Aaron Alvidrez was immediately sentenced after pleading no contest to two felony counts of sodomy of a person under 18 and meeting a minor for lewd purposes, according to the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office.
In addition to the prison sentence, Los Angeles County Superior Court Judge Eric Harmon ordered Alvidrez to register as a lifetime sex offender and to stay away from the victim for 10 years.
Prosecutors said Alvidrez was a substitute teacher at Highland High School in Palmdale when he sexually abused a 17-year-old male student in a classroom and inside his vehicle between Sept. 22 and Oct. 3, 2014. Alvidrez was employed as a long-term substitute teacher, and the victim was enrolled in a special needs program at the school, according to the Sheriff Department’s Special Victims Bureau.
An investigation was launched Oct. 20, 2014, after the student reported the abuse to school officials; and Alvidrez was arrested Oct. 21 at his Lancaster home and charged with multiple felony sex crimes, detectives said. Alvidrez posted bail and was released from police custody Oct. 23, 2014, according to LASD inmate records.
During a preliminary court hearing in December 2014, the victim testified that he met Alvidrez when the substitute teacher taught one of his classes, and Alvidrez sent him “full body nudes” on the smartphone messaging app Kik Messenger. They had three sexual encounters – two in a Highland High School classroom before the morning bell rang and one in Alvidrez’s vehicle – all of which occurred in late September 2014, according to the victim’s testimony at the preliminary court hearing. [Read more here.]
Following that court hearing, Alvidrez was ordered to stand trial on three counts of sodomy of a person under 18, two counts of oral copulation of a person under 18, and one count each of distributing or showing pornography to a minor and meeting a minor for lewd purposes.
He originally faced a possible maximum sentence of eight years in state prison. He was sentenced to three years and some of the charges were dismissed as part of the no contest plea agreement.
Alvidrez, who has remained out on bond since October 2014, was sent to state prison on Thursday, authorities said.
Previous related stories:
Teacher ordered to trial for molesting Highland H.S. student
Local teacher pleads not guilty to molesting special needs student
Local substitute teacher accused of sexually assaulting special needs student
macentire says
This is the most disturbing thing I have ever read… Shame on the high school kid as well how do you have a relationship with a male teacher for that long then call the cops?!?? Both of them are disgusting
Ryan Hunt says
Father, you have my sympathy. May your son be purified and cleansed. Amy, I agree with you. Mary, I regret you ever experienced anything that violated you, may you be purified and cleansed. Victims of rape out tbere, I apologize on behalf of my fellow man. I have to coexist with them with there egos being overbearing upon there sense of self. Suggestions, my fellow man, if you get temptations to violate a women or even a child, its not of your own thinking, its not what your heart would feel is right. It is not healthy to reinforce such thinking with a porn mag or lusting after women, or joining any of your friends in sexual banter at the sight of a pleasing woman. The point is to starve that beast in the thought pattern. If you absolutely must, just rub one off, urge is gone, on to the next task at hand. Again, not to glorify the tempting thought pattern while so doing. I assumed it was an actual rape that was perpetrated, so 33 years would be excessive. I would go with 6 years, 3 incarcerated and 3 in a counseling treatment type setting. I have the beast in my bloodline, so I have had to overcome temptations to rape, pillage and destroy chaos style, when I was younger. I just wouldn’t feed those thought patterns to the point where it evolves into action. I would actually like to move to Mars, build a space fleet, then wage war on planet Earth just to get humanity to wake up and unite as a whole species against an other worldly threat. It would be beautiful to see humanity pull together as a collective conscious, as One. Now that is a fantacy worth indulging in.
Ryan Hunt says
Only three years!? He should get at least 33 years behind bars. I don’t mean to be too judgemental, but the guy even looks like he would be a pervert. I hope he sees the error in his ways.
amy says
He was convicted of a non-forcible “non-traditional” relationship with a person under 18. The same section that applies to every person in the State of California. Even if they are not teachers. Even if they are not adults.
The same Penal Code section that applies to every High School kid that has oral, anal or finger sex with another High School kid. THAT is what the law says.
Let’s start locking up all kids for decades.
