One meeting will be held in each of the City’s four new districts.
The schedule is as follows:
- Wednesday, Aug. 12, at 7 p.m. – Palmdale Oasis Recreation Center, 3850 E. Ave. S – (District 3 – Central)
- Saturday, Aug. 15, at 11 a.m. – Buena Vista Elementary School, 37005 Hillcrest Drive– (District 4 – East)
- Wednesday, Aug. 26, at 7 p.m. – Marie Kerr Recreation Center, 2723 Rancho Vista Blvd. – (District 2 – West)
- Wednesday, Sept. 2, at 7 p.m. – Palmdale City Council Chamber, 38350 Sierra Highway, Suite B, (District 1 – South). This will be part of the regularly scheduled City Council meeting.
Residents are encouraged to attend one or more of the meetings. Maps of the new districts and updated election information will be made available at each meeting.
Pursuant to Ordinance No. 1470, Palmdale will conduct future general municipal elections in November of even-numbered years beginning with the November 2016 election. There will be no general municipal election for the seats of Mayor or City Council in Palmdale in November 2015.
The ordinance also calls for election of the four City Council seats to be held by districts. Four districts have been established and there will be one City Council seat to represent each district. Voters will be able to vote only for a candidate from their district. The election for the Mayor’s seat will remain at-large.
An interactive district map is available at for residents to see which district they live in. [Access it here.]
For more information, contact the City Clerk’s office at 661-267-5151, Monday through Thursday between 7:30 a.m. and 6 p.m.
[Information via press release from the City of Palmdale.]
Previous related story: Palmdale Council approves election changes
Lancaster Voter says
So when are we going to get districts in Lancaster so that we can have representation on the council by people other than rich white westsiders or hand picked Parris lackeys? Why is the eastside so neglected? When are we going to get our elections moved to November to match the presidential cycle? Why do we operate like a backwoods southern enclave?
Oscar Mejia says
Lancaster Voter,
Well said!!!
I share your sentiment!!!
That is why I am making my commitment to move elections years to November, district voting, and improved not just the West, but the much needed East Side.
Thank you,
Oscar Mejia
Your 2016 Candidate
Lancaster Voter says
If you are not bought and paid for by Mayor Parris, Oscar Mejia, you can count on my support.
Mr fed up says
Careful, Oscar Mejia! Is just as crooked as parris, be careful voters! This guy will sue for a council seat instead of winning far in square, voting districts for a city of 152,000 people is stupid, and crooked, just so a Latino vets on the city council, that’s racist
Son of the Anti Rex says
be careful. maybe rex will have his pastor friends do a slanted survey and call you a gang candidate like he did to johnathan Ervin. sure it is racist but rex keeps getting away with it because a lot of Lancaster voters are either stupid or racist or both.
Jason says
Propose an initiative to do so
Lancaster Voter says
We already voted on moving the elections to a normal cycle like normal cities. It was ignored by Parris, just like he ignored it when we told him that we didn’t want a Super Walmart over by Quartz Hill High School. He is not a good listener. Do you think we are happy with our spy plane that is costing us $90,000 a month?
William says
Is the Walmart across from Quartz Hill High School still going forward? I drove by the property and there no sign and it looks abandoned.
Besides, the Neighborhood Walmart opened on Rancho Vista Boulevard anyway.
Lancaster Voter says
Let’s hope not. It is ironic that Parris claimed he had to vote to put the Walmart next to the high school because of all the money that would have gone to Palmdale, and now the Neighborhood Walmart is open, and all the money is going to Palmdale. What a clown.
Mr fed up says
The quartz hill Walmart has been approved since 2009, but the lawsuits held up the project