LOS ANGELES – County Supervisor Michael Antonovich has increased the reward he wants the county to offer for information leading to the person or people who have been burning dogs in the Antelope Valley.
Antonovich initially said he would ask his colleagues next week to approve a $10,000 reward, but he said Wednesday he will instead ask for $25,000.
“By increasing this reward, we hope to encourage the public to come forward with any information that will help us identify, apprehend and prosecute those responsible for these depraved acts of cruelty,” Antonovich said.
The crimes against dogs came to light earlier this month when a golden retriever was brought to a Lancaster animal shelter suffering from severe burns on its neck and back.
The dog, which has since been named “Fergus,” was brought to the shelter Aug. 11 and subsequently turned over to the Animal Medical Center of Southern California in West Los Angeles, where the canine is continuing to recover.
Doctors said they believe somebody poured battery acid or some other type of corrosive material on the dog.
Animal control officials said at least three other dogs had been found with similar injuries in recent weeks, and two of them had to be euthanized.
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals has offered a $2,500 reward for information in the case. An unidentified NBC4 viewer also posted a $2,000 reward.
A Gofundme page established by the Golden Retriever Rescue Group to raise money for Fergus’ care had raised more than $24,000 as of Aug. 26.
An update on the page noted that officials in both Kern and Los Angeles counties are investigating the dog injuries, since at least two of the dogs brought to the Lancaster shelter apparently came from Kern County.
Anyone with information is encouraged to contact the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department’s Lancaster Station Detective Bureau at 661-948-8466.
Previous related story: Burned dog recovering, investigation launched to find abuser
Michael D. Antonovich says
Anyone with information is asked to call the County Department of Animal Care and Control at (661) 974-8096 or L.A. County Sheriff’s Deputy Daniel Gore at (661) 940-3851.
HEMi says
I would like to find this guy I’m gonna make it my mission after I get done moving it will be dangerous obviously someone like that is probley gonna be doing it to people if he hasn’t already keep yur eyes on public and look for a person with burns on there hands since the line is so streight somebody had to be helping or he was penned up cummon public use our cpmmon sence together and we will find him homeless also anyone could be guilty
Anonymous says
This is terrible. It is as bad as Mayor Parris who bragged about the slaughter of nearly 2,000 pit bulls in 2009-10.
John says
Here are the details. Mayor Parris did not brag nor was all the dogs slaughtered. The streets of Lancaster was being overrun with violent pit bulls and something had to be done.
Lancaster’s dog ordinance is cited in helping to drive down gang crime January 21, 2010
A Lancaster ordinance imposing stiff penalties on owners of “potentially dangerous” and “vicious” dogs is reaping positive results, and may have even helped to drive down gang crime in the city, officials said.
The law, adopted in January 2009, was primarily aimed at preventing gang members from using dogs, such as pit bulls and Rottweilers, to bully people or cause physical harm, officials said.
City officials said that 1,138 pit bulls and Rottweilers were impounded last year by the Los Angeles County Department of Animal Care and Control. Of those, 362 were voluntarily surrendered by their owners in response to Lancaster’s ordinance.
“A year ago, this city was overrun with individuals — namely, gang members — who routinely used pit bulls and other potentially vicious dogs as tools of intimidation and violence,” Lancaster Mayor R. Rex Parris said in a statement.
“These individuals delighted in the danger these animals posed to our residents, often walking them without leashes and allowing them to run rampant through our neighborhoods and parks. Today, more than 1,100 of these animals have been removed from our city, along with the fear they create. Lancaster is now a great deal safer because of it.”
Parris believes there is a correlation between the results of the dog ordinance and a drop in the city’s gang crime rate. Lancaster’s violent gang crime, which includes homicide, rape, robbery and aggravated assault, fell by 45% last year, and there was a drop in overall gang crime by 41%, Parris said, citing statistics from the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department.
Under the dog ordinance, a hearing officer can deem a dog to be potentially dangerous, for example, if the animal becomes aggressive when unprovoked.
