LANCASTER – A motorcyclist was killed and his female passenger was injured Thursday night after the bike they were riding collided with a car in a Lancaster intersection, authorities said.
The fatal crash happened around 10:25 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 4, on Gadsden Avenue at Avenue K, according to Sgt. David Jennings of the Lancaster Sheriff’s Station.

“Preliminary information gathered at the scene indicates the driver of a white 2000 Lexus GS350 was traveling north on Gadsden Avenue and made a left turn (west on Avenue K) into the path of a 2001 Kawasaki motorcycle,” Jennings stated. “The two collided head on, causing the motorcycle operator and his passenger to be thrown to the southwest sidewalk.”
All parties were transported to Antelope Valley Hospital.

The motorcyclist, whose name has not yet been released, was pronounced dead at the hospital.
His passenger received moderate, non-life threatening injuries, according to Jennings, and the driver of the Lexus was treated for minor injuries.
“It is unknown if alcohol or drugs were a factor at this time,” Jennings stated.
Lancaster Sheriff’s Station traffic detectives are handling the investigation.
Anyone with information regarding this fatal collision should contact the Lancaster Sheriff’s Station at 661-948-8466.
termite says
I gave him that bike, I know for a fact it wasn’t stolen.. I put it together. And I live with that regret.. So don’t try and make him look bad when he’s not here to stand up for himself. Got a problem, talk to me. Rip we all want him back.
Nancy P says
Didn’t the Arrest Logs disappear at this time last year?
callitasitis says
Yes, it is time for those red light camera again. If not for the cited at less we can possibly see who is intersection and at what time. Maybe automobile insurance company and trial lawyers (public information) can pay for part the cost of the camera through a fee by the city for digital information.
Ashley says
PLEASE anyone who is willing to help by sharing and or donating will be greatly appreciated. I have had the help from family of setting up a fund account in order to get my father cremated and to have a memorial for him.
Please, please share and get the word out that there is indeed something for my father. <3
thank you,
Ashley Farrow.
ummm..just a question says
Sorry for your loss. Can you address the rumors the male driver was a wanted parolee, and that the motorcycle was stolen? Also…the cops don’t do a “breathalyzer”on the streets….I believe that’s at the jail. They do use the “PAS” device on the streets, but I’ve always seen people blowing very hard into those. Hard to imagine the cops would have a seriously injured guy doing that. Also, CPR can’t be done with some injuries. Is it possible the cops saw injuries that prevented CPR? Maybe you could post your video evidence somewhere?
T says
I don’t know who came up with that that the bike was stolen I know hank and that bike was not stolen. I worked with him and he was a good friend of mine he was a good person his life was taken. People need to remember that so what I’m getting at is before anyone says anything get your facts right but also look at the driver of the car and the cops could of tried to do more for my friend hank R.I.P. hank you will always be in my prayers.
T says
Also just FYI they do do breathalyzer’s on the street. Plus Lancaster sheriff station doesn’t have a great reputation now and days so I wouldn’t put anything pass them.
Tom says
The story is sad, and alot of people who have no clue of the rules and law of the road, no wonder we have so many accidents. The law states that you may cross a yellow light if your front wheels have passed the white line as the light changes from green to yellow, no vehicle shall cross that line and stop to make a turn in any case. In the stories of deputies conducting a breathalyzer at the scan I know first hand in this situation this did not happen a blood test at the hospital is done as soon as the victim is worked on at the hospital, 1. Blood gives a more accurate reading, and 2. A breathalyzer requires the person to blow air long and hard for an extended period of time, which in this case the motorcycle rider would not have been able to do. What was seen at the scean of the accident most likely was a protective devices used for CPR, for the safety of the rescuers and victim.
aniroc says
There was a breathalyzer taken the time. Like “T” said get your facts straight.there’s a lot we know that’s bs.
b says
It was a breathalyzer I was there
Ashley says
Can you please contact me on the email I have?
c says
He passed the breathalyzer that was taken AT the scene.
tragic says
Unfortunately at this intersection a yellow light is not always to blame if there cars in the left turning lane on to east ave k it blocks the view of the cars turn left on to west ave k . Some people just assume and go and ends up tragic . This is by far the worst intersection Ive seen and it is so close to a school. They really need only turn on green arrow light here. They already have a no turn on red at this intersection which I am not quite sure about
Mmm says
This situation is very sad a life was lost :(… I hope everyone involved in the accident who survived can fine strength to move on from this horrible accident regardless who is at fault everyone will be affected by it. I have been driving here in the av for a while now and what I have noticed is that cars and bikes “motorcycles” drive fast ..: the other day i was driving and this motorcycle was just speeding so much I got scared for the person driving … Let’s pay more attention people let’s look both ways stay off our phones texts whatever let’s keep our eyes on the road at all times ..:
pam says
I am so very sorry for ur loss. My prayers and condolences to u and ur family. I just parked my car in front of the store. Possibly 10 mins prior to the accident. I’m still in shock..
