LANCASTER – Officials are investigating the cause of an early morning blaze that destroyed a Lancaster home and displaced a family of 14.
Los Angeles County Fire Department captain Edward Johnson said firefighters responded about 2:53 a.m. Tuesday, July 14, to a fire at a single-family dwelling on the 44200 block of Carolside Avenue in Lancaster.

“Upon our arrival, [there was] smoke and fire showing through the doors [and] all windows to the front of the house,” Johnson said. “Four engines and one truck provided a quick, coordinated attack… We were able to extinguish this fire within six minutes.”
The fire captain said 14 people lived inside the home, and at least one person was injured in the fire.
“One of the residents was burned to the arm [and] slightly to the face,” Johnson said. “He refused medical treatment.”

The American Red Cross was contacted to assist the family, Johnson said. The family includes six children and eight adults, neighbors at the scene said.
Investigators have not yet determined what caused the fire, Inspector David Dantic said Tuesday afternoon.
The family believes the fire was possibly caused by the home’s air conditioning unit, one of the residents said at the scene.
The incident remains under investigation.
Mrs M says
Sadly Lynette Mitchelle Bobo, the mother in the picture, suddenly and unexpectedly passed away on Sunday Nov. 7. The family needs help to lay her to rest.
tiara says
Attention Attention Attention!! If you guys have been trynna contact us or come donate stuff to use we moved motels we aare at easy 8 on 17th west and k door #124 we really appreciate those who stopped by and caves us some donation God bless yall
tiara says
Hi If Your Trynna Donate Too Me && My Family Please Give Us A Call @ 6264941226 say tiara gave your guys the number
HE-Mi says
I don’t know what to say about it ! Life is hard. We all at one time or another made bad choices… we are all living one great big illusion thinking we aren’t alone..we’re born alone, we live alone, we die alone. Only, with true love of friends and family gives us the feeling of not being alone. I apoligize pretty princess for the part of yur heart I broke, i didn’t realize what I was do ing. it’s painful not having you around, i can’t imagine how you felt growing up.you have gone through more than anyone person could handle….The only thing I can do is pray that you forgive me. I want you to know that there isn’t anything I wouldn’t do for you. And nothing will change that. Everyone who believes in The Lord pray for me please! that my neice finds peace and happiness and protect her along the along the way……my parents live across the street from that house, …if I was able to of been with you none of this stuff would have happened
Lori says
Ashamed that some of you are my AV Neighbors.
Smh says
Lori where ashamed to have neighbors like u. Smh
tiara says
I’m thank God me && my family is okay and negative comments ain’t ne bring us down ✋ ain’t nothing but the devil trynna pull us down
Mary says
I am glad too
There are a few women on FB sites trying to get stuff for you guys – hang in there :_
Mary says
I am glad too
There are a few women on FB sites trying to get stuff for you guys – hang in there :_
tiara says
Thank you so much!! && if you try too contact us my auntie number is 6264941226 && address is 44203 carolside ave. && my auntie name is lynette and I’m tiara
tiara says
Thank you so much I really appreciate it and if anybody trynna contact us heres my auntie Lynette number 626 494 1226 or here’s the address 44203 carolside ave. If they ask tiara Gave you the address
tiara says
Hey Mary can you put on Facebook that we are at eazy 8 hotel door #124 if y’all willing to stop by that’s great!!
HEMi says
Don’t let yur boy grow to be nothing stop what yur doing if u beleive in God and quit letting him screw his life up…that’s terrible u think it’s ok, he is 12 years old he doesn’t deserve it….just because it’s to much work to hide from him wen you get faded.
Mary says
When I was growing up, my mom didn’t have a lot so we all lived in a 2 bedroom home; five kids in one room. My mom provided bunk beds and we each had a bed. Back in the day, this is how people lived and unfortunately, people are having to go back to this way of living. Regardless of their nationality, if they sold drugs, if they are clowns, or even if they are the most decent human beings on the face of the earth, no human deserves to die in a fire, especially the innocent children whom resided in that home. Just be grateful these kids had a place to lay their heads at night so that they didn’t have to sleep on concrete. I am so grateful everyone escaped safely and that no one was seriously injured. I have never met these families and if they are bad, I have no idea, if they are great people, I have no idea; however, as humans, we should all come tighter to help them with clothes for the adults and the kids and just give thanks that all are alive today.
HEMi says
And yur parents were alcoholics or a drug addicts…that truly sucks, so change so yur kids don’t have to be the ones to break the cycle. Apple’s don’t fall far from there trees.
jtocute says
So sad people dont have any feeling at all do they not at really if it was a 100 owell pray go out to the family
so judgemental says
Some of you people are sick. How do you attack someone at their lowest point? They lost EVERYTHING except their life and all you can do is talk mess. You must be so miserable in your own life and know no love, compassion or empathy. I pray on your day to meet God (or whomever you believe in) He forgives you of your horrible disrespect to other human beings.
To the family I pray you find comfort and love from each other and from the community. Lancaster still has SOME loving people left, I just know it. I wish you the best and I’m sorry for your loss. I will keep you in my prayers.
ERIK says
The Internet just makes people mean. Don’t know what it is about it. I rarely see anyone saying anything nice or encouraging whether it be on youtube or a forum somewhere.
Now every man and woman has a voice and most choose to throw stones. It upsets me. Narcissism at its worst. I have seen victims and their families really torn apart and hurt on this forum….and for what? Just because someone felt “high and mighty” and chose the cheap shot of kicking a person while they are down.
I would still like to believe we are better than this.
