LANCASTER – An overnight driver’s license and sobriety checkpoint in Lancaster that ended Saturday netted nearly two dozen arrests.
The checkpoint was conducted from 6 p.m. Friday, June 19, to 2 a.m. Saturday, June 20, at Avenue K near Elm Avenue, according to Detective Michael Politano of the Lancaster Sheriff’s Station.
According to Politano, the checkpoint results are as follows:
* 1180 vehicles traveled through the checkpoint.
* 1061 drivers were checked at the checkpoint.
* Eight field sobriety tests were administered.
* 10 unlicensed drivers were arrested and sent to court.
* Seven suspended/revoked drivers were arrested and sent to court.
* One suspect was arrested for a DUI warrant.
* Two drivers were arrested and sent to court for driving on the wrong side of a divided highway.
* Two drivers were cited for having an open container of alcohol in the vehicle.
* Three vehicles were stored for one day.
* Seven vehicles were impounded for 30 days.
* 10 Vehicle were Released per Checkpoint Release Procedures.
The Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department will be conducting additional DUI/driver’s license checkpoints and DUI Saturation Patrols throughout the year as part of an ongoing commitment to lowering deaths and injuries upon streets and highways.
Funding for these operations is provided by a grant from the California Office of Traffic Safety through the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.
knowyourrights says
Please watch this!
knowyourrights says
The zip lock baggie trick for checkpoints.
Tim Scott says
Please note…those guys had video running in the car. Knowing your rights and how to protect them is a very good idea. Assuming the cops will know your rights and respect them is a potential death sentence.
From the video: “As soon as you speak to them they can lie and say they heard slurred speech.” Reality without the video: they can lie and say they heard slurred speech EVEN IF YOU NEVER SPOKE.
If you are going to use the bagged statement, ESPECIALLY if you are going to use it with the LACSD here in the AV, make sure you add “I have a video recording device running, and it is streaming to a remote location,” to the information on the flyer.
ExAVResident says
This is the beauty of living down in the big city-anonymity. AV is so desolate being out past 9 pm makes you easy picking for cops to f—k with.
Nicole says
Only 1 single dui out out of 1180 cars? Is a checkpoint really serving any good? These officers should be out on the streets actually doing something useful.
Tim Scott says
Think of all the fines and impound fees they collected at their “papers please” checkpoint though!
You don’t think that’s what they are really out there for?
Heidi says
That’s exactly why they do it. No doubt about it.
Also….There wasn’t one person arrested for dui. They were arrested because of a warrant…that just happened to be a previous dui. Lol
Hey says
Can the police set up some DUI checkpoints in the white part of town? Do they always have to look for revenue in Black areas? Can they sit outside the country music bar instead of always waiting outside the hip-hop spots to get black people. It’s a institutional type of targeting of blacks…
Tim Scott says
Just because the DOJ is supposed to be correcting our local law enforcement problems, don’t expect it to work.
VXSGuy says
I would agree with you up until a point. This checkpoint was held on Ave K pretty much outside the neighbor hood. The closet establishment was Coaches and this is the second one I know of that has been held on Ave K. Don’t be a victim of circumstance. Very easy…Have a plan if you drink!
Saints says
Ruby Williams…with a bit of sacrifice(money wise), we all can live and drive a little bit more stress free, comfortable, less headaches.. not to mention.. with pride, confident and happy… well worth it!!!
Rankin says
Are there any statistics regarding the number of those arrested and sent to court and those who actually go to court?. What are the dispositions of the cases? How many dismissed?
Rambo says
Tim Scott says
Be sure to carry a gun. If they order you to drop one and you don’t have one to drop they get to shoot you.
heidi says
Ahahaha lol that’s so funny (but true. …sad but true)
armyvet says
Is it just me or is there less cars being pulled over in general nowadays? Seems like 10 years ago everyone had traffics tickets. Anyone else agree?
Tim Scott says
Targeted enforcement. Consider yourself lucky.
ERIK says
That is true. Too many calls and not enough deputies. At any time the computers on the consoles of the squad cars are filled with calls of domestic disputes, rental disagreements, assaults, suspicious activity, guys with guns, etc. They go from call to call and normally there is not a lot of time to conduct traffic stops. The population out here has grown immensely in the last 10 years and with that there are a lot more “shenanigans.”
Tim Scott says
Other than being a constantly droned propaganda line that we hear all the time, is there any support for that “not enough deputies”? I know the LACSD, like every other law enforcement organization in America, wants to fearmonger that “we are drowning in a sea of crime” idea that allows them to literally get away with murder as well as all the lesser crimes, but I can’t find any actual numbers anywhere as to what the staffing level really is.
413 says
Seems the “fear-mongering” is working on you. You have got to be the most paranoid individual in the world. What a sad life that all you can do is rant about the LASD and how they are such villainous people. Where’s the “fear-mongering” when nationwide, law enforcement is reporting a reduction in violent crime?
AKA “Tim”, how do you support such a blatant piece of crap comment like; “Be sure to carry a gun. If they order you to drop one and you don’t have one to drop they get to shoot you.”
It takes a special kind of idiot to live under that mindset. You seem to KNOW so much, how many people have been shot by the sheriff’s department out here in the last ten years? I’ll bet it’s not near what your paranoia tells you.
I’ve got a fresh roll of aluminum foil for you.
Tim Scott says
LOL…AKA “Tim”, how do you support such a blatant piece of crap comment like; “Be sure to carry a gun. If they order you to drop one and you don’t have one to drop they get to shoot you.”
I assume from your question that you pay no attention to current events. Happened last week. Or are you just blocking out all the unjustifiable shootings that cops perpetrate because you want to stay comfortably uninformed?
As to how many have been shot out here in the past ten years…can’t tell you. You know why? Because in a country where data collection of every sort has been a top priority forever, and the National Crime Information System database can spit out literally anything you want to know about crime rates…no centralized data is kept regarding police behavior because THE POLICE REFUSE. The only way to collect data on police shootings is to laboriously root through newspaper reports. Even the director of the FBI has recently said this is a travesty, but of course you pay no attention to current events so you probably missed that.
Rego says
Whoa Tim looks like 413 is trying the intimidation
Bash tactic on you
Tim Scott says
I’m used to it. Intimidation is the first place cops and their apologists always go.
heidi says
Some people (or numbers) are like ostriches. As long as their heads are in the sand everything is ok.
ruby williams says
Glad to have my liecense and insurance.Tired of hiding everytime i see a police car.Now i call roll yup by a police car and say hello officer how. Are you doing? With knowing they’re nothing too worried. About
knowyourrights says
You should look into “traveling vs. Driving”