KayDee says
Just because he was convicted of a lesser charge due to his no contest plea does not make him any less disgusting. You are disgusting for continuing to defend this pile of crap who discredited the teaching profession by having sex with a minor… in a classroom… on campus while other students were milling around!!! He is going to jail because he broke the law! Period. He took advantage of a special needs kid! Whether the kid was actually handicapped or emotionally disturbed does not matter. The kid had special needs and this teacher preyed on the kid. Why don’t you not get that!! Your friend/family member/ whatever did something wrong!!! Stop defending him for the love of God. Smh…
amy says
How do you know he plead guilty to a lesser charge? What if he was hideously overcharged and pled to the correct offense? What if he pled to a bunch of stuff he never did in order to avoid decades in prison? Why do you automatically assume?
I do not know this man and I am not defending him or his actions – I am merely putting them in context of current California Law. Which says that ANY person who engages in sexual contact with a minor, even if they are a minor themselves, is guilty of exactly the same offenses this guy is guilty of. THAT is what the law says. Plain and simple.
At least you stopped calling this 17-year old a ‘CHILD’. That, in and by itself, is progress, yay!
If I am disgusting for putting things in perspective, even better, for knowing the actual Penal Code, then disgusting be I.
I’d rather be rational and disgusting than some name calling hysteric.
Doe says
Wow this is very disturbing.
Matthew says
He is a good man, he just lost his way. I know him personally, and I know when he gets out, I will embrace him with open arms. I will make sure he goes back to church. God in his infinite mercy will forgive him for his falling into temptation. The kid in question is known to seduce adults, hence why he is special needs. I hope the kid gets better and learns that this is wrong before he hurts anyone else. I love Aj as a great friend. Receiving this news is heartbreaking to say the least, and reading all these negative comments saying he is a bad person is no help. He isn’t a bad person. He just fell for temptation.
RyanM says
You are kidding me, You really think this is just being “Lost’ he needs to do hard time and yes I’m not saying he alone is at fault. He is a grown man that knows the crime, God? are you kidding me, Everyone runs and says God this and that, I have never met more dishonest people than Church followers, I’m a open minded person but not a fool, you think God will fix all this. Wake up.
Blue Spectral Storm says
Indeed. We have the power within to make change in this world ourselves, in the likeness of a Christ like being but in our own self realization, In our own expression of what we can collectively call God. We can make heaven on earth, we need not pray for it. We would have to wrestle it away from those who want hell on earth. But those hellish ones truly know not what they are doing, they have indeed lost themselves in almost the most complete way. We are not to condemn them but bring them back to the fold.
M says
I agree with you. Mr. Alvidrez was my English honors teacher last year. He was very nice and he was someone to look up to. He was very inspiring. I don’t believe he did this.. he’s way to good of a person to commit such an act. Even if he did… I choose not to believe so.
unknown says
he probably got you too then
uknown says
A good man?? bull [removed] , if he was a good man this must be a evil twin acting like him, [removed] if your a good man you will NEVER do this!!
Our Justice System is the Worst. You can RAPE or perform sexual acts with children and they sweep that under the rug. This pathetic piece of [removed], The Pillowcase rapist and all the others barely do anytime in jail. But let it be another crime and a minority you wanna throw them under the jail. Priorities of the Justice System are all the WAY [removed].
Steven says
It’s crazy how a teacher, or an individual that is trusted with our youth. But me being a person with a criminal past that dates back over 21 years. I can get into an argument and I wont be offered three years. Wow… I guess if I’m a child molester the penal code is in my favor.
Poor Guy says
The “Kid” was 17 and has a history of seducing adults over the age of 18. It is why they declared him “disturbed” and put him into the special needs department.
Tim Scott says
This “known history” makes it all the more a case where the teacher is too glaringly stupid to be allowed out of prison.
Confused says
Jeez why don’t we just give him the death penalty. In do sick of these fascists! Maybe you think being stupid warrants life in prison but I believe in a little something called the constitution and bill of rights, not vigilante fascism.
