SACRAMENTO – Senator Sharon Runner (R-Lancaster) announced Tuesday that her legislation, Senate Bill 49, passed out of the Senate Elections and Constitutional Amendments Committee.
SB 49 would permit the Governor, at his or her discretion, to cancel a special election when only one candidate qualifies to appear on the ballot.
Runner was elected to the Senate in March 2015 in a special election to replace Steve Knight after he was elected to the U.S. House of Representatives. She was the only candidate to appear on the ballot. Los Angeles County spent $1.4 million on the election while San Bernardino County spent $221,000.
“While my election was a happy event, I was troubled by the expense absorbed by Los Angeles and San Bernardino Counties,” Runner stated in a press release. “Elections are a vital part of our democratic process, but it is not always necessary to spend millions of taxpayer dollars on an election when only one name appears on the ballot.”
Since 1975, there have been three instances where a special election was conducted with only one candidate officially listed on the ballot. In each case, the candidate won with at least 94 percent of the vote.
SB 49 is supported by the California State Association of Counties and the County of San Bernardino. It passed with unanimous support and now moves to the Senate Appropriations Committee.
Elected in March 2015, Sharon Runner represents portions of Los Angeles and San Bernardino Counties as Senator for the 21st District. Her district includes the Antelope Valley, Victor Valley and portions of the Santa Clarita Valley. For more information, visit http://district21.cssrc.us/.
Jason Zink says
Why couldn’t Runner walk down the hallway in Sacramento and testify and fight for us “AV”at the Water Resource Board hearing when they did more the 25 % the governor imposed but put 32% water reduction on AV. No show Sharon again!
William says
Because Sharon Runner is as useless as an ashtray on a motorcycle.
You can quote me.
Tim Scott says
Quote? I will just be stealing that one outright. Thanks!
William says
Be my guest. I stole it from someone a few years ago.
When it fits, you must steal it.
Jason Zink says
How about more information about running for that office for potential candidates to find information. Like a web link on just that election. And being able to sign up in the district your running for, not having to go all the way to Norwalk which is 3 hours away out of the district. It might be a good amendment.
Tim Scott says
Here’s some info…taking on the Runner/Rex stranglehold on local politics is a very hard road. If filing three hours away presents a significant obstacle going up against the fund raising and media resources that will be arrayed against you will look absolutely insurmountable.
But…if you want to take the plunge I would help you any way I can.
Jason Zink says
There is no reason why AV can’t have are own election office for 420,000 people so we get result asap and give as much access to all citizens. Thank you Tim, we need change in 2016!
Poe says
Lancaster, Palmdale, and the rest of the Antelope Valley have the potential to be great and make that pivot towards greatness in the next few years, but we need new blood, new leadership, not the same old story, the same old politicians, I would of ran if I had the money, the time, and the backers, get out and vote people, it is your right!
William says
I think Palmdale is doing very well with the building of a transportation hub for the Antelope Valley and major retail/dining/recreational regions on both sides of town. Hopefully, the airport will be up and running again in the future.
This has been brought about by Mayor Ledford, great city managers and councils over the years and a consistently good city staff for over 20+ years that I’ve been here.
I don’t know what you are expecting given the recent near depression the country has experienced and now the drought.
What are your ideas if you were to run? Let’s hear ’em.
Poe says
Having no political background I would need a lot of help but I agree with your assessment on Palmdale, I have been a fan for a while, just bought my wife En Vogue tickets to see them in July at the Palmdale Amphitheater and building that Kinkisharyo plant adding all those jobs sealed it for me. Lancaster isn’t as fortunate. It is nice to have retail and recreation, but what we really need are jobs that keep people here during the day. I recently returned home from my 2nd tour of duty in Afghanistan in the last 3 years. I found it difficult to find a job close to home even though I am university educated and an officer in the Army. My wife is a lifelong A.V resident and we chose to buy a home here before I went on my last tour. I and some of my Soldiers from the area struggled to find meaningful employment in the A.V. even though we are veterans and I know this is true for many veterans that come off Active Duty without a technical background. After I found employment I use to drive 89 miles through 405 traffic to get to work, until I found something that was only 65 miles away. I really want to see 2 things happen in the A.V.
1) Job Creation- why not give special tax incentives for companies to build factories and warehouses here in the A.V. We have the space. Cut out the bureaucracy of having to do environmental studies for companies unless they have obvious environmental impacts.
2) Education- I know a study or something like that was recently passed in the California Assembly for a CSU-AV. That is a great idea and needs to be pushed. Having a University will create jobs and provide local students the opportunities to develop and in turn use the education they acquire to help the local surrounding communities.
I don’t claim to have all the answers and or the best ideas, but what Poe Knows (my possible campaign slogan, sorry Bo Jackson) is that if we can come to together as a community to address our problems or talk about the future in a pragmatic way and without regard for political parties or background and we can make a big impact. I guess my end state is this, I have the leadership experience and I care about my community and someone needs to fight for all of the A.V. whether that be me or someone else who caters to everyone not just the wealthy and elite and keeping A.V. dollars in the A.V.
413 says
According to the California Secretary of State, Runner received 100% of the vote. So under the current system, it cost taxpayers nearly $2M. I’m not ok with that and you shouldn’t be either.
Stinger says
100% of the vote in an election that did not have anybody else on the ballot… Kind of like Saddam Hussein. Yep, you really support democracy, don’t you?
413 says
That’s a foolish response to the comment. The point of the legislation is if there’s no opposing candidate, why spend a couple million dollars? The democratic process isn’t served when there is no other candidate. Do you actually believe it is? Do you actually believe the process is served by spending millions when there is an unopposed election candidate?
Stinger says
My point is that there WERE other candidates running. Just because they did not make it to the registration on time, or did not have the filing fees, does not preclude the ability to run as a write in candidate. Runner is trying to remove that fundamental democratic ability for her own political gain.
Stinger says
Yet another attempt by the local Repugnicans to keep others out of the elections and prevent the voters from having their say.
Just because only one candidate paid the fees to get onto the ballot does not necessarily mean that there are no other candidates… And Sharon Runner know that – she had a challenger that was a write in candidate.
Duh says
Write-ins are not serious candidates. Pull the papers, pay the fees, get vetted or buzz off.
Mr fed up says
Do forget the democrats in this state, voter fraud, illegal alien votes, voter suppression, too keep the seat, there worst then the republicans in this state
Stinger says
I admit that write in candidates rarely win the elections, but the possibility is still there and has happened in the past. Telling them to just ‘buzz off’ is just an attempt to stifle the ability of the people to have their say… Duh.
Duh says
I voted in the last election that Runner just won unopposed. The 8 people running the polling place made certain that I (and the one other voter in the place) knew about the write-in candidate. I would NEVER vote for a write-in who hasn’t been vetted. That’s a non issue for me, and he/she/it would not be a real candidate in my opinion. People who are too lazy to pull papers and do it right are not legit. People who are too lazy to bother to vote should buzz off too. I am not for stifling anyone – just get off the couch already!
Stinger says
It is your right to decide to not vote for a write in candidate, of course. Would you then try to stifle my right to vote for that person? Because that is what you are supporting.
Duh says
@Stinger – the only point you’re showing off is the one on your head. Vote for whoever the heck you want to – but don’t expect anyone who doesn’t go through the process to actually WIN. Done with you.
Stinger says
Awww, what’s the matter, Duh? Can’t handle a legitimate question that challenges your dogma? Tsk tsk, what a shame.
You and Mr. Fed Up should make wonderful citizens in the totalitarian regime you two are endorsing. Me? I’m too enamored of the principles of the founding fathers to buy into your madness. Enjoy!