PALMDALE – The Palmdale City Library will host a free informational question and answer forum in Spanish presented by the Mexican Consulate on obtaining a driver’s license in the state of California.
The forum starts at 6 p.m. Wednesday, April 8, at the Chimbole Cultural Center, located at 38250 Sierra Highway in Palmdale.
Governor Jerry Brown signed Assembly Bill 60, The Safe and Responsible Drivers Act, in October 2013, and the law went into effect in January 2015. Under this new law, any eligible California resident is able to apply for a driver’s license, regardless of immigration status.
An AB 60 license has a visible distinguishing feature and cannot be used for certain federal purposes, such as to enter restricted areas of federal facilities.
Nearly half a million Californians have applied for a driver’s license under AB 60 since Jan. 2, according to the California Department of Motor Vehicles.
“The interest in this program is far greater than anyone anticipated,” stated DMV Director Jean Shiomoto. “We projected receiving 500,000 applications by July 2015, but have already reached that level and are on track to continue at double the anticipated number of applications.”
For more information on The Safe and Responsible Drivers Act, visit the AB 60 information webpage at
For more information on the Driver’s License Q&A event this Wednesday, call the Palmdale City Library at 661-267-5600 or TDD 267-5167, or visit
William says
The republicans shut down the government, not the illegal aliens.
The republicans deregulated Wall Street and crashed the economy, not the illegal aliens.
The republicans/tea partiers got our credit rating lowered for the first time, (like Lancaster’s bond rating done by republican rex and his obedient council) not illegal aliens.
The republican Cheney/Bush team and its advisors and the republican majority in both Houses of Congress led us to invade Iraq based on lies, not illegal aliens.
The republicans/NRA fight any attempts to strengthen gun laws such as universal background checks after every mass killing, not the illegal aliens.
While the republicans/tea party peoples were doing all that damage, illegal aliens were picking our crops, mowing our lawns, washing dishes in restaurant kitchens, making beds in hotels and other fun jobs.
And, just who do you think cashes the Section 8 checks (your tax dollars) who also happen to own those Section 8 rental houses? If it was the Democrats, republicans would have defunded that program tout de suite. That’s French for ‘in a New York minute’.
Any questions, republicans/tea partiers/conservatives? Claire, Lady Liberty, Joey B. wb, moll flanders, bird, morons et al?
All in all, the tea party/republicans have done way more damage to this country than all the illegal aliens combined. Both in blood and treasure.
And, they keep wanting to do more of it.
Rosa says
My question is…why don’t we use all the smarts that we “ALL” possess and make right what is wrong? There are MANY, and more arriving each day. Mexico is a beautiful country. Do what it takes to get rid of the corrupt set up there , and give these people their country back. Send the troops there and make old things new. Let the people of that country fight hard to take it back instead of being insulted and arrogant about the situation the way it is. Work just as hard to take your country back. IJS
Danny says
So are we paying for their insurance a well I can hear and feel my premium going up to cover this joke.
Jerry Brown sucks!
Margret says
It’s really sad how people are very ignorant and say things with out being ashamed about them selfs its really disgusting how people are expressing them self about immigrants no one knows the story/struggles for leaving thier country and in other cases some children are Brought With out knowing there parents making that decision for them many imagrants I’ve seen are hard working people and over come many obsticals just to be treated as a human they do many jobs that need to be done that many people won’t do a lot of you just talk with out being realistic about things these people should have the right to take advantage of thier opportunities they have in this moment with out being harassed
FTAV says
I prefer breaking the law-any law. It makes me feel good about myself and I break laws as often as humanly possible. Defiance as a lifestyle.
QuemaMuchoElSol says
I am tired of reading all these ridiculous racist rants “Mexicans this, Mexicans that”, be careful with the words you use, this is a small town and not everyone is willing to put-up with your crap. These “Mexicans”, “Criminals” or “illegals” as you call them are giving their American children and grandchildren a grand education and one day your relatives may (will) work for them. Their hands may be calloused and their skin leathery brown from 10-12 hour shifts in the blazing sun (making less than the minimum), but the sacrifice will pay-off. I wonder how many of the “Joes”, “Bobs”, “Annies” or “Lady Liberties” have the real conviction to say all these disgusting comments in public or to a well educated Latino’s face? NONE!!! Hide behind your computer screen or smart phone, you are cowards, oh no, never mind, you are protected by the 1st amendment and you can say what you please. Be cautious, they are the same rights that now protect me! SMH! AMERICA WAKE-UP!!!