Again, I’m truly sorry. Please don’t hesitate to contact me, ,, if I can help u in any way.
refreshed says
Ms. Pam, It is so refreshing to see that there are still decent people in the world whom sincerely offer their condolences for a family having to experience such a tragedy. My hats off to you for genuinely reaching out for a stranger ( and family thereof) in their time of need. We should all learn from your sympathetic mannerism. I pray that you may be blessed for this selfless act and have a great Holiday season ma’am.
refreshed says
Also, my condolences to the families of all tragic accidents that have occurred. God Bless and be safe.
Ashey says
Can you please contact with me on the email that I have made for my father? Justiceforhenryfarrow@gmail.com
We need witnesses and even anyone who can offer any sort of information. We have a lot of facts that are startling and all of this is coming together in a terrible way. My father Henry died a hero saving his friends life that night and nobody wants to give him justice.
Everyone wants to focus on whether or not he was a parole and if his bike was stolen???! are you kidding me?
curious says
So……can we take that as a “yes” on both counts since you don’t want to discuss it? You can’t really make accusations about the cops without posting the alleged “video” somewhere. And other dude above: those are called the PAS device:preliminary alcohol screening device. Like someone above said…the breathalyzer is in the jail. No way a cop had him blow into a PAS while he was injured. But sorry for your loss
cameron says
You’re an idiot if you think the breathalyzer test is done in the station. Seriously.
Ashley says
I didn’t answer because someone else already did and honestly it doesn’t matter. My dads bike was NOT stolen and he was NOT a wanted parole. And honestly, why would I post the video everywhere? We need to talk to lawyers first.
Anon says
I’m am soooo sorry for your loss :( I’m a future rider and it’s not the bikers driving crazy, it’s the drivers around us. I am very close with a lot of riders and I know a lot of the crews I know lost a few good people :( please if you need anything I will be there.
P says
Anon, I have read several of your posts, PLEASE do not ride a bike or drive a car here in the AV, now or the future..You need to spend more time learning to read & write before you get on a bike. I ride and wouldn’t want to share the road with you. My thoughts and prayers are with the family
hmmm says
That is an awful lot of damage to a car that was turning left. That motorcycle must have been hauling a$$. Still cars fault, but damn. Sorry for the one that passed
aniroc says
The car ran a red light….
anon says
It took the ambulance 15 mins to get to the scene when the hospital is only minutes away. The cops took that mans last breaths doing a Breathalyzer when they could’ve been helping him. They took his life. & The person in the car called someone to come and pick up pieces of the accident that landed down the street before more officers showed up and had her leave. Watched the whole thing. It was such a sad event.
ashley says
Would be willing to get in contact with me or my mom? We need you… They killed him and we need justice for him.
ashley says
If ANYONE has ANY information on this, please contact this email. Justiceforhenryfarrow@gmail.com
Please… They killed my dad..
JumpinJackFlash says
Ashley, my family will keep yours in our prayers. God grant you peace in this time of loss.
anon says
Yes I have it on video & I emailed u
tiffani says
I cant believe you saw this happen, that was my brother. He could have survived if they had done their jobs right as first responders, not doing a [removed] breathalyzer this is horrible
anon says
He was alive when they were doing his breathalyzer. He had his hand on his head. The had him use his last breaths for that bs and as soon as they finished, his arm dropped. The cops stood around and did nothing for 15min while the other rider that was a female was screaming for them to please check on him. When the ambulance finally did get there he was already passed but to me, it seemed as if they were playing it off to pretend to work on him. I am very sorry for your loss and u are in my prayers
Ashley says
Thank you for helping with all of this information you have.
I believe my father was still alive, otherwise they wouldn’t have taken him to the hospital, maybe he had just passed out? I don’t know but I am going to fight for justice for my father until my last dying breath.
