The ceremony will commence the display of the Mobile Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall for the Antelope Valley (AV Wall). Admission is free.
Welcoming remarks will be made by AV Wall Treasurer and Volunteer Coordinator Stacia Nemeth, followed by the presentation of colors by an all-female color guard under the direction of Major Conrad Hernandez and featuring students from the Highland High School CA-944 AFJROTC Cadet Group, William J. “Pete” Knight High School CA-20053 AFJROTC Cadet Group, Littlerock High School AJROTC Lobo Battalion and Antelope Valley High School NJROTC.
Music will include the National Anthem and “She’s an American Who Fought,” written and performed by Chief Warrant Officer Jennifer Housholder. The Table of Honor will be presented by an all-female multi-branch military group.
Guest speakers will include Sharon (Vander Ven) Cummings, American Red Cross “Donut Dollie” (Vietnam ‘66-’67); Linnie Stone, American Red Cross “Donut Dollie” (Vietnam ’66-’67); and Lt. Col. Toni Flanagan, United States Air Force Intelligence Officer (Vietnam).
Hosted by the city of Palmdale and Point Man Antelope Valley, the AV Wall will be open to the public 24 hours a day while it is on display. Taps will be played nightly at 10 p.m.
On Saturday, Nov. 7, at 9 p.m., there will be a Candlelight Memorial Walk to honor the eight American military women who died while serving in the Vietnam War and the 76 soldiers from the Antelope Valley – AV 76 – whose names are inscribed on the Wall.
Then on Veterans Day, Wednesday, Nov. 11, at 11 a.m., the annual Veterans Day service co-hosted by the Antelope Valley Service Organization Association (AVSOA) and the AV Wall organization will take place. Taking part in the ceremony will be emcee Bobby Breech of the AVSOA, Highland High School AFJROTC as Color Guard, The Sunday Night Singers and members of the Palmdale High School Chamber Singers performing the National Anthem, Bruce Robertson reciting the poem “Freedom’s Wall,” George Palermo presenting “What is Veterans Day,” and a recognition of all veterans in attendance during a performance of the “Armed Forces Medley.”
The viewing of the AV Wall will end on Thursday, Nov. 12, at 8 a.m.
For more information, call 661-524-6408, or visit
I’s tells you whats, iffen you’s is as sick of Ole Rex as I is then be shore to hang around this here Wall for the next few days. You won’t see hide nor hair of Ole Rex at no Veterans tributes. Vets to Ole Rex is kinda like garlic is to them there vampires. Only time Ole Rex shows up near any Vets is when hes suin them like hes doin to our two VFW Posts right here in the Vally.
jim haga says
Make that the American Legion posts, not the VFW
James Stouvenel says
Looking forward to volunteering at this event.
Volunteers will be greeting people at the entrance to AV Wall,
As well as helping people find names on the wall itself.
James Stouvenel
AV Wall