Jay says
America wake up?? Yes we are waking up and realizing that people who are NOT doing things the right way (illegals) are costing us a fortune! You want benefits? You want a good education? Well… I want that for you as well. But… do your fair share and pay TAXES! You complain about not earning fair wages however, most illegals are getting paid under the table and not paying taxes. If you have children born here you are also collecting government benefits. And most illegals are collecting the benefits! When you add up the numbers you are actually making more than most Americans. This is why most Americans are fed up!!!
Go wash your white sheets Jay.
William says
Our immigration policies are broken but immigrants here illegally didn’t crash the economy or send our troops to a war in Iraq, oops, by mistake.
Let’s hear your take on the really big problems, Jay.
That gardener here illegally didn’t destroy pensions, cause foreclosures and ship jobs out of the country. Do you need a longer list?
Do you have your priorities straight, Jay?
moll flanders says
Gee William, Do you have your priorities straight when you comment on how shiny the floors are at the Mall? Jay’s comment is short sighted and so is yours.
QuemaMuchoElSol says
What about the big issue Jay? Corporate Welfare and government contractors raping the government charging $10.00 for a nail and $100.00 for a hammer. Stop attacking the hard working invisible beings and go after your Republican friends. Yes, again, AMERICA WAKE-UP!!!
Jay says
Here is my theory on why illegal aliens (especially Mexicans) are being given so many benefits. It’s the power of the vote. The people in power and let’s not kid each other (White people) know that if the Mexicans were given citizenship it would result in a shift of the majority vote. Latinos would be the majority when it came to voting and Latinos would bounce their White asses out of power. It is going to happen eventually… but everything that can be done will be done to slow the process. One way to do this is to give illegals no incentive to want to become a citizen. Think about it.
Danny says
What a complete joke!
pirruris says
Danny, you are joke. I bet you are the same idiot that complains about the undocumented human beings not having car insurance when they are involved in a car accident. Damn if you do, damn if you don’t.
Danny says
So you must be one of the scum bags that don’t have insurance crawl back under your rock and with any luck you will never come out. But you like a cockroach will and again cost me more money. It’s people like you that don’t care that take advantage of services and again cost me money. And yes it’s a joke they don’t deserve to be here they don’t derserve a DL the only thing they should get is sent back. Realy wish we could just pluck them off.
pirruris' wife says
Actually, he is not a cockroach, as a matter of fact, he has done more for this country than you or any of your relatives will ever do. He did not want to respond to your racist KKK rants, but I will. America this, America that and you hide when it is time to serve in the armed forces. Coward!
Don’t worry, he fought for your freaking right to come out as say the stupid bullcrap you just typed. I wish I could pluck you off, ignorant waste of breath!!!
Pirruris’ wife
Pirruris' Wife says
AV Times, where is my response to this Danny guy, c’mon!!
be happy u racist! says
so much racism from you people. mexican’s are hard working people to. people who have jobs need a driver’s license. every body saying they get handed everything is a load of bull crap!!! mexicans are the hardest working people i know. not saing whites or blacks aint but mexicans will hang longer on hard labor jobs. its a fact!!! so just deal with it because you guys cant do nothing about it anyways. you guys act like they rolled a red carpet and have mexicans get their license no they pass a drivers test and have to pay just like you. so quit being RACIST!!!!!!
valleygirl says
How about some help for our native born English speaking US Senior Citizens who are being forced to take the test on computers that they are not used to? Why is the DMV playing favoritism?
Irena says
Because using a touch screen is so hard? The test even gives examples and instructions on how to use the computer.
Seriously if a person is so old that they are unfamiliar with computers, perhaps they should reconsider driving.
ernie says
you should stop with all your b.s. at least these people have a job and are not waiting for there assistance every [removed] month .the only people being handed is all of those who don’t know what work is instead they just want the government to support their lazy [removed] if you cant afford life than you should just consider yourself worthless.
M says
Thank you Brown!
Yes I am a citizen and was able to get my drivers license years ago. But with AB 60 we atleast know that the “illegals” like many of you say are able to get their drivers license and therefore are good drivers. There are many other people out there that cannot even get their drivers license (legal and illegal). So let them pay for it when they get caught. As for the newly licensed people right on guys! Is not that we are giving them more reasons to come to the U.S. If its their decision to come over here they are coming one way or another cant ever prevent that. Also, how would many of us citizens feel if we were struggling in our own country and we know we have opportunities of working and providing for our family to give them a better life in another place and they treat us like aliens not allowing us to work towards our dream either. Think about it dont be selfish please.