Ashley says
Thank you for helping with all of this information you have.
I believe my father was still alive, otherwise they wouldn’t have taken him to the hospital, maybe he had just passed out? I don’t know but I am going to fight for justice for my father until my last dying breath.
AVSUX says
So, the pigs show up and all they care about is breathalyzing some injured guy so they can pad their arrest stats and justify their revenue collecting DUI enforcement scams? Am I understanding this correctly?
IdiotAlert says
Ambulances are not dispatched from the hospital. They also cannot transport a patient without the ok of paramedics. I know for a fact there was absolutely nothing that could have been done AT THE SEEN to avoid this tragic loss of life. Let’s be realistic. It appears the driver of the car was at fault (tho it looks like more of a head on crash) but not all bike riders drive safe. We have all seen the psychos doing wheelies down streets and even freeways. Power braking at stoplights till the tires are melting etc. My heart goes out to the family.
bill says
thats why they call it first aid boy scout
thats why cops used to carry first aid kits
and oxygen in antelope valley
because we only had two ambulances
run by the Wilsons (thank you Wilson family
and andy wilson who had occasion to pick
me up from a bike wreck.
IT takes a real pennywise to blame the motorcycle
rider by giving a blanket statement about all
motorcycle riders are unsafe . your compassion
falls on deaf ears as you call yourself idiot alert
blaming everyone but your own pufferfish opinion
may the karma you katch be the karma you sowed
and if you stand at the door to heaven guard your almonds
IdiotAlert says
Wow, you really should read before you type. First off a first aid kit and oxygen would in no way have helped this man. I said it appeared the driver was at fault, judging by what I saw at the scene. In reference to another poster that said all bike riders drive safe I called B.S. because you know as well as i do some drive with no regard for their or others safety. How you got that I was blaming the motorcycle rider out of that just makes me smh. If you’ve been to as many T/A scenes as some of us you would know that a majority of accidents are not 100% the fault of 1 party involved. Do everyone a favor and get a clue.
Ashley says
Nobody needs to sit here and argue on this article about my father. Please, I just want everyone to come together and help us get justice for my father.
I have a fund set up for his expenses in order to get him cremated and to have a memorial. Please if anyone can share or even donate, anything is helpful. http://www.gofundme.com/icmd5k
Anonymous says
So glad to hear you explain that there wasn’t anything the sheriff’s could have done. And only eye witnesses can speculate what happened. A yellow light does not give one permission to speed up to make the light. It warns you to stop. If the couple was thrown to the sidewalk, chances are he sustained irreversible injuries. Some may remember the cop that died on 20th E and K when he was hit and thrown into a tree. And that’s some pretty bad damage to the car. Looks like it hit more than a motorcycle.
aniroc says
He was a very good driver. The car ran the red light in front of my husband , the cops seen it all and didn’t give a Sh*t. Shady as* pigs.
Roy says
I find it impossible to believe that any officer would ever give someone a breathalyzer that had been seriously injured in a accident…Your just trying to find someone to blame for the accident rather than the parties involved…
Hmmm says
Anything is possible…and just as I was not at the scene of the accident…I can bet you were not as well…this is why they would be considered a ‘witness’ and hopefully would have the capacity to make an accurate witness statement to the officers at the scene whether they be Sheriff or California Highway Patrol so that the statement can be investigated to be true or not…don’t assume things are not as they seem..like I said anything is possible in today’s crazy world…
ashley says
We have video of them doing it. So for you to sit there and say all of this stuff that you don’t know is rude and unnecessary.
aniroc says
If you don’t know anything about this and you have done stupid comment like Roy, keep yourself. Don’t be disrespectful.. we have the video!
Irena says
Ambulances aren’t usually dispatched from the hospital, they are stationed through out the area. Usually it means that they can arrive on scene faster from any given point, but it doesn’t always work out that way.
P says
Hey Anon, are you out of your mind? I live down the street, I had just gone through that intersection seconds before the accident, the medical personal were there in max 5 mins and they DID not do a breathalyzer at the scene, people like you love to stir up emotions in people, especially in those close to the victim that aren’t necessary. Shut the heck up, quit starting crap..
anon says
You were in that intersection moments before ? But u weren’t there when it occurred. Please stop talking out of your ass. I recorded it moron. & we will get justice for this man’s family.