The dog can be impounded, and the owner must have it properly licensed, implanted with a microchip and vaccinated at his own cost before the animal’s release.
Dogs deemed to be vicious can be destroyed if they are determined to be a significant threat to public safety, according to the ordinance.
It also requires owners of potentially dangerous dogs to ensure proper leashing and muzzling, complete a dog obedience training course, spay or neuter their animals, and pay a fine of up to $500 for each offense.
Owners of dogs deemed to be vicious face fines of up to $1,000 per offense, and they could be prevented from possessing any dog for up to three years.
Though city officials praise the dog law, some residents continue to challenge its fairness. They argue that “breed-specific” legislation is an injustice to canines, because irresponsible owners are to blame for a dog’s behavior, not the dog.
— Ann M. Simmons
Tim Scott says
Any news story containing R Rex Parris quotes should not be cited as a factual account. The whole “oh the gang members are bullying people with their dogs” line was so totally absurd as to be unworthy of mention. The biggest bully in Lancaster is R Rex Parris. Where’s the ordinance to do something about him?
William says
Isn’t there free neutering once a month somewhere?
Of course, it might have already been done and we’re just seeing a ‘compensation’ for the loss of the jewels.
That’s what it seems like.
Anonymous says
Streets overrun with pit bulls? You sound as out of it as someone who would tell us that bird sounds would lower crime. Thousands of innocent dogs were slaughtered because our mayor looked for and found a scape goat. In this case it was scape dogs. Pit bulls had nothing to do with crime and the city wasn’t being overrun. If you want to be taken seriously, deal with reality, unlike our mayor. He has claimed that everything from getting rid of pits to piping in bird sounds to spending millions of tax dollars on a worthless spy plane has lowered crime. The fact is that part 1 crimes were falling nationally. Hundreds of cities saw their crime rates drop without slaughtering pit bulls, piping in bird sounds, or wasting tax money on some stupid spy plane.
Son of the Anti Rex says
parris might believe that his euthanization of all those pit bulls lowered crime but just because he believes it doesn’t make it true. He believes lots of things that aren’t true. Like that Bangladesh is going to be destroyed by a cyclone in his life time. That playing bird sounds on the BLVD lowered crime. That the eye in the sky is useful. That Lancaster is thriving while all other cities are failing. That a power plant will kill children. That he is building a Christian community. That his wife went into a plane with a gun because she took the wrong purse. That Johnathan Ervin was a gang candidate. That he should put a Walmart next to Quartz Hill High school. That it is ok to buy your office building in a redevelopment area even though the law forbids it. That 67 homeless people a day were being sent to Lancaster from LA on Metrolink. That 70% of sales at the AV Mall come from Lancaster residents. That birth tourism is ok. That Tony Strickland would win the election. And much of the nonsense that comes from the teaching at the compound.
Just because Parris believes anything doesn’t mean it’s true. There’s a great chance that if he believes it, it’s not true.
John says
Every article does not have to be a platform to attack Mayor Parris and the GOP. You people do this on just about every story that the AV Times release.
It is always the same talking points. We heard your diatribe many times before. It is annoying that you folks have to turn every article into a anti-Parris and anti-Republican forum, no matter what the subject is.
Tim Scott says
In this case, the fact that there are casualties does call for an examination of Rex’s declared “war on dogs,” don’t you think? Not saying that there is a direct causal link, but it seems reasonable that the anti dog rhetoric from the mayor could be a possible source of encouragement for this gross behavior.
William says
John. Oh, John. One way for people to stop attacking ‘rex and the republicans’ (sounds like a band) is for him and them to stop doing all the damage they do.
Why don’t you tell that to him and them, John?
You are pointing your finger in the wrong direction.
Anon says
The truth is that Parris has a long track record of bad policy, bad ideas, bullying, nepotism, etc. that he has a connection to so many bad thing that happen. Someone could make a lot of money to do a screenplay on him and the nutty and shady things that go on in Lancaster. The problem is Lancaster is so insignificant no one cares.