English Speaking says
I think its OK for them to get a license, but the TEST should be in ENGLISH! All of OUR Traffic signs are in ENGLISH. But with all the BLEEDING CALIFORNIA HEARTS that run our government won’t let that happen, WATCH they will be making all of OUR traffic signs with Multiple Languages .
M says
The sign test actually stays in english. The people taking the test need to know what it means in their own language.
English Speaking says
Sign test…… that’s fine but the WRITTEN TEST should be offered in English only. Its a waste of tax payers money to have multiple languages printed. Live here, work here, want the benefits of a free country, learn English is all I am saying.
jay says
How so? I can just copy and paste it on google translate and hit print
Tim Simmons says
When your first step on American Soil, is to break the law, you shouldn’t be rewarded with Free Food, Free Medical, Free Education or anything else, including a Drivers License. This is just another slap in the face to those who come here Legally!
pirruris says
Tim, if the racist republicans would have passed immigration reform, we would not be in this predicament. Also, you are so outraged about people getting free stuff? Really? What free stuff? They have to pay for it. So are you also outraged at the billions of dollars the goverment hands out to corporations in the form of subsidies (Corporate Welfare)? I don’t complain about you and your kids receiving a free education at our government funded public schools. So how stop being a hipocrite?
J says
Tim Simmons, that is exactly how I feel! Why reward somebody who is breaking the law!
Just Saying says
AB 60 requires undocumented immigrants to first provide the DMV with official documents from their country of origin, showing their birth date and official name to validate their identification, proof of residence in California, and worker or immigration
This enables them to apply for and receive a California driver license if they meet the
established requirements, which include passing the written test, a behind-the-wheel test and a vision test.
Not really the big giveaway that you imply.
Anna says
Actually follow the money trail. Brown could care less if these criminals get a license. With already 1/2 million on file and another 1/2 million looking to get a license, that’s a million folks at $30.00 a piece…do the math. Brown saw a way to make a fast buck and he took it. Will the driver’s license be printed in Spanish? Will we have to convert our road signs to English/ Spanish? I feel that ALL illegal criminals should get a driver’s license not just the South of the Border people. Let the Asians, Russians, Chinese, terrorists groups….give them all one
Poor Anna! says
@Anna, LOL, you are a complete nut job!
pirruris says
Anna, no mames. Thanks to the undocumented human beigns, many people eat in this country. I bet you are one of those nut jobs that is against people on welfare, but opposes raising the minimum wage. Stop with your nonesense.
John says
I agree with Governor Brown and am glad he signed AB60 to allow undocumented immigrants a drivers license. It is about time they get this done. Thank you, Governor Brown.
I understand that the AB60 cards are identical to regular drivers licenses except that the front includes the phrase “FEDERAL LIMITS APPLY” and on the back “This card is not acceptable for official federal purposes. This license is issued only as a license to drive a motor vehicle. It does not establish eligibility for employment, voter registration, or public benefits.”
J says
Just one more reason for illegal aliens to break the law by coming here without a passport or papers…Let’s just reward them for breaking the law! At least the DMV will have a nice big list of all the illegal aliens with their addresses…
Ohhhh emmmm geeee says
Agreed!!!! We, as American citizens have to jump through hoops to get the things that are “privileged” to us, where as an immigrant gets it handed, EBT, child care, housing, social security, and now drivers license… OK… That’s my clue to really cracking down and get the f*** outta California
If we went to other countries could we have the same things handed to us????
grrr says
And a citizen can’t even get an appointment at the DMV these days without a horrific wait. Thank you (not!!!) Jerry Brown.
Annie says
Immigrants can’t get any EBT, child care, housing or social security why? HMM BECAUSE THEYRE UNDOCUMENTED. WOW your stupid racist argument just collapsed on itself. & by the way maybe if you used your online resource ( which obviously you don’t ) you’d be able to make an appointment online at the DMV. Oh, and by the way. I am a citizen, born & raised in the Antelope Valley, THANK YOU GOVERNER BROWN. Now everyone can be tested, to see if they can be a licensed driver. if only people like yourself were tested to be able to make logical comments via the Internet.
Dumb says
Ummmm… It’s called they do things illegally… Identity theft… It’s real!!!!
Joe says
True…but do you see the conflict of interest…
ENGLISH ONLY NOUNS IN U.S. (Mexicans can understand these just fine!):
….oh yeah….. AND DRIVERS LICENSES!!!!
As racist as it sounds…let me try to get special treatment in OAXACA because I’m a white boy,as Latinos so elegantly put it. Now if we could only drug/drunk test applicants so dwi rates go down….