Twitch says
RIP Hank you will be missed by many! your family is in my thoughts, I hope there able to find the strength to push through such a difficult time and get justice for you! the most solid always go to soon! love ur life homeboy! will see you on the other side….
corina says
Thank you, we will for sure.
Rankin says
Drivers should not try to beat the yellow as often happens…….
Law enforcement should enforce all laws including speeding and not stopping when light is yellow….
Ashley says
My dad.. he was a very good driver. Whether or not it was anyone’s fault this should have never of happened. This is a tragedy no one saw coming and I hope the criminal justice system actually does their job.
corina says
I love you sweetie
Leonard says
I’m so sorry for you’re Guy’s lost. if there is anything and I mean anything don’t hesitate to ask. I love you Guy’s. :'(
corina says
Thank you.. Love you.
Dallas says
So sorry for your loss Ashley. The driver of the car will pay, in many ways. Our condolences to you and your family.
Eric King says
Sending my condolences, I haven’t seen you since you were a baby, sorry for your loss. A life cut short for a left hand turn…as one who is an avid rider, I can’t tell you how many times I myself had to avoid cars not paying attention. Your father was a good man, and I hope for the best as you and all of your family find the strength to deal with this tragedy…
corina says
Thank you
termite says
I don’t no what to say but that’s my boy I loved him and rod with him forme he’s ferst and always will love u hank
Ashley says
Thank you and we love you too. And thank you to anyone who has given their time to pray and give condolences.
corina says
Thank you.. Love you.
Dixie says
The person making the left hand turn is almost always determined to be at least 51% at fault because they bear the responsibility to yielding to oncoming traffic. There are exceptions to that (if the other guy was speeding WAY over the limit is just one example). The problem is that the investigation needs to look at the role of BOTH vehicles. Unfortunately, since it is accepted and expected that the person making the turn is at fault that is frequently all they look at, and they often skew the investigation to show that. It would be a breath of fresh air for a fair and impartial investigation to take place. That way both parties would know for certain what actually occurred. Good luck getting that in the AV.
Jaimie says
Left turn drivers are violating CA driving law if they even advance into the intersection before it is clear to do so. The light being yellow is not relevant other than to the fact the automobile driver was already in the intersection (hence violation of the law). The motorcyclist had the right of way even with the yellow light. It’s unfortunate the driver of the car will have to live with this simple mistake everyone makes however at least he/she still has their life.
Just Saying says
You might want to pickup a vehicle code book at the DMV, so that you can quote the law correctly instead of what you wish it was.
johnny says
Drug or alcohol relation is all these cops think about! Try negligent left turns, cell phones, or just not paying attention to your surroundings when driving. The driver of that car IS at fault regardless of drugs or alcohol. I’ll expect charges to be made to the driver of the car. If not, then the blame will go to the “criminal justice business” for not doing their job.
corina says
I will be suing!
george smith says
A mentality like that is not healthy, suing will not bring him back.
sympathetic says
umm..I dont believe that Corina is lashing out or trying to find blame for choosing to sue, nor do i think shes seeking any comfort in doing so. What I see is she’s stepping up and speaking out as a voice for this man whom I believe could have been saved had the officers administered CPR ( which I know is a emergency response skill that the cops do have, whether or not they care to utilize it) and I believe corina feels horrible, none theless and distraught, but still has the courage to stand up and attempt to prevent this from happening to another accident victim whom the cops are able to save.
sympathetic says
My condolences to you Ms. Corina and your family sweetie.
corina says
Thank you, yeah it’s not for money or any of that, they could have done more to help my husband and they didn’t. We have lots of witnesses, vids, statements.. this is for justice.
Oh and BTW, he passed the breathalyzer. But did they do one the Lexus driver? After he called his friend to go move stuff and mess up the scene. Cops were watching it all doing nothing
corina says
F#ck this system, I’m gonna sue!
fyi says
Corina… I dont blame you one bit for pursuing legal action,, and a helpful tip, should you do so, hire an attorney OUTSIDE THE AV..THE ATTORNEYS (PRIVATE AND APPOINTED) JUDGES AND LAW ENFORCEMENT ALL SLEEP IN THE SAME BED SO TO SPEAK…THEY WILL BACK EACH OTHER TO THE FULLEST..THEY ARE IN THE SAME BOAT..so an outsider attorney wont be afraid to fight for your and your family’s justice. just something to think about..God Bless and Good luck ;-)
Jason says
Not all judges and attorneys back law enforcement to the fullest.