Michelle says
Eighteen years old is the age of consent. You are victim blaming and it’s disturbing to say the least.
amy says
Eighteen years is the age of consent for everyone in the State of California, not just teachers. That means a very high percentage of High School students in this state is a rapist, child molester, victim, whatever you want to call it.
17-year olds are held accountable for their actions in this state all day long. That is why we have a thriving juvenile justice system. They can also be very easily treated as adults for their poor decisions.
Why holding them accountable for their own voluntary sexual conduct should be called ‘victim blaming’ is beyond me.
Keona Bond says
I absolutely agree Amy.
Father says
Do you know the victim? Do you know his story? Do you know his mental and emotional challenges? Clearly you don’t…
But I do, as I am his father.
This whole situation is disgusting, sad and disturbing enough without Comments like yours. You clearly have no idea of the facts.
Claire says
For female rape survivors, 98% of the time a man was the perpetrator. For male rape survivors, 93% of the time, a man was the perpetrator. Rapists are almost always (98%) men. Never the less, a man or a woman sexual predator, needs always to be dealt with harshly. Please let us not turn this into another war!
Bob says
Is it true that the Antelope Valley is actually a training ground for child molesters?
anticrime says
You want to continue your trainning?
Rankin says
Wonder if there was a plea accepted because victim is ” special needs”. If victim is client of NLACRC where was the case worker and client’s rights advocate to press for full processicution ?
Yes_Yes says
A sick puppy. Three years is not much time though, wonder how much he’ll get off for time served and early release.
Johnny Trece says
Unbelievable how a certified educator could go so low.
Mary says
Men, you will NEVER get away with it. You may once, you may twice, you may even get away with it 20 times, but in the end, you are going to be caught and sadly put in prison for a long time. I don’t know about you but life is too precious to waste in jail. You are only getting temporary relief so you have to ask yourself is it worth it to hurt a child and then to have the spend years, if not life, in jail? There is not a child in the world who deserves to be sexually or physically abused for your self-gratification. You destroy their soul and their life AND YOU DESTROY YOUR LIFE AND YOUR FAMILIES LIFE. REMEMBER…you heard it from me men…YOU WILL NEVER EVER EVER EVER GET AWAY WITH IT.
Eric says
Plenty of women making the news for having sex with their students as well. Perhaps you should check the aim on your comment.
Stephanie says
Another butt hurt male that doesn’t understand the facts about sexual assault. Men commit the majority of sexual assaults. It’s a fact, look it up and get over yourself. Stop getting offended and acknowledge the truth about sexual assaults.
Danny says
Perhaps they have it coming…….
Eric says
Another femnazi mounts up, ready for war, because someone dared acknowledge that it isn’t only an act of men? I’m sorry, no, no women have EVER sexually abused anyone, especially not a student….
Same problem with attempting to discuss DV. The second someone challenges the notion that there are only male perpetrators…well, it must be a butthurt man.
No, lady. All rape is wrong, be it man of a woman, woman of a man, either of a child, and any other version you’d like to throw out there. It’s not an issue of “butthurt”, its an issue of acknowledging that the problem is not specified to a single gender.
Mary says
I was molested by several men when I was very young and by one woman. She only touched me once when I slept over her home. You are absolutely correct that both genders offend children. However, the law is much much much harder on men and my job is to remind men that life in prison for molesting a child or raping a woman is much tougher. Not only are men sentenced longer, they are beat and raped by inmates in prison. If I can save one boy or man from prison, I have saved nit only a child from sexual abuse but a man from being tortured as well. Sexually assaulting a child is cruel and inhumane regardless of who does it. And I want to remind men, even woman, that you will be tortured in prison by inmates for doing so – so one minutes of sexual pleasure is NOT worth it. I don’t want to see one human soul in jail for such a crime so remember what I wrote because you it is not worth it at all. You WILL lose everything in the end; your family, your life, your dignity, and your soul.
Stephanie says
Nobody said women don’t offend, can you read? I said the MAJORITY. That’s a fact, just like men commit more violent crimes and domestic violence. Yeahhhhh let’s acknowledge both genders and address female rapes on an article about a sexual assault perpetrated by a male (like MOST of the sexual assaults) ….MAKES SO MUCH SENSE, you’re a genius.
kd says
In this case were talking about a man.So keep it on the article at hand.Stop pedophile sympathizing its disgusting!