Joe says
They don’t get social cutbacks that citizens have?
What about the eligibility for low cost state insurance for their new drivers license? How bout the eligibility to get state funded student loan?
Yeah…give an inch….give some of my civil liberties away to someone who is technically a criminal….them being illegal and all.
really? says
maybe the ADULT illegal immigrants don’t receive benefits for themselves… but they do for their anchor babies. Illegal couple breaks the law by coming into the USA without proper ID. They start a family. Now the mom gets free prenatal care, free delivery at hospital, free follow up care, free medical for their baby…because now, the baby is their ticket since it is a citizen! Then they can collect TANF, medi-cal, WIC, and SNAP for the baby. Sad though that some people blame Obama for the mess, even though numerous elected republicans have done nothing as well. This issue is decades old
Excuss says
You being a citizen should be smart like all the other citizens getting sec 8 and just being free loaders last I remember you cant get sec 8 or other kind of help if you dint have the proper legal status. BE SMART MAKE AN APPOINTMENT GOING TO DMV AND STAND IN LINE IS A THING of the past for non up to date people. get up to date no excuses don’t be ignorant and find excuses better yet go to your friendly Triple AAA office they can help.
SMHX2000 says
@duh, last week, I actually made two appointments and found one in Lancaster for Saturday and the other one in Palmdale within that same week (vehicle registration and DL renewal). Stop crying, geeeeee, someone asked for a “waaaambulance”.
SMHX2000 says
Are you 80 years old and don’t know how to use a computer or smart phone? Make an appointment, wait time is 30 minutes or less.
thank you Jerry Brown!
duh says
When it the last time you tried to make an appointment at the DMV? Jack…. The wait times in many many of the field offices for an available appointment are MONTHS long.
John says
It’s hard to get an appointment in a timely manner every since they started giving lic. to [removed]
Just Saying says
I just made an appointment for the Lancaster office and got one 12 days away. Not much worse then the usual 7 or 8 days.
Greg says
I normally just walk in and within an hour I have been seen and am on my way out. A whole hour, if I had that hour back I would…. eat, watch TV, goof off. Seriously though the waits are normally not that long.
Oh and the appointments are made online. Or if it is certain things get AAA, as mentioned by Excuss, and use their services.
bob says
Thanks to all liberals for thoroughly screwing up California,,,, I mean Mexico.
pirruris says
Bob, how so? California had one of the best economies in the country. Tjanks to libetals, you still have your social security. So how abput you extend them some courtesy?
Jason says
Social Security should be an optional thing. We as taxpayers can take and invest that money oursleves and be way better off in the long run than continuing to pay into social security
Greg says
Jason, social security was made mandatory because most Americans did NOT save for retirement, which is human nature.
It would be nice if the Federal government stopped using the money where it should not, and checked on all the bogus claims and enforced it from that end.
William says
There are countless comments here at the AV Times about how bad the Antelope Valley is.
The Antelope Valley is almost entirely represented by republicans in both cities, in Sacramento and in Washington and on the Board of Equalization.
Lancaster is even a ‘Christian community’ on top of being conservative. I thought conservatives were supposed to be good in business and managing money, yet Lancaster’s bond rating was lowered and it’s big investment on Lancaster Boulevard is a flop. And, businesses seem to keep leaving Lancaster for better pastures.
Gee, do you think there’s any connection?
Do you guys forget you are in a ‘republican paradise’ when you complain about how bad the Antelope Valley is?
A.G. says
I’m surprised you can say that. Do you actually know any immigrants that have things “handed” to them? I’m a citizen and I have immigrants in my family that actually need drivers license. To avoid getting their cars taken away (and losing their means of transportation to their jobs) for driving unlicensed BECAUSE of the fact that they actually WORK for a living! Just gives them one less thing to worry about and ables them to focus on what’s important, providing for their families. No handouts what so ever. Thank you Governor Jerry Brown!
Bob says
Yes liberal I do know illegals that have been handed all kind of free stuff at taxpayers expense. Wake up Americans,,,, our country is slipping away!
A says
This valley is full of citizens that receive and take advantage of all the things you just said. And they’re not illegal.
kiki says
you so called citizens are worthless that’s why they don’t hand you guys nothing cause all you want is every thing handed to you in the silver platter . stop being lazy and go get a job and stop trying to get everything free serious if anyone should leave California is you lazy good good nothing [removed].
pirruris says
OMG, don’t let door hit you on ypur way out.