The 6,000 sq. ft. facility was constructed over the past three years by more than 360 students and alumni from AV YouthBuild, in partnership with the city of Palmdale and Paving the Way Foundation.
Come January, the Palmdale Dream Center will house homeless young adults who lack positive support systems, but are striving to succeed and need a stable and affordable place to live. A wing of the facility will house single mothers and their children. The facility has the capacity to house up to 19 individuals; tenants will be provided support services in a nourishing environment during a six- to 24-month transitional period, according to AV YouthBuild Executive Director and Founder Rossie Johnson.

“This facility represents the rebuilding of our community and transforming lives,” Johnson said. “It’s about recognizing dreams.”
The opening celebration Thursday brought together more than 75 supporters and well-wishers. The emotional ceremony included remarks from Johnson, State Assemblymember Tom Lackey, Palmdale Councilmember Fred Thompson, Neighborhood Services Director Mike Miller, students and staff from AV YouthBuild, and other supporters of the project. Following the ceremony, attendees toured the new facility, which includes 11 bedrooms, four bathrooms, two kitchens, two living rooms, two meeting rooms, two laundry rooms and an activity center.
Celebrating the Dream Center!
![[L to R] AV YouthBuild Co-founder Olivia Altamirano; Palmdale Sheriff's Station Captain Don Ford; State Assemblymember Tom Lackey; AV YouthBuild Executive Director Rossie Johnson; Palmdale Councilmember Fred Thompson; and Phil Matero, Youth Build Charter School of California.](

![[L to R] AV YouthBuild Mentor Coordinator Jamaal Brown, Palmdale Sheriff’s Station Caption Don Ford and AV Pageantry Director Waunette Cullors tour the co-ed wing of the Palmdale Dream Center. Cullors is “adopting” two rooms at the new facility. “It’s important for AV Pageantry to support this project because we’re supporting girls, and I think this is a very good program to get them back on their feet,” Cullors said. “We want them to know that they’re loved, they’re part of the community, and they should have the best of things.”](

Palmdale Dream Center needs your support!
Local businesses or individuals may “adopt” a room at the Dream Center by purchasing the items needed to furnish and decorate the room of their choosing.
You can also support the project by donating other household items, including mattresses (twin size); linens and beddings (blankets, pillows, etc.); kitchen items (silverware, plates, bowls, cups, utensils, small appliances, etc.); bathroom supplies (towels, mats, etc.); cosmetics (toothbrushes, toothpaste, soap, shampoo, conditioner, etc.); and cleaning supplies (mops, brooms, dustpans, etc.). Cash donations are accepted, and all donations are tax deductible.
To find out more about the new Palmdale Dream Center and how you can help, contact Antelope Valley YouthBuild at 661-266-8900 or email
Jennifer St. Jude says
What a gift to have you in our community!! Thank you so very much. I wish all the staff, volunteers and all the residence that pass through, many blessings and a bright future of healing and much love.
Jennifer St. Jude, BSW
callitasitis says
Open letter of Thanks to those who serve
To OUR men and women and families of our law enforcement, Fire and military community.
To those who work in our ER and hospitals.
To those who keep our light on, water running and our roads cleared.
To those who work in our correction facility, gatekeepers
To those who work in faith & service to mankind.
Thank you for your service, loyalty, commitment to duty, courage and faithful service in keeping America safe.
AV-East Kern Second Chance says
AV-East Kern Second Chance would like to extend an invitation to any of your residents, both juvenile and adults who may have a criminal record to attend our Second Chance Clean Slate Expungement Workshop held every Tuesday & Thursday from 11am-1pm at the Department of Social Services GROW building located at 337 East K-10, Lancaster to cleanse themselves of their criminal record and afford them better opportunities for employment and self-sufficiency.
Congratulations on the opening of a much need center for the Antelope Valley Community and all the agencies who contributed. Hopefully there will be more stepping up to meet your needs.
Sherrie Winner-Baker says
I am co-leader of Unbound, an anti trafficking ministry with the Desert Vineyard Christian Fellowship in Lancaster. We are in the process of opening an extended church in
East Palmdale renting from Cultural Center and a nearby office. We also provide Share -a-
Meal at Corson Park on Sunday afternoons. I would love to meet with you to explore ways we may collaborate with the local Dream Center shelter as we are also looking for possible safe housing for those that choose and/or are able to exit the sexual exploitation they have gotten involved in.
Look forward to hearing from you,
Sherrie Winner-Baker, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist
David says
This is good. A big step for the participants and a small step forward for our community. Let positive build on positive. May this program be a success.