streets with all those priors when I’ve seen and know people with less on their records locked up for years because of their color. Even if they do catch these two they’ll be out in a week or less.
Raul Castillo says
lol that scum is sny look at the background he’s a snitch that’s why he’s scared to get caught and go back is what I’m guessing