Son of the Anti Rex says
sorry John but when I see Parris BS I call it BS. Pit bulls weren’t committing crimes in Lancaster. To make a claim to the LA Times that putting down pit bulls reduced crime is as looney as saying to the Wall St. Journal that playing bird sounds lowered crime. Those are both kooky and incorrect statements and I call BS. So do many others who are tired of his act and hurtful actions.
Question Lancaster Authority says
Excuse me, but this isn’t a Lancaster City Council meeting. The AV Times observes the First Amendment and people are free to practice free speech. I don’t care that you are annoyed to hear about what Parris does, or if something is anti-Parris. If you don’t like it, go to a Lancaster City Council meeting where it is monitored and censored. You may even see someone get escorted out and off to jail if they piss off high highness the mayor.
Tired says
Anti republican. You’re funny John. The reason that the conversation always turns to negative light on Parris is not due to his political affiliation, it’s due to his actions that intertwine into every walking aspect of life in this god forsaken town. He’s suing eBay! He fixed his dystopian boulevard to the only business that he saw fit. He appoints his cronies to administration positions across the valley (Rosamond and Smith ring a bell) then hires corrupt publicity controllers who wield the law firm in power as a threat to any dissident! John, you may think this babble is hate of the republicans, but it’s just building momentum to remove this corrupt individual from office. Soon enough, enough will see the light.
Makes sense says
The gang members left because they did not want to stay in a city that has a mayor willing to kill pets. Even gang members have standards.
HEMi says
Keep in mind texting can not provide the feelings people feel as it would if we interacted with each other….Look john if you put as much effort into praying to GOD we find this guy as you do writing rewriting and proof reading your comment we would have found the guy by now.Bad people are doing bad things all the time and this is very important we find him. Have you botheedr seeing how many missing people there are lately! Or if all your family members are accounted for. This guy will get worse if we don’t stop him just like those people who breed all those pits. we need to work together! It’s hard for someone to have to kill that many animals. Let me ask you this ? Wut have you done to help, nothing gets done by its self its easy to complain or critisize, its hard to make a difference. A lot of the time nobody even notices when we do help, but beleive it, you are when you do..I’m going to a hypnotist today to pick my brain because I remember years ago I saw somebody letting an animal go in that condition… Wish me luck…and if I do find him if it makes you feel better after I get my damn license back I would like to do something for our youth that don’t have one or both of there parents around, its vital, I’m realizing…. I like doing random polls, I’ve asked many of the homeless if they had both parents growing up, sadly alot of them were abandoned, ran away from abuse, thrown in foster homes, when we don’t have True Love given to us growing up things get weird and horrific, even parents on drugs or alcohol aren’t even all there. Be apart of doing something! We all are an influence on each other, there is a reason this person is doing this terrible thing, nobody is asking him if he is ok or wondering how he is feeling, it sounds crazy I know but this is something somebody would do if they are alone alot. Find someone who is alone alot ask them how are they doing. And everybody with trusting animals watch them when you let them out to potty watch them and then let them back in. it sucks but at least you will know they are alright, this is gross but there doodie tells you how there health is. And you know if they want out to puke, my dog just puked and I found out that bones are not digestible ewww! I know I’m all over the place telling this comment but we are all connected in some way this person is disconnected. I do hope your day goes well john, I don’t know you but how you feel is valid I just hope you will take a moment to see through my eyes
HEMi says
I do realize there are some people that are just unreachable,evil….but its worth a try as long as we take necessary precautions.
HEMi says
I don’t want anyone to think I don’t work and am some sort of hippy. I am a tax payer…..I like watching people, and when we pay attention to each other that’s how the bad stuff stops happening.
Bonnie Romero says
I want to help anyway I can. Send me direct link so I can donate. And if you need volunteers please send me info so I can directly help these dogs, and help capture these person/persons who committed these horrific crimes.
Gloria says
My god, some people are so cruel.. So sad to see and hear. Hope Law enforcement find out who did this… :(