fyi says
Um..in the av yes they do..only way you get justice is to hire an attorney Not in the av circle
aniroc says
Oh yes, I already know that. This system is effed up. Thank you
Gemini says
Of course the cops are going to think about what caused the accident. But remember, it’s the reporter who is asking the questions. They are the vultures!
tiffani says
I cant believe my brother is gone, I love you so much this is horrible, I am so sad. You are a hero you saved your friends life
corina says
Yes he is tiff
Dallas says
We are so sorry for your loss Tiffani. Prayers to you and your family.
JumpinJackFlash says
My prayers are with you and all your family and I hope you all get some measure of justice.
callitasitis says
The notorious left hand turn at the intersection, always a riders’ nightmare (a trial lawyers’ dream $$$). The article does not have any real information (left turn arrow or not). I have been a “near” victim of an inattentive driver more times that I would never wish for. The only reason I did not get injured or killed was because I AM a defensive rider and very very alert. Never fast off the line or light & looking for those drivers who drive with head up where the sun does not shine (this is a lot w/ cellphones). This is a tragic death for the family of this person. I recommended all riders at night use a bright color vest w/ reflectors it may not be cool but it may keep visible. DO NOT RIDE W/ DARK COLORS AT NIGHT the cellphone morons will never see you. **Stay safe, Ride safe. Stay alive and drive defensive.
** correct left turners Shall yield read the CA DMV pamphlet.
Mark says
People drive terrible in this valley. Get off your cell phones, quit texting, and pay attention a-holes.
lanette says
This is so sad hard part about this the guy that passed is a good friends son. my heart and prayers go out to the family
connie bleu says
My condolences to hanks family. Im so so sorry for ur loss. Hank was a friend of mine. I called him “hanktified” . Im not suprised at the actions of the cops. It just keeps getting worse and worse. Why didnt they pay attention to the lexus driver instead of focussing on hank? How frikken stupid. This just goes to show u how corrupt the whole law enforcement here has become. I bet it wudda been a whole different scenario if it was one of theirs. This really saddens me as well as pisses me off. Mother f+:#”*~. My heart goes out to the passenger who had to see all this unfold rite in front of her eyes. We will miss u greatly hank.
Auburn says
prayers to all involved, so sad but it does sound like the car drivers mistake whether he/she was under the influence or not…people need to pay attention….
a says
Depends on if the light was yellow. If the light was yellow then it was the motorcycles fault. Either way everyone has to pay more attention while driving.
Susie says
That’s not true; the driver making a left has to yield to oncoming traffic. It’s the driver turning left is at fault.
X says
Yeah. You always yield to oncoming traffic when turning left. You’re also suppose to yield for vehicles making a right turn too.
Prayers for all involved.
callitasitis says
@ a
FYI it can be helpful take a read *
Gemini says
“a”……please stay off the road when others are on the road. You’re a menace and downright dumb! Read the handbook!!
JumpinJackFlash says
“a” Is a moron. Unfortunately, too many that think like this are on the road.
SNM says
No actually even if the light was yellow the motorcycle had the right of way. The only reason the motorcycle would have any fault at all is if he was speeding and or passed around a car to cross the intersection and even then the car making the left still holds some percentage of fault. Most likely a majority. My mom is a litigation assistant for a law firm for the past 25 years that specializes personal injury and are huge motorcycle rider activist, I even worked there myself so I’ve seen way too much of this and know a little of the ins and outs. So very sad heartfelt prayers and condolences for the family.
aniroc says
Car ran a red light
Chris says
That need to start prosecuting these [removed] who don’t look out for motorcycles every week is a another one and dammit bikers you know cars don’t look for us drive defensively
JumpinJackFlash says
I’m a FORMER motorcyclist because of bad drivers who do not pay attention. I dearly loved riding.
Once I’m out of California, I intend to be a rider again.
Ashley says
It’s so sad that this happened, of course I can’t say exactly what happened that night as the crash happened because I was not there. But my dad WAS a good rider, he took me from Tehachapi all the way to Lancaster on the back of his motorcycle and he NEVER scared me, the only thing that scared me was the motorcycle itself. I love my dad and I will never stop loving him. He was a great guy and many people loved him.
aniroc says
Aw, love you babe.