Liz says
Eric, the overwhelming majority of sex offenders are male. Plain and simple.
code says
Feminists disgusting…..
Fresh says
Look up the word feminist… not condoning their though process though. I think all educators male or female who are in a position of authority should be harshly punished for taking advantage of children. I can’t see them going on majority to make a point.
Nic says
[fem-uh-niz-uh m]
1. the doctrine advocating social, political, and all other rights of women equal to those of men.
2. (sometimes initial capital letter) an organized movement for the attainment of such rights for women.
3. Older Use, feminine character
Code, do you understand the word now??
William says
Thanks, Nic
I’ve noticed in the last few decades how the English language has been degraded by people misusing words and/or assigning their own definitions to words that already have clearly defined meanings.
Example: ‘liberal’ If you look it up, it has positive connotations but people on the right side of the political spectrum have tried relentlessly to make it a ‘bad’ word.
The same has happened with ‘feminism’ and many other words.
It’s funny how those very same people on the right had their use of ‘tea baggers’ backfire on themselves. They gave themselves that name BEFORE they learned of its urban dictionary meaning.
See what happens when you play with words and aren’t very bright to begin with.
av boy says
What a poor defense.. women are just as guilty of this as men are.. what because there are less women than men committing these crimes, makes it any better? Oh please
amy says
…because a 17-year old is a “child”. Only in America…. no wait, only in America and only when it comes to their sexual activities (non-forced). In a state / country where 14 year olds or younger are prosecuted as “adults”. Pffft…
Poor Guy says
Yeah. The fact is they keep saying abused when in reality he was the bottom. They also fail to mention how the 17 year old has been in trouble before with having sex with people over the age of 18. It is unfortunate he is having his life destroyed because of some slutty 17 year old.
KayDee says
This comment is unbelievable and incredibly disgusting! So they failed to mention that the 17 y/o CHILD has been “in trouble” with having sex with people over age 18, huh? Did these predators take responsibility for taking advantage of the teen?? So this is not the first time that this CHILD was preyed upon by older people. How is that the CHILD’s fault? This “teacher” has a responsibility to protect students, not have sex with them, whether top or bottom. You, vile person, are everything that is wrong with society!!
amy says
… the 17-year old CHILD? Are you saying that…
– we let CHILDREN operate motor vehicles?
– we encourage CHILD labor?
– we sanction CHILD marriage (with parental consent)
– the US Military recruits CHILD soldiers (with parental consent)?
– juvenile court should be named CHILDREN’s court?
– we prosecute and sentence CHILDREN as ADULTS and to life in ADULT prison? Wait – that we do.
– in about 20 US States sex with CHILDREN is perfectly legal.
Seriously? This teacher’s conduct is not okay but let’s dial down the hysterical meter….
Father says
As the victims father I can tell you that “Poor Guy” is most likely a family member of the now in prison rapist teacher.
amy says
In the California Penal Code there is a section for rape. Apparently this teacher was not convicted of it.
What he was convicted of was a non-forcible relationship with a mentally competent person under 18 years of age. Meaning the 17 year old went along willingly but the law an the law only said he could not.
Thusly the teacher is not a “rapist”.
Poor Guy says
You make it sound like he held the kid down and raped him. When in reality they both consented to meeting. The kid also has a history of seducing adults. 17 years old isn’t a “kid.” You know who you want to sleep with at that age. Funny enough if he had been a few months older suddenly it isn’t molestation. The 17 year old is the one who kept pushing for the encounters as well, he should be punished just as harshly. the other fact they don’t mention is that the student was the one on top. You know because it is so easy to be bent over or on your knees and physically force someone to [removed] -_-
amy says
“You destroy their soul and their life” – seriously? A mature teenager who willingly participates in biologically appropriate activities has their soul and life destroyed? Only if you insist on it. Whom are you trying to make feel better with such shrill hysterical statements? The ‘children’ or yourself?
Father says
“Poor Guy”is just that, a poor guy. Nothing he has stated about my sons history is correct… Let him talk, it’s all crap!