Greg says
I do not think the internet makes them mean, I think it allows them to show who they really are. That is why so many prefer to remain anonymous, fear of losing real world acquaintances and friends.
ERIK says
Greg- I think you have a great point because if these folks who post negative comments were actually witnessing this fire together, on a street corner, while this family loses their home, the dialogue would be completely different.
But alone, in front of a computer screen, with no one else around and no real worries of repercussion their real demons come bubbling up to the surface. Hypocrisy at its worst.
I read an interesting article today regarding the same topic.
HEMi says
Meaning well, having potential to do something, trying, shoulda, coulda, woulda…..doing things others don’t want to loose there children too, watching somebody loose there life to drugs is very painful for the people not doing any.
Chris says
TO : so judgemental
There lowest point would be when moved to Lancaster Not after the fire……
I hope had renters insurance…. Section won’t pay for it…..
HEMi says
And yur parents were alcoholics or a drug addicts…that truly sucks, so change so yur kids don’t have to be the ones to break the cycle. Apple’s don’t fall far from there trees.SO CHANGE FOR THE BEST…PUT THE STUFF DOWN
tasha says
First off to the smart [removed] that’s talking [removed] y’all didn’t go threw wtf we went threw so keep that ass calm this was never no trap house clown house nor was we on section 8 and to set the record straight 14 ppl didn’t live in the house family was visiting so before y’all judge ask first tf
one who cares says
Tasha, I am si sorry for the tragic loss of your and families home! I and many others want to help and have collected many things to give. Our hearts go out to you all, and you all have many prayers going out! Please contact me! I need ages and clothing sizes,,,,please email me at irishgirllucky@gmail.com,,,,,we as community just want to share our love and concern and care,,,,there are still many of us good people out there, don’t lose Hope!! ,ignore all the negative people and their comments
Pay it fwd says
I would like to help with some clothes etc… too. Where can I go to make sure they get it?
one who cares says
@PAY IT FORWARD, email me at irishgirllucky@gmail.com, i will give you info on how to help
Maria says
I have girls and women clothes to donate can I email you?
Rick says
I didn’t realize there is so many affluent people living here in the AV? Ignorant ghetto rich S.O.B’s if your so well off to judge others then why are you living in the AV? Don’t cast stones when you live in a glass house! Doesn’t matter if their section 8, illegal or what ever, their human beings suffering a great loss! Prayers to the family & their children!!
AVMOM says
Cheryl says
Prayers for the family. I hope they can find placement for their family & the injured/burned person heals with out infection, burns are a very serious injury. I feel sad that these 14 people are having to go through the loss of their home, especially if it was indeed an air conditioner that sparked the fire. I didn’t read where it said they did not have jobs? Why are people so judgmental? Why assume that this is a “drop” or “trap” house? It is not that uncommon that families cohabitate especially with todays economy. Again, prayers to the family!
Big D says
WTF!! I bet the owner collects section 8 n rents the rest of rooms for profit…
mrswright says
These folks were obviously destitute to have lived so cram-packed 14 to a single house, then they lose their home and whatever meager possessions they had to a fire…and all people can do is comment about it being a “drop house” or a “trap house?” Where’s the heart and humanity in this world?
Ria says
May God help you and your ignorant selfish spirit! I hope to God you don’t ever have to go through anything this bad but maybe you do watch the things you say because Karma is B***h!
Sandra says
Do we know the exact address? I think this is one of the families from my work
xtina says
If it is please let me know if u can get in contact with them I started a donation for them of items they would need a lot of people are willing to donate thank you!!
Samantha says
I met the woman of the home yesterday. And little do any of you realize, she is such a sweet lady and for all that she went through yesterday you all are being rude and viscous. Their home burnt down do to poor management… and like Tasha states family were visiting. NONE of you have any right to point the finger and judge… When you point out other peoples flaws or issues you have four more fingers pointing back at you. Stop being so hateful and evil. This family needs help, if your not gonna help then go away!
Passerby says
Poor management. That makes sense to me. I remember this house was pretty nice, neat, and clean about 10 years ago. Throughout the last several years a lot of work was being done on it….It looked like the garage had been converted into a bedroom, another room was added in on the back, and so forth. It did look like the work was kind of shoddy but that is just from looking on the outside passing by. It seemed the more they did to it the worse it looked.
These folks who rented that place may want to check on the work that the landlord had done. This could have easily started do to faulty wiring and many other things. Check with the city to make sure there were permits for all of that stuff. Investigate this to the fullest because I have a sneaking suspicion that this was sparked due to that conversion.
God bless this family. I wish them the best.
HEMi says
Sweet until there not, don’t judge anything either way…
Samantha says
44203 Carolside Ave
Rego says
Lancaster’s finest living
To be sarcastic my favorite alltime favorite songs is…. burning down the house by the talking heads listen to it and theres my comment these words speak volumes
Mlmag says
Damn catholics
Ridiculouness says
Wtf does being Catholuc have to do with this article?
Ridiculouness says
Catholic *
blacksheep92 says
Dam 14 ppl lived there wtf how many bedrooms section 8 give u
Josephine says
I’m glad everyone is alive and OK. Every has hard times and you can get through this.
Every one who has something negative to say may you be blessed with wealth so you may never know the feeling.
mvillegasbro@aol.com says
Right? Bunch of angry people in this world
Hmmm says
14 people do not “live” there…they had family over that ended up staying the night ..
llm says
14 people in one house ????
Was this a drop house
bushdid911 says
trap house duh
doh says
Clown house more like.
Chris says
It sure does sound like a drop house to me… Freeking scumbags atleast there in the right hood….
The word your trying to say is flop house silly….